Friday, January 06, 2012

Does American Idol Need Ryan Seacrest?

Would you watch American Idol without Ryan Seacrest? I saw today that Ryan's deal with American Idol is almost up and that he probably will not get that same $15M a year he has been getting the past three years. They will want him to take a pay cut to stay on the show and I think they should tell him $5M a year or we will get someone in here and pay them $1M a year and they will be thrilled. Maybe it is because he is on the radio here every morning, and on E! News, but I feel like I am overwhelmed with Ryan Seacrest and whether or not I watch American Idol has nothing to do with him but rather if I am willing to make the commitment for longer than the audition rounds and spend week after week investing my time into the contestants and the show. Ryan does not play a part in that for me. I am still unsure if he would be good on Today which is where it is rumored he is heading. Right now I am leaning towards he is not a good fit. He would have been good in that Larry King slot and he is great at radio and obviously has found the golden touch when it comes to dealing with porn stars and their families for his reality shows. What do you think? Do you need Ryan on AI?


  1. He used to be great, because he was PART of those people who want to make it, and was able to really connect with them.

    The last season I've watched a bit to see the new judges' chemistry, and found Seacrest to be unapproachable. People just did not feel comfortable with the Big Man on the floor.

    Time for fresher meat. Sorry, Seacrest Out!

  2. The whole show needs to go. I can't wait for the day the reality shows drop off and we get back to intelligent, quality tv.

    I think if he stays ppl that dont' like him will bitch. If he leaves ppl that do like him will bitch. And really..... it wont make a bit of difference either way.

  3. Brian Dunkleman is probably available

  4. I think Ryan is better at the job than the guy Simon had MCing the X Factor. That being said I don't think it matters all that much.
    He might want to move on as well, Idol is coming to the end of it's day.

  5. He should just drop Idol, he'll probably make more money elsewhere. Dude is a powerhouse. Annoying as hell but he still rakes it in.

    @Bnl -- I think we are doomed, reality will forever remain.

  6. I actually think he does a great job on Idol, especially the live shows. He doesn't miss a beat. Compare him to other hosts like Carson Daly on the Voice or that terrible dude on X Factor.

    That being said, how about Cat Deeley from SYTYCD if they replace him. Love her. Plus, it would be a good fit since she is familiar with Nigel.

  7. I don't watch Idol anymore anyway, so I don't care. I won't have anything to do with JLo.

    What I *do* think, however, is that Dick Clark should give up the New Year's gig. It was actually hard to watch him this year. My understanding from another reader of this blog is that it is Dick himself who refuses to give up the gig and hand it over to Ryan. Let it go, dude. Let it go.

  8. I like Seacrest on Idol too. He relates well with the contestants ... yeah sometimes his questions are stupid but he does seem to care when people get eliminated. He seems emotionally invested in the show. He was even better when Simon was on ... their rapport together was fantastic. But they can't get rid of Ryan. With all the personnel changes the past few years, the only original that would remain is Randy Jackson and he's just useless most of the time. It would almost be like a whole new show and that's a turnoff to those of us who've been loyal watchers since the beginning.

  9. @RQ - I agree 100% about Dick Clark. And you are correct. It is Dick that insists on doing it. I think unless he's severely laid up in bed he'll do it until he dies. And it is hard to watch. Ryan handles it well, though. I would have preferred Dick to go out on top rather than keep pushing to do it year after year.

  10. @Cara - I love that Welsh guy! He's handsome and really relates with the contestants!

    I hope they give him another chance, it takes getting used to mceeing live.

  11. I know he is a douche but I think he is a great host. I gave up on AI 4 years ago so I could care less. I think he would be great in anything he does relating to TV.

  12. @Rocket Queen... I said the same thing last year. Dick Clark looks and sounds like he just climbed out of his coffin. I worked NYE this year but I assumed he would have hung it up... but NO.

  13. He does a perfectly good job on Idol, but he needs the show more than the show needs him. I realize his radio show is successful, but to be in the mainstream public eye, he needs Idol. And Ryan Seacrest in a pseudo-journalist role on the Today show? Laughable. He's like a bouncing puppy, without a single talent for any kind of serious content.

  14. RQ, after I heard that this was the 40th anniversary of Rockin' Eve, I really hope that Dick would sign off after 2011. I admired him for coming back the first time, but year after year? What's the point? He really looked horrible this year. The make-up or fake tan was way too dark. The kiss with the wife has always been creepy. Thanks for the memories, but it's time to go.

    I really don't care what Ryan Seacrest does.

  15. I like Ryan on AI. He's a fantastic host! The last few years have been shit, I don't know why I keep watching. Anyway, I've heard some of the contestants interviewed after Idol and they always have very nice things to say about how Ryan is very caring and helpful during the process. I don't understand why people dislike him so much.

    OH, and Cat Deely is my girl crush! Love me some Cat!

    I also thought the same thing about Dick Clark this year. It was so hard to watch him!

  16. Ryan is great.....i think he connects with the contestants and he does an excellent job. Steve Jones is horrific...I mean at one point on X factor he thrusted the microphone in some poor kid's face and said " omg! how does that make you feel, that these judges are saying these horrible things about you???!!!". I mean, really???
    Ryan would have poised the question much more tactfully and would have gone back at the judges. That guy is god-awful. Ryan's a pro, IMO.

  17. Ryan is great at his AI job, I'll give him that. I don't tune in to watch anymore, and when I did it wasn't for him. But I do think it would hurt the show to have a less experienced person in his place. It is a key role, especially when you have three judges who don't really "judge".

  18. I think Ryan does a good job (even though his jokes are at times, cringeworthy) but I cannot believe he was getting paid $15M to basically introduce people. Insane.

    @Liz - I agree on Dunkleman. I bet he will take much less than that.

    @RQ - I have always wanted to experience NYE in Times Square just once b/c of Dick Clark but ITA that it has become painful to watch his broadcast since his stroke. :(

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I quit watching Idol a couple of years ago, but when I did watch it, Ryan Seacrest was NEVER one of the reasons why. I'm juat sort of "meh" about him in general, except for a gnawing annoyance about him foisting the Kardashians on us. But I'm tired of Idol. I think it's outlived itself, almost all the contestants are pros or semi-pros now, it doesn't interest me at all.

  20. Everything I've read about live Idol shows is that Seacrest in unbelievable in keeping things moving, being there when the camera goes live, etc. Think of James Franco hosting the Oscars, or if you've ever listened to any radio program it really is the equivalent of being able to gracefully cut off a rambling caller, have the transitions to and from commercials go smoothly without blank air, etc.

    So from a production perspective I don't really know that Idol can afford NOT to pay him, given how critical it is for that show to have someone doing all that process-work stuff. I think he probably makes it look much easier than it really is (sign of a true pro).

  21. (I meant think of James Franco hosting the Oscars as an example of how quickly a bad or disorganized host can really stink up the whole pace and vibe of the production.)

  22. Seacrest is pretty good at being Seacrest so I think he earns his money. He looks interested in what he's doing like he actually wants to be there.

  23. Anonymous11:56 AM

    He's over exposed and I'm sick of his goofy face.

  24. I think that this will depend on what else the Seacrest empire has going on at the time.

    For many, he brings a familiar face to Idol. As someone said, without him that completely useless dawg Randy will be the last one sitting. I don't think that Randy has said ANYTHING of value since the show started.

    And the Welsh guy from X-factor is great to look at, but is boring as hell.

    As for Ryan, he would probably have to give it up on his own terms because of boredom. After all, even at 5Million a year for 5 months work work a couple of days a week ... come on that is a sweet "after school" job.

  25. @Liz - Dunkleman! I thought everyone forgot about him, haha! He must have kicked himself for quitting after he saw the show take off the way it did.

  26. Personally, I think Idol needs Seacrest more than Seacrest needs Idol.

    That said, I'm anti-Seacrest for foisting the KarTRASHian mess on us, so fuck him.

  27. I could see Seacrest hanging ou with Hoda & Kathie Lee, if thats what they mean by the Today Show.

  28. I was joking with my friends that we can look forward to the day when it's Dick Clark on the ventilator wishing us all a Happy New Year from his hospital room. Somehow it seemed equally likely...

  29. @Cheryl -- completely agree, Seacrest is really good at being Seacrest.

    I expect to grow old with him on my television (we are around same age).

    He gets a black mark for the Kardashians, but that's capitalism baby - the man's building an empire!

  30. can't stand ryan or simon. i like idol better w/o simon and think it would be better still w/o ryan. simon was really just a$$holish mean to some people that he didn't need to be mean or rude with. you don't need to take a person's dignity just because you think 3 minutes of your time were wasted. hope ryan walks. i don't get why he's so popular. he has SO many contracts for different projects going; why??

  31. Agreed cara and Rocketqueen!

  32. I am unclear on why they think he is an important to the show. Every time I watch its clear that when the show isn't focused on the singers it is focused on the judges. He is almost incidental to what is going on.

  33. I can't stand Seacrest, especially since he foisted the K's upon us, but I have to totally agree with Amy: he's really good. He has been since the first season, as an unknown. He makes his cues, timing, and dealing with surprises on live shows look SO easy. And he has just enough of an arm's length with the crazies on the audition shows.
    Seriously, I can't stand his 'empire', but he is pitch-perfect on television. You can tell he takes a lot of pride in his work.

  34. Oh Amen bnl1016..I pray every night that reality TV will not die a slow, gasping death but expire very quickly and without much drama.
    And spot on RQ

  35. Cat Deeley is a great host. She has had to deal with a number of snafus on live television, and she did so with great poise, so she could definitely handle Idol. The way she thinks of the contestants as her "babies" is really endearing, and would be great with the younger contestants Idol has now. Plus, then maybe she'd win that Emmy she so richly deserves. (Nothing against Probst, but give someone else a shot, lol!)

    You guys are reminding me of the awesome New Year's post on

    A: Any big plans for New Year's Eve?

    B: Heck no. We're 60. Going to watch dad's balls drop and then go to bed. Dick's Ball Drop! I don't know what happened, but that is not what I typed!

    A: Hahaha it is the gift of autocorrect. So hilarious! P.s. I think it's Ryan seamen now.

  36. @Mooshki, agree totally about Cat! I and my husband love SYTYCD, those kids can count on Cat to stick up for them...Momma Cat. Purr.

  37. @Mooshki - Love those autocorrect jokes! Dad's balls drop is hilarious!

  38. Count me in on the "seeing Dick Clark is painful now" group--when I saw him just before midnight, I had to hit the remote and change channels ASAP so I wouldn't see him while the ball dropped. I understand why he wants to do it, but I have to say I'd rather remember him in his prime. It's just sad to see him like that now...

  39. Anonymous10:53 PM

    He should host a gay american idol.

  40. Not a Seacrest fan; I stopped watching Idol for a while, then when Steven Tyler came on last year I HAD to watch. So Seacrest can go; I watch for the contestants and the judges, not the 'host'.



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