Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Brandi Glanville & The Drug Addict

Apparently everyone in Brandi Glanville's world has a drug problem and she is perfectly willing to call you out on it publicly. I also think Brandi has a drug problem too but disguises it by calling it necessary like the whole Xanax on the plane thing. Anyway, after Brandi married that guy this past weekend, the guy's ex-wife slammed Brandi on Twitter. She said that she and Brandi had been best friends for 12 years and how could she do this and now the guy's kids are all crying because their dad went and got married.

Brandi replied by calling out the woman about her coke problem and the fact that she cheated on her husband with one of his family members. Hmm, brother or father? Apparently that little cheating thing caused the divorce. Yeah, see how it might.


  1. Ms Glanville's substance abuse is a publicly visible phenomenon. Of course she deflects attention onto other people.

  2. Takes one to know one.

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Oh Lord, expect Leann to start lashing out at someone in 3, 2, 1....

  4. I agree, Brendalove. Leann probably feels like an idiot for not taking the "Brandi's quickie marriage devastated the children, who does that kind of thing" angle.

    Will someone please think of the children? :-)

  5. she said/ she said....having a hard time believing any of them

  6. Sounds like another pot/kettle feud.

  7. Why ever would you engage in a verbal battle on twitter esp w/Brandi. Just stoopid.

  8. Really don't care...

  9. Because just calling her on the phone and discussing/arguing about it will not be public and will not attract media attention.

  10. well, at least this twitter bunch is consistent and keeps it klassy...i feel sorry for the children involved. i'm w/ brendalove in that my first thought was how long it'll be before leann throws herself into this mix (it would at least be a nice change from her ovaries talk).

  11. publicity for reality show. Bunch of losers.

  12. I wonder what the legal implications of calling someone a drug addict on Twitter are?

  13. I love how the guy gets no blame in all of this..

  14. I love how the guy gets no blame in all of this..

  15. I'm with you mngddess. Also, just because this woman cheated on her husband with a family member, it doesn't give a friend the right to be a bad friend in return. Michelle may be wrong, but Michelle's actions have nothing to do with Brandi's actions. It's also true that it's the children I feel bad for.

  16. I agree w/Sylvia.

  17. I just can't take anyone named "Brandi" seriously.

  18. I hate these housewives shows for making all these nobodies somebody.

  19. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Oh Jesus Christ. I love how her tagline reads, "I'm a great mother and friend." All kinds of class going on here.

  20. lol ChopChop, words to live by.

  21. @ chopchop - Ha ha. So true, so true.

  22. On the positive side, Brandi generates more interest in the show than almost any new cast member ever. The OC cast keeps adding and deleting skanks with barely a murmur -- but Brandi has rocked the world.

    On that note, in a few weeks we can watch Vicki Thunderbags brag about how much insurance she's sold. Zzzzzz

  23. @Barton...totally agree. Her coked out butt says the funniest things that we're all thinking, like what she said about Kim'san the other night...ha-larious

  24. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Not everyone with the name Brandi (or a variation thereof) is a twit. Really. Not nice.

    Smiles, Brandi (or a very close variation thereof)

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Well, if you notice closely, Brandi hangs out with "Jenn" from Celebrity Rehab - She was the sober living coach...hummm

  26. @chopchop: Please don't generalize Brandi Glanville's craziness/ignorance/fame-whore-iness/etc. to everyone with a version of that name. They can't help what their mamas and daddies named them! :)

    I know some awesome, intelligent, fabulous women with that name (the spelling may vary)! And no, my name is not Brandi.

  27. I'm so glad that Twitter evolved to be a place where celebrities actually post, rather than a PR channel. Now we can know just how dumb celebrities really are.

  28. I kind of like Brandi *ducks*

    Mostly because of what I have read online (it's on the interwebs, so it must be true!!) about LeAnn copying/stalking Brandi.

  29. Sorry if I offended you with my Brandi crack. *shame* If it makes you feel any better, my real name is kinda whack and I was named after a trippy-druggy song from the late 60s.

    I didn't mean any harm ... I was trying to be funny and failed. :/

  30. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Sort of along the lines of you can't help what your parents named you, I've known a few Krystals through the years and all were polar opposites of what you'd expect in a Krystal. I always assumed it's on purpose.

  31. I knew a Krystal in high school. She spelled it with a C. Was my friend when I really needed one. You all know how horrible HS can be. She was the 1st Black Homecoming Queen in the History of our school. This was in 1969, in Michigan. My father used to say there are Beautiful women then there are Breath taking Beautiful women. He always said she and her sister were Breath taking. They also were smart, had fantastic personalities and were my friends when I needed it.

  32. I bet Andy Cohen's peeing himself that BH isn't filming right now. Season 3....would have been great.

  33. I saw this on Twitter yesterday when I was reading her marriage tweets. She says she only takes drugs when she flies. And that she's thin b/c she has "good jeans."

    This Michelle person took her Twitter page down.



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