Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year

Well, if you have Facebook, you might want to add me at some point today, because before the clock strikes midnight I will reveal an item over on my Facebook page.

I can't believe it has been another year and is already 2012. I also can't believe the huge number of people that sent in their reader photos this time around. It is amazing to put some faces with names and am thrilled you also decided to share a little bit and become part of what I think is the greatest community on the planet.

I need to give a shout out to some sites that have been really good to me this year. First and foremost, Michael K over at dlisted. Thanks for everything you do and for being the funniest blogger around.

A special thanks to Gawker who links to the blind items everyday and I don't tell them enough how much I appreciate them.

Celebitchy is also a huge supporter of the site and I am thankful for all their links during the year.

I want to thank some of the reporters over at Radar, National Enquirer, Life & Style and some of the other tabloids who reprint some of my news and photos and for some great blind item tips.

Thanks to Ted Casablanca and BuzzFoto for their blind items that they let me post on the site and letting my readers guess their puzzles.

Most of all I would like to thank all of you for coming back everyday and for joining in and commenting. I have said it before and will say it again, it is all of you who make the site what it is. I can come on here and write and write, but it would be nothing without the comments. Most of the time I think the comments are way more interesting than the actual post. I appreciate everyone of you and all the e-mails and notes and encouragement you send my way.

I hope all of you and your families have a wonderful 2012.


  1. Thanks Enty! Have a great New Year!

  2. Thank you again Enty for all the gossip, blinds, and reveals throughout the year. I hope you and all the CDANers have a safe and happy 2012.

  3. Happy New Year, Enty!

    ps I'm not on Facebook, so please can somebody copy and paste the bonus reveal here if you can! Thanks!

  4. Thanks Enty! Go have a bacon and donut burger!

    Oh god, for some reason I'm now craving a vegan blt.

  5. Thanks Enty for some great reveals and all of the hard work you put into this blog. It's my favorite and has been for years.

  6. Oh Enty, thank you for a very great year!

    The amazing work you've done on the reveals, I bet it was quite time consuming.

    A shout out to all the cool peeps who comment on this blog. I love coming here and interacting with the most intelligent and highly knowledgeable "gossip connoisseurs"!

    A Happy New year Enty, and may 2012 be even better. And again, thank YOU!

  7. Thanks so much for 2 fun days Enty!

    You guys have become like a second family to me. Love reading your posts even when we argue it still all works out in the end.

    Big hugs and kisses to you all. May 2012 be our best year yet!


  8. Thanks, Enty!

    Happy 2012 to all! May it be a good one.

  9. Thanks, Enty. As always, enjoyed the reveals.

  10. Happy New Year Enty!
    Thank you for an inspiring 2 days of reveals! Here's to even more pics, gossip, blinds, and reveals in 2012

  11. You're amazing, Enty! This is the BEST site. And to everyone that posts - you all are so funny, insightful, and enhance everything that Enty writes. I wish you all a great 2012, and I look forward to everyone's witty banter.

  12. Thank you, Enty, for the shits and giggles over the past several years! Now go eat some bacon!

  13. While I do love the gossip Enty, you're right about the comments. The readers are what make the site and I love the occasional "insider" comments too.

    Happy 2012 everyone.

  14. Thanks again, Enty, for another great reveal day!

  15. Thanks for such a fun site and awesome blinds!
    Happy New Year!

  16. Will someone please post blinds from Facebook here for us non-users?

    Thanks ENTY! You rock, seriously. Hope you have a great year.

  17. @ItsAJ - I second this, someone please post somewhere. Don't leave the non-facebookers out!

  18. Thanks, Enty, for creating this fun, interesting and thought-provoking site and for letting us hang out here. Sure hope 2012 brings exquisite things to us all! (and I mean that in the best way possible!)

  19. Thanks Enty! I appreciate all the work you do with this blog and I am with you on the Michael K love! I'm glad my 2 favorite blogs love each other!

  20. Enty, i would be lost without you. HUGE thankyou to you for everything you do. I know its a huge commitment for you to do this blog, and I look forward to it every day. Happy New Year!

  21. Thanks Enty, and can't wait for the FB reveal!

    Btw, is it my imagination or has the quality of the comments discussions gone WAY up in the past 6 months or so? To the point where I read CDAN almost as much for that as for the gossip! :-)

  22. Thank you Enty, for making one of my most favourite websites :) I already can't wait for July 4th!

  23. I also would love it if someone could post enty's facebook blinds? Pretty please with bacon on top? :P

  24. Thanks for everything, Enty. You're the best!!

  25. Enty! I liked having these goodies spread over two days because we got WAY more reveals than usual. (I'm still reeling over Mulder and Scully.) Thanks for making such a fun site, and thanks to the regular posters whose comments are clever, knowledgeable and hilarious.

  26. Thanks for a great blog, Enty. Looking forward to many more great posts & discussing them here in the comments with all the other great CDAN-ers!

    P.S. - I have FB & follow Enty.. I would be happy to re-post that reveal. Any ideas on where to re-post?

  27. I wouldn't come here if it wasn't for the gossip that Enty provides and the comments from everyone here. It has been very enjoyable.

  28. hey dixie - i think when peeps repost from enty's FB page they usually do right here in the comments?

    btw- happy new year everyone

  29. @Dixie - right here on this thread would be perfect! Thank you Chica!

  30. Happy Holidays all and Enty thanks for the juicy blind reveals!

    And yes, please someone post the FB blind reveal if you don't mind.

  31. I'll post it here then! :0]

  32. Thank you Enty!! I have been reading your site since the beginning and use to be a lurker on the comments:) You guys really make the day at work better with the Snark!!

  33. Awww, Enty, you're my favorite Entertainment Lawyer with a heart of gold! Thanks for all your work on CDAN--it is one of my favorite blogs and I would surely miss it if it ever went away...
    I hope you have a terrific 2012, and I wish the same for all CDANers!
    (But please reveal Coke Mom!!! :)

  34. Thank YOU Enty! Reading your site always makes my day better. And some days I really need anything I can get to get away from own life. Here's to a happy and healthy 2012 to you and all the great CDAN readers.

  35. Thanks for another great (2) days of reveals.

    And thanks to all the commenters as well. I've been reading this site for years and just started commenting during these reveals. You guys have always made this my favorite site to come to.

  36. Right back at ya, Enty. And Happy New Year to all of the commenters. Look forward to another year of Crazy Days and Nights!

  37. Best wishes for the new year to you, Enty! I read every day and wouldn't want to miss your column. You're the best!

  38. Could someone post the FB account name? I didn't know there was one. Apologies if it's on the website somewhere and I'm just missing it.

  39. Please and thanks!

  40. @jvan - I don't know if you saw but thanks again for those P&R outtakes. I think those solidified the shows place as all-time best show ever (even over Arrested Development!!) after watching those.

  41. I'm so late to the party this year. I'm getting ready to dig in and read all of the great reveals! Thanks Enty for another great year of fun, interesting writing!

  42. Love the commenters here. You all make this my favorite site. Thanks!

  43. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Enty: you are the bacon on my cheeseburger. Luv ya, babe!

    And smooches to all the commenters. Thanks for making me smile, even when I'm being a witch (and worse. Here's hoping we all have a great 2012.

  44. @Casey

  45. I found this site through DListed and it is now one of my favorites. I really appreciate the hard work that goes into writing these blinds.

  46. I just de-lurked in the last couple of weeks. But I have been stopping here every day for a while.

    I wandered over from Gawker/Dlisted/Celebitchy so I already feel like I'm home!

  47. I echo what goheels83 has said. I know it's a huge commitment for you to put this awesome site together. Thanks for making it my favorite site. And you're right, Enty....the comments are a great bonus!

    Happy 2012, everybody! Leap year, woo-hoo!! :)

  48. I really like breaking up the reveals over two days. I wouldn't mind keeping that tradition. 12 hours of reveals is a lot for one person to take all in.

  49. Many, many thanks -- I have your awesome site bookmarked and totally enjoy reading your posts and everyone's responses.

    Best wishes for a terrific 2012!!!

  50. @DixieTheNoble - thanks!

  51. Oh, and I LOVE when you do the reveal marathons -- so much fun to find out whether I guessed right!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Thanks here's to a year filled with bacon!!

  55. Most interesting gossip blog on line in my humble opinion.

  56. @jaariel - I think we're almost absolutely 99% certain that Coke Mom is Debra messing from Will and Grace. Am I right?

    Enty - you know how much you are loved by the girls - you're the reason we're together. Love ya, and hope we meet sometime!

  57. erm is anyone gonna post the fb blind reveal here or what?

  58. Thanks for all you do, Big Guy! Love ya!

  59. I'm so glad I found this site. Thank you Enty for hosting one of the biggest and best parties on the worldwide intranets.

  60. Thanks for the two full days of blinds, Big Guy! Love the site, even if I'm not on here as much as I used to be. Here's hoping 2012 doesn't suck.

  61. Enty, beyond your humor, smarts, BIs and bacon-loving, your gracious spirit is what brings me back. You make the world kinder and more accountable. Thanks for creating and leading this community and to all the CDANers for your good energy and wit.

  62. Dear Enty,

    Thanks for some great reveals today. You did not disappoint! I think my favorite was the Warren Beatty one with Nicole Kidman - but there were many other good ones too.

    Thanks again, and I luv the site!


  63. Thanks, Enty. You bring just a little fun and joy to my life every day!

  64. Happy New Year Enty! It simply wouldn't be the holidays (winter or summer) without you in it! Much love!

  65. thank you for the hours of entertainment!

  66. I don't post much, but I do read every day. I echo everyone when I say thanks so much for the hard work you do for our raging gossip appetites!

    My Scully/Mulder heart is squeeing like crazy, but this wasn't the reveal about the co-stars, was it? I am still just hoping that blind was NOT about Christina Applegate and Will Arnett. Although I'm sure that Mya Rudolph would have noticed something by now if it were true!

  67. Amazing. Reveals, once again!

  68. Thanks Enty! And thank you to everyone who submits their guesses because I never have a clue.

  69. Thank You Enty, I loved the reveals and I have to be honest, I never ever would have guessed the Jessica Alba one!
    Thanks for everything you do Enty.
    Thanks to all my fellow CDaN followers,

  70. Thank you for the revealapalooza! Lots of fun ones this time around. I found CDAN through dlisted years ago.

    I've been doing the internet gossip thing for a LOOOOONG time and some awesome sites have come and gone but CDAN and dlisted keep me coming back year after year.

    Over the years, I think Nicole Kidman has been the subject or more blinds than anyone else and I've heard some wild ones about her.

  71. Uh oops...
    Thanks to all my fellow CDaN followers for making me smile, think and laugh,

  72. Thank you and Happy New Year Enty!! Already looking forward to the July 4th reveals, I'm always shocked to see some of the names that come out!!!

  73. Thanks for my brain candy Enty! At the end of a hard day at work I look forward to coming to this site and reading the gossip! Happy New Year to you and fellow CDan'ers I am so glad to be part of this great community!

  74. Thanks to you Enty and all of you wonderful readers. This place is a respite from all the rest. Have a fabulous and blessed 2012. Now, back to the Rose Bowl. Maybe now I can focus on my Ducks....

  75. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thanks ENT

  76. Thanks Enty! I love your site. It was fun doing the reader photos as well. Have a great New Year!

  77. Thanks Enty! Great reveal day! Favorite was Fox and Scully!!! Maybe one last scandalous one to end the year?! Mwah for all you do! Only site I read readers comments and even dare to comment! Cheers to all and Happy New Year!

  78. Thanks for the Fox/Scully reveal! You made my day! That was my favorite blind of last year. Can hardly wait for July now.

  79. Totally a pleasure reading your blog Enty. Thanks ever so much for doing all you do to keep us entertained. It's a pleasure being amongst all your readers too. Happy New Year Everyone! May this year bring you what you wish for! <3

  80. As a longtime lurker (and now trying to comment to get in on the friend circle)I absolutely love this site. I really love the goodwill and entertaining comments and you Enty!!

  81. I'll echo everyone else here -- thanks, Enty, for all of your hard work to make this site so good. I haven't been quite as active as I used to be, but I still enjoy all of the posts and most of the comments.

  82. I want to thank you JAX for doing this site while Enty has been away, or not doing it for the past how many ever months. (12 months now?) It's a different style, but I like it. Cheers Vancouver Queen! You are good!! xoxo

  83. Great reveals and over two days! You're the best!
    I read this blog every day and love that Enty now posts on weekends. Yay and here's to a great, gossipy 2012!

  84. Long time lurker, 1st time poster. Loving the reveals, and everyone's comments! Happy New Year :)

  85. Thank you, Enty! Really appreciate everything you put into this blog!

  86. Thanks, Enty! I loved these last two days. Happy New Year!

  87. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Thank You Mr. Enty !! This is my favorite site. I don't always post but I have done so alot in the past two days.
    God Bless You for all of your gossipy ways !!!
    Mwah to all of the CDANers who make this site interesting !! Signed,
    Debutante xoxo

  88. Thank you enty, for everything you do and for giving me a good place to waste my coffee breaks *L* Happy New Year to you, and all the readers!

  89. Thank you Enty for all you do! Yours is my very favorite gossip site ever!

    With that said, I am so very far behind on todays reveals, have Hillbilly Cocktail in hand and proceeding to catch up!

  90. Thank you Enty and all posters and lurkers. Love coming here, have a great 2012.

  91. Happy New Year to you Enty, and to the whole CDAN family :)

    Best wishes to all for 2012!

  92. Thanks so much for the fun reveals! I love reading the comments. I don't seem to comment as often as I used to but I sure do read every post and a lot of the comments.

  93. Miss a day and ya miss a lot!!

  94. Thanks Enty for being my guilty pleasure....well, you and icecream, and chocolate, oh and popcorn with M&M's....and good beer...anyway, thanks!

  95. Hi Enty,

    Long time lurker, first time poster. Love your site It makes me happy and I am so glad that you have not "sold out" like some other bloggers out there cough*perezhilton*cough and cough*justjared*cough. Keep up the awesome work!

    Also to the posters, I love reading your comments. I don't post on here becuase most of the time I agree with everthing you all say so It would be a moot point. But I do love the comments. You are hilarious. I am glad to see that Rocket Queen is back but I will admit that I miss reading Ida`s comments. I loved her style and as a fan of her work, I hope she realises that she is loved from afar and comes back.

    Love all you guys!

  96. Happy New Year Enty! Thanks for all you do and for the kickass reveals. (Wish I could have been online more today and yesterday!) Michael K. is great, I agree, SO funny. Hi to everyone, we made it home! I'm about to catch up now.

  97. Thank you from another one who is always entertained. Have a prosperous 2012.

  98. Thanks, Enty...for making life a little more interesting. A good friend of mine got me started on your blog...the very first blind i read was the one about the singer, who has someone else sing for her..and how everyone would be shocked...ironically I think it's one of the few you have yet to reveal :) HINT< HINT!

  99. The 2-day revealathon has wiped me out! So much juicy gossip! I'm so excited for the last reveal!

    I found you not long after your first post & I have been hooked since. I don't go a day without my CDAN fix. I don't say much, but always enjoy reading (lurking) the comments as well. (I miss Ida!)

    Thanks for all the fun, Enty! You too, readers!

  100. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Very interesting reveals. I want to know more about Demi and Zach.

  101. Thanks for all the juicy reveals as always, Enty & for the extra days o' blogging we now get to read. :)

    Happy New Year to Enty and the rest of the CDAN family!

  102. Enty you are the best! Thank you for all the reveals, hope your New Year is amazing & filled with joy. Cadence
    PS I am raising 6 baby pigs, right now, thats alot of bacon! :)

  103. As always, thanks for the great reveals and for making my days so much more fun. We may not always see eye to eye on every topic, but this blog is by and far my favorite (well, maybe it would be tied with Michael K if dlisted only allowed readable comments)!

    A happy and healthy new year to all!

  104. Thanks, Enty, for always making my day brighter! And thanks, readers, your comments are equally as entertaining!

  105. Xoxoxo! Waiting for the FB post. I hope it's the sitcom costars hooking up!

  106. Love, live, love this site!! My favorite of all because I can't get enough of the blinds. Much to my delight, you actually reveal who they are! Still pondering if it's Angelina and Brad that leave their special needs child with the nanny/s?!

    Thanks for the entertainment. I read your site daily!!
    Happy 2012!

  107. Thanks again Enty. I can never tell you enough how awesome you are!!!
    Happy New Year!!

  108. Love you (((Enty))). Be good to yourself this year. You deserve it. xoxoxo, Janet

  109. Thank you for all your hard work through out the year EL! You have the best, funnest and most well written site for gossip on the "intertubes!!" You have a great 2012!!

  110. Great job ENTY! Best wishes for a great new year!!

  111. Thanks Enty and all posters - you truly make my day ;)

  112. Thank you Enty for both the reveals and all the hard work you put in all year!! I love your blog and visit it almost every day. You make everyone's day a little more fun! Happy New Year!

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. For the non-Facebookers: December 30, 2011 - Which hard working A list rapper dumped a woman because she would not get off birth control while dating him. - Lil Wayne

  115. meh, was hoping for something a little more scandalous, but i'll take it!

    thanks Enty!

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Thank YOU Enty! Love love love

  118. And for those of you not on Facebook, join! Enty uses the name "Enty Lawyer" and there is often a small bit of chatter occurring over there. Many of us have met each other through Facebook...

  119. I adore this site. I appreciate it so much, it helps me get through work on tough days, a little escape is lovely plus I actually believe a lot of what is posted and puzzles are fun.


  120. Thanks Enty for some awesome reveals, whoot! Had so much fun checking the site these past two days!!!

    To the commenters: you guys are fabulous! (and thanks for the fb re-post Kelsey ;)


  121. Just wanted to delurk and say thanks Enty for all your hard work!!

    And also to all the regular posters who contribute to the site as well... :)

  122. You are the best, Enty! Happy 2012!!

  123. I have been a reader from the beginning and have made a handful of posts over the years.

    Thank you Enty and all those who comment, all the best for a great 2012.

  124. Enty, you do something that entertains me no matter if it's about celebs or everyday people.

    Happy 2012 to you and to everyone in this community!

  125. Thanks Enty and a very happy new year!!!

  126. Did someone post the Facebook blind? Can anyone reprint it here in a comment? I can't find it and I don't do FB or Twitter...


  127. love you, oh enty of my heart. excellent reveals! (((xoxo2012)))

  128. i agree with enty, the comments are as entertaining as the blinds themselves... it's amazing how many of the readers are so blind savvy!

  129. @Unknown, I don't know how some readers do it. He gives the info and BAM, in the fifth guess, there's the answer, and I don't get how they all figured it out so fast!

    @Kelsey, thanks for the repost.

  130. How did you find the blind on facebook...I'm on and still can't find it ?

  131. Loved how many reveals there were! Thanks for the fun. July 4th can't get here quick enough.

  132. December 30, 2011 - Which hard working A list rapper dumped a woman because she would not get off birth control while dating him. - Lil Wayne

  133. that's the one from facebook

  134. LOVE YOU ENTY!! you make my mornings at the office a lot better! thanks for everything YOU do... :)

  135. LOVE YOU ENTY!! you make my mornings at the office a lot better! thanks for everything YOU do... :)

  136. I'm a long time lurker, new poster. This site is the creme de la creme. Not only is Enty awesome, but the commenters here are intelligent, sassy, and thought-provoking.
    Here's to a mind blowingly fantastic 2012 to everyone!

  137. Facebook blind is on the Crazy Days and NIghts fan page. You can look for Crazy Days and Nights or cut and paste the following link:

    Please note that Enty has hit the maximum number of friends, so it would be nothing personal if he couldn't add you. He's just a popular guy!!

  138. Oh, got it, thanks, Kelsey! I had guessed that one right!

    (and that situation is downright disgusting, IMO. Next thing we'll hear, he's eaten some of the young so he can impregnate the mothers again, for chrissakes).

  139. and thanks to panda, too :)

  140. Thanks, Enty! Another great year and another great two-day set of reveals. Hope your 2012 is full of bacon!

    And to all the CDANers -- happy, healthy 2012 and thanks for sometimes being the only thing that gets me through the day. Your comments are often hilarious, usually insightful and downright snarky from time to time. Thanks.

  141. Cheers Enty and a Happy New Year to you and all the CDANers....:D

  142. Woe, what I missed being gone for 4days. Thanks for making my unemployment very entertaining Enty. Love the commmunity here. Happiest of new years to all!

  143. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Much love Enty and all you awesome CDNArz!!

    2012 is feeling good so far:)

  144. Thanks & Happy New Year!

  145. Thanks Enty, especially for all the delicious reveals!

    Happy 2012 everyone! :D

  146. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to, Enty!!! LOVE YA!!! MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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