Friday, January 06, 2012

Johnny Depp & Vanessa Paradis Headed For A Split

For those of you who have always had a Jack Sparrow fantasy, but never thought you would get to hear Johnny Depp saying "Ahoy" while plundering you with his doubloon would happen, you may have your chance yet. According to Radar, the relationship between Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis is in trouble and headed for a split very quickly. The couple, who have never married do spend a lot of time apart as it is and I think the friction about whose career should have more importance would probably play a part in some tension. Vanessa has always wanted to have her own career and not be known simply as Johnny Depp's girlfriend.


  1. They've been together for like 15 years. I hope they can work it out.

  2. she's actually in LA where their kids send to school
    and Vanessa paradis has her own career in France(she's famous as singer and actress) since she's a teen
    she does ONE movie every 2 years and an album every 5 years

  3. Sad, hope they work it out also....but who knows what goes on in relationships...
    Johnny is what A++, need to reread those blinds..

  4. Noooooooo! I hate to hear this. He's as sexy as all get out, but I was okay with them together. So sad

  5. I know this is a blind reveal. I've been hearing about their split for years.

  6. I can never tell if he's a decent guy or a pretentious jerk.

  7. Now she'll be known as Johnny Depp's ex-girlfriend.

  8. Countdown to this being laid on Angie-Jo's doorstep in 5,4,3,2.....

  9. I remember I went to France as a teenager (almost 20 yrs ago) and Vanessa Paradis was everywhere. She was bigger than Britney.

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    see.. he is the reformed A+++ actor that has fallen off the sober bus again and she's sick of it. I told you!

  11. this kind of makes me sad since they've been together for so long. we'll see how it pans out. i can't imagine him playing the field. i mean he surely will have NO problem scooping up someone new, its just been so long since he's dated i've grown accustomed to him just being off-the-market Johnny

  12. Was once a huge Johnny fan, but I think he's past his sexy sell-by date. He just seems old and drunk now.

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Johnny's defense of Roman Polansky sort of took the bloom off his rose for me. I think it's too bad they're breaking up, but honestly never saw what he saw in her anyway, she's not that great at singing and certainly not that attractive. I thought they had a nice family thing going. Guess I was wrong.

  14. Nooooo....I love them together. They can't break up. Their MFEO.

  15. I think most marriages, and theirs is no matter the lack of "official and officiated contract, goes through hell when your children approach teenage-hood.

    The fighting gets uglier, one of the parents becomes the monster with no soul, the other just wants to get away. A lot of marriages go through them, some survive, others don't.

    And Johnny, next time you're on a red carpet, I might try and be there with the mic under your nose. I have one question, and one only:

    "Johnny Depp, would you let uncle Roman Polanski babysit your daughter?"

    Art and real life are always inter-related silly!

  16. @BigMama--good one!

    My guess is whomever he scoops up next will be skinny as a damn rail.

  17. Somewhere, Blake Lively is weighing her options...

  18. J Ross: What kind of drunk are you?
    J Depp: Constant.

    He's the only lush I'd date. Since I'm a wino, I stay away from others with the same problem, but him, ohhhhh yeah!

  19. doubt!

  20. Vanessa Paradis tired of being known as somebody's girlfriend?
    First serious boyfriend: Florent Pagny, a singer who's, regrettably, huge in France.
    Next serious boyfriend: Lenny Kravitz.
    Next serious boyfriend: Johnny Depp.

  21. Well it's Radar, how factual are they? This makes me sad, not because Depp is my fantasy guy at all but any marriage (and yes I call a long term relationship marriage - it's the same thing) that ends, especially with kids, is sad. Hope Depp can get his shit together. I don't think Vanessa is after her own career, she has that - but Depp is probably acting all sorts of wild. Mid-life crisis time?

  22. @Seachica LMAO!!! Oh, I could see Blake weighing her options while Ryan's dog takes a poop! Too funny:)

  23. Well, in Johnny's defense, I have heard through one of their nanny's that Vanessa and her mom are very controlling and it is insufferable.

  24. Merci pour ça, pomme -- She is a big star in her own right. And she's reaching that age where popstars retire. There can only be one Cher, and one Kylie, and one tired old washed-up Whatever Happened to Baby Jane "I Banged a Brazilian Child I Just Paid" other singer-lady.

  25. Anonymous8:48 AM


  26. I don't get the Blake Lively hate, I really don't. Wouldn't be surprised if Johnny and Vanessa really were splitting up though. Perhaps those stories about Johnny falling off the wagon weren't so far-fetched after all.

  27. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Maybe they're just going through a tough time. Between their daughter's illness a few years ago, Johnny's shot to super-stardom with the Pirates franchise, and getting older in general---life changes and so do we. Maybe they can work it out.

  28. Is she not able to record an album in LA to release in France?

  29. the "Sleepless in Seattle" reference. LOL

  30. Here's the thing: I didn't know Johnny Depp was ON the wagon! How did I miss that?

    This makes me a little sad, I thought she was cooler than any hollywood actress he could have dated - the whole living in France thing, not marrying her, it upped him in my book, just because he went a non-traditional route. My fingers are crossed that it's just a rumor. If he starts dating starlets, I won't have the same opinion of JD. And yes, I'm sure he cares about my opinion ;)

  31. A few years ago he was with a group of people in Chicago (including his mom) at a restaurant, and they found a place where he could go smoke. The bill was 2K and he left a 2K tip to be split among the servers. Yes, wine was flowing. Not sure where the idea that he was ON the wagon came from either.

  32. It's sad because of how long they've been together + kids. :(

  33. uh, yeah Enty...what pomme said. Vanessa has been huge in France FOREVER. When I lived there over 20 years ago she was huge, and her career has been steady ever since.

    Regardless, Lainey has alluded to some changes in Johnny's personality lately, so that might have something to do with it.

  34. @cara - great story! He has been known to be really cool and nice for people in service.

    Unfortunately, he's falling under the Hollywood pressure again, and partying.

    @EmEyeKay - I believe Johnny has said in an interview that he simply stopped doing drugs on his own, and cleaned up his act. But he has admitted to heavy partying with Phoenix.

    Can't remember though which interview.

  35. Even though JD is on my to do list :P, I love him and Vanessa together. Didn't a girl who was Extra from the last Pirates movie say that he was hitting on her...

  36. What's next?!?!!? Keith Richards breaks up with Patti Hansen???? This is just sad, especially if it was the controlling thing that did it. Ugh.

  37. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I thought Vanessa was a very famous singer in France?

  38. "Joe Le Taxi" was quite a big hit all over Europe. And now it's stuck in my head.

  39. I think I read somewhere that Calvin Klein wanted Vanessa Paradis to star in his underwear ads as a waif years ago and she declined, and that's how/when he discovered Kate Moss to fill the spot. She's definitely huge overseas.

  40. I've thought there were problems between them since the Larry King interview. In that he said when he first saw her, "I knew I was in trouble, I knew I was in trouble." That seemed like an odd thing to say, as opposed to "I feel instantly in love." Then later in that interview he said his sister was his "best friend." Wouldn't his long-time partner be his best friend over his sister? Finally, a recent photo of them walking their son to school showed Johnny walking on the sidewalk as far away as possible from Vanessa.

  41. hey Johnny i have absolutetly no problem being known as your me ;P

  42. Yeah, I have also heard that he is drinking more and more. He has been in rehab because of his drinking, and has said that he is clean:

  43. Awwww..I really thought these two would last forever. And Pomme..Being, as I totally assume you are, French, you should have more dirt for us. I know all MY French friends adore Johnny Depp. However, BigMamas comment intrigues me. I wonder, I really do....

  44. Not that attractive? She's stunning. I can't imagine what 'attractive' is if she's not in that roll call.

  45. I really do think they are the answer to the blind about an A++ actor falling off the wagon and her being fed up. Portraying him in a movie aside, Depp was known to be very close friends with Hunter S. Thompson, and he looked up to him. I can't help but sometimes wonder if Johnny sometimes emulates HST a bit much.

    That's just my weird theory I've had for a while. Sad about Johnny and Vanessa splitting, either w

  46. ...either way.* Apologies for brevity, my cat jumped on my shoulders and I hit submit too soon! :)

  47. Thank you ever so much Maja... Now it's in MY head! :-/ Aaaaaand now it's being followed by " Marilyn et John"...

    Misspoppypants, though I too find her to have a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi, I remember one of her nicknames being "Titi ", which is the French version of Tweetie Bird. People used to claim she resembled Tweetie with her diminutive lower facial features & large eyes & forehead... I always thought she looked like a sexy Bradley Doll...



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