Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Brandi Glanville Must Have Roofied Herself

I found myself watching Real Housewives last night. I know, I know, but I do enjoy it and I figured after 62 straight hours of football, I needed a break. I am beginning to really like Brandi Glanville. She is extremely blunt and honest and upfront and is not afraid to tell it like it is. Last night the entire group with the exception of Taylor and a very late Kim flew to Hawaii. Apparently Brandi has issues with flying so drank booze and took Xanax. She was hammered out of her mind. She looked exactly like every single shot ever of Kim Richards from the past two years. Brandi should do the same thing at Halloween and she would be a hit. Brandi also said that before it became illegal she would roofie herself before getting on a plane. It sounds to me like an excuse to self-medicate without getting any grief, but she was funny, and apparently into very old married guys when she is Xanaxed out as she would not stop hitting on Lisa's husband.

Over the weekend Brandi got hitched in Vegas to MMA Manager Darin Harvey. Brandi admits she was hammered and will be getting the marriage annulled. For their honeymoon they went to a strip bar. Because Brandi went to a strip bar, you can expect her clone, LeAnn Rimes to drag Eddie to one now too.


  1. Another one that celebrates the sanctity of marriage.

  2. I never watched this show until about a month ago, and the only reason I watched is because Enty talks about it so much. I can't believe those women are real. I Hulu'd some episodes, think only three were available. I'm unsure who they all are but I *think* that Brandi was the only one who came off as anywhere near normal. Like I said, I'm unsure, don't know all their names yet except for Kim. I idolized her when I was little (Escape...).

    Morning, CDANers, was worried Enty might be taking a break today. I still have a lot of reveals to catch up on though.

  3. ^Right on!

    Wait, wouldn't she be losing her alimony checks for getting hitched again?
    And if she gets the wedding annulled, wouldn't that be grounds for irresponsible adult and make it possible for Eddie to have primary custody of their children?

    Silly people.

  4. I agree that Brandi's marriage in Vegas is in poor taste and wonder if her ex will try and mess with her alimony. Not good thinking. That being said, I think she's like a breath of fresh air on that show. Can you imagine any of the other stuffy women on the show admitting to giving themselves roofies!?

    Kyle is driving me crazy this season. If she touches her hair one more time, I'm gonna freak. Have any of these women ever heard of this great invention called a ponytail?

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  6. This marriage was stupid, but she is pretty much the only one on the show I can tolerate anymore. I just wish Camille could go back to how she was on Season 1. God that was fun to watch.

  7. "I was so afraid to fly that I used to roofie myself (pause) It was awesome. I wish I could still do that but it's against the law." Love her. She does and says tons of dumb things, but she is upfront about who she is and what her faults are. With this crowd that is impressive.

  8. Even though her voice is so high that only dogs in the next state can hear her, I like her. Mostly because

    1) she readily admits that her boobs are purchased

    2) Her store bought boobs aren't zeppelins like Pam Anderson's bazoombas.

    3) I just recently read all the stuff on the interwebs re Leann stalking Eddie. (It must be true if it's on the interwebs, right peoples?) Leann = whackjob. (Seek help/meds, Leann! STAT.)

    4)(and not least) She seems genuinely NICE.

  9. I was floored when she was talking about giving herself roofies. I wondered if Lisa suspected she did when she asked Brandi the next day if she remembered what she had calle Kim's Ken. I was beginning to like her a bit but now she's getting on my nerves. I still like Adrienne best but wonder what Paul did to her face. She is starting to look a bit like a younger version of Joyce Wildestein or whatever her name is. It's too bad.

  10. @Mango - Love the Zeppelins to Bazoombas!

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  12. she's somebody's mom. i think the days of her complaining (about leann not considering the kids feelings) are over. trash.

  13. It said on Twitter that although she has a marriage ceremony, there was no paperwork. So it's not legal, and it doesn't have to be annulled.

  14. Kyle is driving me crazy this season. If she touches her hair one more time, I'm gonna freak.

    I have to say if I had Kyle's hair I would touch it all the time, too. hahaha

    You know what's funny is that I had watched a few episodes of the first season again and knowing what I do know now about Kim, I didn't feel any sympathy for her anymore.
    What really pisses me off, though, is that Kyle and Lisa were the ones from the first episode in the first season to make suggestive comments about pumpkins on the table being party favors etc. and Kyle being the only one using the the word 'fuck' from the beginning and yet she and Lisa try to make Brandi look like trailer trash for saying the word 'cock' or even 'fuck'. They eye rolling and the brow raising of those two is unbelievable.

  15. I love Brandi. She's my absolute favorite on the show. I think getting married in Vegas was stupid and irresponsible...but celebs do what they can to stay relevant.

    Anyway, I love Brandi, I think she's gorgeous and the most natural looking. I love her bluntness and I think she's hysterical. She couldn't care less what the others thought of her. She just goes about her business. When Kim was telling her off at the White Party, I couldn't stop laughing. Brandi was so calm and Kim was flipping out like a psycho. Brandi made Kim look stupid without even having to say anything. Kim said she didn't like her and never would...and Brandi said "Ok".

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  17. though she can be a ditz- Brandi is my favorite and I would love to drink a bottle of wine with her!

    Paul is the 5th Housewife and GOD BLESS HIM! His hair is the 6th Housewife- I love how it changes and increases each episode. What ever is wrong with his wifes face- does she let him do the surgery- I doubt it. As much as I lover her- her damn hair (YUCK) and face (WTF?) creep me out. But she is smart as a whip- my kinda gal.

    I LOVE RHOBH- don't know what it says about me...and I don't care!

  18. I ADORE Adrienne. She is piss your pants funny. I used to wait on her, actually all the Malloofs. Would be Mallooves? She wears this French perfume, she smells crazy good. I asked her what is was, and she says, there's no way you can fford, hun. A bottle is worth your months salary. Wah I say. The next time I see her, she whips a bottle out of her purse for me. Not a trial size either. We're talking the real deal. So, I immediatly weep. I am like that. And she tells me to shuddup.
    Anywoo, she's Brandi's friend, so you know she's a pistol.
    I think it's funny she got wasted and married. Betcha she stayed at The Palms.

  19. *giggles at bazoombas!!*

  20. @rareavis - cool story!

  21. What an awesome story Rareavis, thanks for sharing!

    I am really liking Brandi and Camille together, their sense of humor is similiar and they have no drama together, I like that.

    Kim and Kyle are driving me nuts this season.

    Best line of last night's show is..."Well, I guess I'll have to put out now"...Bloody Hell, I love her sense of humor too.

    Adrienne is gorgeous but not for long if she continues with the plastic surgery or rememdies, ie Botox etc.

  22. I love Paul, Ken and Mauricio.

    Didj'all see Mauricio shirtless? Nice.

    Kim is breaking my hubby's HEART, I tell you. He idolized her back in the day and is crushed to see her be such a train wreck. His ultimate take on the situation is: fuck Disney.

  23. I like Brandi as well, but I don't think she's natural looking at all, I think her face totally looks like an LA plastic surgery face. They all look the same. The nose, those cheekbones.....definitely. She's still fun on the show though. I can tolerate all of them except Taylor. Kyle's running a close second. She annoys me. And it's true, the constant hair touching. And please! like she's never had botox. C'mon.

  24. Rareavis - I want to know the name of the perfume now!

  25. I was trying to remember. I know it came in a white box with gold lettering. The bottle was round, hmmm. I'll think on it.

    It was the moment that I do remember, crystal clear. It wasn't about the perfume, just how thoughtful and generous she is. Her whole family, except for big George. Yeap, he a little scary. And her husband loooooooooovvvvves her.

  26. When Brandi said she roofied herself back in the day to get through a plane ride I almost did that surprise snort laugh that happens when something delightfully unexpexted and wonderful happens.

    I too have come to love Brandi the most out of all of the women this season. SOOOOO glad that annoying two faced woman Dana seems to be holding less of a role lately. That woman annoys me more than Kim and Kyle and Taylor COMBINED.

    Speaking of Taylor, I just see past her bullshit now and I feel cold watching her express this emotion all the time. Last night when Kyle and Lisa were upset and emotional after Taylor called them all I could think was SUCKERS, she is playing you all in her helpless victim role shit.
    Again, this is not to say I believe she is not abused, I still think her late husband was WEIRD and INTENSE and had that cold intensity that I associate with some abusers,but the girl is just so FAKE and money/fame hungry that whenever she has screen time I start wincing and rolling my eyes.

    Lisa definitely feeds of Kyle's snobby high school bitchy judgemental ass (I hate Kyle so much) BUT she redeems herself often because of that rapier wit of hers. When she dryly commented that because of all the attention her husband was getting from Brandi that now she'd have to put out, it was hilarious!

  27. With the exception of Taylor, I love all the cast of Beverly Hills. Brandi is growing on me, although I don't laugh as much as most do when people have drug problems. Kim is becoming a horrible sight. I have to admit: When Paul showed up in Hawaii, the sight of his pudgy little body made me happy. I loves me some Paul, and not just because he's a wealthy plastic surgeon. He seems hilariously sincere at times, which -- I don't know, are plastic surgeons usually such a mensch?

  28. Rareavis, wow, what a story! I watched RHoBH for the first time a week or so ago, and I came away thinking every single one of them was just a narcissistic bitch, but I guess I was at least partially wrong. Good for her!

  29. @Rareavis - That is a cool story & I wanna know the name of the perfume too! :)

    Brandi does come off as the most likeable one this season but then I remember people on here posting about what a crazy person she was IRL w/ regards to Eddie.

    I read that Brandi's twitter "statement" ended with the phrase: "Suuuuuuuuuuck it" so I figured it was a Britney type mistake. ;)

  30. Anyone reckon Brandi and Camille have got it on?

    Taylor is a lying cow, going to her counsellor telling him Camille just repeated what Taylor said, not pointing out she didn't specifically say that to Russell in the car.
    Anyone notices she cries with no tears, evil witch.

    I'm halfway through this episode so I maybe back with more comments.



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