Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Nick Cannon Has Kidney Failure

Nick Cannon was hospitalized late last night after suffering kidney failure. According to Mariah who managed to Tweet and blog about it, Nick is in a great deal of pain and Mariah would like all your prayers for his recovery. Mariah also Tweeted a photo of her comforting Nick in his bed which looks like it is probably making things worse considering she is pushing his kidneys up against the railing of the bed. The doctors in the Aspen hospital tried to get Mariah to leave, but she would not because if she did, then she would have no one to rub her feet or get up in the night to make sure her toilet seat was warm before sitting on it. You think I am kidding about that last one don't you. Hopefully Nick will be out of the hospital very soon.


  1. I am sure in her own wonky way she is truly concerned about his health. Having said that...."Get out of that bed you stupid nitwit!"

  2. That's pretty serious. Hope he recovers soon. Dembabies need derdaddy.

  3. Oh Enty I so hope you're joking about the dunny seat, and yet ... *ponders*

  4. Wow - what can cause kidney failure in such a young guy?? Hope he gets better.

  5. Oh, get well, Nick! I like these two. I've always been a Mariah fan, and I remember when she did a meet and greet on MTV with her teen fan club. They were screaming and hugging her, then they asked her questions. One was: "What was your favorite book when you were growing up?" She smiled beautifully and said, "If I said I read a book when I was young, I'd be the biggest liar in the world. But you guys need to read. My career worked out totally, but if it hadn't, I don't know what I would be doing." And they all hugged her and jumped up and down, and I thought, Damn! That was a surprisingly good answer.

  6. Get well Nick....can't help but love Mariah shes one of a kind a bit kookie but honest...unlike some other DIVA.

  7. lol, he's not joking about the warm toilet seat part. a friend of mine that works at madison square garden and sometimes takes care of the "dressing room diva lists" so is around the talent at times, has said the same thing. She also requires the seats are brand spanking new to ensure no one else's behind has been there before her.

  8. I wonder if it's kidney stones - that seems more likely.

  9. Anonymous7:26 AM

    @Audrey...the most common cause of kidney failure is high blood pressure. Whatever it is, I hope they can get it sorted out or he's going to have to be on dialysis.

  10. How sad, poor dude. Get well soon!

  11. I had a guy friend who suffered kidney failure, probably due to high blood pressure, and he unfortunately had to go on dialysis every day, and on a transplant list. It was pretty awful, took his whole life away.

  12. I don't think asking for new toilet seats at each venue is unreasonable. Considering some acts that tour, it should be a requirement.

  13. Wow, kidney failure sounds a lot more serious than she's acting in that photo.

  14. Will Mariah being donating a kidney? If he has kidney failure, he will be on dialysis forever. I think she means kidney stones.

  15. I believe it because I remember Mariah having Tommy Mottola pick up her dogs crap during a party at Rye Playland for her record release .

  16. I'd like someone to warm up my toilet seat, seriously I hate a cold one!

  17. I have to admit tho, she looks like a normal concerned wife there, in what looks like little or no makeup, and flannel jammies.

  18. You know, call me crazy, but I actually think what they have is at least somewhat real. She is laying in that bed with him in her jammies not totally glammed up like she really just wants to be with him. She DOES need to get out of the bed, however, because it doesn't look comfy!

  19. I agree with you surfer, it's most likely kidney stones, and Mariah's too stupid is understand the difference.

  20. aww, this makes me sad. i used to write this guy off as a doofus who simply followed mariah around...but he's actually a really nice guy. i met him him at an event last year, he was interviewing artists backstage, and the guy was insightful and genuinely funny, very gracious to both artists and staff. i did a complete 180. i heard he is suspected of acute renal failure and the beginnings of stage 1, which is for the sake of his wife and babies, i hope he comes out of this soon.

  21. Geezus take a gander at her ass and thigh as she's lyin there. They certainly do not look like anything on her current JENNY CRAIG . Hmmm already regained the weight??

  22. what is "mild" kidney failure? either they are failing or they aren't.

  23. I wonder if he had an undiagnosed case of strep? My oldest had this and it went to his kidneys and they were shutting down. A careflight later and a week at a childrens hospital, thankfully he recovered fully.

    If he is having kidney stones, trust me, he is so medicated up in this photo, he could have a bikini wax and not care! They give you really, really, REALLY good drugs for kidney stones.

    Anyhoo.. with kidney failure, it can hit quick and fast, so I am very glad they were able to start treatment quickly. And it is possible to reverse the failure and not have any long term damage.

    Personally I think the photo is cute, and she looks like any other wife in this situation.

    Enty, love you, but geeze simmer down, he is twisting towards her and no, his kidney is not being shoved into the gardrail! Kidneys are very well protected within the body, and you would have to be a pro boxer punching directly onto the kidney multipul times for it to hurt it.

    My Kidney PSA for the day.. don't eat a lot of salty things, never touch any "diet" drink and drink plenty of water.. and AWAYS KNOW YOUR NORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE!

  24. ^^Good advice, darlin'.

    My father suffered kidney failure during a bout of e-coli, which he contracted from a messed-up prostate exam. (His lower intestines were punctured). He was in intensive care for 6 weeks, but his kidneys had a full recovery.

    Get well soon, Nick.

  25. My dad is in end stage kidney failure. He's been on dialysis for 6 years. He's not a candidate for a transplant because of a myriad of health issues. His was caused by a combo of diabetes and radiation treatments to his lower back when he had Hodgkin's Disease in the late 70s-early 80s. He's only 65.

    I hope Nick gets well soon. It is no way to live. :(

  26. Aw get well soon, Nick. I'd guess anyone would have high blood pressure living with Mariah ;)

  27. They sell heated toilet seats and I'd love to own one. That's on my wishlist for when I buy my own home.

  28. My friend had kidney failure caused by drinking too much Red Bull. She's fine now, but was told to never drink it again. Perhaps he needed some energy boost to keep up with her demands!

  29. I wish him a speedy recovery and that he doesn't have to go on dialysis. I co-sign what Green Wave Gal said, that is no way to live.

  30. @JoElla:

    You should've seen me read your PSA. My eyes bugged out of my head ... as I'm standing in my kitchen, reading the blog with Baked Lay's in one hand and a Diet Coke in the other. I pretty much live on salt & diet soda (with wine thrown in for good measure). o_O

  31. Chopchop diet is the devil! The real thing is actually kinder to your kidney.


  32. @Green Wave Gal - I'm sorry to hear that about your dad. It's no way to live for the person in kidney failure, and for their family. I'm sure this has been a difficult time for you and your family. I wish the best for you and your family.

  33. DH has kidney trouble from stones and diabetes. Had the stomach flu and couldnt keep hydrated, wound up with kidney failure. They were putting two bags of water in his arm at once, nothing slowing it down. His kidneys restarted and are slightly worse for the trouble.
    Kidney stones blocking the exits can also cause kidneys to shut down.
    She doesnt look fat to me but it must be nice to not even have to consider who is watching the kids.

  34. Or she could go home to her wonderful heated toilet seat.

  35. I just saw this on Dlisted .. Damn. This is nothing to screw around with and I wonder if staying in Aspen is the best course of action for him. I was in Denver a few years ago and damn near died. I just could not keep enough fluid in me.

    I really hope he gets better soon and there is minimal damage being done. One thing about kidneys is once they are scarred they will just keep scarring until they are dead. That is what took out my kidneys.

    Hope he will be okay .. the transplant list is horrific since I got my transplant in 2003. I hope he will get better real soon. Scary stuff! Really would prefer never to hear of anyone else going on dialysis.

    @GreenWaveGal ... many blessings to your Dad. Tell him I send him my love and best wishes!

  36. I'm in end stage renal failure, well i have like 4% kidney function left =\ dialysis sucks, i do it at home though, so that makes it a little easier (though, i'm in center atm because I'm in the process of moving)

    i wonder if that tape is because he had a graft or fistula surgery?

    Theresa Guidice (???) is going to be a spokesperson for who is an AMAZING charity regarding kidney disease (mine especially, FSGS) on the Celebrity Apprentice this year. I don't know who she is, but I'm happy that someone is representing them.

    So many people area affected! Its surprising. One of my best friends just got her second transplant yesterday at UPenn. I'm on the list, waiiiiiting, seems like forever.

    I hope Nick has a speedy recovery and that him and Mariah and their babies do well. Hopefully he has someone who can donate him one quickly.

  37. I've liked Nick since Drumline (what an awesome movie, and Zoe Saldana to boot!), and he's always seemed like such a happy guy. I hope he recovers soon, whatever his problem may be.

  38. This is pretty serious! Get well, Nick!



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