Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Sinead O'Connor Has Ex Sex - Gives Play By Play To World

You know, sometimes we don't need to know all the details of your life. Just a brief recap at the end of the day or if you have something interesting to share is all that is needed. Someone once sent me a link to a person who had to be the most active Tweeter in the world. While the woman was awake she Tweeted on average every six or seven minutes. Things like, "still sitting on the couch," or "thinking about having popcorn," and then two minutes later, "should I really have popcorn?" It was insane. Don't even get me started on the Tweets leading up to and after sex. The thing is with the gap, you could tell exactly how long the sex lasted.

Anyway, Sinead O'Connor did not quite go to those lengths but she did say that she and her husband are back together again and that they had lots of sex. Basically her Tweets of the night said things like "back together and going to go to counseling and f**k all the time." There were different variations of it which you can read here.

What we have here is a classic ex-sex reunion. The same problems that existed before are still there. Sinead loves her drugs and she married a drug counselor. Do you see the problems that might come up?


  1. There goes my image of sinead as intelligent and articulate. That twitter feed is barely coherent.

  2. Just Go away.....

  3. Yeah, I just read her twitter, and now I think she's messed up. Barely coherent is right! The caveman talk? It's... horrid.

  4. "The same problems that existed before" - ha! There wasn't that much of a before in this case.

    I can't help it, I root for her - Nothing Compares to U is just too wonderful.

    She said she was going off her meds, I sure hope she gets back on them. Sounds like she's back in her manic phase.

  5. Yeah @msgirl, she certainly looks manic there. :-(

  6. Totally manic. God, when she gets back on her meds and looks back at this stuff, she is going to be mortified. I can't make fun of someone when they clearly have a mental defect and aren't being helped by their "loved" ones. I totally get that it is hard to make someone take their meds, but Jesus, someone take the Twitter out of her hands so this episode can be less public.

  7. Speaking as a bi-polar person myself, you do NOT go off your meds! You tend to do crazy things like get quickie married, and then quickie divorced...and then then expose Twitter to every painful detail!

    But seriously, I would NEVER go off my meds, I would probably end up buying a car or having an affair or racking up massive credit card debt...Chrissy likes meds, meds are her friend :)

  8. Hey Chrissy..Better living though pharmaceuticals..Stay with it. My husband tried to go off his and it wasn't fun for his wife. Not at all.

  9. @Sherry, that is EXACTLY my motto! lol! My goal in life is to keep myself and my family healthy and happy. I hope Sinead can come to the same conclusion soon!!!

  10. what makes me sad about all this is that i don't think she understands or gets (or cares?) how her behavior and tweets/blog posts surely affect her children, be them adults or minors. it's got to be heartbreak after heartbreak for them.

  11. But what's HIS excuse?? Okay, so she's manic and maybe off her meds. But he's a drug counselor, so ostensibly should have SOME training in psychology, right? Why did HE agree to this marriage?

    That said, I find her attractive in some way. I mean, I can see how a man would be attracted to her, but not go along with her mania...

  12. Her mania could very well make her VERY fun at times, especially in the bedroom. It might be easy for a fella to get caught up in that, and not see it for the mania that it is until later.

  13. Chrissy, kudos to you! Bipolars have the most difficulty staying on their meds, it runs in my husband's family ( his uncle even committed suicide). Please get your kidney checked every now and then, my b-i-l has been on his meds for decades and recently found out one of his kidneys is failing - they think it could be from the meds. Do a kidney cleansing every now and then - I think mild thistle?

  14. I dig her. But sister needs to unplug her computer and/or step back from twitter.

  15. @msgirl, that is excellent advice! I will definitely look into that!

  16. ^Milk Thistle is for your liver. I take it every day. Try the Sundown brand, it's best. :)

  17. did not know her hubs was a drug counselor. humm. was he HER drug counselor?

  18. @msgirl- please tell your doctor if you plan on taking herbal suppliments...even though they are "natural", doesnt mean they cant have interactions with medications that you are already taking.

  19. Good grief....

    Re: milk thistle; someone told me it was good for hangovers?



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