Thursday, January 05, 2012

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This celebrity sibling rivalry is getting out of hand. Two sisters are both trying to get a fashion line started up. Investors are concerned that both of them doing this separately will hurt sales and are reluctant to back them. The sisters don’t know this, but their mother approached the investors and helped back one sister over the other. We’re not sure why she’s playing favorites, but it looks like only one sister will have her dream of becoming a designer, come true.


  1. Krappy K designs? Haven't we been through enough already?!

  2. The Hiltons? And Kathy would probably back Nicky over Paris, I'd assume.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Ashlee and Jessica

  4. Rooney and Kate Mara?

  5. and last and def least. don't forget the Lohans...

  6. 1. who cares

    2. 'dream of becoming a designer' ha ha most likely the dream is to make boatloads of money off of slave or near slave labor from some 3rd world country. there are real designers and there are 'celebrity' designers and no one should ever mistake the two.

  7. Kris Jenner, and the youngest K! girls. With that jewelry line...

  8. Hilary and Hailey?

  9. Beyonce and Solange?
    Bey doesn't actually own her won brand yet, just stumps for her mom's trashtastic line.
    And she was trying to get a maternity line started to capitalize on her pillowy pregnancy, wasn't she?

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I can see Pimpa Kris choosing Kendall over Kylie, thinking that she can have Kylie piggyback off Kendall's 'success' as a model and spokesperson, similar to what Ashlee did with Jessica.

    The reason is that Kendall has something of a profile, with Kylie being a bit of an afterthought in terms of modeling gigs. Kendall has a better chance of making money for Pimpa Kris.

  11. I think only Kathy Hilton or Kris Kardashian would jump in.

  12. How about the McCords.. For some reason I thought them but this is most likely be the Kartrashian young'uns.

  13. Venus and Serena Williams?

  14. anabella, I believe Gwen Stefani is a true designer. At least she sews.

  15. is it ryan seacrest we have to blame for all this kardashian onslaught? if so, i would like to beat that wee little man.

  16. For some reason this doesn't make sense to be as Kardashians. Since the older sisters already are in the clothing business I don't think investors would see the younger two doing it separately as a bad thing. From a marketing stand point you would WANT them to do things separately because you can make double the money with two lines. Espeically since for some stupid reason everything Kardashian sells and they already have one retail outlet they know for sure would stock the items. I think the K's are already into the fashion world enough for this to be them.

    I can def see it being the Lohans being that Linsday is too much of a liability by herself anymore. And Dina would totally get involved and possibly back Ali seeing that Linsday's basically screwed in H-town. Try a new cash cow on for size. Especially now that Ali is becoming more into the fashion/modeling world than acting or singing.

    But its BuzzFoto so its probably trash all around.

  17. Pimp Mama Kris backing Kendall. Kylie is fug as hell, and will not have fans like Kendall will. (why either of them would have any fans is baffling to me, but people are stupid).

  18. The K Klan. That woman is a harpy.

  19. Dakota & Elle Fanning?

  20. I would have guessed the Kardashian, the Olsens, the Simpsons or the Hiltons...but they already have clothing lines. I don't have a clue now.

  21. I was going to suggest the Fannings as well.

  22. Amy & Kelly Osborne?



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