Thursday, January 05, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

David Duchovny sports a puffy coat in New York.
Elin Nordegren spent $12M on this house and then tore it down to build a bigger house. That is when you know you have way too much money.
I love how Hugh Jackman is up for anything.
Josh Duhamel tests out a bike before he buys it.
Jake Gyllenhaal shows off his beard. Hey and it was not even a pun.
Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell at the premiere of their new show.
Also there canoodling were Desmond Harrington and Michael C Hall.
Lourdes learns to snowboard.
Mila Kunis is the new face of Dior.


  1. Jakeyyy, how I used to crush on thee. aaah. Wish he'd come out already and hook with Quinto. I would so be all over those two.

    And Dior, I approve, Mila Kunis is soo beautiful!

  2. Elin - what a waste of money.

    Hugh is so cute with his little girl.


    Don & Kristen - haven't seen their show on Showtime..

    Mila is so prettyyyyy

  3. I'm not a mila fan. Shes so plain jane to me :/

  4. Mila is so gorgeous I want to punch myself in the face. show with Don Cheadle? I've heard nothing about it but am definitely intrigued.

  5. Waste of money things like Elin's house bother me much more now than before I lost my home.

    Don't have cable but would love to see something new with Don Cheadle! He's great.

    Mila looks gorgeous, can't wait to see the rest of the ads.

  6. Or Kristen are you competing in an ice skating contest? Horrendous dress!

    With beard or without Jake is still hot! However, I still don't want to believe.

  7. Duchovny is looking good.

  8. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Rita: in my imaginary world, Quinto carries Zac Efron over the threshold!

    $12M to tear down the house. Yeesh. I would have a major party up in there. I would invite SOME of you. ;-)

  9. Re Elin - I know this subdivision - it's nice, right on the ocean, but once you leave the subdivision, it's basically a lower middle class area - I was always surprised how much the homes there were.

  10. I loves me some Don Cheadle. He is an amazing and totally underutilized actor. Hotel Rawanda should have gotten him top billing fare forever. EmEyeKay, my condolences on losing your home. I'm sure the process to save it was soooo frustrating. NONE of the programs they set aside worked. only 12 people were refinanced under HARP. Ridiculous!

    I will never understand why people buy a huge home and tear it down.

  11. I love how Hugh Jackman spends ALL his free time with his kids.
    Mothers are expected to it seems, so it's great to see a man who enjoys his kids so much that he chooses to.

  12. @EmEyeKay - Sorry for your house :( It is odd to waste so much money!

    And yeah @Layna, any guy would be lucky to be carried by Quinto! Although Zac should go with Clooney. Creepy, I know, but Zac needs an older man. Just a haunch.

  13. Oh, Dexter and Quinn! I can't WAIT for the next season - that season finale was probably the most jump-off-the-couch cliffhanger I have ever witnessed on TV *L*

  14. David D. looks like the cookie monster on steroids in that picture

    Love Hugh, he can do no wrong in my eyes

    Josh H needs to give it up and admit he is no longer "cool" and young. He looks rediculous on that bike

    And....was there a blind hint in there?

  15. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Mila is my girl crush..

  16. I find it obscene that Elin is tearing down a perfectly good house just to build a bigger one while there are people loosing their homes all around the country.

    Love Don Cheadle.


  17. That house that isn't good enough for Elin looks gorgeous to me! What a huge waste! Surely there is more to the story than we know. Maybe the house has mold or termite damage or water damage or something like that. The house is on a beach. Beach homes can have a lot of damage that isn't readily visible.

  18. I need Mila's shoes.

  19. While I do love Mila, and her shoes, why are her toes hanging over the edge? I never understood why women wear shoes that clearly do not fit. Toes aren't supposed to hang over the edge.
    And what happened to stockings? I know pantyhose are no fun to put on, but they sure do make legs look better.
    And now I am stepping down from the soapbox.

  20. Blogger is giving me fits today. . .

    Cheadle and Bell look like they are competing in pair's free dance program. Seriously, I love them both, but I think Scott Hamilton will be interviewing them after the commercial break.

  21. Oh god, I LOATHE David Duchovny. He deserves to be locked in a room for eternity with Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman. Three smug jerks.

    I love Don Cheadle and like Kristen Bell - what's this show??

    Poor Jake Gyllenhaal! He's the most outed closeted actor in Hollywood. Is he still with that guy (Austin something) from One Tree Hill?

  22. good god, Mila is sooo beautiful.

    Why would anyone need and want that big a house. Waaaay too much money.

    I just realized we always see High with Ava, never his son. Or not for a long time. Do you think that could be a blind answer?

  23. What Elin did happens all the time, everywhere but I agree that it is an obscene waste of money. UGH.

    My husband & I caught up on the last few episodes of "Shameless" (SOOO good!) on New Years Day and I kept seeing commercials for "House of Lies" (Don Cheadle, Kristen Bell). I think it's a comedy/drama about management consultants.

  24. Why is Kristen Bell wearing a skating costume?

  25. @ ecua 'Poor Jake Gyllenhaal! He's the most outed closeted actor in Hollywood' all accounts, he was pretty blatant for one laying low in the closet. Subject of the infamous Toothy Tile blind...

  26. Am I the only one who thinks Desmond Harrington is hot?

    And does anyone else find it interesting that Enty will dispel rumors about certain supposedly closeted actors (i.e. Zac Efron) but stays quiet about Jake? Makes me think the rumors are true. Not like I stood a chance at a straight Jake but a girl can dream...

  27. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Toes hanging over shoes-trashy
    That makes me uncontrollably angry when I see women who do that. It seems more likely to be "high maintenence" women who do it,imo.

  28. Layna Day said...
    Rita: in my imaginary world, Quinto carries Zac Efron over the threshold!

    I would live in that world!!

    @Megley- agree about the toes, but disagree about pantyhose. IMHO, it looks tacky to wear them with open toes shoes... I dislike them in general, though.

  29. Miss X I don't think you're the only one. He looks a lot healthier and less meth-facey than here than he has the past 2 seasons of Dexter. MCH is still so hot though its not even funny. Love the (ginge) beard. Now is that a pun?

  30. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't see the big deal about Mila, she's cute but I just don't find her drop dead gorgeous for some reason.

  31. I doubt those shoes are Mila's, they probably made her wear them for the photo. Seems like different brands fit differently, plus your feet slide forward in heels that high.

  32. Mila's gorgeous, but that hairdo makes her look like she was dragged backward through a hedge!

  33. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Mila K. looks gorgeous !

  34. I think Hugh Jackman gets papped so much because he's so nice to them. I love when he chats with the TMZ guys. An all-around classy guy.

    Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell - I die. ♥♥

    Re: Elin, it is fucking time to tax the fucking rich more. I'm not saying they can't stay rich, but spread some of it around, you greedy pigs!

    It's just weird lighting on Mila's shoes. If you look closely, there's a darker part of the shoe under her big toe. It just blends into the background. You can see on her other foot that they fit fine.

  35. @ecua: I don't know if Duchovny actually IS a smug jerk, but he certainly gives off that impression to me as well. He's certainly a skeevy, skanky, sex-addict jerk in my eyes. It's so disappointing, because I used to love the early years of the X-Files. Now, when I see episodes w/ Duchovny, I just want to punch him in the face. I LOVE me some Robert Patrick, so I will happily re-watch any episode with him from the final two seasons. I don't get all of the Duchovny adoration, but I know plenty of people who don't get my Robert Patrick lust, so.... to each his own, I guess. :)

  36. I had a humorous incident on the NY Subway this past summer which Jake G bore witness too. I didn't talk to him per se, but I got a good vibe from him in terms of him being a cool guy. He is very average looking in person though.

  37. @Spacecowboy with the lovely deep blue eyes - Please tell me he smelled good!

    No seriously, what was the incident?

  38. I was in town visiting my best friend from high school (he lives in NYC, me Philly area) and I was taking the subway to his place. It was one of those awful hot humid Saturdays in late June this past year and even the subways were relatively dead for NYC standards. I got on the car and it was only me, an older lady, a guy reading a kindle or some e-reader and a group of teenage African American girls goofing around at the other end. I sat across, caddy corner, from the guy reading the e-reader. At the next stop a family of tourists (whipped looking Dad, Mom, and two daughters, cute albeit kind of skankily dressed, I'd say 16 -21ish) got on. The younger one was whispering something to the older one and they kept looking at me, giggling, laughing. Then the mom leaned in, and they were urging her kind of prodding her toward me. The mom comes over kind of sheepish, said her daughter wants to know who I am. I asked what she meant, and she proceeded to tell me they thought I was someone famous. I thanked them, and politely said I wasn't, just a regular dude. She apologized and they went and sat down over by the old lady end of the car looking at maps with the dad. The guy reading the e-reader glanced up at me, smiled and gave a bemused nod and got off at the next stop or two. The guy was of course Jake. The girls didn't notice him at all, and he seemed relieved. How, I don't know, I recognized him as soon as I got on, despite his clear interest in not being noticed.

    I did not catch his scent Rita :)

  39. ^Awesome story! No worries, hot humid NYC day, I imagine the hot manly smell emanating from him... sigh.

    I remember your picture though, who do people compare you to usually? Sorry, am drinking Corona, so drawing Nada.

  40. Speaking from the point of a Daddy's girl; I love the fact that Hugh spends so much time with his kids.

  41. @Rita it's not the Corona, that's just a very generic pic I took solely for the RP's, I'm not on facebook any longer and was using my new laptop and iphone which don't have any of my pics on it yet.

    My honest and hopefully non D-bag answer to your question is that at some point I've been told I look like any number of white, at least above average looking, lighter skinned, blue eyed, brown haired, under age 50 actor/celebs.

  42. @spacecowboy78 great story

    Mila looks pretty but her legs and arms appear to be the same width which seems odd to me!

    Love Michael's ginger beard

  43. I'm fine with Elin knocking down her new home. Happened all the time in my neighborhood growing up. Plus, she is spreading the wealth. Think about all the construction guys who will have steady work for awhile.

  44. How can anyone not love Don Cheadle? (rhetorical)

    Kristen Bell sometimes is a bit...Cyclops-y. But loved her as Uta on Party Down.

  45. Elin gives a finger to Tiger. Let it go girl.. on the other hand- yea for the working class and the other people she hired!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. @Sherry - I hardly believe 12 people benefited from HARP. If that's the case, hell, I need to buy a lottery ticket.

    @Miss X - no, you're not the only one. He's on my "list". Did you know he also guests on Gossip Girl as Chuck's uncle/cousin/whatever. :)

  48. I still have a soft spot for David D, even if he is a douch. I never watched the X Files again after he left, until he came back.

    Mila is pretty, but I always imagine her with a cigarette and it makes me gag. Her feet look huge in those shoes. Don't like stockings with open toe shoes or even peeptoe ones.

  49. I suppose Elin HAD to destroy that house. I don't think she could ever get the taint of Tiger out of it!

  50. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Elin is destroying the house to waste Tiger's money.

    Those Dior ads look like Marion. That's how Mila is being styled.



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