Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Kim & Ken Have Split

Kyle Richards was on Wendy Williams and says that Kim Richards and Ken Blumenfeld have split. The fact they split is not that surprising considering that Kim probably never saw the guy sober until she checked herself into rehab. That would shock anyone into breaking up. However, didn't she just sell her place and move in with the guy? Did I not waste an hour of my time a few weeks ago watching her attempt to pack while high as a kite? Maybe Kyle will let her move in with her. Kyle says she was never a fan of Ken. What that means is that Kim will probably get back with Ken just to tick off Kyle. Maybe Brandi needs a roommate. Brandi and Kim living together could be its very own spin off show.


  1. Enty did you email about him looking the spitting image of Caibos from the original Clash of the Titans? Okay, with a shave.
    Seriously, google that, it's an absolute scream.

  2. I think that Kim hasn't owned a house in quite a while now; I think she's just been renting. Sad that I know this...

    I applaud Kim for not being obsessed with looks - especially in Beverly Hills - but unfortunately I don't think she was going by what she saw on the "inside" either. I think he supported her bad habits and from what little I've seen of the show she seems terrified to be alone. The episode with her rambling on & on about her kids with the maid was just sad.

  3. I feel sorry for Kim and hope she finds resolution in healthy ways instead of the self-medicating ways.

    Kyle and Big Kathy were bullies. Kyle doesn't want Kim to be happy unless Kyle benefits somehow. Kim should be living a comfortable life from her Disney money, but Big Kathy used Kim as a slave and took all the money and spent it on Kyle and herself. Kim's rage towards Brandi is all the pent up rage against Kyle and the family, but she can't direct it there.

    just my two cents.....

  4. This is one of the three/four episodes I've seen (the one where she told Kyle she was moving in with him) and I felt so bad for everyone involved. It's obvious there's something questionable going on, why would she have kept dude a secret? He looks scary and I know looks aren't everything but come on, if you've hung out with an abuser at some point in your life, THAT dude has that look in his eye and you can see it a mile away.

    Reminds me of me, telling my family about moving in with my last boyfriend. I didn't tell anyone till the last minute, why? Cuz I knew it was A BAD IDEA.

    Or maybe I'm just projecting all my crap onto Kim. Whatever. I haven't seen but one episode after that one, so maybe he turned out to be a lovely man.

  5. She was just renting and I suspect that after her fight with Kyle last season in the limo, when Kyle told her they weren't helping her anymore, is the reason she moved in with Ken...who as Brandi said, looks like a bull mastiff. I read that she had been staying with friends after breaking up with Ken (which was actually some time ago) before going into rehab.

  6. this guy's a douchebag, an enabler and most likely used right along with her.

    i don't feel sorry for kim. she's a professional victim. until she gets real---REAL---about her problems, she'll never get clean. and i doubt it's been easy being her sister, so i don't see kyle as a bully. i'm sure she's been frustrated for years dealing with kim and her many issues.

  7. (sad that I know this....but) she was renting. It was mentioned in season 1 that she's a serial renter.

  8. As Kyle's explained before, when their mother died, she left them several different homes, and those are the ones Kim has lived in. Particularly the one in Palm Springs, which was owned by all 3 sisters equally. Kim "needed" money and sold her share. Years later she wanted back in the deal, and Kyle said no.
    So I think she's only lived in homes left to them by their mother, or rented.
    As for saying her sisters used all her Disney money and bullied her, that's funny. She's a grown woman. If she was able to function on her own, she would be able to get away from them. The fact she can't shows who has the real problem. Kim "can't" live without her sister. She tried for the last year and has ended up in Rehab.

  9. @carrie....sorry. I JUST saw your post. Guess we're both sad (and both use celeb gossip/shows as our "drug of choice.")

  10. @carrie....sorry. I JUST saw your post. Guess we're both sad (and both use celeb gossip/shows as our "drug of choice.")

  11. I understood the house in Palm Springs was owned by all three girls, Kim did not sell her share of the house, she borrowed money from Kyle against her share, Kyle was then able to get Kim's name off of the deed (by having the majority), her husband is a real estate expert and would know how to do it. That is why Kim has accused Kyle of stealing the house from her, which quite frankly none of them would have if it was not for Kim's childhood acting career alone.

  12. I think Kyle has been jealous of Kim's popularity and fame since childhood and has been a controlling, conniving bitch ever since. The story is their Palm Desert house was bequeathed to all three kids and Kim needed money, so Kyle and Mauricio lent her money for her share, then took it over from her...or some such situation. Kim prolly has barely a dime to her name, after ALL of that ginormous income as a kid. It's sad. And wasn't she married to a Davis, as in the OIL Davises? She must have never learned anything on her own. Poor thing prolly doesn't even masturbate. She admitted herself last season she has no idea how to apply her own makeup, for chrissakes.

  13. I agree with Terry. The one thing I liked about Kim's relationship with him is that it looked like, for once, she was not depending on her sister's approval. I hope this doesn't mean she's going back to that.

  14. I think from what I have seen that Kim and kyle are just mean girls who act like they are still in HS. Hate their behavior and treatment of Brandie. Kim is doing the right thing in getting treatment. Now if the two of them could only grow up and behave like adults. But, then the show wouldn't have Drama.

  15. When we met Ken, he and Kim were hanging at a wine bar. I think the name of the place was wine bar. That's that best two "sober" people could do? Then, during that conversation, Kim calls Ken "handsome". He even cut her off right there. I think Kim stopped growing emotionally at around 12 years old. I just feel sorry for her. Kyle though is the mean girl. Kim is just lost.

  16. Enty, you are falling behind on your gossip! Kim was broken up with him, and "homeless" and staying with friends before she entered rehab. And Kyle was just asked if Kim would live with her when she gets out, and she said "we're too old for that." Harsh burn!

  17. I wondered what Kim's kids thought of Ken. Apparently, they didn't like him either. Probably for the best she remains unattached while in rehab & working on her sobriety but I'm sure she's lonely. Makes me a little sad for her.



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