Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

December 22, 2011

This actor is probably A list. He has been top billed in lots of movies, but the thing is, unlike other members of his family he seems to always share that top billing with someone. It seems that our actor has a fondness for strip clubs. Nothing wrong with that. He especially likes some in his hometown. His one quirk is that he only likes African-American women to dance for him. No other races seem to do the trick for him. He likes one dancer so much that instead of just giving her dollar bills, he bought her a car. Maybe this is why we never see him with a girlfriend. Too busy in strip clubs.

Luke Wilson


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Surprised this was revealed.

  2. I'll always remember his turn as Kelso's brother in That 70'Show, when Midge went to the strip club and was all over him.

  3. That is one messed up family. And they seem like nice guys too. Sad.

  4. Mynerva, as long as he's not beating or raping the strippers, what harm is there?

  5. The guy likes strippers, don't see a big deal in least its not little boys.

  6. and whoever got the car is lucky. I remember him on Howard years ago. He said he is not great in long term relationships and usually is a dick when he wants out and waits for the girl to break up with him.

    He is still hotter then Owen.

  7. Vicki, no harm at all, I agree. I just hope he doesn't get taken advantage of, that's all.

  8. So why doesn't he just make the stripper his girlfriend then? Too far "beneath" him, I suppose he thinks.

    I really think that if more of these celebs married the kind of women they want to fool around with/ have as mistresses, they'd really be a lot happier. Marry the woman who strokes your kink, dudes! Then you won't need to cheat.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I agree with you, figgy. I like this guy, and hope if he does settle down, it's with someone he actually cares about. The only famous girlfriend of his I can think of is Gwyneth Paltrow -- polar opposite in terms of look and social stature.

    To me the hottest Wilson brother is Andrew.

  11. he dated Drew Barrymoore one time
    and if this guy was A list,his brother Owen is what? A+++ list !

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @pomme
    I agree! Luke Wilson is decidedly B-List.

  14. Yeah I thought this was Owen only because he was the only one I could even remotely consider A list.

  15. Why is this a blind? He likes black strippers and bought one of them a car. Thats a nice thing to do unless he did as some sort of coercion on the girl. But that is their business as long as neither of them get hurt.

  16. He's always been super cute to me. If he came to my bedroom I'd certainly consider giving him a private show *blushing*

  17. @ Mynerva I guess only African American Strippers take advantage of guys. Whatevs.

  18. I've got such a crush on Owen, the Butterscotch Stallion!
    "Starsky & Hutch" is one of my all time fave movies & Owen is so good & so sexy in it...

  19. No scandal here. He probably really likes her. Maybe we don't seem him with a girlfriend because he keeps his business private. Maybe he's not looking for a long term relationship, and this works for him. Maybe he treats her like a queen.

  20. I am guessing that you can be "A" list when you headline a film. But really, Zac Efron and Luke Wilson aren't A list at all. B, B+ at best. That's what's so confusing!

  21. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I would never think of Luke Wilson as A List. Owen is a lot closer to A list

  22. Sigh. I still love him.

  23. How is Luke Wilson A list?

  24. Ah, I had the wrong brother all this time. I remember years ago (a la the "Butterscotch Stallion" days) this very same rumour but everyone guessed it was Owen, not Luke. Oh well. Stripper-loving actors is hardly scandalous but it's still very interesting! ;-)

  25. Meh, at least he's honest about what he likes!



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