Friday, January 06, 2012

Sienna Miller Is Pregnant

Sienna Miller and Tom Sturridge are expecting a baby. US Weekly says the couple has been going out a year, but it really does not seem that long at all. It seems like only yesterday Tom was with his girlfriend and Sienna was with Jude Law. Anyway, the couple is expecting a baby and they said they have no plans to ever get married. See, Sienna just likes the married guys but does not want to actually be married to a guy. This is another one where I wonder if the relationship will last to the day the baby is born.


  1. Oh Snap, Nevis Devine's gonna be jealous.

  2. i don't think its a big deal if they don't get married. its not for everyone. its dumb to force a marriage just because she gets knocked up.

  3. Barrington looks very douchey in that pic. I really don't like using that word, but it's the only one that quite fit his look.

  4. Isn't Tom S. gay though and has a boyfriend and Sienna's the beard? I can't keep up.

  5. *sigh* sturridge and pattinson are not gay together. at least no gayer than my husband and his best friend. who are inseparable and if paparazzi caught them out or heard their convos could easily twist it into such. oh hell, it doesn't matter. everyone makes their own truth.

  6. I'm pretty sure Sturridge does swing both ways, based on gossip from several sources. But whatevs. Kudos to anyone who thinks they'll make it work with Sienna.

  7. @bnl
    I believe you, I was just pokin' fun at Ted C.!

  8. I'm just surprised it took this long for Sienna to end up pregnant!

  9. I'm not saying Tom doesn't swing both ways. I'm just sayin they aren't gay together.

    This is just one of those subjects I'm touchy on because I know too much. I'm trying to get better at minding my own business.

  10. @bnl
    Then tell us if K Stew is really gay and if they are not a real couple once and for all! *Channeling crazy Twitards here*
    But, I really do want to know that! LOL I wonder *why* these gay stories are made up about actors?

  11. I'm reading way too much into the blinds today. Is it being inferred that maybe he isn't the father of the child and may leave the relationship if the baby comes out looking like Jude Law?

  12. Ted C. thinks everyone is gay and wants to get in HIS pants.

  13. @Reno - For the brits, nothing is black or white. And you are allowed to experiment in your youth. Heck, royalty keeps on experimenting in their old age.

    The way the story for Nevis and Barrington reads, is like Y Tu Mama Tambien: Nevis loves Barrington as a good old friend (they have been through a lot, since their Vanity Fair days), has experimented with him, until he started feeling more desire for the girls, which turns out he prefers. Barrington on the other hand, really loves Nevis and wants it more exclusive...

    The Sienna getting pregnant must have been a surprise! And no, it's 2012, no one needs to get married. But the girl is full of drama, don't know if she's ready for motherhood.

  14. See here's the thing: what counts as a "real" couple in hollywood isn't the same as what is a "real" couple everywhere else. Its like the time Jessica Simpson and John Mayer were out and John ended up making out with Perez Hilton. Jessica was right there and didn't care. Does that mean John Mayer is gay? No. Does it mean Jessica is gay and they were bearding for each other? No. Its just different social acceptability. Hollywood is real good at separating physical acts from emotional. I've seen TONS of it personally.

    Did Rob and Kristen hook up causing all kinds of drama on the Twi-set? Of course. Otherwise things wouldn't be awkward with Nikki Reed. Do they still spend alot of time together/date? Sure, it just may not be exactly as you or I would consider "dating". Has Kristen hooked up with girls, possibly co-stars on Twilight? Sure. Does it make her gay? Who knows. I don't even know if she knows. I also will admit I don't know much about either of them currently. I know things that were going on during the first 3 movies. My friend did not work on the sets of these last two because he had prior commitments to other films.

    As far as rumors getting started? I don't know. I do know that if you google pretty much any star followed by the word gay you will get people that insist they are. Its just one of those things.

    Part of what brought me to this site originally was the blind items. Because since I know so much and SEE so much with my own eyes, I love to see how it stacks up. Sometimes blinds are written and right away I know the answer. The difference = its not a guess on my end. Of course other things, I know nothing about and don't pretend I do. i.e. The Kardashians. Seen them out many times. Spoken with Kris Humphries once at the darby in nyc but i don't pay attention to the girls, the shows, and dont care to. So sometimes, its hard to fit in here for me because certain things i just *know* yet at the same time I dont want to say too much because its not my place. So its hard for me when ppl say "oh i've heard this" or "i've heard that" when I know none of its right. Hell, I could write my own blind items sometimes from the shit I see. Sometimes I think I should start my own blog, but I'm horrible at the internet. I'd never keep up with it.

  15. I just saw Breaking Dawn again at a second-run theater, w/ my BFF who had not been able to see it on first run. And I'm glad I did! Caught a few bits I had missed first go-round, and noticed something nice about Pattinson this time--he has really sexy hands! Nice, big, strong-looking hands.

    I suppose I might've noticed them in the first (2nd?) movie when he was playing the piano. But anyway--nice!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Thanks much for your response Bnl.
    That would drive me nuts to read all these comments I know aren't true and having to bite my tongue.
    Throw us a bone whenever you can though I really enjoy your posts.

  18. I thought he was gay also, maybe she just wants a baby...

  19. BnL, you rock. Thanks for sharing. :)

  20. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Sienna is one of those chicks I just loathe. I can't tolerate her. She acts like she's the Queen of bloody England when she's half American and was born in the USA. Get over yourself, honey.

  21. also @Bnl
    Your description of HW couples and K and R makes sense, so thank you!

  22. i don't care what the rumors say about them:only congrats!

    i can understand why they don't want to marry:they're happy now and she knows how some husbands are!

  23. i have an important question to ask you , How do you know if Kristen Hooked up with other girls? How do you know or are you just spewing personal opinions as fact? ive never believed this shit about Kristen or Rob being Nevis cause this homosexuality obsession with celebrities is used to attack the person for being a celebrity its all High school childish jealousy from celebrity haters, why is it impossible to believe that not every famous person out there has overly dramatic issues in their lives? Kristen and Rob lead very normal lives and the only drama made about them is from stupid little assholes envious of their wealth and life in general, and the only issue well expressed by Robert and the director from the first film was Kristen's age . how easily haters forget that Rob was told not to pursue Kristen cause she was a minor, the company was freaked out abt them starting a relationship during filming for the fear of a break up ruining the movies, and with Nikki Reed NOTHING happened it was all in her head , there is a reason she gets her ass dropped by every celeb friend she has had , google that info before you spew so much crap Saying Celebs are gay , or that they experiment doesnt say anything cause there are bisexual gays and lesbians that arent celebrities, you all act like that only happens with famous people? only they are gay lesbians or bi curious whatever term u wanna use , just stop this bullshit and admit you all are envious douches that wanna live like a rockstar and you hate every single celebrity out there that

  24. @yashi - idk if that was directed towards me because if it was it didn't really make any sense because i say the same thing you just said all the time. not to believe that EVERYONE is gay and there's all these stories and cover-ups. yea it happens, showmances are real, but they aren't the norm.

    but just as you just said kristin and rob are very normal people keep in mind what that comes with is having NORMAL unfamous friends. i don't spew anything as fact that is merely my opinion. i've always maintained that rob is NOT gay. but he DID hook up with Nikki Reed and yes I know it as a fact because of who my friends are. i know lots of things as a fact because of who my friends are. people who hang out with, dine with, shop with and talk with celebrities are among the normal everyday folk. and its good to be cautious of what you read on the internet as anyone can make anything they want to up, but you have to remember the other side of it too. you never know who is on the other side of the computer screen. it may not be someone "making shit up" but rather someone who is in the know and by freaking out, you are just making yourself look silly. i said it before and i'll say it again now. although most people will not recognize me, there's a reason i don't submit my picture for the readers photos and its because people in certain nyc circles would easily recognize me. and you never know who is reading. my lifestyle is what drew me to this website to begin with. but i'm certainly not jealous of celebrities. i've hung out with enough of them to know that for the kind of person i am, i'd hate the limelight.

  25. I've learned with past experience that you never deal with either:


    Psychopathic delusions are just not for the religiously fanatic anymore.

  26. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Have to agree with Bnl. I work in the business in LA, a would never consider submitting a pic. I don't know who reads this blog!
    Although not EVERYONE hooks up with everyone-and I'm sure thats not what you meant. There are quite a few "normal" people out there. Who knows about the crazy TryTwohard kids. And their fans? Umm's not real. Stop defending people you don't know.

  27. Rita: Touche!
    Yashi: Most the blinds and insinuations about anyone being gay are from Ted Casablancas who thinks everyone is. I think you'll see a lot of us on this site A)sincerely question the veracity of his blinds (and keep in mind we are all just guessing anyway)and B) are not discriminatory as to whether or not they are.

    I personally do not think Pattinson is gay. BUT if he were it's his business and if he wants to share that then hallelujah for him or anyone. We would love (or not) them on their acting abilities alone any damn way.

    AND if we hated celebrities we certainly would not be on this site. I for one have also been in the business and I can tell you I am not jealous of celebs or anyone. That would mean I would think they are better and I believe we are all just as good as one another. There are wonderful people in the biz but bad just like anywhere else. We all have to take a shit and I remember that if I ever encounter a celeb. That brings it home for ya!

  28. I meant "wonderful people and bad in the biz". Poor syntax..Pardon.

  29. @vinbelle- exactly. Of course not everyone hooks up with everyone. I just meant that when they do it's not as big of a deal as it is in the regular world. It's more socially acceptable to play around a bit.

    I love celebrities who are just normal and I've encountered just as many of them as the ones who are the stereotype hot mess. It's just that no one wants to talk about the normal ones. Everyone wants the juicy stuff.

  30. There are tons of people who witness things happening with celebs, not just their friends. I totally believe Bnl, just being in certain circles or working certain jobs exposes you to the personal lives of famous people.

    I used to read gossip that was heavily and believably denied by all famous parties involved and then I'd go to work at this ritzy spa where I would have it all confirmed by my own two eyes. Usually the less believable pieces were the true ones. I was just one person working at a spa/resort with many employees who witnessed the same things. Add in guests, the people at whatever restaurants they go to, friends, etc and you have tons of people who are privy to info that you wouldnt even think of including (ie: people in the biz)
    I've always found that the people who burst into freak out denials (like above) are delusional fans or people connected to pr.

  31. Rita you just made me pee a little! You are Awesome!!!

  32. Well that was pretty stupid on my part weren't it? Giving Rita the high five and then totally trying to negotiate and defend the site...Duh der duh der...Happy weekend everyone!

  33. I also love reading your inside info Bnl, so please keep it coming!

  34. I think Pattinson is a little bit gay.

  35. Sorry @lunabelle! Next time, wear Depends:)

    Yeah you can't really deal with them. The delusional extremists call their friends, and all of a sudden the site is inundated with passionate love for their gods and goddesses, absolutely beyond the obsessive pedo-stalkerish kind that sends you to the psych ward in real life.

    And questioning that Glorious Love makes you a murdering hateful bashing prostitute who sadly doesn't know anything about the glory that is the worship of such a true and unique love.

    Blah, blah, fucking blah.

    Most of us come to this site for the gossip value, mix in a good dose of intelligent opinions on everyday life and politics. No matter where you work, what you do, and from where you hail.

    So, Save our community, ignore psychopaths.

  36. WOW. Twihards take this bullshit SERIOUSLY. And apparently, they don't like to use paragraphs...

    @bnl -- "Hollywood is real good at separating physical acts from emotional."

    I just wanted to say that I think that's a really wise statement.

  37. There's one baby that's going to be born with a serious nicotine and caffeine addiction. Hopefully she'll kick the coke now that she knows she's expecting.

  38. @Rita

    You may have to add Jensen/Jared crazies und obsessed Toothy and Baby Tile believer to that list

  39. Bahahahahahaha @Rita

    "We don't negotiate with Twihards" - good advice!

    @Elvira - well, in their defense, it's hard to think about grammar, syntax, capitalization, spelling, or logic when the voices are telling you to KILL ALL THE NON-BELIEVERS.

    Re: straight/gay/bi/poly/whatever - don't know, don't care. Definitely agree that different standards apply in Hollyweird. Hell, even if he is a little bit gay, maybe Sienna just wants a pretty baby without the unfortunate hairline. Having a baby together doesnt guarantee a lifetime commitment for "normal" people, and that goes triple for celebrities who all have the means to be affluent single parents with nannies.

  40. Our very own CDAN Twihard! Exciting!



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