Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Lady GaGa Bathes In Blood

I have never heard of the website Truthquake, but they interviewed a maid from the Intercontinental Hotel in London. She told them that when Lady GaGa checked out the cleaning staff found her bathtub covered in blood and that it looked like Lady GaGa had been bathing in it. When the cleaning people reported it to management they advised the cleaners to stay quiet. See, this is the kind of thing that will stay with someone forever. It is kind of like Ozzy biting the head off a bat. That or peeing on the Alamo are what comes to mind when you first think of him. People love a good bathing in blood or Satanic ritual story. That can buy you an extra few years of fame, especially if you are willing to put out a death metal version of Poker Face.


  1. This is just typical Gaga stuff. Part of her "performance art"

  2. Eh, a good heavy period could produce the same result.

    Seriously, haven't you all ever leaked a bit and thought it looked like the scene of a crime?

  3. i know it was the blood of virgin girls killed during the moonlight

  4. She takes it a bit too far..

  5. Maybe her werewolf boyfriend shifted in the bath before going hunting?

  6. Or maybe she was just washing off the fake blood from her performance.

  7. I would think a maid would have seen it all and knows the diff between period blood and a possible bloodbath. Either way, Gaga's a pig for not cleaning up a bit more...

  8. Meh. Bitch would have to actually sacrifice a virgin on stage for me to give a shit anymore.

  9. I think it was left behind to cause a stir and keep up her image. not impressed. Sacrifice a virgin on stage next time.

  10. or tomato juice, erroneously believing it would keep her looking young or something.

  11. @FS is right - Bitch got skunked.

  12. It was probably something innocuous like a colored Lush bath bomb. So tired of stories about how OTT Gaga is when it is usually nothing.

  13. Now she's stealing from 16th century Hungarian Duchesses?

  14. @figgy--yeah. This si totally gross but me and the BFF call it "alien baby."

    All we have to say is "alien baby" and the other knows exactly the horror of what the other is dealing with at that moment! (and I'm 47--WTF am I doing with heavy periods at THIS dang age, anyway?)

  15. Lady Caca is the Marylin Manson of years 2010's

  16. Isn't it Madonna who bathes in virgin blood? I think Michael K said that once, so it must be true.

  17. Honestly I once colored my hair on a layover and it looked like I had a miscarriage. There was NO way I could hide those towels. Prolly a very simple answer to this one.

  18. LOL probably spilled a Bloody Mary in the bathroom. The worst that she can be accused of in that case is Alchohol abuse.

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Or it didn't happen.

  20. Wow!! awesome!!

    please come and visit my blog ;)

  21. I can't wait until the Gaga-fever dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. That one and the Richard Gere Gerbil story, the Rod Stewart Stomach full of semen story, the Stevie Nicks blowing coke in her snatch story, yeah they are all infamous celebrity stories that may or may not be true

  23. Classic "Trying too hard"
    Not to be even thought about in 2014, she's trying to start her own urban legend.
    Didn't work for Marilyn Manson, won't go far for her either.

  24. I despise Lady Gaga as an music "artist" for various of them being Perez Hilton. however....Gossip Cop has already verified that this rumor is fake.

  25. @selenakyle, haha, I'm 49 and still dealing with it. And yeeeaaars to go if Mom and Grandma are any indication, sigh.

  26. @selenkyle and @figgy, I had thought that since the outcome would be no more at all that they would slowly fade away, BIG mistake, I should have bought stock in female products.

  27. Lol what a bunch of crap. I too vote red bath bomb, heavy period or she cut herself and there was blood in the tub. Big deal.

  28. @Figgy & SelenaKyle, if your mothers and grandmothers had theirs well into and advanced age, chances are you will be too.

    Mine had hers until the age of 62.

    @Del Riser, count me in as investing in those products.

  29. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Yes Grace! That's the FIRST thing I thought of! Now she's ripping off Elizabeth Bathory!

  30. Big Mama & Figgy win this thread. Alcohol abuse, LMAO! I always say that when I spill my drink.

    And @figgy, I nodded my head when I read your post.

  31. Maybe Lady Gaga needs to be Diva Cupped!

  32. Just to let you all know that my recovery from my hysterectomy is going great. Have my follow-up appointment today. If you are over your periods definitely think about it. I kept my ovaries. I had mine done due to excruciating pain from endometriosis. I am 42.

  33. @feraltart - congrats! I'm glad all is ok! Happy recovery chica.

  34. Rita, Figgy, Selenakyle - and others - mine were heavy most of my life and my mother had hers on and off until she was 60 or something crazy. However, I dodged the entire bullet and was done by 43. It was wonderful, the only regret is that it is that much harder to loose weight now, so take advantage and loose it now if you think you might want to in the future. They say that excess body fat is related to heavy blood loss.
    So that cannot be Gaga's issue
    more than likely. I'd say it was a dye job.
    I had a embarrassing experience in a hotel once, the bed looked like the scene of an axe murder, it happened when I was asleep.

  35. the date on the linked article is sept of 2011. little behind aren't we?

  36. ugh stop talking about periods pleaaase...I am dealing with a 7 pound water baby right now. God I hate PMS. And Gaga. And that bitch for eating the snake's apple that caused all of it.

  37. Grace, that was the scariest woman of all time. She'd make Lucrezia Borgia quake in her boots.

  38. since we are all oversharing, I would like to put in that I started Menopause early....blessedly I don't get them anymore. Apparently that is super unusual, but I will take it! Haven't had one since Sept! Whoop Whoop!

  39. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I will also overshare, but in the spirit of trying to help. I had the absolute worst periods from ages 11 to 36. I then had a uterine ablation. It's day surgery and the absolute best thing I ever did. They go in with a laser and burn away the lining of your uterus. It takes about 10 minutes and results in either extremely light periods (like panty shield worthy) or none at all. It's been six years and I have had absolutely nothing since -- nada, zero, nothing. It's the best ever! It's only for people who don't want any more kids (the uterus can't nourish a baby anymore), and it won't stop you from getting pg, so you still have to use birth control. But seriously, it's the best thing EVER!!!! Tell your friends!! Tell your boss!! Tell everyone!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. It was probably her perfume! Didn't it have "notes" of blood & semen?

  42. to quote Margret Cho, "I don't know who these bitches are who can use the light tampons. I need a futon. And whenever I have my period and wake up, it looks like a crime scene."

    I'm with her.



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