Monday, July 23, 2018

Your Turn

Best way to get rid of fruit flies. 


  1. Did you hear about the cannibal who dumped his girlfriend?

  2. Vinegar or something kind of acidic into a jar with some soap that's mashed up.

  3. Put some wine in a solo cup and cover it with plastic wrap. Poke fruit fly sized holes in the wrap and set the cup near the area you;re seeing the Hellish scourge.
    It attracts traps and drowns them.

  4. Bottle with a little bit of wine at the bottom. Cover with saran wrap and then poke a small hole in the wrap. Then, wait.

  5. 2nd on the cider vinegar/soap combo. Drown the f***ers.

  6. try not being a filthy hoarder of rotten fruits and veggies.

  7. Bathe regularly.

  8. Danielle and Julie McCullough were in Big Bad Mama II, so perhaps Kirk Cameron is the A list TV actor at the time?

  9. eat all the fruit

  10. Peel a banana and place in a glass with a piece of plain paper wrapped around it like a cone going into the glass. The fruit flies will fly into the come/glass to get to the banana, but will be too dumb to get out of it. I use a paper/plastic cup and just trash it after.

  11. Nuke the entire site from orbit -- it's the only way to be sure.

  12. Okay this is one I know for sure. We oen a fruit farm

    You cannot just get rid of the flies. It doesn't work like that.

  13. Find the source and get rid of it.
    Solution #1: Put apple cider vinegar, a little water, and a splash of dish soap (like Dawn) in the bottom of a glass or cup. Cover the top with plastic wrap and poke holes in the wrap (use a fork - it works great). Set out and watch the flies collect. Throw it out when done. You may need to make several traps and place them strategically around wherever you see the flies.

    Solution #2: If you live in a cold area, let the house get really cold at night - lower than 62 degrees. They can't survive in the cold and they'll die. Muhahahahahaha! My favorite solution...

    Solution #3: Fast results - use one of those bug foggers (only after you find the source of the fruit flies - there is always a source).

  14. @CuriousTex, no, it's Tiger Woods.

  15. The wine suggestions above are good but they have the process wrong.

    Step One - Drink 3 bottles of wine, cheaper the better.
    Step Two - Deploy flamethrower and incinerate fruit flies.

    Bonus Step Three - Collect home insurance payout.

  16. Get rid of the fruit and change the bag in your garbage ya grub. Lol.

  17. +1 sandybrook. The soap or some dishwashing liquid are essential because it breaks the surface tension of the water so they can't land on it. When they touch the liquid, they sink.

  18. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I tried everything google had to offer before I just decided to put a half a peach in a paper bowl, cover with plastic wrap, then poke small holes in the wrap. 8 hours later I had all the flies in my house trapped there and threw the entire thing, bowl and all, in the outside dumpster.

  19. fruit flies HATE mint/herby smelling things (so do ants)

    so lemon, lemon balm, also coffee grains help

  20. Move?
    Burn the house down?
    Will admit the wine glass thing is most reasonable, tho.

  21. Tried & true: cooking oil brushed thick on a disposable plate. Swat the air & the lil pests stick...viola. Throw the icky plate out. Cut lemons placed on a heat safe dush in an oven thats turned off after being slightly warmm. Leave overnight. They allegedly swarm to the lemons & die. Havent trued the last tip yet.

  22. Tell Lindsay Lohan to leave the room.

  23. Probably already been said but, vinegar mixed with dawn dish soap left out in a dish (they'll come to drink and die). You can also use a bit of wine and dawn dish soap, but idk why you'd waste it lol.

    Ontop of that make sure you clean every inch of your kitchen, stay ontop of taking the trash out asap, cleaning dishes and properly storing all food. Throw out anything anything that hasn't been properly stored.

  24. Hahahahaha @J wins. Except I thought that was the solution to get rid of crabs.

  25. Lowe's sells fruit fly traps
    (tiny shaped like a plastic apple maybe 2'' tall) & the red liquid poison that kills them (you put it in the little plastic apple)

    Flies go in & drown, you can snap lid of plastic apple shut & toss it in the trash.

    Cost is about $6

    Get better at tossing out fruit & veggies that are going bad (fruit files on onions are the worst)

  26. Fruit flies are an absolute night,are if you don’t get rid of them right away. They multiply like crazy. I spent over a month, hours a day trying to get them out of my parents house. I used vinegar cups to try to guide them into small areas of the house bc the vinegar only kills them if it drowns them. I also used these sticky brown strip things from ho,e depot that you hang from the ceiling and they get stuck and die when they fly into the, i went to a bunch of stores asking for advice and did a ton of research bc they are SUCH a nuisance that they had even invaded the FRIDGE!
    Don’t leave out any fruit in the kitchen during warm months, or any food if possible. Most bug sprays don’t kill them, the ones that claim to are expensive. They also camouflage really well when they are on the wall/ceiling. They are also apparently attracted to mirrors...I must have killed thousands off of mirrors.

    They can also get into walls. After 2 months of meticulously getting rid of them, a room I had sealed off was opened and there was a hole in the wall and thousands poured out of said wall. The wall was shared with the bathroom where the infestation began. No hole in bathroom side of wall, they got in through tiny cracks in the grout around the shower tiles.

    GL if you have a fruit fly problem.

  27. I've always been able to get rid of them by just taking out the garbage & getting rid of the fruit, until I was in Atlanta. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of them there.

  28. Pinesol in a spray bottle. Will get rid of ants too.

  29. Tell them they're going to have to lose a lot of weight if they're going to go out clubbing with you.

  30. Bug-a-salt "salt" shot gun for flies and pests. Super fun. Blows them away.

  31. Here's an idea:

    Place a bowl of ordinary, tepid tapwater near the place
    where fruit flies congregate.

    Put in some sugar to attract the fruit flies to the bowl.
    Also, consider leaving a nightlight on near the bowl to
    attract them.

    Add just a drop of dishwashing detergent to break the surface
    tension in the water.

    Leave this bowl overnight.

    When you wake up, you should find a whole squadron of dead fruit flies
    in the mini Davy Jones' locker you have created.

    Also, clean out your cupboards and get rid of any
    old food that you have forgotten about.
    We had a
    fruitfly problem years ago and no matter how hard we
    tried, we couldn't get rid of the damn things,
    until we found a long-forgotten Spanish onion in a
    plastic bag behind a lot of boxes that had PUTREFIED
    and was basically melting into a purple sludge.

    That was what the fruit flies were feeding off.

  32. Fruit flies like to stay down in you drains at night and lay their eggs, etc. Before you go to bed, get some plastic wrap big enough to cover the drain and something to set on it to hold it down. Pour about a cup or 2 of bleach down the drain, put the plastic wrap over and plate or whatever to hold it in place. Make sure you do both drains if it's at the kitchen sink. The fumes will kill them and their eggs.



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