Sunday, January 01, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

July 6, 2011

When I tell you later about this couple having sex, your jaw will hit the floor. You just would not expect it in a million years. This happened in the very late 80's and very early 90's. This permanent A list actor who has not really done anything lately to continue to merit that status was dating three actresses at the same time. One actress became his wife. One was someone who would help him with his kinks, and our actor has a lot of them. The other was an actress who was just starting out at the time, but is now pretty close to A list and once actually was. Much like Hugh Hefner, our actor would rotate the three throughout the week, and often throughout the same 24 hours. Apparently he really liked the newcomer, but she thought he was way too old for her. So, she moved on and probably regrets who she moved on to almost everyday.

#1 - Warren Beatty
#2 - Annette Bening
#3 - Madonna
#4 - Nicole Kidman


Rita said...

OMG!!!!! I know someone had guessed Warren B. and Madonna, I remember thinking ewww.

cheesegrater15 said...


strawberrygirl said...

So gross. Haha.

cdanluva said...

Great start Enty!!!

rll said...

Haaaa 'sgusting. Is NK not very much A List?

RenoBlondee said...

Wheeeee! Let them begin!
I had no idea Nicole was with Warren, and I didn't know he was seeing Madonna while seeing Annette either.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year enty x x nice juicy start

Bridget said...

I would have never expected Nicole to be in that mix. Not sure why, just didn't expect it!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year enty x x nice juicy start

Unknown said...

Wooohoooo! I'm so excited about today I think I peed a little. Heh.

Wow. Now I have to grab the brain bleach. Ick nast.

Rita said...

Now I wonder though, who was taking care more of his kinks, Madonna or Nicole?

EmEyeKay said...

I didn't know about Nicole!

Stacey Charter said...

am I the only one that has a hard time imagining Nicole even having sex? lol great start enty!

Anonymous said...

That is a good one. Nicole Kidman. wow.

EmEyeKay said...

@Rita, guessing Madonna... tho Nicole could probably play some games!

theinternetbully said...

happy frikkin New Year...let the games begin!

farmgirl said...

Happy New Year Enty and everyone!
What a great way to start the year.

Melody said...

Awesome start!! Can't wait for more!!!

xoApril said...

I think it is assumed that Madonna was the kink master.
He was the popular guess, go us!

PhoebeS said...

Very excited for the reveals. Wow, awesome start!

Rita said...

I feel bad for Annette though, always thought she was a classy lady (or I'm wrong?)

@EmEyeKay - I'm with you on the games. Here's one:

Who could you imagine more on top of you: Tommy C. or Warren B.?

Warren B. in his 30s, maybe. Even with lifts, Tommy can't get on top of me.

EmEyeKay said...

I just read the BM comments on the last reader photos - you guys made me burst out laughing.

RenoBlondee said...

^Yes, he said one helped him with his kinks (Madonna), and the other was a newcomer, which would mean Nicole.

Bleu said...

I vaguely remember gossip back in the day about Warren and Madonna -- for some reason I want to say it was all in connection with his Dick Tracy movie time period.

EmEyeKay said...

@Rita - ewwwwwww! Do I have to vote? :) I'll go with... oh, boy... prob Warren, but awhile ago, like you said. Tommy has never done it for me. Prob doesn't do it for a LOT of women, wink, wink.

Annette always came off as classy to me.

Rickatoo said...

Knowing what a famewhore she has always been, you would think she'd have overlooked his age and focused on what he could have done for her career (back then)

msgirl said...

Amy - yes she and he were definitely together during the Dick Tracy time, I think they broke up sometime after shooting. I think he realized what a terrible actress she was and was embarrassed. lol!

But not a whiff of Nicole. Huh.


ecua said...

Did Nicole Kidman work with Warren Beatty??

Madonna and Warren B. were a confirmed, public couple for a while, so no surprise there.

Bonheur said...

Stacey Charter - you are not the only one having trouble imagining Nicole having sex. I just can't!

The Black Cat said...

Madonna and Warren Beatty were a well known couple back then, he was even in her Truth or Dare movie.
But Nicole IS a surprise, shouldn't be though, that was probably when she was shopping for a husband to propel her career.

KLM said...

God I love reveal day.

The Black Cat said...

Madonna was really rude to Warren on camera in Truth or Dare, I cannot imagine how awful she must have been to him in private. He seems like a guy who isn't used to being treating like a doormat. Wasn't surprised when they split up.

Rita said...

^Maybe that was their kink?

Basil said...

I think we got this back in July, with the exception of Nicole. Everyone knew Warren dated Madonna - it was no secret since he was in her Truth or Dare movie. But I didn't realize Warren was dating Annette at the same time. I guess that is how she got the role in Bugsy.

Rickatoo said...

Knowing what a famewhore she always was, I'm surprised Nic didn't stay with him just for career advancement

Anonymous said...

Yep Madonna and Warren were a well known couple. In Truth or Dare, Warren made a very astute comment about Madonna that I'm sure she didn't appreciate. He said, "She would live her whole life on camera if she could". I always thought he knew exactly what she was all about, but was still entranced by her. But Kidman and Warren ! Wow. Just Wow.Happy New Year CDAN ers. Let the games begin !! Yay !

timebob said...

annnnnd we're off!

nice first reveal. Nicole got a ton of money & fame from Tom. She sucked it up for 10 years, she did alright. It is just a shame her kids with him don't speak to her anymore. Now that is a story I would like to know about. Did the kids choose Tom for his money?

Lady Luvgood said...

Happy New Year Enty & Friends!! I m not suprised about any in this reveal except Nicole?! Remember, you guys WB was in Truth or Dare with Madonna & how uncomfortable he was with her openly displaying her sexuality. Cadence

Lady Luvgood said...

Nicole cannot have contact with Connor & Isabella because of Scientology. She no longer pretends to believe in the cult & therefore is considered a SP, suppressed person, that no active member can have contact with. Cadence

Rita said...

^Too bad she's getting vilified because of the misconception that she's not interested in seeing her kids.

MsDEE said...

Bit of a stretch calling Madonna an actress..

The Black Cat said...

I think stupid people might vilify Nicole for not seeing her kids, spin put out by Tom to be sure.

cheesegrater15 said...

@Rita, that's part of the Scientology machine. If she had tried to reveal anything, they would have destroyed her. Anytime you hear any gossip about her regarding her marriage to Tommy Girl or her kids, guarantee it's from Scientology. And it's bullshit.

Rita said...

@Vicki - I just don't get how everyone gets on board and vilifies her. I would expect it from National Enquirer, but Ted C got on that boat too.

Oh, what am I saying, they all kiss Scientologist ass.

cheesegrater15 said...

Rita, I don't get it either. But they were smart is recruiting most of the top celebs. They're evil, but they aren't stupid.

Lady Luvgood said...

Yeah, it way sucks for Nicole, about her older children. I wonder why though Tommy doesnt include them like his million dollar baby Suri? My heart breaks for Nicole & her kids, Scientology is evil! Cadence

RenoBlondee said...

@Rita, I know. OMG Ted C. f'ing HATES Nicole with a passion. It's kinda disturbing how much, lol.
Someone had said he loved her until one of her security did something to him or something? I can't remember what it was.

Rita said...

@Reno - It was me! on the BlindItems site:) 'been reading Ted for a long time, and that's what I noticed. The idiocy cumulated with him calling her a bully on the last blind because she expects her food to be packed with a specific amount of calories labelled.

Lady Luvgood said...

Tee Hee, every time I start typing, someone says the same thing I am typing!! So, funny. Great minds really DO think alike. Cadence

timebob said...

thanks for the explanation that makes sense.

She has said in interviews she wishes she had a relationship with her childrent with Tom but that it was their choice.

F'n Scientology. How can people be so mind fucked into that phony religion to deny your own mother? pffft. Glad Nicole found peace and love and children with Keith. She seems much happier now.

RenoBlondee said...

That was you? Nice! Yeah, I can't believe how awful he is to her BV name sake Cruella. I just can't believe she is that evil, minus the stupid calorie count one he did because, yeah, that was just stupid.

RocketQueen said...

Juicy - glad I came back for this ;)

Lady Luvgood said...

Cadence @10:11 :)

The Black Cat said...

I get a bit miffed if I check something and the calories aren't labelled on it too. She exercises like a fiend and she never looks happy doing it either, I don't blame her for being concerned. Who wants to jog a yard longer than they have to?

Rita said...

@Black Cat LOL! I hear ya!

The blind in question though is that she pays for a food delivery service, and Ted mocked her for being so strict. Heavily.

If I'm paying for a service, you bet your ass I'll be expecting to get my money's worth. No ifs or buts about it!

Henriette said...

A lot of us guessed this, but had Halle Berry for the newcomer.

Susan said...

Awesome reveals today. Love it!

Felicia said...

Most religions are technically cults. Whenever you have a "There's no way to heaven but through me" position being promoted, that's classic textbook cult.

Name one religion that DOESN'T fit the clinical definition for a cult, I dare ya! :)

MadLyb said...

Now the Nicole Kidman thing is surprising. I really was going with the Halle Berry guess. I never got the Warren Beatty thing, and could care less for the man in waking reality, but let me tell you, some of the best sex dreams I ever had featured Warren Beatty.

jaariel said...

Scientology is evil but brilliant in that you are required to "confess" ALL of your mistakes or misdeeds, including everyone you've slept with, any drugs you've taken, any laws you've broken, any embarrassing situations you've been in, from the most harmless to the most severe. Then they have all the dirt on you, so if you wise up & want to expose them, they will expose you in return. Evil organization.

FrenchGirl said...

there is a huge trouble here:so the dates doesn't fit
Kidman met Cruise in 89 and married him in 90's(she met Beatty in 88)
Madonna dated Warren Beatty from 1989 to the end of 1990 and she also had an affair with David Fincher and Alek Keshishian in 1989 ( according to a Madonna's fan)
Annette Benning met Beatty in 1991 for BUGSY and marries with him in 1992
Warren Beatty also dated Stephanie Seymour in the end of 90 (just before Seymour dates Axel Rose who hated Beatty)

FrenchGirl said...

correction:Madonna dated Beatty from 1988 to 1990(just before Seymour)

mazemerizing said...

@Rocket Queen: Glad to see you back and commenting!

Violet said...

I knew Madonna and Warren had a thing, but did not know about Nicole. If her marriage to Keith is sexless, he must be doing drugs that interfere with his ability to perform.

I think it's sad that Tom has cut her off from their two kids. It's pretty clear that she misses them dreadfully.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Very juicy but for some reason the Nicole Kidman thing doesn't surprise me THAT much.


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