Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

October 11, 2011

This one was sent to me about a week ago and for some reason I thought I had already shared it with everyone but cannot find it. If I have, don't worry, because I have another one later. Maybe it is just because I have told a few people this item in the past week and it has been kind of a cocktail party thing too because of the ungratefulness and two faced-ness (faciness?) of the subject. Anyway, this very talented B- list actress who was nothing before a certain hit network show and will probably fade away into a C after the show runs its course in the near future was at an event recently. The event was for her boss who gave her the job and the break and she told him she would be so happy to go and support him. However she told a different story to other people. Twice. Prior to leaving for the event she told one person that she could not believe that her boss was not paying her or giving her a gift or at least arranging a limo for her. "I mean, I am spending a couple of hours of my time there for him, he should appreciate how valuable my time is."

The second time was during the actual event when she forced a smile while posing for photos with her boss and on the red carpet and then told someone, "How long before I can get out of here? I did what he asked and I want to go. I have more important things to do."

Lea Michele


  1. Poisonous Puss at her best!

  2. She almost left my friend in tears. No surprise.

  3. Lea was the popular guess for American Horror Story.

    Glee's ratings have been tanking I think it's on its last legs.

  4. I cannot wait for her inevitable crash and burn.

  5. I think alot of us guessed this one. Glad it was revealed, so everyone can know what a beeyotch she is.

  6. Anonymous9:17 AM

    That little ingrate will be begging for someone to find her a job in a couple of years. She's talented, but not movie star material like she thinks.

    Sitting here with my lemon slushie. Woo-hoo!

  7. I remember this one and am glad it's a reveal.

    Here's hoping she fades away real soon!

  8. Barely blind.

    She can probably have a career on Broadway though, no?

  9. The hand that giveth is the hand that taketh.

  10. @figgy - Happy NY! Yeah, that girl is made more for Broadway. Anything else looks like too much try, and un-natural.

  11. I did read this before...but she is such an ungrateful worry there are 10 to take her place.

  12. Why is she like that I wonder, sheese!

  13. @Reno - sheese? you definitely cannot afford any drinks today! I will chwallow them up for you though.

  14. Bwahaha!!!
    I've always thought she comes off as the smuggest, my self-entitled bitch!
    Turns out my instincts weren't wrong!

  15. A shame really that some celebs let it go to their heads. You ask me, they become a celeb..their personality gets amplified!

  16. She is talented though, I'll give her that.

  17. @Rita
    I don't even know where that came from! Hahahaha

  18. Timebob, which one was the American Horror Story blind?

    I love love love that show and can't believe I missed that one!

    (And I'm SO glad they're making it into an anthology. I was wondering how they'd keep the story fresh for another season...)

  19. my GAWD this girl is an insupportable beast of a person! All I can say is karma is a bitch, no matter how talented you may be!

  20. what an ungrateful bitch.

  21. Lea Michele did come from Broadway and if her boss is the asshat I hear he is, I can't say I blame her.

  22. I have to laugh at this blind. I read an article about her in Allure. What a contrast between the forced humbleness (which is par for the course for celeb mag interviews) and this behavior. What a beeeeeeytch!

    This won't last forever, honey. Do yourself a favor and drop the 'tude FAST.

  23. Ugh, this bitch.

    @strawberrygirl What did Lea Michele do to your friend to have her in near tears?

  24. I assume the event was the premiere for american horror story... The timing would fit if enty first heard it about a week before october 11.

  25. When Glee is cancelled, Ryan can have Lea on as a guest on American Horror Story. He can kill her off on that show in a really gruesome way. Any ideas on how he can kill her?

  26. @nolachickee - meat grinding machine? Mandolin?

  27. figgy, yes, unfortunately she will not go away and is already considered Broadway star, she's in talks to be in Les Mis (which she already was as a younger kid).

    BUT say goodbye to film and TV stardom, bitch!

  28. boooo, Lea, boooooooo! Seriously, you will be singing in an off Broadway review in a few years, if you are lucky.

  29. @Rita - I was thinking rip out her vocal chords.

    That was mean - I may have to start drinking with you all today.

  30. Actually it would be cool if she's NOT killed.
    IE, the ghosts don't want her around for eternity and scare her ass off.

  31. @nola - yeah, gotta leave her though her real talent. And cheers!

  32. I made it through all of two episodes of Glee before I wanted to strangle someone. She was the worst person on the show... girl can sing, yeah, but overact much? And those horrible faces she makes... not to mention all the stories I've read here and elsewhere about her being a royally stuck up biatch.

  33. And Ashton Kutcher had more important things to do besides hang out with her bony ass this New year's Eve. Zing!

  34. Does this chick really think she is the next Barbra?

  35. God I can't wait for Glee to end and she goes back to being a big fucking nobody.

    As far as her talent goes, bitch can sing, but honestly, I don't like her voice. It's very thin and reedy and unpleasant to listen to.

    Sure, Ryan Murphy's an asshat in the extreme, but that doesn't mean this girl's not an A-1 c-u-next-tuesday.

  36. @LMSM - you are so Miss Manners at times;) Skarsgard crush excluded though.

  37. "I have more important things to do." LMAO!!!
    I can't stand Lea Michele, but I can't stand Ryan Murphy, either. Can you imagine what their interactions must be like? I'm surprised that the universe doesn't spontaneously implode with two such enormous egos in close proximity.

  38. I'm not even a glee fan, but some people here are just disgusting, nobody knows her or even know if those things are true at all, girl had a career before and will have after if on tv or Broadway she's better off than most of us in here and I doubt she really cares what a couple of gossip mags or people say about her, not only Lea, but most likely every celebrity on the planet. Stop bashing on people you don't even know and go live your own life.

  39. I have heard Ryan can be an asshat, but he is the asshat that signs your paycheck. Lea should learn the lesson that Shannon Doherty never learned. Be nice to the producer, exspecially one who has several shows running and will probably continue to have more. Aaron Spelling was fairly loyal to his actors, so much so that he gave them jobs when one show ended. Heather Locklear and Joan Collins come to mind. I don't know if RYan is that type of person, but it wouldn't hurt to do a little ass kissing. As someone mentioned, when Glee finishes, she could go do AHS or another show he might be producint.

  40. In the minority I know, but I have heard that the boss is an a$$ and a douchebag, so I do not blame her, he doesn't do those kind of things to the other stars so why her or maybe she is the most vocal about it.

  41. I think Lea definitely has an attitude problem. There are too many stories out there about her for them all to be false. But she's also famous for her heavy workload on Glee, and there's another story about Ryan Murphy threatening to fire one of her friends if Lea didn't do the summer tour. So I can see why she wouldn't want to go to the premiere just because Ryan asked her to. On the other hand, she needs to learn to keep it to herself, or at least bitch to people who won't repeat it to the gossip columns! Don't bite the hand that feeds you, even if it does belong to a assholish egomaniac.

  42. @ Keks (or should I say LEA lol) I think you may have taken a wrong turn on the internet. It's reveal day, where we forget our quiet lives and bash those with bad manners and questionable sex lives. Recalculate the Garmin...

  43. @keks you must be a whole lotta fun at a party.

    Relax, we all have lives and this is just fun. Now get in your clown car and go away.

  44. "Glee" is on it's way out and "New Year's Eve" was a big fat bomb. Lea will be a nobody within two years and then she will be sorry she acted this way, because nobody's gonna hire a diva who can't bring in the $$$.

  45. Okay I am just In a rage, and blinded by that rage I have this to say:During a meet and greet a young girl told her about having gay dads so Lea told her to wait for her and after the meet and greet Lea went to the girl and she hugged her and she told her she was the coolest girl she ever met.and That is all I most say about this

  46. Basil, Ryan is definitely that kind of person. Most of the stars of Popular showed up on Nip/Tuck at some point. Burning her bridges is idiotic of her.

    Speaking of Murphy crossovers, he needs to move Evan Peters from AHS to Glee. That boy can act, and he has a rabid fanbase. They make the Twihards look sane. I don't know if he can sing, but with the help of autotune, he couldn't possibly be any worse than Cory Monteith.

  47. Amazing how ungrateful celebs become. Her voice is okay, but I can't see her surviving the grueling Broadway schedule. She will be so hated ... and eventually unhireable (sp? word?) There are people out there with talent who actually DO appreciate the opportunity to work in a field that they always wanted.

    And for the record, have never watched an entire episode of Glee. Just a few clips here and there. No loss here.

  48. C'mon Keks. This isn't the only site who has revealed rather unsavoury behaviour exhibited by Lea. She is responsible for her own bad press.

  49. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Barbra Jr., just sayin'...

  50. lea michele is "talented" in the way idina menzel is. give her a starring vehicle and a shitload of backroom wheeling and dealing and she might "accomplish" something that looks like stardom for a minute & then disappear.

  51. @keks, well you don't know us, and I don't know if you know the ravishing Lea so you can't say whether we are better or more disgusting than her. Fame doesn't make you better, and are checking accounts were needed to sign up.

    Both her and and her boss, Ryan, are know for their attitudes. It's not news. Lea is very similar to the character she plays, Rachel, except a bit nastier. She has a lot of talent, she was on Broadway after all! She can go back if the show ends, unfortunately for her, she has let all the fame & the adrenaline of being on TV get to her head. She won't be able to get that on Broadway. She won't be in US or In Touch every week from doing Broadway.

  52. What a beeyotch. As many already have known.

    But to those who are saying she can "try" Broadway after Glee, she was already a fairly successful Broadway star prior to Glee. She launched "Spring Awakening" opposite Jonathan Groff.

    She will likely not succeed on TV or in the movies after Glee, hers is a niche talent, so chances are she'll go back to Broadway.



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