Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

October 14, 2011

#1 & #2 - This relationship never happened for fans, but it is happening in real life. Despite being married, this C+ actress with one huge role has been basically living with this B list actor who has now had a couple of hit shows and is also still married. Kind of.

David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson


  1. Mulder & Scully? I want to believe but...really?

  2. This is the only I wanted revealed.


  3. Hmm isn't he meant to be back with the wife? I cant keep up with them.

  4. Wow! I never really watched that show, but even I'm kinda shocked at this.
    I remember all the nay sayers about this item being them.

  5. unbelievable. Love it!

  6. Oh wow, they're LIVING together? I thought a time-to-time nookie, but living together?

  7. I want to believe!!!!!!

  8. WOW!


    But can she bring the sexy like Fox can?

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Kind of surprised by this. I can see them being friends with benefits, but actually shacking up? Wow!

  10. 'shippers all over the world squee with delight and glee!

  11. My inner fangirl just squeed for joy!

  12. There were rumors back in the day of those 2 hooking up right when they started filming, then she got pregnant and married that off screen guy. Then more rumors that they couldn't stand each other.

    So uh...huh?

  13. Fabulous! So glad this was revealed!

  14. omg yes I had hoped it was them,. MULDER + SCULLY FOREVER! Ha!

  15. Didn't he go to clinic for bonk monsterness?

  16. Doesn't she live in London with her boyfriend and her three kids? I'm so confused how this works..

  17. @pilly bonk monsterness is too awesome, LOL!

  18. LMAO @pilly
    "bonk monsterness" is my new fave term.

  19. I find this one weird.....

  20. Thank you Enty. I needed to know this was true! They protested way too much. Shacking up though - priceless!!!

  21. No way. He is sort of skeevy now. My sisters and gay brother and I used to joke that we'd get with Scully way before we would get with Mulder. And I like dudes.

  22. Finally! A juicy reveal - LOVE it!


    Being half dead on the couch due to bad allergies, I watched "The Joneses". I forgot how much I really liked him as an actor, and the movie was actually pretty good. I kinda forgave him for Californication (sp??)

    Maybe he looks like hell due to flying back and forth to see her?

  24. Maybe there just roomies?

  25. Oh wow, the X-File fandom is going crazy!

    Why all of a sudden, am I yearning to watch old X-Files episodes. The soundtrack is already playing in my mind... I think it's a Tiesto remix though:)

  26. So.Very.Happy.
    She is a successful recovering addict so she can help him along the path.
    So, so, so glad to hear this!

  27. o/t but is anyone else seeing those "dont die alone" ads? /worried
    Never noticed them before if they are new...

  28. @ItsAJ - it is normal for a blog. Enty's getting more traffic, so more want to advertise on his blog.

  29. ^Yep, you're not the only one been seeing those ads.

  30. Mulder & Scully did hook up though - William, anyone?

  31. Oh I'm totally fine with Enty using ads! Just these par-tic ads are creepy...

  32. The truth is now out there.



    Nothing says thanks like cash, right?!?

  34. Thank you, Casey! And in the last movie, Mulder & Scully were together, with hints about a "lost" baby. It was a decent flick.

  35. djfakdjfkdfkeijejr

    OH MY FUCKING GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!


    I want to believe. I wanted this one to be revealed. YAY!

    My shipper heart has exploded with glee.

    He just better not cheat on her. That is all.

  36. rareavis - she's a recovering addict? From what? Didn't know...

    Wait til I tell my husband this, ha!

  37. I want to believe too!

    *Oh, and about Gillian's bf/babies daddy -- rumor is she is bearding for him, and he really prefers the lads

  38. Is he officially separated from Tea now?

  39. Ohh, I don't think I can say. I picked my friend up from a meeting, she attends a few a week, and had a chat with her. A coffee house on Sunset.

    I wouldn't have been there except I was an invited guest. Not holding back, just being respectful.

  40. WOW! WOWOWOWOW! Thank God netflix streams x files!

  41. Oh JasonBlueEyes, I was waiting for someone to say that! LOL

    And ItsAJ, agreed. Those ads are really creepy.

  42. @rareavis - Would I be right on thinking she has the same "Boink Monsterness" as Duchovny?

  43. @msgirl
    There was a blind revealed that they actually divorced in 2009.

    As for Gillian, I think I heard she had an alcohol problem. Good for her for staying sober.

  44. Completely understand rareavis, I thought I was missing some public news. Good for her!

  45. Didn't she prefer the ladies for a while? I thought I remembered her "dating" some well known lesbian types. Of course, Tea is rumored to be one too. As major x-philes, my husband and I always figured that these two would end up together because who else would understand what they'd been through. To have it happen in real life is the icing on the cake. I want to believe!

  46. If true, how hot is that?

  47. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I think this story has more holes in it than swiss cheese _ I can believe they got it on and may be getting it on - but living together - I highly doubt it. How could either of them live in London or NYC and NEVER be spotted? If Enty doesn't have the scoop to know Gillian ISN'T married how can he know this? This sounds like revealing a fantasy. If it isn't true I hope he gets sued by both of them. If it is true my respect fo her just hit the sewer - I thought she was a better role model for young woman than being a whore.

  48. OMG knew it! Those two...

    check out this clip could they not be together?

  49. Anonymous10:47 AM

    while i wouldn't call her a whore, i have some doubts about this reveal too.

  50. Someone on twitter wrote they were on a walk on Christmas and saw her out. Who knows? I wish there was a picture or something.

  51. Anonymous10:52 AM

    @KLONDYKE - What would call someone who preaches honestly and being truthful and then sneaks around? I would think she would have more integrity than being some man's dirty little secret. IF he's divorced like everyone says he is why are they sneaking around - unless there is way more to the story than this OR this whole thing is complete crap.

  52. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I wanted to see Mulder and Scully together, I never cared about GA and DD getting together. And I'll forever be furious with the writers for never properly giving me "the kiss." Everything happened off-camera. Fuck that!

  53. @rareavis - different brand then. But I respect the keeping it quiet.

  54. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Well if Duchovny is with Gillian he certainly isn't faithful to her - he was seen partying in Jamaica with some busty brunette and that certainly isn't Gillian.

  55. I shipped them HARD early on during the show's run, but the more popular the show got and the more interviews I saw them give and the more articles I read about them, the less I liked each of them until I finally couldn't stand either of them. Eventually, I couldn't even watch the show anymore. Sometimes, the less I know about celebrities, the better. *returns to lurking daily on a gossip site*

  56. this one is shocking and the best reveal EVER. thank you Enty!

    very happy for them. I have alot of respect for her especially as an actress. hate californication. but dd is very alluring.

  57. I guessed this! This has been rumored for years AND my favorite blind. Yes, I'm Xer fan! The truth IS out there!

  58. Yes, we knew it. But I'm still in shock. Hurrah!!!

  59. i'm wondering who would knowingly get involved w/ a sex addict. meaning, how freaking disfunsctional would YOU have to be to go there??????

  60. Anonymous2:05 PM

    @Me - You wouldn't if you had any self-respect. Gillian's a fool if she thinks he's going to stay faithful.

  61. Where is the proof other than duchovny was in London last week? you can't say they are a together and b living tigers and give no evidence

  62. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Pure shit!!! This is not True!!!if that true. the news, newspaper or someone you trust would say something about, but this webside is the only one.

  63. Woah! Super late to the party today but this is the best blind ever!!! I don't know how true it is per say, as she mostly lives and works in London. But I could definitely see her maybe living with him when she does US press. And she was in the US for a while promoting that Mr. Bean movie - so I suppose, to an extent it's probable. But this just made my whole 2012, regardless!

  64. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Where is the proof that Duchovny was in London - he was spotted in NYC first before Christmas and was just in Jamaica? There was one tweet that Gillian was in NYC for a day on her way to be with her family (her brother just died). I still don't know how you live with someone when you aren't even in the same country.

  65. I was a member of the x-files club in high school, and this was the topic of many conversations with my nerdy peers. Seriously, this is by far my favorite reveal. Enty, this is the best xmas/hanukah/kwanza/ reyes magos gift ever!

  66. Sorry, I've gotta call bullshit on this one. First of all, the relationship DID "happen for fans" (although I was one fan who got really pissed when Chris Carter caved in to the moony-eyed 'shippers). Secondly, Anderson lives in London, and Duchovny in Los Angeles --- how exactly are they living together? I don't buy this blind AT ALL.

  67. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Actually, Duchovny lives in NYC other than that Green Tara ITA

  68. She was superb in the new Great Expectations.

  69. YEAH!!!... finally get revealed. I'm so happy, they are perfect each other.
    And those who don't believe... too bad, the truth hurts!!!

  70. You can't say they are together and not offer proof other than random sightings on rwitter

  71. for some reason, i took the "didnt happen for fans" to mean that the public refused to acknowledge it was going on....perhaps a clue as to why i dont guess so many of these....

  72. I remember reading on another site where this girl said her parents were in the industry and she said they've always had a friends with benefits relationship. She said it's been going on since they started the show and in recent years they've gotten sloppier at hiding it. She even said she's seen pictures that were never sold of them in more than a friendly manner.

    I'm not saying I believe everything I read, but it seemed quite plausible. I don't doubt that they've hooked up before though.

  73. But we know they slept togeher at least ones I remember that from early on cos chris Carter found out and told them show or relatioship anderson had piper and married klotz possible it didn't stop ,

  74. I don't really have anything to add, except that those ads ARE creepy.

  75. Add me to the group who think that ad is squicky!

  76. There were some blinds earlier this year that Tea and David had split as far back as 2009 but stayed together publicly for their careers. They ended it for real when it became clear they weren't fooling anyone.

    Not sure I buy this blind, though.

    I'm an X Phile from a while back and I think I WANT it to be true too much and my brain is telling me it can't be true! :)

    P.S. Don't they both have kids now? How many?

  77. how about this is based on nothing? and also... make a difference, shippers are about mulder & scully, snoggers are about DD & GA.

  78. Gillian has 3 kids the youngest of which is what 3? she was pregnant with him at the IWTB premier. and Duchovny has 2 kids both are around 10

    i see still no more proof provided so i think this is just utter nonsense

  79. OK, I see that. Five kids between them.

    And what about the guy Gillian was living with, the father of her her youngest kids? Never any word of them breaking up?

    I'm getting doubtful here.

  80. Np mention of them at all, but both were seen on separate walks at Christmas apparently no idea if that was in the US or UK ( i think GA was in USA over Christmas)

    i just struggle with the fact they gave no evidence, the clues dont make you think GA

  81. Wow I never thought this was actually the case or would be revealed. I suppose can believe they/potentially still are f*ckbuddies.... but

    I loved Mulder and Scully back in the day... but that was back in the day. DD has aged the opposite of well. GA still looks good though a little tight in the face at events but I bet she could go incognito really, really easily since her hair color isn't such a tell anymore.

    However I am confused as to how these two live together when they are not living on the same continent and have small childen. And how nothing has ever come out on this. With a lot of people who would be happy to know about it. Hell they could probably make an X Files Movie 3 out of this with the buzz and a somewhat decent plotline, in the last one (which lacked a decent plotline) they were totally together, on the series they were basically together the last two season (although alien abductions and other nonsense got in the way as it usually does), if this were true why wouldn't Chris Carter want to cash in?? Conspiracy or reality?

  82. I, too, don't see how they can pull this off when they're so far apart. But I want to believe!

    She's gorgeous. Her cheekbones look wonderful now that she's lost some of the X-files baby fat.

  83. they definitely happened on the show, they had a baby together!

  84. Huh. Juicy. I wonder if he'll keep it in his pants for her?

  85. No fucking way. They truly hated each other during The X-Files. This is bogus, I'm sure. Doesn't she live in the UK now? She just did Great Expectations over there.

    This sounds very wrong.

  86. Ted C has been hitting about this for YEARS! Hints that her last kid, Felix was actually David D's. I know there are ways to stay private. Jessica Lang did it for years.

  87. Now that I have stopped reeling, I'm thinking maybe poor Enty got confused - they did get together finally and were living together in the second movie.
    I have my doubts about real life though. Unless all that time on the X-Files was a big publicity lie. I remember they were together early on in the series but every tabloid had them feuding and not getting along for most of the series. Fans were worried the show would come to an untimely end because of it.
    I do recall at some awards show (either Emmys or Golden Globes) later on in the series she won the best actress award and she thanked everyone EXCEPT DD who was sitting besides Tea, I believe they had been together a few years at that point.
    Maybe they have both carried a torch for each other all these years, Tea got pregnant so quickly too. Now Tea and David have split it would be a good time to get together and we have seen more photos of Gillian in LA since the split too, hmmmmm.

  88. You guys, just because Enty got a few details wrong like that she isnt married doesnt mean it's not true. He has reliable sources and I doubt he would post this if he wasn't confident it was true. By the way, when this blind was posted back in October I remember seeing it posted on other websites and a few people commented that it's known around NY they're together. Obviously time will tell if anything comes out. If it's not true, well I doubt they'll lose sleep over it!

  89. No idea if this is true or not, but I'm confused by the people who swear that they hate each other. They did an event for charity in LA over the summer together, and they were so funny (there's video on youtube of it)! It was pretty obvious that they were close friends. Though, obvs I didn't realize how close!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. I think this is bullshit but...Jill how do you know who Duchovny was with in Jamaica?

  92. I'm not sure who called anyone names but I don't think its crazy to say that while Gillian has aged well, David has not done so great. Not name calling, just being able to use the power of sight. It's almost tragic how hot DD as Mulder used to be compared to now-- I can't even watch Californication as a result.

    That being said- I was down with the X-Files for the entire time (and truly regret those last two years of the alien baby and the other nonsense towards the end) and loved these two on the show when it was a good show. However at the time I do recall hearing that they didn't get along. I never recall hearing that they were ever together. When the show started DD was dating Perry Reeves, the actress who played Ari's wife on Entourage. They were together for most of the beginning I think while the show filmed in Vancouver. At the same time, GA was with someone too and had her first child-- they even named a boat on the show after her. I'm not exactly sure what happenned with GA and the guy she had her first child with, or what the timeline is for DD breaking up with Perry and getting together with Tea. But yes at the time it was definitely out there that the two did not get along. Maybe that was a smokescreen... maybe that changed over the years... again conspiracy or reality? I did see her recently on a PBS documentary talking about her role as Scully and how it was purposeful that she walked a few paces behind Mulder in the beginning of the series and there was something very happy that came over her face when she mentioned his name. Also on same documentary, Chris Carter said that the secret to the X-Files is simple: "Mulder loves Scully and Scully loves Mulder."

    I still am curious as to how they are living together in Oct 2011 from separate continents. I understand planes and all but still.

    And I think ENTY probably said that the relationship never happened for fans because most people with sense tuned out by the time the relationship happened, to the extent it ever happened on-screen, in both movies and TV. But it did happen.

  93. C'mon David looks even more hotter than before.
    You're blind, crazy or both???

    And why is so hard to believe that they are together, i'm pretty sure that there many couples in Hollywood doing the same thing secretly, pretending that they are living the perfect life with others when is not like that.

    I'm happy for them, they make a great couple.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. I have to admit I haven't really kept up with these two in a long while but came across this blind reveal and it made the fan girl in me so excited that I couldn't help but google these two to catch up on them. I watched a few youtube videos of Gillian over this past summer/fall (I know STALKER!). Anyway, I have to agree with one of the posters, Gillian TOTALLY lights up every time she speaks of David. And in a way that is so volnerable that it makes you wonder. The other thing I found interesting is on a few occussions Gillian mentions the possibility of moving back to the US for a few roles she may do. IDK!

    One thing that I do know for sure is that I am completely shocked they revealed them. There have always been rumors about these two over the years but I've never seen anyone have the balls to out them! WOW!!!

  96. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I don't really know what to make of this. DD has some pretty nasty lawyers who love attempting to sue people for defaming. I have to assume it's pretty common knowledge if Enty is revealing this blind. You can't sue for slander/libel if it's true.

    Rumors have been going on about these two since the start of the show. There are entire web sites dedicated to it. I highly doubt it's all false. But at the same time...I'm skeptical. It just seems TOO good to be true.

    The blind says 'basically' living together. So...they very well could spend all their time together when they are actually on the same continent. Why the big secret though? X-Files is long gone. If anything, you'd think an announcement would spark a huge buzz bringing them back to their 90's hey day.

    But, then again...maybe they just want to be left alone. Maybe they are over the fame whoring 'hollywood' life and just want to blend in with the crowd. Ah well. We'll never know I guess.

    I can't lie and say this didn't bring back my x-files fan girl love. I want to believe this is true!!!! :)

  97. It is true. Has nobody thought that they haven't made this public yet because there are minors involved?

  98. Anonymous10:14 AM

    That's a very good point Emi. Her daughter is a teenager and his kids are almost there as well. They may just be trying to allow them to live a semi-normal life. Plus, I'm sure his kids have had it rough with all the press stuff he's been involved with in the past few years.

  99. Exactly, Steph. Having kids (and being careful because of them) makes a huge difference, specially if really care about the relationship with your significant other and your kids.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. I always knew Gillian was crazy about David. She told on herself more often than not. It's understandable if David and Gillian end up together. Besides the obvious chemistry, they have a bond which is based on a shared personal, professional and public history, and true mileage (almost twenty years). They have a great deal of love and respect for each other. For a little something extra, David and Gillian are the same sign in astrology (leo) and the same number in numerology (6).

    To that one poster: David looks damn good for a fifty-one(51) year old white man. He looked great at the Golden Globes. He's certainly older, but David is far from a wrinkly, weathered mess. Anyone can look tired but don't confuse that with aging badly, which David is not. Although Gillian looks good, up close, she doesn't look as fresh or as young as you may think. That said, it's silly to compare how they've aged given the eight year age difference.

    To another poster: Gillian seems to be a good person, but don't confuse Gillian with Scully. Gillian spoke of being a promiscuous youth, doing drugs and alcohol, getting arrested, etc. She openly dated actor Rodney Rowland before she was divorced from her first husband, and had a baby with her current dude before she was divorced from the second! I wouldn't proclaim her to be miss moral. A longtime smoker and can curse with the best of them, I wouldn't argue Gillian was a complete square either.

    To the last poster: I'm assuming David seems skeevy to you now b/c of his sex addiction? Well, he was rumored to have it since 1996/97. I don't view his addiction as skeevy, merely a problem. It's only skeevy if he goes/went outside his marriage via physically cheating or porn in excess. If it's b/c of Californication, then you should remember it's a tv series.


    David and Gillian filmed the pilot episode in March 1993. David was 32 and Gillian was 24.

    Gillian didn't begin dating her first husband until mid-late September 1993, and didn't get married until January 1st (New Years Day), 1994.

    David and Gillian attended the (Jan) 1997 Golden Globes hand in hand. Gillian had separated from her husband after 30 months.

    David married Tea within the first week of May, after a three month courtship.

  102. Isn't Ducoveny supposed to have like a giant peen?

  103. the relationship did happen for the fans, and they even had a baby together. Either this is a false BI or Ent didn't see the last few seasons.



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