Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

October 27, 2011

#1 - This former reality star turned celebrity turned reality judge had the biggest attitude at an event this week. It was about fashion so of course she thought she knew the most and anyone who had a differing opinion with her was told, "Until you have a fashion line, then all you have is an opinion. I know what I am talking about." She then looked at another former reality star from a show I hated with a passion and refuse to acknowledge even existed who had a fashion line and said, "Until you have a successful fashion line." She then turned and walked off.

#2 - I feel like Ted "Twilight" Casablanca with this one. Seriously, I am surprised he does not have Twilight tattooed on his chest. Anyway, back in the day when the franchise first started filming, this actor was hooking up with this actress who played his sister. Well, what was not known at the time by that actress was that he was also hooking up with another of his sisters who we will call sister #2. Sister #1 disappeared from the picture at some point, but despite everything that has gone on with our actor and another actress from the movie, he keeps going back to sister #2. Apparently they got noise complaints last night in a European hotel because they were so loud in bed.

#1 - Nicole Richie to Lauren Conrad
#2 - Robert Pattinson and Nikki Reed (sister #1) Ashley Greene (sister #2)


  1. Ooh, like these. Ashley Greene twice forthe reveals.

  2. I can't stand Twilight.

  3. When exactly did Nicole Bitchie have a successful fashion line? From what I have seen, all she "designs" is tacky looking jewelry and handbags... am I missing something?

  4. I really wanna like Nicole Richie but she's such a b*tch it's hard

    Oh no Twihards are gonna lose their sh*t with this one lol

  5. LOL Ghost youre not missing a thing.

  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Nicole Richie is so gross. I've seen some of her "designs" and unless I want to wear something a hobo would wear, thank you, I'll pass.
    She always looked like a nasty person to me.

  7. I can only imagine the size of the condom budget on the twilight films, there was so much bed hopping going on.

  8. Ugh, I despise that smug bitch Nicole.

    So Rob has been with Nikki, Ashley and Kristen? He must be super hot IRL, because I don't get it.

  9. Well, fine with me, Kristen's acting is comprised of lip biting and she is not what I think of as a pretty girl. Both sisters are better looking.

  10. Nicole is f-cking bully. Said it yesterday, and meant it. She's the one who taught Paris H. how to bully others.

    Oh, crap. The Robstenites are going to lose their shit over this one. But yeah, word is, Rob got around, a lot on that set. And so did most everyone.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I bet Pattinson has shagged almost every actress from Twilight, aside from Dakota Fanning and Bryce Dallas Howard. For whatever reason, I don't see him as being gay. Bi-curious with that friend of his, Tom something? Maybe, when they're drunk.

  12. I just hope I am dead by the time the studios decided to remake Twilight movies. I can't go through this twice in a lifetime.

  13. I think Rob probably has been with every actress except Kristen. My gaydar screams when I look at her.

  14. I thought that Nicole put down the needle. She's as delusional as LiLo.

    @Char - Rob still can be gay. He may just go with the flow(meaning whoever's around will do). Someone who I knew that was bi used to say "Lips are lips..."

  15. Is it bad that this makes me kinda like RP now?

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    darn, i actually liked nicole richie. anyhoo, hope she's clean for her kid's sake.

    adventurous kate, good to see you around today. love the blog!

  17. Anonymous10:54 AM

    lol @ Timebob

  18. Right there with ya, Timebob. :)

  19. Man, that Twilight blind is actually quite scandalous IMO.... I can't believe it!

  20. i still think he does boys...

  21. @Anotheramy - I think the same thing. I think this blind pretty much answers the "Is KS a lesbian" question.

  22. I was sorta, kinda believing these blinds until this Twilight one. AS IF! But i guess it will get a shitton of hits which is what you want. I'd love Rob to sue this guy's ass. That would make him think twice about chancing his luck in making a false blind and 'revealing' it

  23. I really hope that she is. Otherwise, she is being cheated on with two people close to her, that she has to spend so much time with... that would be utterly horrible

  24. The twihards are going to go nuts trying to pretend that blind isn't true, but Nikki wrote an article recently that pretty much confirmed it.

  25. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I bet Rob Pattinson wasn't the only male getting with all three. That set was probably one Huge hot bed of activity !!! LOL

  26. Kristen is probably too busy hooking up with Dakota.

  27. @linnea you tender hearted you.

  28. She just always looks so sad... I don't want her to be sad! :)

  29. A family member of mine is the hairdresser to a family member of Nicole, she is a tiny thing with the capacity for mammoth bitchiness.

  30. Anonymous11:16 AM

    And how is Nicole Ritchie's line successful? I've never seen it in stores.

    I thought Sparkles was gay. Go Edward.

  31. @linnea - Huh, you a Kristenite... or what do they call them KStew fans..? Kristey Kreemers...???

  32. Ew anything of Nicole's stuff that's cute is a rip off from McQueen. The rest is meh and doesn't warrant her snooty attitude.

  33. Hahaha, I am not a fan! I just don't want ANYONE to be cheated on by their boyfriends with their co-workers! I actually think she acts like an entitled brat with her my-teachers-failed-me bs, but she doesnt deserve THAT!

  34. linnea, I think it's impossible for her not to know, if that makes you feel better. How could something so seemingly rampant be hidden so long?

  35. @linnea - I'm with you on that one. But it's H-town, apparently, they all cheat.

  36. I wonder if Rob was the one that told once-a-week eater Ashley that she could stand to lose more weight?

  37. The set WAS a mess. ComPlete debauchery except from mr & mrs cullen. The kids swapped back and forth and back and forth like no other. And why would this answer the is KS gay question. Who is to say she wasn't getting around just as much but kept it better covered? ;-).

    Glad Enty revealed this though although I'm sure in a few months ppl will forget and go right back to RP being gay. I hope JR comes out soon though. That should quiet some ppl about the gay talk.

  38. I used to like Nicole too but this reminds me of how gross and mean she was on Simple Life. Maybe it wasn't all Paris' fault..

  39. Bnl - who is JR?

    Also - yeah, thats what happens when you have teenagers and young adults living together for long periods of time... *ah*, I miss my boarding high school... :)

  40. @Linnea, I believe JR is Jackson Rathbone, the one who wore the splendid red velvet suit at the latest Twilight premiere.

  41. Nahhh Pattinson is gay. My gaydar never lies and he's gay :D

  42. ^maybe it's broken?

  43. Ugh, Nicole Ritchie is a world-class cunt.

  44. CDAN broke this story about Pattinson and Greene the morning after they got to Berlin when they'd photographed out with their people at some club promo event. There's no way that news would've gotten back to CDAN that quickly so I call BS on this blind. Sounds like Nikki Reed who is completely jealous and FOS was feeding him a line of sh it again like before. Didn't know they were friends & were tight? Well they are. She and Sarah Roemer also share the same publicist. Rob dropped Nikki's pathetic blow jobs and famewhoring behavior in 2009 to date his other co-star Kristen Stewart instead? She's friends with Kristen's ex Michael and tried to keep Kristen and Rob apart all during 2008. Think she's a little bitter? I'd say so.

  45. How'd that blind item Nikki fed you about some Twilight actress being pregnant and wanting to keep it a secret a few for weeks? CDAN published that one a few weeks after Rob and Ashley had been on the Euro promo tour and then talked the entire premiere about how SHE and Paul were not expecting but only making "music babies" right now. Whatever kind of drunk or manwhore Rob Pattinson may or may not be, it doesn't change the fact that Nikki Reed is a psychotic obsessive scorned woman who has been trying to ruin his reputation and his relationship with Kristen Stewart for going on 3 years now. She needs help and CDAN needs to stop publishing her lies.

  46. Char said...Soooooo Rob's NOT gay then??!

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes anyone? lol

    I also believe that Rob is gay!

  47. ^Could you PLEASE stop pulling on the Robsessed tail for a minute. Some are about to combust.

  48. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Nicole Richie is a CUNT. It's truly unfortunate that she's raising daughters: she has drug issues, eating-disorder issues, had a lap band to get rid of baby weight, she expressly judges other women by their weight though she has cheated to look as slim as possible through the band and coke (remember the Memorial Day party where she 'joked' that women had to be under a certain number of pounds for admission?). She is a user par excellence in terms of female friendships and despicably disrespectful towards people when she's done with them. I want bad, bad stuff to happen to her - because she's canny, she's much more evil and nasty than Paris Hilton. Especially now, since gullible people that she wouldn't piss on desperately want to believe she's changed because she's a mommy, yay!

  49. Why are people SO invested in the twi-tard cast relationships? I think most of them are young and experimenting-with substances and sexuality.

    Nicole just oozes insecure bitch pheromones.

  50. I luuuurve when the Robsten obsessed go bat shit and blame Nikki Reed for everything that's wrong in the world. I can't imagine how much kool-aid one actually has to drink to come up with these wild theories.

    @summer your gaydar's not broken because Rob IS into guys. He just happens to be into girls as well. :)

  51. #1 I don't like Nicole Richie!

    #2 Pattinson hook up stories are PR. Dude, He is gay

  52. Woah, just me or was ^that rant^ as incomprehensible as a Ted C blind?

  53. Just confirms my thinking Kirsten is gay. She totally gives the gay vibe to me.

  54. Anonymous1:13 PM

    ENT - everyone is saying you are "good friends" with Nikki Reid.

  55. I bet R Pattinson IS gay. N Richie is a CVNT.

  56. lauren's stuff is actually cute and wearable. nicole ritchie is famous for being an idiot w/ paris and now more recently for not being a drug addict. i thought she cleaned up her WHOLE act. i know almost nothing about either of them, but nicole didn;t exactly earn her $ or fame. lauren got what she has on her own, and i don't remember hearing her say anything rude about other peoples business dealings.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Nicole Richie is a spoiled brat who whores out her kids on cheesy magazine covers, has no talent, and isn't pretty. What on earth is her appeal??? I always thought Paris was more annoying, but at least Paris has lost most of her fame (although not for lacking of trying).

  59. Aaaw, I wanted to like Nicole Richie. Maybe it's because I like Lionel Richie so much? I want for her not to be a cunt. Oh well. And for those people who are saying that Paris Hilton is not as bad as she is, you just stop it right now. Just cut it out. I know Paris isn't all up in everyone's bidness anymore, but have we really forgotten the height of her cuntiness? Paris Hilton is the woman that taught me to despise other women, if you people are going soft on her, then please see years 2003 through 2009 for a reminder. Dogs locked in a closet to starve to death while she travels. That is all.

    Oh, and while I've mentioned before that I don't give one single fuck about Twilight, I am VERY intrigued by Twihards. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you people are cray cray. I'm sure that (like pretty much all actors) they were all fucking each other while those diarrhea-feats were filmed. Except for Taylor Lautner. I don't know that I think he's gay, he seems completely asexual and personality-less to me. Like a young Tom Cruise.

  60. I think he is gay

  61. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Always knew Rpattz was a manwhore. There is too much picture evidence. Congrats CDAN for having the major balls to announce it to the world!

    And kristen stewart always seemed like a doormat.

  62. I'm just glad that there aren't any twilight-related tags linked to this reveal... that should keep the crazies away, at least for a little while...

  63. I DON'T get RPattz...dont get why people think he is so effin hot. He looks dirty to me. Do think he likes boys and girls, though.

  64. RPatt not-gay, maybe bi, but not gay.

    I dunno, when I was that age, the single folks were all in and out of each others sleeping bags. Some minor drama, but if there wasn't an understanding, we didn't invent one just because there was sex had.

  65. Wow, that's actually a pretty juicy Twilight reveal!

    As for that witch Nicole...just more fuel for the fire of my hate for her. Ugh. She is so AWFUL. You said it all Bish. I have disliked her ever since that fucked up Memorial Day invite which she now claims was just a "joke". Right. A cunty joke.

  66. I really like Lauren's clothing. Most of it is very feminine yet practical. I always get comments from people about the clothing. They love it.

    Nicole sounds jealous.

  67. @Bnl1016 Ooooo how do you know all this? Are you one of those "insiders"? lmao Twi fandom is full of such freaks!
    Btw "Mr and Mrs Cullen" are flirty with each other sometimes in RL (see their interviews and pics for BL) and JR is rumored to sleep with female fans/band groupies! So much for being gay...poor guy lol Your insidery knowledge is way off mark buddy.

  68. You guys are so naive*SMH* do you know that this is a gossip blog right? lol But what if poor CDAN gets sued for one his 'blind vices' (aka the unadulterated truth duh)...can you imagine the drama that would ensue...JUICY for us and nerve wracking for blind vice loving gossip bloggers.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. what about anna kendrick?? i think rpattz was rather cheeky with her as well before the whole twilight franchise blew out of proportion.. its highly likely it was anna kendrick and nikki reed. ashley seemed too busy mouthing the rest of young hollywood!

  71. Soooo Ashley Greene was hooking up with Robbie in Europe with media,stalker "fans" and paparazzi hounding them...and nobody got the proof...okkay.. sounds totally legit especially if we consider how private Ashley is about her hookups! LOL...Man! I'm learning few interesting things about people's perspective about gossip here.



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