Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Is Not Letting Go

She is foreign born. Probably B- list in her own country, she is relatively unknown here. She is probably the most calculating person you will ever meet though. She set her sights on this other foreign born B list actor on a hit network television show and she got him. The fact that she had to trash the other women our actor was seeing at the same time as her doesn't matter to her. She trashed their reputations, sold stories about them to the tabloids and made sure she was the one her boyfriend picked. There was no way she was making the same mistake she made earlier in her life when she last had a chance at a big star. he was an A list all movie actor at the time and she kept him strung out out on booze, drugs and keeping him away from everyone who would ever say anything bad about her. She hooked him, but later he got out of it on a technicality and she ended up with nothing except a miscarriage. Throughout the intervening years she has tried and tried but has not been able to snag anyone else as famous until now and she does not plan on letting go. I feel so sorry for that waitress who gave the actor an extra long stare and made small talk with him because she will probably get fired to keep her away from the actor.


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Rennie said...

Hannah J.

My my, you hit the nail right on the head. Every one of those questions will be addressed. I hope they look happier in Toronto than they did in Italy. Jamie looked liked he lost his best friend.
I’m wondering will Dakota be at the London Film Festival. I know her other movie open next month. I’m really looking forward to seeing it.

AgonyAunt said...

My my. Feckless-fren deletes comments before a gal has a chance to read 'em. How EVER will I catch-up on what idiot savants are kvetching? So sad.

I have a confession. Millie no longer reminds me of a farmer. Cuz I know several female farmers. And they're ALL rather attractive, slim lasses. Nah. Millie reminds me of a refrigerator. As in attributes and appetites. She's literally BUILT like a sturdy kitchen frig. Short waisted. Square bodied. Muscular limbs. I swear. Millie and Chloe Grace Moritz could be sisters! Both have the exact opposite of a "dancers body". And it's weird. Cuz when I see a pic of Millie. I get the irresistible urge to grab a bucket of ice cream. And eat it all in one sitting. The urge gets stronger and stronger each time I see Millie pics. Could it be some strange simpatico frequency??? I hope Millie posts here (again) and lets me know her favorite flavor. I like salted-caramel. Or pistachio. I wonder if Millie is waddling over to her sista-frig right now. Tucking into her favorite creamy bucket. Whilst Jamie is "licking" some willowy co-star or teenage waitress??? Oh James. Go share a cone with your wife, lad. Two scoops?

AgonyAunt said...

P.S. After the award ceremony no-show and pulling out of the movie -- I wouldn't bring up Dornan's "vibe" with Cillian Murphy. Cuz it always felt kinda "arms length" and sorta perfunctory (at least on Murphy's side) to me. Not picking sides here. But one "feels" the entire Murphy/Dornan episode is not an entirely happy one. To Dornan's credit. It's one co-star he prolly didn't hafta sleep with. So, well done.

Frankly. I thought you meant Gillian Anderson. Cuz that's an entirely DIFFERENT vibe. And yes. I rather think they were (ahem) "close" for a season or two. Long enuf to secure his returning role. And help him get into his part. Yes. Yes. I rather think he and Gillian had VIBES. For a time. It served his purpose.

Sadly. The one person with whom Dornan doesn't have "vibes" is his wife. But I reckon one doesn't need "vibes" to impregnate someone. Sex can serve a very narrow purpose. Quick. Deliberate. Done. Turn over. Sleep. And nine months later. Presto. Not much to it. Not even "vibes".

BBB said...

MyWife will be there count on it, she'll display her pregnant belly like a crown, yup it's the final nail on damie's coffin. Don't know about Jamie, probably his lazy eye will make an appearance too and that's very telling...
Today on my way to work I was listening to some Frank Sinatra albums and one of the songs remind me of our lad, It's called "Love's been good to me" here are the lyrics:

I have been a rover
I have walked alone
Hiked a hundred highways
Never found a home
Still in all I'm happy
The reason is, you see
Once in a while along the way
Love's been good to me

There was a girl in Denver
Before the summer storm
Oh, her eyes were tender
Oh, her arms were warm
And she could smile away the thunder
Kiss away the rain
Even though she's gone away
You won't hear me complain

I have been a rover
I have walked alone
Hiked a hundred highways
Never found a home
Still in all I'm happy
The reason is, you see
Once in a while along the way
Love's been good to me

There was a girl in Portland
Before the winter chill
We used to go a-courtin'
Along October hill
And she could laugh away the dark clouds
Cry away the snow
It seems like only yesterday
As down the road I go

I've been a rover
I have walked alone
Hiked a hundred highways
Never found a home
Still in all I'm happy
The reason is, you see
Once in a while along the way
Love's been good to me

AgonyAunt said...

Oh my. There's nothing like Frank. My darling dad would play "Sinatra At The Sands" and sing to me his favorite Cole Porter song:

I've got you under my skin.
I've got you deep in the heart of me.
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me.
I've got you under my skin.
I'd tried so not to give in.
I said to myself: this affair never will go so well.
But why should I try to resist when, baby, I know so well
I've got you under my skin?

I'd sacrifice anything come what might
For the sake of havin' you near
In spite of the warning voice that comes in the night
And repeats - how it yells in my ear:
Don't you know, little fool, you never can win?
Why not use your mentality - step up, wake up to reality?
But each time I do just the thought of you
Makes me stop just before I begin
'Cause I've got you under my skin.
Yes, I've got you under my skin.

SD said...
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SD said...

Oh me. So many film festivals to keep up with! Tho' there are a few films I am following with rather baited interest, However, call me crazy, but I am so NOT wondering about JD and AW at TTFF. Not only are there no vibrations between them but there are no life signs either.

Yup, no vibes needed to procreate or even to just "do" "it." But each time we just shrug and figure "may as well do it, might be ok" ho-hum land claws into the gut. And the vibrations that glow in every moment dim and finally, poof, disappear. An option is believing and trusting in the mother lode of "more" and saying NO to perfunctory pretending. Thing is mother lodes can take a long while to appear, may never enter the harbor. But at least life may be more authentic. Or not.

Sophie said...

So, is it true that the way for a couple to demonstrate commitment is by getting matching tattoos? Yuck.

My 85 year old uncle got a tattoo at the age of 20, when he was in the Navy. Today, it is a black and purple smear - who knows what the original design was.

Fast forward 30 years and I wonder how cool those tattoos will look?

Anonymous said...

Oh boo, Jamie won't be playing in the Dunhill Links tournament this year...Mr. Enty was always good with a blind from this tournament. Oh well, it does seem like Mr. Dornan has been on his very best behavior anyway. Or, could be all the blinds were made up because at when FS was being filmed, they were very popular blinds. Once that movie was over, it seems so were the blinds. So what are we going with, all made up or in love and on his best behavior????

Original Aunty said...

Hi Snooze. Didn't her mums get a matching tattoo with/for her guy too? That "I (heart) Antonio" was about as tacky as any tattoo can possibly get. Made even worse when the "dude" moves on. Why-o-why do children tend to repeat the sins of the fathers/mothers? Why can't they learn from their parents mistakes? Sad.

SD said...

Is there one correct way to signal commitment? Do tell. Seems as if most of us stumble around that messy wilderness like idiots much of the time.

"Sin" is a harsh proclamation. Seems to me our parents pass onto us, as we do to our children, challenges and life-long riddles/koans to work and wade through. Gifts more than sinful mistakes. Ultimately each generation flows one to the next in a never-ending mobius, in a continual state of flux, of revision, of sharing.

Actually, I think it is rather sweet DJ has the same bird tattoo as her grandmother. Not a sin and not sad. ( don't think Melanie's hubby had the same heart branded onto him)

p.s. toi, bonne chance.

AgonyAunt said...

Luck isn't something I seek. Those who rely on God. And love righteousness. Don't depend on human duality and all the "ism's" which define it. Sin is a relative term. All humans are subjected and manipulated by it to some degree. Mortality is sin by definition. The point is to recognize and expose it for what it is. And learn to live as "lightly" as possible on this realm. Not cling to mortality so fiercely that it obscures ones view of eternity.

Its rather obvious you don't pay much attention to scripture. Sad. Cuz one can't be very well educated or knowledgeable without having some familiarity with the Bible. Literature and philosophy depends on it. Which rankles pulpil prevaricators. Cuz they keep "re-translating" it to fulfill evil-satanic plans for mankind. To undermine "christianity" into a bunch of Babylonian symbols and rituals feeding (((their))) sick, twisted and wicked narrative. FUCK them all. Madness and sickness and destruction to them and theirs for ALL generations.

Those who share an "expectancy of good" tend to SEE good in others. Innaway. This kind of community represents a kind of GUILELESSNESS. Being around it helps to unlock the subtleties of BEING GOOD, DOING GOOD and EXPECTING GOOD. Cuz in order to LIVE GOOD. One must surround ones-self with others who have similar hopes and desires. It's why tribes of like-minded people tend to live in communities. TRUST must be reciprocal. And the only way it works is to live amoungst it. Surrounded by it.

Like the definition of pornography. Even sinners know GOOD when they SEE it.

AgonyAunt said...

Not long ago I happened to be in the company of a young mother. A Mennonite. She had an inner quality that is hard to describe. Quite pretty really. Tall. Slim. Nice features. High cheekbones. Her hands were strong with long supple fingers. Her dress was simple. Home made. She wore it better, with dignity and grace, than any actress wearing red-carpet-couture. I had the privilege to speak with her for about an hour. In a lovely garden. At a farm which was as beautiful aesthetically as it was innately spiritual. It had a quality which felt like REVERENCE. The whole experience was GOOD. And while I was speaking with her this verse came to me: "The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me."

Perhaps she sensed a kinship in me. I hope so. Cuz she spoke to me of achingly personal thoughts. Things which most people don't express to strangers. And yet. Maybe she sensed a trustworthiness in me she doesn't always sense in others outside her community. And I felt very protective of her. And almost said "No my dear. Don't share this with me. You must be more careful than to share these ideas with someone you don't know." But I didn't. Cuz I didn't wish to frighten her. Or shame her for her simple honesty. And a need to reach out for human understanding. But purity and goodness require PROTECTION. Not exploitation. And not everyone protects GOOD. Too many work to destroy it. She may not have developed the weapons to combat unknown evil. She is not wise to the (((serpent))) who rules the realm in the wider "sophisticated" world. Her guilelessness is used as a weakness to evil.

How much innate goodness and simple kindness have we sacrificed? The synagog-of-satan and its coven-cunts push us to worship at the alter of "diversity" and destruction of traditional moral principles. And yet. This young woman lives "righteousness" in spite of their efforts. And people of integrity. Including red-pilled "sinners". And warriors for TRUTH. Not GUILELESS to the serpent and its methods and means of inverting, perverting and converting TRUTH. Fight to PROTECT the sanctity of honest human efforts. And work to encourage and enable GOOD to flourish. I need her GOODNESS as much as she needs mine. It's a CO-dependency on the infinite GOOD humanity shares.

Perhaps she reminded me of another guileless young woman. Someone with fewer barriers to and protections against sin. Someone raised in the belly-of-the-beast. Not supported by traditional norms of righteousness. Perhaps a TRUTH Warrior could SEE how this young woman also needed encouragement and protection and guidance. And to assure her that SIN does not rule us nor define us. Neither the tats. Nor the film roles. Or the money. Just GOODNESS. It defines and resonates. It's what others respond to. What we cling to. What we take with us.

Not every Mennonite is ALL good. Not every actor is ALL bad. But there are lines which humanity should NEVER cross. Things which weigh heavily on ones conscience. On moral sanity. It's very dangerous to let sin reign. And begin to define us. Rather than righteousness. GOOD is SO MUCH easier than evil. Its expressed in small acts of kindness. And encouragement to others.

"Wilt thou be made WHOLE?" You choose.

SD said...

Have just "skimmed," and am breaking my wait-awhile-before-"speaking"-responding to toi rule. But these posts are from inner depths, full of nuances and surprises. Beautiful toi.

A protip: Don't make so many assumptions about peeps. They may just lead down dead-end trails. For example, I do often read daddy's king james, that he received on his confirmation. And I wager you were surprised that moi has not only the "feels" but also the "vibes" with C.d.G. I know that bro in very intimate ways. Past, present, future are truly just constructs that very often, for me at least, fold into the moment. It is a gift. I was probably in my 20s before I even suspected that not everyone felt it too.

In my humble opinion, not everything is scripted out by destiny, fate or god. Luck, serendipity, whatever you want to call it, enters into the equation too. For example, a recent media event, seemingly not huge, is actually a defining moment. A Lucky opportunity to push beyond the same old same old. An opening that just might lead to new and greener pastures. Push back hard baby. Kick those cliches out of the way and redefine the story.

p.s....i wrote a letter today!!! Now to just find the right address.

Kiki said...

Ho Hum....I'm getting a bit bored with Mr. Dornan. He gives the same old interviews...don't want to talk about FSOG (while I don't blame him, these are the movies that shot him to stardom and had directors/producers actually taking a look at him for other projects. As much as everyone will say the Fall, if it wasn't for FS, people outside of the UK wouldn't really know what the Fall was. And lets be honest he read the script, he knew what it was, he wanted to be famous. He has no one to blame but himself if he's embarrassed now...well maybe his wife, since she needed him to be famous), he adores his wife, he lives a quiet life, blah, blah, blah. While I do believe he loves his wife, not sure why he needs everyone else to believe it. So he was at the Hugo Boss show yesterday. He looked bored and annoyed and pissed. That seems to be Mr. Dornan's look as of late. I get maybe he's not comfortable in front of the camera, but then maybe he should have been a plumber or a doctor. He chose to be the face of Hugo Boss and now there are things that he has to do. Who knows what's going on with him, but he just doesn't seem happy. Maybe he thought he'd be more famous, get bigger parts, not have to work so hard to get parts. Not sure, but he makes his own decisions, then he seems to regret them afterwards. And if we're being honest, the roles he is choosing aren't going to break the bank. Yes, obsessed Dornan fans will see them because he's in it, but others will wait until it comes out on cable/tv. I think Dornan needs to take a step back and think long and hard what he really wants. Though he has a lot of people riding on his coattails and need him to stay relevant, for once, Jamie needs to do what is right for him.

On another note, saw something on utube where some psychic was reading Jamie Dornan, she said he's a lovely man who thinks too much and always takes cares of everyone around him. She said him and his wife work together but they also work against each other. At the end she said she did a reading about him and his wife years ago, she made a face and then left it at that....guess the reading wasn't positive.

Sophie said...

I hope that everything in Jamie’s life is going smoothly because he did not seem to be himself in NYC for the Boss promos. He was distracted and preoccupied. Is he in the middle of filming a new project?

The interviews for “A Private War “ today were good. I cannot wait to see that movie!

Sophie said...

We hadn’t seen best buddy, Markus, in a while. But, there he was with a Jamie in Toronto.

Hannah J said...

Markus always keeps me "creepy" vibes. I feel like he's Jamie's "handler" when his wife can't be with him. It was nice of Jamie to show up at Sam and Aaron's movie. I can just picture Jamie and Sam making fun of Erika and FS. While I think the movie was crap, I kind of get annoyed at Jamie. It was clear he was embarrassed by the movie, but yet he chose to star in it and get his name out there. Just saw a picture of an interview he did and the woman bashed FS and said if you want to see good acting and script check out the Fall. Yes, I get it, but hardly anyone outside the UK new what the Fall was, until after Jamie got cast in FS (as someone said up above). Jamie didn't go into FS blindly, so suck it up and stop acting like it was a mistake. That mistake got you many fans all over, got you fame, got you other parts and got your wife back on the red carpet and in front of the camera's. Lets be real here, Jamie is an ok actor, I feel like he acts the same in every movie he does. He's got one expression and its seen on film and on the red carpet. But he is in demand for now and he does have a beautiful face and swoony accent. Though lately he seems to need a little cleaning up. Not feeling the bushy beard (but that's my opinion). The old expression don't bite the hand that feeds you comes to mind. Sadly he will be always known as Mr. Grey, because that was his first big role. Maybe one day he will make a film that will be just as big, but as of late, he hasn't. It is probably frustrating to him, but it is what it is. Sometimes sacrificing your soul for fame isn't worth it in the end.

SD said...

"Will thou be made whole?" Yes. Thou will.

And so it came to pass that on a day many honor life being breathed into clay, an anon (aka Astral Weeks) soon to be a translucent almost Real Girl set-in-motion an actual Real (certified yet!) Letter (and a sole ginkgo leaf) to a Real Boy, care of his ancestral home.

Henceforth, Letter will bravely travel all alone through multiple states, numerous "stations," a hurricane, past peeps reading just-released books and watching just-released movies. Letter will be thrown hither and dither. Dropped, kicked, and dragged. Finally, if the universe cooperates, a door opens, a hand extends, and the baton is passed. From one who cares to another who cares about The Boy.

AgonyAunt said...

Markus -- aka The Handler -- is freemason-middle-man repping and "managing" a bunch of humint assets which include Dornan, other UK actors and various young royals. Think mafia family under-boss reporting up to a Godfather. One almost feels pity for him. Cuz Jamie Dornan isn't an obedient slave. He goes off-script far too often. And fucks-up carefully "crafted" plans the coven laid-out for him. Dornan requires extra-oversight.

Perhaps Jamie Dornan fucks-up purposely. It's one way to get free. Cuz if he isn't able to rep his masters properly. And job offers wane. He may be free of them. In time. But Dornan is conflicted. He likes the money. And is possibly being blackmailed by "hidden" things. Things he doesn't wish revealed. I reckon it would make anyone angry and sullen. And grow a long scraggly beard. To show his disdain. Being stuck in an unhappy marriage and a career which brings little actual joy. Like a bird in a gilded cage.

Polly wanna cracker?

AgonyAunt said...

Every non-Asian Buddhist I've encountered was an ethnic Jew. I do know several Sufi's who were former Episcopalians tho'. But I consider them cryptos. Otherwise known as "judeo-christians". You know. Zionist-atheists. Or Xian-fundies. None of them know one whit about Christ. They study one of the many talmudic-bible translations. Discussing Christ and/or metaphysics with them is deadly dull. And totally uninspired. Cuz its ALL scripted. A paint-by-numbers approach to the Science of Being. At least the Amish show some gawddamn commitment to their beliefs. Cryptos have none.

Poneros is a Greek word dealing with the study of evil. Ponerology is a form of government in which psychopaths occupy positions of great power and influence. Like control of media, finance, education, legal systems, intel community, health care and religion for instance. In short, the people we've been taught to trust the most. The result is a totalitarian system characterized by a government of ruling (((elites))) turned against its own people. Sound familiar? It's the ultimate redpill.

Evil is a disease. And a "pathocracy" takes hold when a society is insufficiently guarded against the minority of such abnormal pathology. Caused by biology or genetics. Cuz psychopaths and sociopaths are born that way. And nurtured by their own egotistical fantasies. (((They))) infiltrate an institution or state. And prevailing MORAL VALUES are perverted into their opposite. Inverting, perverting and converting TRUTH. And coded language like Orwell's double-think circulates into the mainstream. Using "para-logic" and "para-moralism" in place of genuine logic and morality.

These gangs and covens and "political action groups" work against normal citizens and decent society using terms like "social justice" to cast traditional morals and customs as "oppressive". Psychopaths dream and agitate and write books and push movies to coerce and co-opt and intimidate and brainwash "normies" of a "just" and "happy" world where their depraved worldview is adopted as reality. Ponerogenic Groups (i.e. satanic covens and Mossad-CIA and kiddie raping jesuits etc.) have a statistically high number of psychopaths with deeply deranged egotistical and pathological behaviors. These psychopaths are the people normal society must and shall destroy in order to survive.

Pathocracy is foredoomed. Most humans are born to seek GOOD. And the root of healthy social morality is contained in our DNA. It's the congenital instinctive infrastructure in the vast majority of the population. All REAL Christians are taught the difference between GOOD and evil. But some "normies" are more susceptible to pathocratic influence. And become its lackeys. Hence actors (and shabbos) DO what they DO. But the majority instinctively resist evil. And it shall save mankind.

The risk to pathocracy is when the silent majority of normies "wake-up" and see the evil done to them and society. This is when things get very ugly. DOTR. Where pathocrats and their minions (and their seed) become hunted by those they've harmed. Look at history. Justice is coming. So is revenge. It is what it is.

SD said...
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SD said...

p.s.s. By the way. If toi gets too reeved and has a heart-attack and DIES, moi will march right into the bardos and kick that anon's butt. Count on it.

BBB said...

"...Come on bro, slow down, sleep, eat good stuff, take care of your little light..."

That post of yours are a load of sh*t! Woman wake up and smell the coffee! That mambo jumbo verbal diarrhea of yours isn't working, never did never will. Period!

Even if he become vegan and sleep 10 hours a day, as long as he's surrounded by leeches like MyWife and toxic people like that creepy Markus he wont be happy.

They feed on his light that's why its fading. He knows it and allows it, he's a little cunt that's what he is.

SD said...

Another post script: I get it. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. But there is a missing link in your narrative. When things/institutions/people are removed, altered, destroyed they then must be replaced. Hopefully with things/people/structures that are capable of inspiring, transfixing and unifying. Steadfast, focused and stabilizing.

Looking to history: Charles d. G. literally saved France...not just once but 4 fucking times (1940, 1944, 1958, 1968). His secret weapon? Empowering peeps to believe, have faith, in self, in country, in HIM, to sign-up for the long-haul. And then--very key-- INVOLVE them in the process of the long-haul. To believe not so much in him (tho' that was crucial) but in THEMSELVES. He used pageantry, ritual, high drama, and manipulation even to reach goals, to transform negatives into positives.. Yeah, yeah, he might have tied the leash a tad short at times, particularly in the 60s, pissing some off, BUT, unification was always the end-point. Not merely destruction. Or revenge. Or his own glorification.

SD said...


Say what? None of my posts are directed to Jamie Dornan!!! They are ALL written to someone else, who really does NEED to chill. 'cause there is a lot of stuff to do. And I personally do not want that anon to explode.

BTW. I am awake. And I do smell the coffee.

Kiki said...

Wowweee....I see all the crazies have taken over this board and this site as well.

MZ said...

It seems Ms. Millie is up for some type of award. And Jamie's sister can't stop the over the top gushing. No wonder they get along, they take everything to the next level. Glad to see everyone getting along, it even seems that Jamie has been behaving, even though he does seem over everything. So when are we all thinking the pregnancy is going to be announced?????

AgonyAunt said...

Be careful. Your satanic prayers for my heart may result in unintended consequences. Think reaping and sowing. And boomerangs. Hon. Tho' it is rather flattering you and coven-cunt-fag-ettes think so highly of me. As if I possess some other-worldly insight. Honestly. Being the covens lil-fetish is not in my job description. You gals have enuf on your hands with madlad and his wayward dick. And keeping his "best-fren" outta tattoo parlors. Those two require significant attention. My silly ramblings are small potatoes next to the REAL chores you best be attending. Sadly. You will have to meet your maker ALONE. And atone for SINS. To whomever you ship. Cuz I hear mammon is a hella petty jealous bish. Which is why I never had much interest. The srat taught me all I needed to know about WITCHES and BITCHES.

I'm not your escort thru that long narrow gate. My job is to ring the fucking bell. Hear it? It tolls for you.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Oh stop. Enough. The ONLY thing you mentioned of ANY merit today was De Gaulle. I have his biography by Charles Williams on my nightstand. Gathering dust with ten other books I have yet to read. But I will. Read it. He and Patton were the ONLY admirable WW2 generals. And he was the ONLY honest European leader after the war. I LOATHE Churchill. As well as those german cunts they call "royalty" in The City of London. I'm so grateful my ancestors left that shitty little island in the 17th century.

So cheer up. Cuz we actually agree on something.

P.S. The wayward DICK is Dornan's. Natch. And yes. You DO care about it. Oh. Not sexually. Perhaps. But in that "leave it in your pants lad cuz it won't help your situation to wave it around too often" kinda way. See. I don't think you WANT him (in THAT sense) anymore than I do. You just wanna CONTROL him. But I get my jollies speaking TRUTH at him. Cuz it's the ONE THING he can't resist. Other than pussy.

SD said...
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Sophie said...

Jamie may just break out of the typecast that he hates so much. “A Private War” is showing signs of a top quality film. And it was just announced that Annie Lennox has written a song for the movie...

And on Instagram, Jamie’s sister is having a pissing match with anyone who posts a derogatory response to her sickeningly sweet comments to “awarnermusic”. Millie is pretending to show humility as she announces her nomination for some obscure award that recognized her for the Mary Shelley soundtrack. Who knows—or cares?

Jamie is still working on a project in Ireland ( it could be that one called “Borderland”)- but he had to leave Toronto yesterday.

SD said...
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SD said...
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Kiki said...

@Suz Vic it's quite sad, the only way all these women have any followers or stay "relevant" is because of who they are married to or related to by blood or by marriage. Though I do find Jamie's sister can be a little "over the top" when it comes to her sis in law, as well as Millie's friends when commenting on her IG. I guess they feel they need to stay in Slow Moving Millie's good graces, because if not, she may turn into the nasty girl everyone says she can be. Just ask Colin's sister! If this blind is truly about Ms. Millie, I wonder how many bad stories she's posted about numerous co-stars of Jamie's. People just need to realize you don't come between a woman and her meal-ticket/fame, oops I mean her man.

AgonyAunt said...

Running alias's is burdensome. Those who do it tend to have no FIXED beliefs. No TRUE north guiding them. No REAL substance of their own. Sociopaths are very good at mirroring. They emulate and co-opt the form and syntax and vibe and energy of original minds. Characteristics they believe attract and ensnare non-sociopaths. Perhaps it's why so many of 'em become actors. But their efforts feel forced to me. In-authentic. Like a filter. Hiding TRUTH. These attempts to meme "goodness" and "virtue" and "originality" fall short. And those born with "healthy spiritual immune systems" see it for what it is. And for what it IS NOT.

I was never driven to follow the crowd. Oh sure. I've felt wholly inadequate at times. And stupid. Or unworthy. And struggle with the human condition as much as anyone. But I know this is a temporary struggle. Cuz the awakening happens for each of us in the way of God's choosing. Which is why I don't bother to siphon nor steal another's light. I know my source is infinite supply of GOOD. As is your's. And all.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Hi Snooze. Idunno. Whether or not his new movie is getting good "buzz" is relative. I doubt many non-media insiders will see it. Dornan is just another typical boring white guy at a time Hollywood is pushing diversity actors. If FSOG were being made today they'd definitely cast Christian as black. And trans. Which would be a hoot, tbh. Imagine the sales of "Christina" FS-dilators. The mind reels.

Here's unvarnished TRUTH. The more successful Jamie Dornan is professionally. The unhappier he is personally. Just LOOK at the man. How can one expect to be "happy" when success is built on others personal unhappiness? Including the scams he's run on women he's used and abused along the way. Millie is his co-conspirator. She encouraged him to DO WHATEVER HE HAD TO DO to get the roles to FOLLOW-THE-MONEY. If his family supports him in this reprehensible behavior they're as bad -- or worse -- than him. His "performance" is built on deceiving and using others. He encouraged Dakota Johnson to fall in love with him. Probably promising her a future. Buying a house NEAR her. Now that all the FS checks have cleared. He's tryna ghost everything FS. And heads back to the Cots on weekend. For babbie#3.

Madness, sickness and misfortune upon every man, woman and child who manipulates and deceives and sacrifices moral sanity to get ahead for money, fame and "stuff". Coven-cunt-circle for Jamie Dornan...the MOST successful and MOST unhappy man on earth. Amen.

AgonyAunt said...

Ohferfuckssake. The only peeps using "lodestar" these days are Mike Pence. Or the asshole trying to sound like him. Either way. Mirror a different noun. "Purpose" will do nicely. Or "compass". Even "aspiration" will work. It's the fucking North Star. You don't need a sextant to find it. Jeesh.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Indeed. You got me there. The early crib was de-LIGHT-ful. Written in 3rd person. And TOTALLY original. NOT a copy of someone else's work. Nor trying to mirror others who happened to express themselves more eloquently or succinctly. Remember MaliaJ? She had a compelling original energy. I enjoyed her immensely. But only a moron would mistake Aunty and her 4H sista's as anything but the expression of one distinctive frequency. Nor did I try to give ANY other impression. I didn't hide behind seemingly unconnected personas. It was always my energy running the race. My leitmotif. You operated as a relay. And handed-off the baton to another seemingly unconnected alias whenever you perceived the last one had worn out its welcome.

Don't misapprehend. I have nothing against changing-up ones arrangement. One gets stale performing the same composition over and over. Or posting under the same old alias. But it always seemed kinda abrupt. To drop one tune then return as another. And not credit the composer. Pointless really. Cuz at the end of the day. We are who we are. And ones music has a distinct VOICE. Regardless of which orchestra plays it.

That said. There are times one gets weary of being targeted and stalked. Or using the same old alias gets boring. So coming up with a NEW naming-theme (like movie titles) can give the place a bit of ZIP. Some FUN. I didn't present myself as ANOTHER to ingratiate myself. Nor to bird-dog or harass. Or cozy-up and flatter the "subjects" who may have appeared here from time to time. I don't play stupid games. Not now. Not then. Not ever.

Only ONCE did I alter my persona to drop comments about him and Rita Whora. It stirred up the hornets nest. And whilst my delivery was a bit tackless. And cowardly to do as another persona. The observation was accurate. Hence the ripples it generated. TRUTH is a righteous bitch. And I don't apologize for IT. NO REGRETS.

All metaphysics boils down to two questions. What is BEING. What is INTELLIGENCE. One has to do with existence. The other knowledge. When a problem seemingly has no solution. Then its not a problem. And it should have never be raised as one. This thread exists to serve a purpose. It's not a problem. Cuz its revealing itself with each post. Those of us still here see the patterns. And are amazed at shadows we cast in the light.

SD said...

"I will never again wake up in the middle of the night and write/post without thinking." Moi repeats this a hundred times. (Was actually gonna delete post but a certain somebody had already gotten there.) Gawd, some peeps eat ice cream, drive a car, have sex, with out full cognition, moi writes and then posts half awake.

The "crib" was clearly toi's construct, from first note to final crescendo. It was unique. Moi is happy toi had such a creative vehicle during busy times. This thread, however, is a different horse. "where the rubber meets the road" is as good a summary as any.

Only Astral W. posted in thread#2. {may she rest in peace) Do you know the northern Irish musician Van Morrison's 1969 album, "Astral Weeks?' It is his strongest and prolly also one of the defining albums of the past 40 or so years. Cut in less than 2 days in NYC it is worth a listen. "Astral Weeks" is the lead out song.

I think I may have mentioned before sorta, kinda, how moi ended up in the "crib." A true "so strange it must be true" tale. Anyhow. Briefly. Moi read a movie review by A.O. Scott in the NYT, titled, "Unexpected lessons from 50 Shades of Grey." (easily found in Googleland.) Believe it or not, I had no prior awareness of the FS books nor the movie, nor DJ or JD. (In certain aspects moi was/is as cloistered as the sistas at Sacre Coeur.)

Two paragraphs in Scott's review intrigued me:

This. "So a critic may still be — speaking strictly for myself — a man watching a movie, but he doesn’t want to be that guy, the one who either sets himself above the common experience or remains clueless about the different impressions a movie can make. Let me put it another way: I’m still kind of hung up on “Fifty Shades of Grey,” a movie that stirred up all kinds of curious feelings and that continues to exercise a strange power over my innocent mind."

And the final paragraph. "He wants to control her. She wants to make him normal. They can’t seem to live without each other, and yet they spend a great deal of time negotiating the terms of their connection, trying to determine which one of them is really in charge. Sound familiar?"

So. I went to googleland, and before you can say "watch what you wish for" I was in the "crib." I had absolutely no idea what a CDAN was, or, really, for that matter, what a "thread" was. No TW or IG experience either. Hell, I didn't even really do much w/FB, but stalk the kiddos.

Obviously. I was WAY out of my depth. Fumbled around. Wondering where I even was. Making it up as I went. Decided to follow da Leader. The 1st person syntax/lexicon was as compelling as content TBH. No one liked me much. Who could blame them? HOWEVER, there was a very strong "vibe" w/ "aunty." Very odd. Confusing. Telepathic even. Then moi began to note certain "stuff" toi, oops mean aunty, referenced... Mmmm... End of Part One. to be continued, maybe, at a later date.

Yes sir. The veils just keep on parting. Thought we'd be through those suckers by now. Moi has come to the conclusion that there prolly won't be a finish line.

And all metaphysics boils down to this: the incredible majesty and mystery of each moment.

p.s.wonder if Letter arrived to intended? Yikes. Maybe it was mailed to the WRONG peep. Who knows? Maybe the intended just threw it away. And moi just didn't make the cut. It happens. C'est la vie.

Whatever. Moi's days are numbered in this place. Which, to be honest, makes moi not feel so wonderful. What will happen to toi without moi to scream at? But sometimes an anon just has to stand up straight and say, "hello, is anyone home?"

AgonyAunt said...

Alas. No letter has come to my door. Or none I'm aware. We are each a mystery wrapped in enigma. There are days I haven't a clue who I AM. Let alone others with whom I have only the most tenuous metaphysical link. Maybe this is simply part of a bigger spiritual science lab. To test how well we recognize and connect with other kindred frequencies. Those we have never met "in the flesh". Its intriguing how the unique qualities from FSOG-the-film brought us here. That, itself, is worthy of attention.

You keep threatening to leave. Yet here you are. As am I. And others too prolly. I expect we'll all meet again. On some other plane. Hopefully. We'll all have learned something valuable in the interim. Cheers.

SD said...
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SD said...

p.s. moi took the liberty of sharing toi's last post with The General (yes, he is "hanging out" with me for awhile). Let's just say he was NOT pleased at all.

The General growled," What the Fuck. A retreat? Launch full deployment immediately. Ready all weapons for launch." he looked sternly at moi, then smirked,"What are you waiting for soldier, follow orders. You're not paid to think. Why do you think I have the stripes on my sleeve and you don't?" Don't quite know what he wants moi to do. Do you?

As a side bar: In the war memoir "Unity," The General is very humorous indeed. Really. A dry humor, perhaps, but each page has at least one serious side-eye. How can anyone not love this bro?

C.d.G. quotes Churchill saying, "You should know that my conscience is a good girl I can always come to terms with." (WTF. come on, did Churchill really say this? Moi is going to slip this quote into a conversation soon.) The General then goes on to explain how the "good" girl wasn't so good after all. hahaha

Final thought. Yes. Here I am. There you are. It is the other lurking whoevers that give moi pause. I feel sometimes like I am in a rather kinky reality show, "internet rendezvous." The General says we might consider getting walkie-talkies. He claims they are quite useful in keeping lines of communication open, yet secure.

Sophie said...

Hey Astral Weeks ( I’ll bet you already know that back in Feb ‘18, Jamie was asked in an interview about his favorite music and he said that it was “Astral Weeks”)—-
I just wanted to set your mind at ease that when I notice that the post doesn’t apply to me, I don’t read it. So, feel free to have your conversation with Aunty. I’m just speaking for myself.

SD said...

@Suz Vic,

Honest, never knew that JD's fav album was Van Morrison's Astral Weeks. BTW, I was already "posting" here on this thread with that handle by 2/18. My choice of that name has absolutely no relationship, or "message" to JD. At all. But quite a lot of relevance, actually, to someone else. Tho' I didn't realize it initially.

Appreciate your discretion and permission to be "free."

SD said...
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SD said...
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SD said...

Radio Free Europe interrupts regularly scheduled programming for a brief message.

The General refuses to leave. Says being "here" reminds him of the Mayfair in 1942. What ever that means. He tells moi, repeatedly, she needs to "button up" and listen. Her job is to be a "messenger."

The General lectures moi, ordering moi to convey these imperatives:
1) "Unify, not divide. At all costs."
C.d.G. lectures on how he dealt with the (douch-bag) Vichy after the war, presenting to the world, and the French peeps, a vision of a France unified NOW and during the war. WTF? Moi does point out that The General however did take many of the Vichy leaders into a field and personally shot them. "Exactement, they never existed," laughs The General.
2) "Never reveal weakness. Always bluff. Fake it till you make it."
3) "I am a patriot, not a nationalist."
4) "Humor is THE saving grace."
The General laughingly tells moi a story of a (one of many) 1963 assassination attempt. In this case, his car was riddled with 16 bullets. An unshaken d.G steps out of the car and immediately says,"My dear friends, these people shoot like pigs."

So there you have it. The news today from the "front." Don't see how it is relevant. But it's not my job to figure these things out.

We now return to regularly scheduled programming.

AgonyAunt said...

Whelp. No letter. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. To MY knowledge. Which only goes SO FAR. Cuz I maintain a small footprint. Less of a mess to clean up after. As we all have messiness in life with which to deal.

Alas. My conscience IS NOT a good girl. She's a rip-roaring unforgiving BITCH. Doesn't let me off the hook for anything but the most diminimus infractions. Oh sure. She's rather quiet when I go after insufferable fools. Criticize their poor taste. Or bad choices. And selfish behaviors. But if I utter a false word. Say something cruel or dishonest. Or attack someone who has never harmed another. Then she wreaks havoc on my eternal soul. And pulls me back by the metaphysical-short-hairs. I tend to believe those with similar DNA frequencies have identical mega-bitches keeping them in check. Toeing the line. But not Churchill. His (((sociopath))) DNA gave him the pathology to quell any silly-debutante-tea-sipping-conscience. Nah fam. Those bloodlines are whores behind the champagne fountain. Ole pedo-Winnie didn't inherit a super-sized-biggest-baddest-Valkyrie-motherfucker-righteousness to keep his infamous id in check. His fathers family outspent their wealth and cheated their workers. And his mothers family were (((merchants))). The Bongs are suffering from the sins of Winnie and his royal pedo losers to this day.

BTW. Did anyone see the brand-spanking-new Royal Navy Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth? Bongs brag its aesthetic puts all other carriers to shame. Hahaha. Until a Nimitz Class pull-up alongside and slap that QE single pathetic ramp. What do? USA BAD BOY with 4 fucking simultaneous FLAT runways and 80 (count them) planes on deck. Can handle 100 aircraft if the SHTF. DOD is ordering 10 more Nimitz Class carriers over the next 20 years. BTFO bongs. Next time you fuck over your "frens" to unravel a duly elected US president -- build a better boat than some poncy ramp on a keel defended with unloicensed-butter-knives "manned" by UK's best-poo-in-loo-and-trans navy. Ready to die for Israel m8s?

Just wait til we reclaim O-Canada as rightful American clay. Ka-boom!

AgonyAunt said...

Oh Snoozle. Don't be good-girl-conscience. READ IT ALL. At least read as much as you can bear. Cuz it gets deadly dull here otherwise. And comment when the spirit moves. Spilling a bit of tea now and then is therapeutic. Particularly in these perilous times.

Your insights are valued. As are others. Too.

SD said...
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SD said...

p.s. this is a complete non-sequitur (something moi has an infinity for) but moi wants to publicly state she never wears red. Never. Doesn't even have a red dress lurking in the back of a closet.

Kiki said...
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Kiki said...

So Jamie booked a new Sci-Fi movie and will be spending December and January in New Orleans. Sigh...another movie I will wait to see on cable. Must imagine the whole family is going with him that's pretty far away from the Cots. If she is going to shadow him anywhere, this is the place to do it....something tells me Jamie alone in new Orleans will lead to trouble. All you needs is some beads and the ladies will be flashing him in a second, hell he doesn't even need the beads!! New Orleans paps better get ready...Mz. Millie will be a-calling!

SD said...

The deed is done. Most definitely A fait accomplie.

Baring a huge natural and/or nuclear disaster come tomorrow the "delivering the world on time" boys will do their sworn duty and Letter's journey will (finally) conclude in the midst of Yom kippur.

The Days of Awe proceeds the day of atonement. A tradition that transcends all religions, peoples, and cultures in my (non-Jewish) opinion.

We all grow stronger by reflection, remembrance, tough looks in the mirror, and most of all, rising up from the ashes with gratitude.

Sophie said...

Hi Kiki,
Yes, in NOLA, you don’t need to go looking for trouble because trouble finds you!!!!
But, it is certainly a very enjoyable experience...

Not certain if D. Dornan’s primary school will present her academic fundamentals remotely— so Mummy Millie may be stuck in the Cots.

I actually have some personal experience in the Big Easy and I’ve noticed that they just love the film industry down there. Each time I stroll through the quarter I see filming taking place... either NCIS NO or a major film is underway. They advertise for extras and it is quite easy to be selected for a film ( ask my child, when he was supposed to be at University, he was earning $85/day on some movie). But, Jamie will love NOLA. And I expect that they are looking forward to his visit.

AgonyAunt said...

AT-ONE-MENT is WHOLENESS. It's the metaphysical acknowledgement of man as a reflection of God. Whereas jooz use atonement as a free-pass. They literally pour their sins into another "vessel". Think chickens or sheep or children. And sacrifice it to their babbylonian-satanic-gawd. Like a SINS-shell-game. Fooling and satiating moloch with blood of the innocent. Kinda like that Izzy F-16 and the un-defended Russian plane. "By deception war." They're so fucking predictable. So yeah. Batten your hatches. Cuz deep-state-synagog-of-satan has a bumpy ride in store.

AW: To be candid. I have no clue what you want or expect. Or who you think I am. It's perplexing. But you are tenacious. I'll cede you that.

Snoozle: Yeah. NOLA isn't a "healthy" environment for the lad. It's a dangerous town. Both physically and spiritually. Lots of satanic-freemasons-and-witchy-poo-coven-cunts to keep eyes on their "prize". I too spent time there. Years ago. And more recently. Everyone I've known from NOLA is fucked-up. Especially the hereditary gentry. But at this point its kinda moot. He's got his pink sofa. Power-napping with the babby-eaters.

Kiki said...

Hi Suz:

Never been to NOLA, but it is on my go to list.

In other news, what do you think about Jamie being the face of Hugo Boss? I was a little shocked because he hated the whole "modeling thing" and many of his fans bashed Dakota for selling out because she was the face of Gucci. I guess that Jamie is doing it now, it's ok. But I guess its expensive having a mansion in the Cots, and an apartment in London. And those damn sheep eat so much.

SD said...

Toi is not a big 'ol cake to slice up (nor is moi) into "wants" "expectations" or duties to perform. Once those labels go on all sinks into the "same old same all" like a repeating, and frankly dull, mantra.

Maybe da Letter will offer more than just a name. One step at a time baby. Can't know the ending from the beginning.

One clue: don't overthink this.

BBB said...

To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind. -Seneca

Anonymous said...

Gotta say I'm getting kind of disappointed in Jamie. Just read an interview where the writer says Jamie was so relieved they never so Fifty Shades. We get it Jamie, you are embarrassed, but stop forgetting if it wasn't for 50 you would not be getting so many scripts and roles. Directors and producers are aware of your over zealous fans and know even if the movie sucks, people will go see it. Yes 50 was awful, and your embarrassed now, but suck it up buttercup you will always be known as Christian Grey. Jamie Dornan isn't the best actor in the world, if it wasn't for the fame of 50, he would still be doing tv shows that a few people heard of. And the movies he is doing now, aren't going to come close to the money 50 made and only die-hard Dornan fans will see. Also, after reading all the blinds on here, I'm really hoping they are lies. Because the way Jamie speaks of his wife and about marriage, it would be really douchey of him to act like he's the perfect husband, and then cheat on his wife constantly.

SD said...
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Sophie said...

Hey Aunty,

Yes, regarding New Orleans... they take their VooDoo seriously. It is not just a scam for tourists. And the project will be filmed there during Jan--Feb which is right in the middle of Mardi Gras parties. And I agree with your comment about the long term residents - there are some “private clubs” that carry deep dark secrets...

AgonyAunt said...

Right on Snoozle. Whilst on the surface mardi-gras is drunken debauchery and crazy parties. Beneath the surface its a deadly-serious matter. Those bloodlines are seriously FUBAR. It's not being "southern" per se. It's the intermarriages. And the generational madness. Coupled with a particularly virulent form of voodoo which connects everyone. Having seen the largest (volume and dollars) and last slave trading industries in North America. Owned and operated by good jewish merchant citizens of the City of New Orleans. Leaving DEEP SCARS on that city. It is what it is.

Charles De Gaulle and George Patton hated bolsheviks worse than nazis. They agreed on what and whom was behind the dual-fratricide of WW1+WW2. Perhaps the Williams biography isn't PRO-jew enough for ya? Cuz hon. Charles De Gaulle did NOT support (((bolsheviks))) from Russia and Eastern Europe pouring into France and taking it over. Think "Macron". Sorry babby. 6.6 million is a fucking hoax. Both Charles AND Anne are rolling in their graves over that nose-counting-larp-fest. Kinda like the "estimated-death-count" in PR a year after Hurricane Maria. Really? Are you THAT stupid. #NOTME.

AgonyAunt said...

Jamie Dornan has NEVER made wise choices. Nor is he able to "act" as someone who makes a choice and is willing to live with the consequences. Jamie Dornan can't man-up.

Be grateful that ANY remaining selfie-sticks and fan-fags still wanna hear about FSOG. Cuz many MORE don't give a shit. Fewer and fewer will fag tickets to see those golden abs. The sweet bird of youth is flying away. Tick-tock.

SD said...
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SD said...

another Post script: Haven't you figured out yet that Jamie Dornan is merely a foil. A bit player.

YOU, however, are the real deal. That is not to say your choices have always been top-shelf. Everyone fucks up. Or rather, we are all human.

In your humble opinion, have you truly taken the leap into fully-illuminated-manhood? Do you consistently "Man-up?" Just curious.

SD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BBB said...

Dear lad,
If you need to vent do it here this is your home too, you know it and feel it in your bones like I do, you are not alone and never will be.

SD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AgonyAunt said...

Goodness. How does one begin to respond to THAT missive. The ONLY conclusion I make is that "moi" believes "toi" is a proxy for Jamie Dornan. Can't laugh at insanity. At least not on the scale exposed here. And yet. I've been more than a bit player. And bear some responsibility. By enabling this platform. I have NO INTENTION of abandoning it. Funny. Cuz "moi" has been pushing and fomenting to "abandon ALL hope" from the get-go. Once it was clear "moi" was unable to DERAIL its purpose. NOW it's messaging ASSASSINATION. Mon Dieu. Are you really THAT desperate? Sad.

This thread is much more than a fascinating study. It's a LIFELINE. It's the ARK. It provides SAFETY, TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING. The ARK indicates temptation overcome. Followed by exaltation. To see ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD. Which is -- coincidentally -- the self-same purpose of the Decalogue. Atonement is the metaphysical work of RE-aligning oneself to God. Cuz the Decalogue is a checklist. It's a human representation of TRUTH's shield. Guarding and guiding against the wages of sin. It's not whether we sin. It's how we reconcile ourselves to God. And bargaining or bartering with evil doesn't get us closer to the freedom we seek. "MOI" can't take the ARK away. Cuz "blessed are the undefiled...". Falsehood, envy, hypocrisy, malice, hate, revenge all conspire to prevent AT-ONE-MENT. Its impossible to achieve "happiness" by sacrificing the innocent. If that's the game. It will come back ten-fold. Cuz evil reaps MORE than it sows.

We tread on forces. Whilst astrology doesn't guide my CHOICES. I am aware of its patterns. Early-on. I observed and mentioned strong astrological connections. And empathetic frequencies. Not only me. Others found their way here too. This kind of energy also attracts necromancers. I'd be a powerful one. If I chose it. Thus. My energy pulls those who aspire to such things. But haven't TRUE gifts. It's interesting. Those with the greatest potential for human power. Tend not to use it. Cuz they know what IT IS. And what it ISN'T. Remember the lesson of "meekness". It means "reigned-in-strength". Not weakness. Cuz ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD. Why would you accept less than ALL?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how shaving makes Jamie look so much younger. Sorry, but the bushy beard ages him. Hope he's living his best life in New York. I do find it funny that the obsessive Jamie fans and his wife's "fans" are all saying how he look so much better with the beard....it's only because he says he likes the beard. These are the same people who are annoyed because people are still asking about 50. Christian will always be a role he is associated with, just like Chris Hemsworth will always be known as Thor, etc. Jamie hasn't made a movie yet that will overshadow 50. People just need to get over it. They should justify it this way, if it wasn't for Fifty, would anyone even know who their new idol Amelia was, would they even know who she was, would anyone even care?

AgonyAunt said...

Yes. I too saw the comments. An outlet for grief. A cry for help. Both perhaps.

I am reminded of these verse's: "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: Little children, keep yourselves from idols."

One can't bargain with satan. Ever. And the first "idolatry" was faith in matter. It's the significance of "Thou shalt have no other God's before me." The reason its NUMBER ONE on the chart. If you make a god of matter, it has power over you. For good or ill. And whether its perceived as good or evil. It extracts a toll. Demands a sacrifice. Cuz ones faith in matter is ALWAYS in error. Our job -- on this human plane -- is to shed material illusion -- as fast as humanly possible. It's an eternal struggle. None of us are exempt. Tho' OBVIOUSLY some make the task harder than necessary.

Many posts ago. I commented there was a reason she named her child Elva. Their symbols OUT them. Every. Single. Time. It was a warning. Of what was to come. Millie's DNA and education and coven associations tell everyone who and what she is. I reckon he thought she could help him navigate his way-ward-ness. To give him traction in the career he sought. And she has done. She kept her end of the Faustian bargain. But SEE. The ENDS don't always justify the MEANS. He has gained fame and fortune. But has lost EVERYTHING for it. Including LIBERTY. And love. Baby#3 is another innocent sacrifice. Another means for Millie to off-load her sins onto the INNOCENT. Just as her tribe teaches. In time for Yom kipper. Oy vey. The goyem know...

AgonyAunt said...

One final comment. For I have work to do. Several weeks ago I had a strange asthma attack. I say strange. Cuz I don't have asthma. Tho' I know OTHERS do. And it came out of no-where. But I know from whence it came. The same evil sorcery. None of it TRUE. Not of me. Nor of him. And it disappeared into its native nothingness.

By the way. Mega-doses of Turmeric (with curcumin) relieves the effects of asthma. Also mega-doses of Vitamin C. You can't take too much of either. Your body simply pees it out. And NO alcohol. Causes inflammation. Tom Brady published a really good anti-inflammatory diet. Better than steroids and other rot. Hebe-pharma wants to drain all our money. Addict us to opioids. Then kill us off.

Necromancers and "seers" congering evil will reap what they sow. Madness, sickness and death to them and their's throughout ALL eternity. Amen.

BBB said...

Not leaving either real Aunty because it ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

Sophie said...

I’m with you girls!

SD said...

Oh Toi,

Just briefly read your posts. You cut me to the quick. And I declare under penalty of death: you are not a proxy for anyone. (Certainly not JD.) Do you truly think so little of me?

Tell me this at least. Did my Letter arrive and have you read it?

SD said...

p.s. This journey for me has been a PROCESS. I've tried to explain that to you. Sure I've been an asshole. Sure I've made mistakes. Sure I've been misinterpreted. Sure I'm not always articulate. Sure you and I look at the world, and ourselves, in different ways. It took a good long while for a resemblance of clarity to emerge. For me.

I do express opinions, that differ from yours. If I sense danger, I may tell you. Not to activate bad stuff, but to share what gifts I may possess. Your well being matters to me.

For this. I do not deserve ridicule. Nor stoning. Nor being cast into the deepest reaches of the inferno. Why? Because I see you. Believe in you. Decided to take a risk and reach out. Which, by the way, is one of the more courageous acts of my life.

And one I know, with absolute clarity, is motivated by a purity of heart. I have no interest, nor desire, to take away, only to give.

I made a choice. Ergo, this is my last post here. Know I will always carry you close to my heart. And, you now also know where to "find" me.

BBB said...


You are a woman in love and he doesn't need any more women in love with him.

Apparently it may seem like a good thing but it's not, it's a burden and almost a curse he has to deal with.

You should take a break from this place and maybe return when your heart has healed.

There's a place for you too in this Crib, otherwise you would never got this far.

AgonyAunt said...

When I look for the word "insanity" in the dictionary. These posts are featured. Cuz honestly fren. This entire convo -- from the get-go -- feels like someone losing their grip on SANITY.

No letter. And frankly. Long ago. You were given online contact instructions. Which -- to MY knowledge -- you never used.

If I were Jamie Dornan. Or his proxy. I'd ask you to cease and desist. Not out of FEAR. Out of sympathy. Cuz the intensity of your focus is disconcerting. And whilst there are certainly ardent and devoted fans. This bird-dogging isn't the normal double-digit IQ selfie-stick variety. You are an intelligent human. With the wherewithal and interest to appear at ones doorstep. And a guy like Dornan. Or anyone in this increasingly psychopathic day and age. Can't risk it. You do see what I'm saying? You're presenting yourself as a DANGER to him to yourself and to those you profess to love. Don't.

We're all in "The ARK" to find safety. And TRUTH. To offer hope and guidance and censure to those who have lost their way. Some of us (ahem) deploy TRUTH as "offensive" battle strategy. Hoping to derail something WORSE. Others take a less-confrontational approach. And still others use this platform to suck-up to those they think may lurk here. At the end of the day. No one wishes to see anyone harmed. We desire to SEE TRUTH overcome error. And for those who use evil against others to be EXPOSED. And evil DESTROYED. And this is where we happen to DO the metaphysical work supporting GOOD. Right here. On this maddening thread.

Whether you stay or go is YOUR choice. There are no rules to this platform. Or none that I am aware. One is embraced or rejected based on the QUALITY of the comments one offers. And others are FREE to accept or reject them as they will.

Way back when. There was a poster named Green Carmen Ghia. Its energy was fierce. Purposeful. Vengeful. Un-mistakable. It was directly MOSTLY to me. And after a point. When I called it out. YOU denied it was who it was. You tried to hide it. Shield it. Redirect it. Draw it to YOU. And you directed VERY specific vitriol toward me. As a kind of punishment. To take a proprietary interest in it. To show your willingness to align yourself with its fight against me. Her's too. Cuz she was there. To "protect" his flank. From me. And you ingratiated yourself to her cause as well. And using it as a way to dishearten and derail me from my work. Trying to drive a metaphysical wedge between those who were on this platform (including "them") and me. Using any perceived weakness as a weapon. Cuz you see. I never tried to cozy-up-to-them for friendship. It was NEVER my job. They have enuf enablers. Surrounding them. Encouraging their demons. I have always aspired to be a touchstone for TRUTH. And those who post or lurk here know it. And whilst they may not "like" me much. They know I don't play games. Sadly. They do. Play games. I reckon its what they believe protects them. Like an evil-eye. But it doesn't. It won't. It can't.

I choose to ignore you from this point onward. Not cuz I dislike you. At all. But GOOD conscience -- the rip-roaring bitch inside my head -- tells me one doesn't feed or nurture bad habits. In oneself. Or others.


Kiki said...

Just saw the trailer for My Dinner with Herve. Got to say it looks pretty good, and Jamie seems very good in it. I wonder if those two got up to any trouble while in New York???? While people say Cillian and Jamie were good together, I have a feeling Peter and Jamie are more alike.

AgonyAunt said...

There are worse sins than adultery. Far worse. Living a life of deceit is worse. Harming children is worse. I reckon the way one resolves sin is to simply STOP sinning. It's a choice. We each get to choose to re-align with God.

Some marriages fail. But its madness to double-down on failure. Dig the hole deeper. Add more victims to the terrorist event.

The Pitt-Jolie divorce is a cautionary tale. What happens when a weak man is manipulated by a sly scheming woman? Those children are her tactical nukes. Her Sampson Option. And she'll destroy EVERYTHING before she's done. Including their sanity. Thankfully. She was unable to bear any additional "weapons" with which to punish him. But Millie is still capable of adding to her arsenal. And its EXACTLY how she SEES and USES her children. As weapons.

The 7th woman won't come to the table. Not until her nukes are disarmed. It's a tricky operation. One starts with proof. Of satanic-coven-occult-activities and indoctrination. Or illegal drugs. One must be willing to fight fire with fire. Burn. It. Down. Use all the tools of war. Take the offensive. Otherwise your children will be nuclear time-bombs. And they won't survive the madness. Neither will you. Or anyone connected to you.

MZ said...

@Kiki Jamie does seem good in it. While it does deal with a sensitive subject, there seems to be some comedy to it. Maybe these are the roles Jamie should be taking, instead of war movies. And I feel Jamie is just better when he doesn't have to use another accent, he's not that great with accents. I'm hesitant to even come on this site anymore, there seems to be a lot of people off the rails. Don't know what's going on, but I guess its best to ignore them.

Sophie said...

The most recent Hugo Boss interviews with Jamie are concerning. It is almost as if he has been brainwashed by a cult worshipping Millie. The interviewers rarely ever mention her, but he finds a way to include her in his answers and examples - until it is sickening. And it is unusual for a man who has been married for 5 years to continue this way.
Either he is brainwashed or he is presenting a cover up for a gap in their relationship

Sophie said...

Hey Aunty,
I remember Green Carman Ghia and it seemed as if more than one person took that name. But the male energy was violent toward you- even threatening your pet dog. It was during the filming of FS.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we have come to know that Jamie's wife loves perfumes and she smells great in her natural state(Udder Cream and sheep and horse manure??). I just find it odd that Jamie has to prove time and again that he is with his wife and he loves her. I'm sure he is, but maybe it's because so many people don't like the wife and then there are those people who secretly think he's in love with Dakota Johnson. On another note, we haven't seen the wife in awhile. Why do I feel like she's going to come to a premier all massively pregnant???

Rennie said...

I remember Green Carmen Ghia also. She accused me of posting under other names. I had just found this board and she wound often attack. Anytime, I say something critical about Jamie and compliment Dakota, it was on.

Jamie seems strange every since that Italian vacation. He seemed like a Steford Husband. Then the fashion in NY and on to Toronto. Maybe, baby number three have him shell shot. He’s always trying to convince himself that he’s loves his wife.

AgonyAunt said...

I disagree ever so slightly. He isn't trying to convince HIMSELF. That ship has sailed. He's been handed a script. And told to convince YOU that he's devoted to Millie. Sadly. He's a very poor actor. Particularly when he doesn't FEEL the role. It's clear "they" (Markus and his coven-cunts) have something rather bad on our-mad-lad. Something which might remove him from his children. Or land him in jail perhaps. He was very UNWISE with his demons. The lucifarian-sabbateans don't fuck around. He's perhaps sensibly scared of what they CAN and WILL do to him. It also may explain why the sister is SO SUPER-DUPER supportive of Millie. Poor thing. Does she purge after saying her lines? Tho' she does seem to be the BETTER actor in the family.

Hey Snoozle. You're right of course. GCG wasn't ONE energy. There were two. Maybe three. Jamie and Millie "shared" the role. And one of its purposes (other than to rip me a new one) was to repair Millie's reputation. Which, lets face it, was rather in tatters due to MY WIT AND INSIGHTS in this thread. I swear. It was like a master's class in Revelations 12: "Exposing the Dragon". I'm very proud of it. But the venge-ful-ness against ME always reeked of "prissy-nasty-sorority-cuntiness". Not masculine at all. Very witchy-bitchy. So I honestly never fully blamed him for it. Tho' I was disappointed he was co-opted into doing it. It was beneath him. To come on some silly-ass gossip site and mix it up with the great unwashed. Very un-patrician. Arkansas trailer-trashy. (Apologies to anyone from AK.)

Oh Maize. Lil NO-NOSE. Don't feel unwelcome. Just know that your mistakes and grammatical gaffs will be thoroughly OUTED and CRITICIZED for yucks and bants. How else will you know I care???

BigHugs lady-frens.

SD said...


Thanks for your concern about my vital organs. But rest assured nothing is"broken" or on life support. Nor am I "in" anything other than this day, this moment.

Just so you don't fret too much over my fragile emotional state. Resilience is at the front of my parade. Along with loyalty.

A word to the wise. Projection can be a dangerous and potentially messy intervention.

For example, if I were a "him" I would not APPRECIATE someone telling me not only what I needed, but what I felt, or should feel. No sir. Not at all. I would NOT want my balls co-oped by someone else. No matter how sincere the intent may be.

p.s. To make an assumption, which may or may not be accurate, I have always suspected YOU view me sorta, kinda like the Yoko Ono of the "crib." I burst right in and spoiled it for all the good devotees.

Yes, I "tricked" and "bewitched" poor, helpless, naive "aunty." Fuck if I didn't just ruin the good times. In fact, though the "energy" between aunty and me might have been mistaken for a "good thing," in reality it is nothing but a CURSE and a burden for all who dare enter these halls. If you ask me, Aunty is damn lucky he/she/it got out ALIVE.

But speaking of Yoko Ono, John Lennon was one lucky asshole when he asked her to dance. May have destabilized stuff initially but in the long-haul a very creative place manifested between them. In mu opinion, Yoko should be awarded a congressional medal for the fidelity she has shown to him all these long years. As I said, Lennon was one lucky asshole.

BBB said...

It's been a wild journey, with ups and downs, real Aunty and the Cribbies are more important now than before because the pressure over him is immense, I fear for him and his physical and psychological health.
Resist, don't let her turn your life into misery and suffering, there's always a way out, find it!
What ever your flaws are hers are much worse, she's not a victim, you are.

AgonyAunt said...

One final (for tonight) observation. I haven't sensed him here in this thread for a while. Not since the 7th woman at the table revelation. I reckon he was told this place was off-limits. Verboten. Cuz there are too many old-cribbies lurking. Picking-up on all the flow and chatter and messaging. Too bad really. Cuz its still a good place to vent. Less EXPOSED. A more targeted and guarded audience.

Strange. After that crazy asthma incident. I feel as if some OTHER energy is leaching mine. Or as if I'm channeling for some OTHER energy. It's VERY HEAVY. And sadder too. In ways that don't feel like my OWN sadness. As if I'm suffering for another. And I see walls closing in. Struggling to catch a full breath. There's no reason for me to feel this way. Cuz I'm not unhappy. And I'm very healthy. So something is troubling my frequency. And I wake up with a lump in my throat. It's very odd. And I'm trying my best to listen and respond accordingly.

I don't look for trouble. But I take ANY threat to my well-being as a serious matter. I am NO necromancer. Nor follower of satan. I don't use my considerable gifts to harm or manipulate others for money or power or fame. GOD DEFENDS MY SANCTITY AGAINST ALL EVIL. Let me be clear. To Milly Swidger. Who lurks. And smirks. And plays with powers she KNOWS NOT. Beware. I'm not the kind of "fundi-judeo-christ-cuck" who turns the other cheek for you to punch. I will fucking come for you and rip your goddamn throat out. Metaphysically. You won't know what hit you. Metaphysically. And not only will I come for you. Metaphysically. I'll fucking destroy your entire evil-freemason-sabbatean-coven. Metaphysically. So read carefully. Lest you stumble into the PIT. If you're harming him. And his frequency is siphoning mine for dear life. Thus harming ME. You coven-cunts best be ready for the gates of fucking hell to drag you under. I won't stop until I've burned you and every mortal thing you hold dear ALIVE. Metaphysically. And salted the earth. So be warned. Do not fuck with me. Ever.

SD said...


There you go. Projecting again and telling poor stupid aunty what to do, feel, and be.

Never, ever imagine, for one second, that I view myself as a VICTIM. And "aunty" sure as hell is NO victim.

Aunty is consciously making his/her own choices everyday. I don't pretend to understand them all. And I worry too. But this I do know. His life is not mine, or yours, to act out. Believe in the asshole. I do. I can only hope that on his "to do" list of fights to fight that I do not factor in. At all.

How the hell did you ever twist this narrative around so that my goal is to cause misery and suffering? Who do you imagine I am? A Mossad agent poised to kidnap dumb aunty in a vulnerable moment and lead that loser straight to a firing squad? Think again.

Look. No one is more deserving of a few moments of grace than aunty. The asshole doesn't always get that, but it's true. And he doesn't need to be locked in a mausoleum to find it either. LET HIM GO.

All I can say to you is, simply, stay out of other peeps minds. Let them live their own messy, flaw-filled, glorious lives without adding hysterical crying to the mix. I appreciate you care. But calling the troops to sobs never helps.

Another thing. How the FUCK do you know what aunty's "pressures" are anyhow? or his "flaws" (if he even has any!)? or mine? Who the HELL are you?

SD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SD said...

postscript: I always thought Milly Swidger was a force for good? Maybe I need to reread Dickens. So many books to read, can not keep up.

To be honest. The thought of someone, with not insignificant powers, coming full speed ahead, metaphorically speaking of course, is a tad exciting. But I, for one, would never, ever FUCK, metaphorically speaking, with an energy of that magnitude.

I know my limits, and am not so dumb to harm or deplete someone, abstractly or literally, who brings forth so much. In me.

You don't manipulate? Sure you do. And very well too. But I do not manipulate; just too lazy. But, beware, I am very difficult to manipulate. And, I don't blink easily either.

AgonyAunt said...

So THAT'S the game. Eh. Transference. Channeling him thru me. Using me as a conduit. A vessel. Drafting "Aunty's" energy to slip-stream your sicko obsession. You faggot-coven-cunts think you can use ME as a portal? A door. To him. Are you totally insane? Protip: That's rhetorical.

Don't bother to address me. Nor post purposefully confusing-occult-witchy-poo-kabbalah-koven-kike-kunt tripe. I won't read it. Not even skim it. It has NO fucking standing. No TRUTH. No wonder he shuns you. Won't engage you. Madlad lives with the serpent-occult-freemason-babbylonian-bloodlibel-kabbalah-kunt nutcases. He knows MORAL INSANITY when he sees it. Little wonder he bangs randoms. Trying to hate-fuck the demonic influences away. Sad. Cuz mirroring alt-kike-sociopathic-behaviors isn't the way to do it. I've tried to teach him. But he needs to learn "the hard way".

If you and your lizard-faced-reiki-koven-kunts attempt to transmogrify me again you will regret the day you were hatched onto this mortal plane. You have fucked with the WRONG intermediary. ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD. And I reflect ALL POWER. "Get thee behind me, satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

There are two things occult-luciferism cannot EVER do. It can't CREATE. Nor HEAL. The only cause and creator and healer IS GOD. And His reflection is PERFECT. Undefiled. Whole. Complete. YOU have attempted to intercede your pathetic "powers" between God and HIS PERFECT IDEA. Without the patient asking for your help. You are truly fucked.

"And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightenings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail...and behold a great red dragon, having SEVEN heads and ten horns, and SEVEN crowns upon his heads. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought his angels, AND PREVAILED NOT; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: And I heard a LOUD VOICE saying in heaven, NOW is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ:"

"Repent...for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Amen.

SD said...

WHAT THE FUCK. I am not doing anything to you. Nothing. to you. NOTHING. NOTHING. I do NOT perform "transference." Half ass channeling, now and again. But EVERYONE can do that if they focus. It is not coven-witchey-black magic-voodoo.

Sometimes stuff happens to us that defies logic or easy answers. That is part of the mystery of being alive and pulsating. Just cause we both had asthma attacks doesn't mean I made it so. FUCK. You are the last person I would harm.

don't transfer all evil intents onto me.
It just is not fair, just not accurate.
it is crazy thinking

Who SHUNS me? I have no idea who and what you are talking about?
Oh please gawd don't say Jamie Dornan is my target. That boy's energy carries zero interest for me. NONE. I feel sorry for him, but that is that. Honestly, I don't get your obsession with him.

Goddamn, you are the most complicated, confusing, maddening, reactive human I have ever encountered!!!!!! EVER.

SD said...

p.s. I think I am rather amusing. BUT you translate every word of mine as dead-on-serious.


I am not using you for one goddamn thing. You just do not see me very clearly, and thus project an amazing amount of shit onto me. It is stunningly inaccurate and hurtful also.

I am NOT a lizard. Just a dumb, stupid girl.

AgonyAunt said...

Clap. Clap. Clap. Are you not entertained?

Actors HERE are wayyy better than the ones on-screen.

Beware of lighting matches. Something may catch fire.

Burn. Babbie. Burn.

SD said...

Odd. **We share the same wave-length yet again

Just today I was thinking that the "crib" (thread#1) and "internet rendezvous"(thread#2) would make one damn good movie, or maybe a page-turner of a book. Or, better still, BOTH.

Fuck. This is not just any gossip-site. No sire. With all the literary references, dog-whistling, thinly veiled exposé of HW not to mention a contemporaneous morality play, AND just to keep things interesting some spicy "will they get togethers" it would be an art world sensation. I am SURE of it.

I will insist tho' that Charles de Gaulle have a rather central role. He is such a drama queen after all!! And would add sorely needed humor too. Ideally he can play himself. (which given my "talents" there should be no problem nailing his participation down)

(...speaking of C.D.G I can't find my copy of "unity," his 1942-44 war memoir. I spent a LONG time looking for it today. Did YOU telepathically STEAL IT? I know you did, so no use denying it. Ah well, onto v.2, 1944-46 and "Salvation.")

BTW, I read *your last line as "Burn. Barbie. Burn." We are on the same page with that sentiment, that doll needs to be destroyed. And soon.

* Author's note: *WE refers, both overtly and covertly, to Astral Weeks and "Aunty." Jamie Dornan is not being "dog-whistled" or otherwise referenced, either overtly or covertly.
Additionally, no "secret" messaging or "coding" is contained nor implied in this post.

MZ said...

So saying this is my last post and then continuing to endlessly post, is that a thing...asking for a friend?

SD said...

Oh Ms. B. I don't know if it is a "thing," and I realize that being consistent in raising children is important, but what's a girl to do when accused of coven-kunt-witchery, and worse?

As for others, and their declarations of last posts, who knows? Actually I think it was a vow of no more communication with ONE specific anon. But who knows? Maybe the assholes are nuts and don't know what they are saying, or doing? It's any fool's guess.

Anyhoo, thanks for asking.

p.s. "endlessly" might be a bit of a stretch.

MZ said...

Nope, it definitely said last post here...

Ergo, this is my last post here. Know I will always carry you close to my heart. And, you now also know where to "find" me.

BBB said...

A couple of days ago, on Twitter I saw a post where someone was upset about Jamie's latest interviews and how he praises MyWife like she's the last coke in the desert, and how unbelievable that is, because he always looks upset around her.
Here's my take on that issue, there's no need to be upset, he is fond of satire (the use of humor or EXAGGERATION in order to show how stupid,foolish or wicked some people are), it's his way to rebel against his own choices that keep him unhappy, probably the only weapon he can reach right now...
I bet he likes Voltaire, here: "Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers".

Anonymous said...

Whether Jamie is happy with his wife or not, doesn't really matter does it? He is with her, it seems as if he's not leaving her and there's a good chance she could be pregnant with Baby No. 3. As far as we all know Jamie may truly be happy and faithful to his brilliant wife. I'm in no way of fan of hers and I do believe she's the one who loves the fame the most in that relationship. Lets face it the only cheating we ever heard Jamie doing was on here, and I'm starting to think Enty made them all up because Jamie blinds got a lot of hits. Once Fifty was over so were the Jamie blinds. But when it all comes down to it, Millie gives Jamie enough space to do what he wants, and then when it may be getting out of hand, she knows she needs to yank the kids out of school and travel with him. I just truly hope there aren't still people on here that think him and Dakota are in love and just waiting to be together. If you do you may want to go to twitter, those girls are hard-core and nothing they see or hear can make them change their mind...Jamie and Dakota are secretly meeting up all the time.

AgonyAunt said...

Dear me. I haven't the stomach for it anymore. Watching him. In interviews. Cuz I wince whenever I see him trip-and-stumble over those "hard" questions. The ones you know he'll get about FSOG. Tho' I do agree with BBB. He's a sarcastic mofo. And that comment about Millie smelling nice was eerily similar to another comment he once blurted-out about SOMEONE ELSE'S fragrance. The koven-kunts didn't like him mentioning his olfactory receptors. Nor any other savors or sensations to the alluring Miss Johnson. And then the skunk appeared. Poor Dakota. I FEEL her. It sucks when ones aura attracts satanic fukwits and losers. Perhaps a nice diamond cross. To remember that God is the ONLY POWER.

Caught a recent DJ interview on Bad Times. It reminded me why I was drawn to her in the first place. And it's a movie I might actually bother to see. Well done. And yes. She looked very lovely at the Premiere. Tho' she hardly needs ME to offer homage. Perhaps Gucci is actually tryna design things which look well on her. FINALLY.

If Millie is having #3 the 7th woman isn't about to give up the ghost. It's hard to imagine he's THAT stupid. But my imagination has proven less than adequate to plumb the depths of stupidity witnessed here in this saga. Honestly frens. Can fan-fags believe we're at it? Red carpets, pink sofas, refrigerators, nuclear-babbies and kabbalah-koven-dragons. There's a script in this somewhere.

Oh Sandy-pants. Perhaps those TW accounts aren't ALL fan-fags? It's well reported that TW communities of fake accounts are used to message and communicate between users. Or using g-mail drafts. Or gaming sites. I don't doubt ENTY and the CDAN circus does what they DO to get hits. Let the shekels flow. But don't ignore crumbs of TRUTH. It keeps many doggos fed. And yes. The frig gives mad-lad lots of rope. As per contract terms. But I wager she doesn't want him grazing at Miss Johnson's banquet table. So the best way to stop it is #3. And using extreme-cuntiness to demoralize her rival. Same as it ever was. Shit. Maybe Dakota Johnson revenge-fucks Dornan. Just to mess with the frig. THAT would be SO awesome.

AgonyAunt said...

P.S. Sandy-pants. Just one teensy thing. It's not quite accurate to say Dornan's cheating stories are solely the purview of CDAN. Cuz the original story was featured on another site. The one about him hooking up with some young lass at Soho Club. A Markus special. It was a sister of the bartender who tweeted about it. Remember. And the Daily Mail actually had a pap outside the club to catch him coming out at 5am. And then later morning he was papped with the frig going for coffee. And he hadn't changed from his Soho clothes. You see. I don't miss much. Nor forget.

Here's an interesting script. What if Markus is not only high-priest for occult-freemason-bullshit. What if he's a pimp too. For mi6-mossad-clowns. And part of his "job" is running a brownstone operation. What if Markus supplies his "clients" (think royals and other celebs) with some very dangerous poon. Underage? Gay? Bloodlibel? Eyes-wide-shut? Other esoteric tastes? Part of the "job" is to film clients in compromising positions. Like sex with underage teens. Or very young children. And to use the evidence as blackmail. To make them comply with terms and agreements. Like staying in a marriage. When one partner wants OUT. Not only does he film "intimate" moments. He makes sure a DM photog is on the scene to memorialize the client's walk of shame the next morning. It's called "corroborating evidence". In case the client tries to deny it. That sister of the bartender may be part of the TRAP.

Look. It FEELS as if someone has something on Dornan which keeps him married to Millie. Something which might prevent him from getting custody of his children would do the trick. Something that could harm him in other ways too. Otherwise he wouldn't be with Millie. Period. He wants OUT. The 7th woman was a clear message. Of someone trying to negotiate with broken promises. "I'll do this...you'll do that...and we'll get a no-fault-divorce." But #7 keeps ratcheting up demands. First it was money. Then it was re-habing her reputation. Or selling the LA house. Now its another babbie. She will NEVER let go. Period. And will use their children as her Sampson Option.

It's very understandable to want to remove children from such a mother. Such a woman presents a clear and present danger. But the courts are not supportive. Especially in light of OTHER evidence which might be submitted.

Finally. It's hard to say if any blind is TOTALLY factual. I tend to think they're some combination of truth and fiction. For plausible deniability. One could imagine a situation where 1) it's done to mitigate damage to another and 2) it happened during times where he was estranged from the one he loved. I have no inside information. Just my gut. And it says someone was very indiscreet. With something. Or someone. Which puts him in harms way.

I'd say fight fire with fire. And be willing to walk away.

SD said...

@ Ms. Bee,

I realize it may seem as if I am letting the "sisterhood" down by appearing to be "wishy-washy." But, in reality, extenuating circumstances can often cloud the waters, and being flexible is a strong trait to activate.

First, where is that goddamn missing LETTER. Which includes a very creative and IMO non-threatening "choice" along with other (non scary) stuff.

When I made the "last post" post I had assumed da letter was in the intended, impatient hands. Alas, where Letter landed is any asshole's guess. Shit, and I spent $39.45 to mail that fucker, not once but twice. Piss me off. The boys who deliver the world on time disappointed, or maybe someone made an "executive" decision. Who knows? It's a hectic world. It sucks that "someone" (who is NOT Jamie Dornan) made a choice not even knowing what my choice was. Which seems unfair. Yet, I can barely keep up with myself, never mind second guess another's energy.

I will say tho'. To fixate on the past, obsess over old stories that have absolutely no relevance NOW, focus one's energy on revenge and pushing away, and stubbornly hold onto fears of the "unknown unknowns" is a guarantee that the same old same old will cycle on and on.

And then you die, and have to come back again and work through all the "stuff" you pushed to the side this time around. Karma is like that.

Well, speaking for myself I say enough already. And have come to realize that when stuff gets all shaken up and thrown out of alignment it is not "insanity," rather it may just be something else worth sitting up straight and paying attention to. And instead of running into old comforting cliches centering into the core of the mystery.

So you see Ms. B it's best to not always follow a sisterhood manual of "how to do things right." For sometimes one just knows. And leans into that. Accepting all we can ever embrace is this moment. And to do that it is essential to lift up the anchor and leave safe harbors.

p.s. JD and DJ are both very young (particularly Dakota). They have decades left to work through the veils. And it seems. to me at least, the bulk of work they both need to do has little to do with "true love" and much more to do with personal individual evolution.

Alas, some of us see the end line more vividly, the decades no longer so endless. The good news is it just gets better and better. And the bottom line is everything does not have to be exhausting, high drama, and fraught with hidden agendas.

I recall someone once musing if perhaps JD did not feel worthy of having an ongoing "normal" relationship with a fully actualized women. The answer to that riddle is obvious: it takes a (more or less) actualized bro to be able to even notice such a sista. Strength brings forth strength, and the space between two such energies a place of peace, light and new possibilities.

SD said...


I mean it. Thank you for providing a reset without passing judgement. It is a gift. Kindness does emerge when one least expects it, and often from surprising sources.

BTW, the operative word in my referenced post is "here." Note it was not last "post" forever anywhere. Perhaps this word choice is more then empty semantics. I imagine time will tell.

AgonyAunt said...

Even our lil NO-NOSE can smell a RAT.

After my long-winded exculpation's yesterday. I'll be thankfully brief. It occurred to me. If I were Dakota Johnson. And had endured such long-term persistent attacks from coven-cunts. And played a never-ending waiting game for a guy who can't seem to break free of the dragons spell. I might make it my singular purpose to revenge-fuck-him on multiple occasions. On every continent. And insure Milly Swidger sees and knows and imagines. In excruciating detail. The incredible heights of love and passion and exhilaration she will NEVER EXPERIENCE with him. But that's just me. Oh yeah. I reckon that was what FS2+3 were for...

Like Madame LaFarge. I'll be patiently knitting. Waiting to SEE justice prevail.

Anonymous said...

Aunty I think its safe to say that at this point, Dornan and Johnson will probably never cross paths again. And if something went on, and that's a big IF, between them, it was over right after the director yelled cut for the final time. Even if Dornan cheats and Millie's knows she will never leave him. She turns the other way, or gets pregnant when its getting too bad. But have to say Jamie is in Paris golfing and there hasn't been one thing of gossip about him misbehaving. Hey maybe all the waitresses are over 50 working the event.

SD said...

Oh toi, is it so impossible for you to believe you are worthy and deserving? Or to trust me even a fraction? Or to let go of narratives that serve no purpose but to unleash cycles of penance, sadness and confusion?

I don't pretend to understand YOU. Or why you think I am so stupid and blind I can't separate energies or know my own desires.

I DO, however, understand myself and am very monogamous about what energy I stand by. No confusion. Surely no conflation. Also clear I am NO Penelope. Pragmatically there is just not 20-years to fiddle around in.

Revenge can be a nasty and risky game. I hope Dakota doesn't roll that way. She is better than that.

Sigh. Wish that fucking letter had hit its' target. It may just have facilitated notching out of this so-not-fun groove. And into another space that just might offer possibilities of exhilaration and maybe even peace.

As always. I am patiently here. Missing you.

Sophie said...

Hey Aunty and Sandy,

Dakota and Jamie certainly have made it look real for everyone ( even the director) —- the black satin lingerie promo shoot for FSF was quite impressive. Let’s be honest, they enjoyed it. And as we see it, they have parted ways. But, who knows how/when they communicate.
And they have been busy.

The most recent comment that Jamie made about Dakota was for an interview regarding the Hugo Boss fragrance- he was asked to describe some of his co stars in one word. He quickly thought of words for Jamie Fox and Rita Ora, but it took him a minute to select a word to describe Dakota. He came up with “Loyal”, then shook his head and said something like, “that’s too much for her”. Curious.
(He is married and has stayed with his wife, so Dakota got herself a boyfriend- and maybe he doesn’t love that idea)

Millie is intertwined with him in many ways and it will take a huge effort to get out of her grasp. And 2 innocent children are in the middle.

SD said...

p.s. Speaking of mm. LaFarge. interestingly, my Paris apartment is right up the street from the Cimetiére de Picpus. A place of peace, as well as sadness, I often visit. It is here that each day a cart would arrive, in 1794, with the guillotine victims du jour. And dumped into mass graves. (Lyfayette is buried here too, tho' not in a mass grave.)

AgonyAunt said...

Oh Sandy-pants. If only I were as SURE and CERTAIN as you. I'd be a much better fan-fag. But a pitiful TRUTH SEER.

Let's agree on this... let's hope she gets him outta her system. Sooner than later. Otherwise. She'll have a lifetime of waiting for happiness to arrive. A life of constant sorrow. The kind that comes from doing that which isn't ones highest sense of good. I always hoped for the best. And tho' behavior seems less than admirable. One can't have watched all these years and not felt there was a path to GOOD. One must choose which side to carry. Which horse to ride. I choose the one with the best shot at finishing the race. The one in the best position to make righteous choices. The one not yet overwhelmed with SIN. And I'm a loyal faggot. I stick with the one I came in on.

But Sandy-pants. I totally appreciate the role you (and others) play. Here. Protecting "asset-value". Denying what some (here and elsewhere) feel strongly is TRUE. It's always been a hella risk for her. To be tainted by affairs with married male co-stars with young children. And one can see (online) the work of coven-cunts stirring up shit with a recent co-star. Tho' she may likely get some of that gossip regardless. Cuz she's young and pretty and sexy and heterosexual co-stars would find her very attractive. But a "forever-friendship" with Dornan doesn't help. And if he is reaching out to her -- despite knowing how this affects her well-being and livelihood -- without offering her the PROTECTION of a LOVING and PUBLIC relationship -- then it shows who and what he is about. And if Millie is pregnant with #3. God have mercy on him. Cuz his actions are all the more indefensible.

Let's all pretend they haven't seen one another since FS#3 premiere. Shall we? Tho' I draw the line at CM. Cuz its a bridge too far for me. But Mr. Schoenaerts is believable. And a fan-faggot can dream...

AgonyAunt said...

Hey Snooze. You are unerringly correct. That black lingerie shoot was beyond the call of duty. Over the top really. And I was sorry to see it. Cuz it didn't help either of them. And it likely made OTHER parties dig their heels in farther. And harder. Tho' I doubt it altered any actual decisions or events. Cuz the 7th woman wasn't going to comply. EVER.

It's funny you mention the adjective "loyal". Cuz its exactly as I would describe her. And like attracts like. It's not loyalty out of ignorance. Or stupidity. She knows what she risks being LOYAL. Or what it means to her sanity. And safety. And yet she chooses to be loyal in times when she has little to gain from it. And it makes her more dear. To those who SEE it.

None of us will likely ever know the reasons he chooses to remain married to Millie. Surely his children weigh heavily in the calculus. But in the long run it may simply be easier. Tho' I doubt it. Another babby would seal the deal. It is what it is.

Sophie said...


Something that you have mentioned in the past resonated with me today. Jamie always has a “minder” when he attends out of town events without Millie....Generally it is Markus, but we haven’t seen him around much lately. Last night, in Paris, Jamie was accompanied by his good friend Mikey. For a golf tournament.

I am coming to your conclusion that the 5am pap shoot “walk of shame” that Jamie experienced when he was leaving the Groucho Club a few years ago was a set up. It had to be. It was reported to the tabloids and a pap was lying in wait for him to walk straight into the camera.
The blinds written here could be fiction, but when his name is actually listed, that is serious.

I believe that the marriage is mutually beneficial, but it is not a love filled union. No matter how much that he gushes about her.

Hannah J said...

@Suz Vic someone wrote on this site about that 5 am walk of shame and how her brother was a bartender at the Groucho Club and Jamie was flirting with some "model type" and then got a room there and him and the woman both disappeared. Only for Jamie to come back down a couple of hours later, have a drink and then go home. Obviously anyone can write whatever they want on here, and it may not be true, but when you have a newborn at home and you chose to stay out to all hours of the night, something ain't right. Hey, maybe Dornan wasn't use to all the female attention he got all of a sudden and didn't know how to handle it. Could be he has grown up and got all that debauchery out of his system. He seems to be on the straight and narrow for awhile.

Hannah J said...

Also on a side note, that guy Mikey is one of Jamie's best friends from Holywood. He's married to that chick who seems to kiss Millie's a$$ and is always hanging all over Jamie. She's the one that goes un-private on IG when she knows she will be with Jamie. I can see why her and Ms. Mills are such great friends. If you look at it, all of Millie's friends seem to love attention and can be quite bitchy. They have to be nice to Millie, she's the one who always found the famous man...they just ride her (and insert famous man) coattails.

BBB said...

Oh man! I went there to that bizarre venting swamp and tried to warn you several times,to shut the fuck up or at least moderate your anger, you didn't listen and now guess what we're all being censured because of you. Happy now? Asshole!

AgonyAunt said...

There's a different vibe when Dornan travels with Markus vs. traveling with an old friend. Markus is a very-highly-connected "handler". One presumes Dornan's childhood friends are NOT. Regardless of how their wives relate to Millie. They may be doing so to protect Dornan. Like his sisters. It's a play. And everyone has a role. Including THIS tread.

It's a very complicated chess game. Peoples lives, happiness and well-being are at stake. And careers. And lots of money on the line. One hates to SEE them caught in the web. Particularly if they're in it for the money. Cuz there's no arguing with greed. But if they're playing the long-game. To out-maneuver evil. It seems like their queen is unprotected. But one can't see all the moves. And only brief glimpses of the board. But I get the sense someone is cornered. And is considering a sacrifice move. Ending the game. Which is dangerous for everyone on the board.

What happens when you can't be with the one you love? Or if that person is being blackmailed and held to OTHER contracts by very evil ppl. Do you walk away? Or do you set up an elaborate cover which allows you to be together in secret. Even entertaining a marriage to someone else. It happens all the time in Hollywood. How many gay men and woman marry their "friends" and live behind the scenes with a REAL partner? And perhaps. Part of the "deal". Includes the blackmailers getting something from the other partner. Like a contract. To beard with one of their OTHER clients. Who also needs cover. It might be VERY interesting to research connections between Markus and OTHER celebs. Including rock stars.

It takes a very LOYAL person. Someone deeply and madly in love. To do something so foolhardy. To risk life and well-being. And place themselves into the pit. Through the fire. I reckon it takes a village of internet shills to tamp down any discussion of such things. And use other celebs to comment on how perfect and happy the "new beard couple" are together.

Sadly. We are ALL human. Imperfect in our mortal clothes. And thus we tend to make mistakes. Even fool-proof strategies may be fooled. Cuz when one decides FREEDOM is more important than living a comfortable lie. All bets are off. Scripts get ignored. People make mistakes. And use public outlets to vent their sorrows. Those who are tasked with "handling" such persons must weigh carefully how to reign it in. Pull it back from the brink. Cuz these individuals represent significant tangible future value to handlers. Like a YUUUGE franchise at stake.

One hopes there isn't a babbie being used as barter. That would be deeply sad. Cuz those ends don't justify the means. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Some people here should take up writing...because those are some tales you're spinning!

BBB said...

Ouch! Real Aunty hit the nail right on the head, our friend Sandy almost fell of her chair, we already got the message you keep posting here for years: zero chances for Damie to happen.
Tell us dear, is Markus the p*mp your boss? Does he pays in cash or gives you free entrance on the Soho Houses?

AgonyAunt said...

Oh Sandy Pants. There were LOTS of shills over the years telling me I spin a good yarn. And yet. Here we are. Still watching the saga unfold. There must be SOME truth in my tales. To be honest. In this last missive. Perhaps I gave Dornan TOO MUCH CREDIT for being a mensch. Maybe he's just an common ordinary rat. Playing one woman off the other. Juggling too many waitresses. And co-stars. And babbies. Til they ALL come crashing down. Time will tell.

Those who have kept watch over the last years are unconvinced that the relationship with CM has standing. They may be close friends. Perhaps he's very good to her. And that can be enough. For a time. My biggest issue with CM is his kabbalah-koven EX. And his tightness with the bee-hive-baphomet and her pedo-occult-husband. What happened to Father John Misty? He was wayyy more interesting. And less problematic.

Anyhoo. My story-telling is less onerous than someone using DM comment boards to vent and punish. Perhaps we'll get another visit from GCG? Or Copycat Aunty. Unless this thread is off-limits to him. Which is prolly wise. From his handlers perspective. LOL.

If you want me to tell a different story. Make me an offer. I could use some extra cash.

Anonymous said...

@BBB Yes enjoyed my time with Markus, The Dornans and the Prince and Princess of Sussex in Amsterdam at the Soho house opening, it was a fun time for all. Millie was rightfully in full glory, asking the Princess if she could try on her crown (the horror). Jamie and Harry were busy at the bar. Markus was looking on like a proud peacock. Next stop Soho House in Malibu, just grabbing a quick lunch of sushi with Dakota and Chris. Maybe I can see of Markus will set up a lunch with The D's and D&C next month in the Cots, when they are all in London together. I'll get back to you and let you know if we can make this happen. There are private rooms there, maybe D&J can sneak off for a quicky....see I can write a good fairy tale also!

Sophie said...

Hey Sandy,
Are you certain that this is a fairy tale ? (Yes, parts are )... I just read a post that said Jamie and Amelia were in Amsterdam last night and attended an event with Meghan and Harry!

AgonyAunt said...

Hey Snoozle. If it were a fairy tale. We'd have given it a MUCH better ending. Cuz OUR prince isn't an alcoholic-random-hook-up prick. Nor does he stalk ex-princesses after they get a snooker-full of his cheating-lying-self-justifications bullshit. And then blame the ebil 7th woman. But whoops. Fuck her anyway and have #3. Cuz ya know. It's part of the escape plan. Hahahaha. But I digress. This is NO happily-ever-after tale. This is a Grimms tale of a guy with so many demons he could start a petting zoo. A whinging-naval-gazing-excuse-making faggot. In between shagging co-stars and waitresses who still live with their parents he fucks Whora-gypsy trash when all other options have vanished. With babbies napping upstairs. Will he ruin another franchise? Save us Idris. Cuz this white-boi can't jump. Nor act.

Wonder what fairy-tale Cillian and Tom would tell? Eh.

SD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SD said...

Someone is very angry. Some intense adjectives and judgements leveled against JD. Would seem that a certain anon is trying to activate the chess board for one's own venting, entertainment and amusement. Don't.

Speaking of anger. The last few days have vividly illustrated what happens when self-control is cast aside and unleashed, unmediated anger erupts. It's a recipe for disaster. And sets in motion tidal-waves that can gain momentum rapidly. Crashing careers, reputations, and the best laid plans. Brett K. is toast. He acted out, on a live broadcast yet, viewed by millions, as a 17-year-old selfish, drunk frat boi. Ranting, raving, avoiding, entitled, condescending, not listening. A stunningly shitty chess player. Remember that "performance" the next time you may feel yourself losing it. And then pull back. Try counting silently backwards from 10: this is a simple technique but it really does help one to center, and can let hostility pass. As well as disaster...

If you can rein the beast, your greatness, what you are capable of offering, might just have more room--and energy-- to breath.

AgonyAunt said...

It's Red October faggots. Let the bloodletting begin.

To be candid. Judge Kavanaugh was never MY pick. I was rooting for someone else entirely. KAV doesn't represent ME. Nor MY tribe. He's very competent. And smart. And will make a good justice. But SCOTUS is a bunch of jews and jesuits. And KAV is a NEO-CON Bushie. He fucking wrote the Patriot Act. Schlomo's need to do MUCH BETTER than to cannibalize your own shabbos-goyim-support-team. Poor Bill Krystal. What do? I reckon the master-yids hafta sacrifice KAV. So let's watch as schlomo-shekelstein vs. drunken-brawler-irish-lad knife one another in the back alley. Talk about divide and conquer. Any bets faggots?

Lemme help ya Assy. To SEE what's habbening. Whomever POTUS nominated was in for a VERY HARD ROAD. And Trump's biggest challenge is getting the kike-media to shine a light on ANYTHING contrary to Deep State. KAV was never on Trumps earliest SCOTUS short lists. But in 2012 -- back when Dr. Ford's hippocampus kicked into gear -- he WAS on Romney's. So KAV had something -- other than actual credentials -- which the rest of Trump's potential nominee's didn't. Judge Kavanaugh had Bush, CIA, FBI and deep-state NEO-CON support. Why do you think the NEO-CON machine (i.e. Koch Bros, Heritage, etc) kicked into HIGH GEAR getting women on all sides of the political spectrum and others to sign letters for KAV? You are obviously TOO STUPID to see the UNI-PARTY Deep State at work. And to realize what life-and-death games are being played. And who's REALLY winning.

Unfortunately for Judge Kavanaugh and his family, his friends and those little girls he coached who are being dragged by hebe-reporters into this muck. The stakes for ZIO-CON-trotskyite babbie-eaters and their shabbos-goyim are WAYYY TOO HIGH. They have to stop this nomination at ALL costs. Cuz they KNOW what's coming. What's being revealed. Un-redacted. And unleashed. One simply vibrates with anticipation.

Whether KAV gets in or not is a sideshow. But its a show EVERYONE is watching. Candidly. It's likely better for Trump if KAV doesn't get onto the court. Tho' no decent human wishes this kind of abuse on a man and his family. Not for drinking in high school. Not for being accused of grinding a girl. Whilst Hollywood kikes and their shabbos minions abuse, rape and murder CHILDREN. But dems and progs and kikes have EXPOSED themselves. To normies and independents and goyim-red-state-dems and blacks who don't like non-black assholes #whitesplaining Yezzy. As satanic-serpents and dual-citizen traitors. This blowback would not have occurred had they simply allowed the process to move forward. Organically. But the hubris and overreach has always been their Achilles. Sad. Too bad kike-kunt-DiFi didn't bring the allegations two months ago thru the NORMAL process.

So. We are left with the likes of assy-kunt and her trotskyite-morons to thank for what's coming. Buy ammo. You'll need it.

AgonyAunt said...

Hey Snoozle. She looked REALLY fab in the polka-dot mini. It was perfect. And those pics of her with Blake in NYC were very nice to SEE. We should build a matrix of when we see her pictured with Blake to OTHER things happening in her life -- and to people with whom she's connected. Wasn't she papped with Blake a good deal when Millie was last pregnant? That pregnancy was never announced. Nor ever even mentioned in DM. Tho' it was OBVIOUS. And Dakota seemed to spend lots of time with old-frens. Patterns. Patterns. Patterns.

Hopefully. Her being papped with Blake is a sign. A message. Cuz I sense her oldest and dearest frens are NOT fans of Dornan. And mad-lad likely didn't want them influencing her about him. No TRUE fren wants to see a dear-beloved fren waste their life with a lying-cheating asshole. Too bad Blake is already married. Cuz that's a beard-relationship I could totally shipp. He's a nice man. And very good-looking. Hopefully not into the coven-shit or babylonian-babbie-eaters. That would be unfortunate.

Sophie said...

Hey Aunty,

The Kav extravaganza really does show the true colors of those not in favor of him plus the news media that shows obvious bias. And the Ken Starr stuff garnered him a few other enemies, as well. Lindsey Graham has awakened from a long winter’s nap. DiFi couldn’t have been more obvious. This would be entertaining if it weren’t so flabbergasting.

Dakota did look good in the polka dot dress and she has done well in her interviews. She seems so happy and secure with Blake. Millie is carefully keeping her tummy out of photos.
So, there was the Gobal Citizens’ Festival and Dakota and Chris gave presentations /performances. ( which happened at the same time that a Goopster was getting hitched). Does anyone know what that organization is?

This week starts the TV interviews for Jamie and Dakota for their respective projects. Y’all let me know what happens... I will be out of pocket for a bit.

SD said...

My dear Aunty,

{First, for those who might even notice. I have changed my "handle" to my real-life initials C.R.H. Anons be gone!!! Wanted to just be CHRISTINE. But given the news du jour seemed better to not go that avenue.}

Fuck boy. You sure can switch gears like a bat-out-of-hell. From a ferocious rant about BK to casual musing about a 28-year-old starlet's clothes. WTF? How many peeps live within you?

Your BK post gives moi deep pause. In certain hands such an out-of-the-box slang/internet/coded lexicon could shot someone, not just in the foot but in the head. This is WHY moi advocates at times for toi moving out of this joint. If you catch my drift? Not 'cause moi is out to crash metaphysical musings or someone's good time. (Personally, I appreciate your metaphysics and want you to have good times.) It is "The Beast" that is dangerous.

Politics is your bailey-wick not mine. This does not mean I am STUPID. I ride on NO bus. Yet moi undertakes due-diligence when warranted and/or to get up to sorta speed.

Will reiterate this. Dunno about the politics of SCOTUS nominations, or the ultimate goals. BUT whatever BK may, or may not be, as a man, a judge, a husband, father, operative, or intellectual was wiped away by his unhinged, angry performance on Thursday. He was barely cogent. Looked as if he had just come off a 2-week bender. He exposed himself as a deeply partisan, paranoid and feel-sorry-for-me-I-have been-victimized bro. (And that dumb-ass good 'ol boy Lindsey. Is he the best the senate can produce? Such a scripted dumbed-down rant, wonder what his vested interest is?)

BK emasculated himself. He has to accept responsibility for that and not pass the buck. I do NOT feel sorry for him. Did no one coach him prior to Thursday? What about his wife? She looked like she was frozen in shame. Fuck, she should have done the heavy-lifting and pumped him up with some goddamn strength and belief in himself.

Fact. Many peeps from BK Yale years are coming forward and addressing his alcoholism, and consistent black-out drinking. Booze is the bogey-man, perhaps more than his frat boi treatment of girls and women. He was already a black-out drinker in HS. Drunks often start early. (I did. But then stopped, absolutely, totally, forever, before the kiddos.)

This is the take-away: Self-control baby. Don't implode or explode no matter what. Believe in yourself. No one can take away dignity, worth and the truth. Or make one feel like a victim without permission. Being combative, vindictive, bombastic, take-no-prisoner-alive may not always be the best strategy. N'est-ce pas?

P.s. Almost finished reading the Haunted Man. REDLAW. Hmmm. "my mind is going blind"

p.s.s. Is moi still a persona non grata? Sigh.

AgonyAunt said...

You are, as is TOO often the case, sadly mistaken. Regarding intent. I have NO wish to run you away. It matters not. Stay. Go. Or anything in between. Your choice.

Whether or not I address that which you hold dear is MY choice. And it depends on subject and mood. Mine. Not yours.

I do not share your opinion of Judge Kavanaugh nor Dr. Ford. I think the "good" Doctor is a lying scumbag. Her performance included every Hollywood script detail. Except the chifferobe. So no. Irrespective of Kavanuagh. I don't simply #BELIEVEWOMEN. Sadly. That meme killed Emmett Till. Tho' if women are to be believed. Then perhaps we need to believe the one accusing Keith Ellison? Eh.

I despise neo-cons ALMOST as much as commie-dems. And I thought it wrong to expose his family -- and his girls -- to TOO MUCH media attention. I would not have discussed coaching their teams. Nor have them attend the hearings. You don't bring children into this kind of circus. Cuz its WAR. And one doesn't want them targeted or harmed in the process. He should have known it. And his neo-con backers should have seen this coming.

My view is perhaps unique in this age of NO filter. No innocence. I choose to keep my life private. Not out of fear. Out of RESPECT for those who are NOT me. Who are perhaps too young. Or unwilling to share the spotlight. Or may simply not agree with my views. I don't believe in using ones family or loved-ones to build or burnish or buttress ones merit. The judge is either worthy (or not) on his own. As are we ALL. And I think the process is far too intrusive.

That said. Those senators and congressmen are totally craven. Deeply evil. Fully compromised. I hope Diane Feinstein is hung by the neck until dead. A cyanide injection works too. Not JUST for her role on this SCOTUS committee. But because she is a TRAITOR to her country. Though its a little hard to KNOW which -- Israel or US -- she gives her loyalty. As she holds citizenship in BOTH countries. But by trading US secrets to her long-time Chinese spy chauffeur -- one suspects its NOT the USA.

I didn't listen to Dakota Johnson's full speech at that rally. Or whatever it was. It FEELS as if she's struggling to find something of value. To DO with her life. I reckon her agents and PR are struggling with her. To find a sweet-spot that vibes authentic. Organic. To "build or burnish or buttress" her image. I think the #METOO or #BELIEVEWOMEN "movement" is going to back-fire BIGLY. Not cuz women (or men)-- in ALL walks of life -- don't struggle with substance and worth. Alas. Life is not "fair". But the images and examples of "the struggle" are ALL scripted Hollywood memes. Cuz surely most REAL women are too busy putting one foot in front of the other to care if an infamous Hollywood-kike-producer used his casting-couch as quid-pro-quo to aspiring "actresses". Not all white men are evil-jews or unfaithful-drunken-lads. Some of us know REAL men. Family, friends and children. Who are NOT drunks or rapists or druggies or pedos or satanists or cads. And you won't find them on a hotline.

Elephants need saving. They're worth it.

AgonyAunt said...

Hi Snooze. If I SEE something. I'll SAY something. For example. I didn't much like the Gucci "duster" she was wearing. Meh. And yeah. They're definitely hiding "the fridge" from view. Prolly outta embarrassment. Cuz I bet she's YUUUUGE right now. #3 is gonna make her re-think her WHOLE existence. Oh "BOY". Maybe Dakota can lend Millie her "duster".

Enjoy your holiday. Be careful out there. It's a crazy world. And getting MORE insane by the day.


SD said...

"Don't bother to address me. Nor post purposefully confusing-occult-witchy-poo-kabbalah-koven-kike-kunt tripe. I won't read it. Not even skim it. It has NO fucking standing. No TRUTH."

"I choose to ignore you from this point onward. Not cuz I dislike you. At all. But GOOD conscience -- the rip-roaring bitch inside my head -- tells me one doesn't feed or nurture bad habits. In oneself. Or others."

Whelp. These sentiments by a certain anon did, at first blush, seem rather absolute. Yet now anon1 claims that anon2 is "sadly mistaken," "as always," and, hell, anon2 can do whatever. And anon1 might, or might not, acknowledge. Depends. (Guess, Anon2 needs to remember who is running this game...or else. Off with that anon's head!)

Look. Anon2 has changed her mind re: anon1. OFTEN. And walked back "stuff," even apologized. Not always easy or simple, even for an anon. Such actions I realize are antithetical to anon1's mode of operation. So be it. But perhaps anon1 might consider talking TO someone, not AT someone.

But make no mistake. Anon2 is not some 30-year-old staffer whose job is to pitch anon1 story lines or some babe whose raison d'être is to be a handmaiden to ANYONE. Both anons prolly need to keep in mind there are limits to how much below-the-belt-abuse any anon can, or will, take.

Just sayin'. I never mentioned Dr. Ford vis á vis BK. Actually, I too think it is a dangerous trap to fall into a sista vs. brother mentality. Keith Ellison might benefit from taking a good long look at himself and get a grip on why he chooses back-stabbing, not-very-bright partners. Guess like attracts like. Depressing story of "intimacy."

I have known many bros like BK. Flawed and fundamentally weak men who toss around ivy league credentials like a free pass. BK sunk into deep-shit mediocrity by using his daughters as a hail-mary pass.

My point was, and remains, about losing one's temper (or mind for that matter) rarely works to one's, or others', advantage. Anger, righteous or otherwise, is a different horse. One that needs to be thought through. Proactive not reactive wins the race.

All of which is to say. Elephants and whales are very worth noticing, worth helping survive. And they absolutely do matter. As do you. As do I.

p.s. If I were to offer a young peep like DJ advice it would be this: consider attending college full-time. Focus on knowledge for it's own beautiful sake for a time. Pivot away from what is safe, what is known, and venture into new lands.

Kiki said...

So Jamie dresses up as Tigger for his daughters birthday party...how cute. Too bad he had to add I was drunk there. I wonder if Miss Millie only employs male waiters at their parties? Lets see how long it takes for someone to say this is a PR move so people will think Jamie is still with his wife. I don't know but I say after 5 years of people saying they are divorced or getting a divorce, when all the evidence points the other way, someone's got to waive the white flag. It seems Jamie is opening up more about his private life and how he loves being a father and husband. Maybe, just maybe, he has been the perfect husband all this time, and the cheating rumors are just that rumors. Seems he's been on his best behavior since February 2018, just when FS was over, and that was the last blind we got on him. Hmmmm. But then again, this site only does blinds now on rap stars and reality stars and the new clientele that seem to stalk this site are off their rockers and very much unhinged. My how times have changed. Never realized their were so many unhinged people out there.

AgonyAunt said...

Your arguments are inconsistent. You accuse me of telling you to leave. That's untrue. Cuz whether or not I CHOOSE to pay attention to you. Is NOT the same as demanding you leave this thread. Don't pulpil me. It doesn't work.

Ford and Kavanaugh do NOT equate to sibling rivalry. Ford has deep family ties to CIA. None of this is as it seems. It's way beyond "he said she said". I have not the time nor inclination to explain it to you.

On the topic of Jamie Dornan. The advent of #3 will unleash a torrent of rationalizations. The WHY and HOW of behavior and choices during the past several years. With his "best friend". Frankly. He's a manipulative cad. With nice abs. And a nasty, sarcastic online stalker personna. He's not the kind of guy with whom a gal (like Dakota Johnson) can safely maintain a "friendship". Cuz he has NO USE for non-sexual female frens. He can't even stay away from a wife he no longer loves. He's a selfish, self-serving fukwit. And he conspires (and tweets bad poetry) to equate the depth and breadth of HER feelings, desires, hopes and loyalties to HIS. She never acted from selfishness. That's his MO. She hoped to HEAL. Not destroy. And in the end. He gets what he richly deserves. Millie. And all that entails. The End.

SD said...

Quite clear about the diff between leave and ignore. (What is a pulpil?)

In those moments anon2 is able to plow through the sticky, heavy layers of intellectual barriers and defensive knee-jerk emotions Re: anon1 this remains: gratitude. The veils do part in unexpected ways. Reminding that life, inhabiting a body, is, at the beginning and the end, a mystery floating in light.

Recently I witnessed the death of a monarch butterfly in a garden. I was inches away from the butterfly as it tried to climb onto long grasses, move its' wings, fly. Again and again. A courageous will to live, so it seemed. "let go, let go" The life force was palpable. To be with an energy when it transitions, dies, is amazing, profound, filled with awe.

Which is to say. It's all a miracle. (And that surely trumps all the knives going into guts faster than one can say vested interests.)

AgonyAunt said...

It's no accident you mention the death of a Monarch butterfly. But its revealing.

Project Monarch is a mind control program developed by CIA. Cuz the Monarch butterfly has a kind of hardwired behavior. The butterfly’s migration period is longer than it's lifespan. Baby butterflies born en route still end up travelling to the same place. Which is oddly synonymous to mind control. As the objective is to condition subjects in such a way they end up acting without consciously thinking. As "instinctual".

The process of gaining control over someone’s mind is fascinating. The handler creates a series of triggers. Words or images or actions. Which sets off a response-behavior in that person. People who have been under the influence of MK ULTRA won’t be aware that it’s a trigger. Cuz it works on a subconscious level. This technique is used in the MK ULTRA program. And a common symbol of this became the butterfly.

Another fun fact is the Monarch butterfly is a symbol of transformation. The caterpillar emerges from its cocoon. Unrecognizable. Compared to its former self. In some lecture or another the Dalai Lama suggested the butterfly might be seen as a very beautiful but cold symbol. Devoid of emotion. Cuz the butterfly never meets its mother. Never bonds with its actual parent. It has to fend for itself. And experiences little kindness from nature or nurture. No generational protections. As such, it may represent a detached home life. The Dalai Lama further suggests that someone growing up in this environment will find it very difficult to show compassion and empathy for others. Hence. They are physically attractive to others. And help to draw other victims (think children) into the circle.

While outwardly beautiful -- and singularly arresting -- I tend to view the Monarch butterfly as representing something sinister in the current lexicon. Like a symbol planted to trigger specific values or behaviors. A way to signal and message other MK Ultra followers. Notice that images of the butterfly are often placed over one eye. Or the mouth.

There's a reason I tend to skip your posts. Or skim them. Because it always seems to be an attempt to draw me into a circle I have no interest nor intent of pursuing. You are -- as in most psyops I've encountered -- rather relentless. But I'm a very poor candidate. For ANY of these programs. Jamie Dornan is perhaps a better target. And he may NEED the support of MK ULTRA minions or other hypnotic suggestions. Cuz his life and options are changing dramatically. And he might be grateful for any means of mental escape.

I am NOT his keeper.

SD said...

Wow. Just W.O.W. Why are you so absolutely determined to view moi as the ENEMY? A very dangerous operative who must be avoided at all costs.

What circle is it that I attempt to ensnare toi in? What psychological warfare am I launching? And who do I work for? Or am i just one crazy bitch acting solo?

Where you really drop off the very deep end into crazy-land is your fixation that it is Jamie Dornan I am REALLY interested in and out to "get." And you but a poor second, an empty vessel, if you will, for my evil spells and sinister motives.

I have no expectations at this point beyond striving to be honest and true to both myself and to you. (void of physicality, on a publicly accessed site yet...) If there is zero trust, well, it is a stalemate. Time to either reset the board or call it a day. Intuitively I go with resetting the board.

For if all we are able to offer is judgemental negativity, fear and the same-ol-same-ol then why bother?

AgonyAunt said...

Then we agree that one uses this thread -- and various convos -- to suit ones purposes. Whatever they may be.

Trust in God. Best and highest advice. Amen

SD said...

We do NOT AGREE that my intent/purpose towards YOU is nefarious.

WE MAY AGREE that relating to other humans is no easy task.

We AGREE that enigmas are part-and-parcel of any relationship, "virtual" or "in the flesh."

I choose to trust myself. Trust the universe. And ergo strive to trust others. Even YOU.

This. Kindred spirits find each other in the most unlikely places, and in the most unlikely of forms. Can take a lifetime. Or multiple lifetimes.

p.s. toi is rather "relentless" too.

Anonymous said...

Well well well number 3 is on its way. Safe to say there’s no divorce?

Rennie said...

At least, we don’t have to guess anymore. Maybe this will be a little boy. Jamie said he wanted a large family. You know they are going crazy,

Dakota is getting on my last nerve hiding from the paparazzi . Chris Martin is rubbing off on her. I know they are babysitting. while Gwyneth honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

Dakota deserves to be happy and she seems it. I don’t blame her for going into hiding people are downright horrible to her because of her relationship because she is not with who they want her to be with. Out of all of the people at play here there is only one who loves the spotlight! Can y’all guess who that is??!!!

Rennie said...

Dakota seems to be happy. She didn’t hide from the paparazzi. She would smile and keep on stepping. Now it seems like she’s hiding something.

Anonymous said...

Hiding what?? She does her interviews, promotes her movies, is involved in all types of charity. She’s there she just chooses to not talk about her personal life. Nothing wrong with that. Jamie talks about his personal life enough even more so than the movies he’s promoting

Original Aunty said...

Hi Sandy-pants. Let's ALL cry "Sanity-Uncle"! And let slip the war-puppers! Cuz I'm switch-a-rooing teams. 4-EVER. I'm now on the Sandy-pants "THERE WAS NEVER ANY THERE THERE" train. Choo-choo. And that (dare I say) /OURGAL/ wouldn't stoop so low as to encourage a two-bit serial cheater-husband with a red-robed-coven-cunted-handmaid-tale-fridge to taste the sweet-fruits of LOVE, FIDELITY and FREEDOM. I now believe any hint of DAMIE was merely the over-sexed dream-fantasy of a very deeply disturbed man with serial rapist and stalker fantasies using hundred of fake twitter accounts. And /OURGAL/ was merely trying to #BEKIND and help "a friend" through THREE challenging Follow-The-Money movies dragging along his batshit-crazy wife and her penchant for having babies to sabotage the shoot. Oh sure. Mebbe there was a sympathy-fuck involved. Tho' crying and whinging isn't MY idea of great sex. Whatever floats. Who knows. Who cares. It's finito. Notice there's one child to memorialize each FS movie. Dornan will be dragging those horrid films along with him for the rest of his mortal existence. Poetic justice. Or just deserts. Millie will have TWO SCOOPS.

P.S. Chris Martin is looking rather well these days. Tho' I'm still not a fanfag of THIS relationship for the long-term. He's not the worst perhaps. But /OURGAL/ deserves better. Where's Matthias when we need him???

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I jjust read Jamie’s interview one fight in nine years! Either Millie’s a doormat or Jamie’s full of sh!t. Couples fight it’s real life. I’m starting to believing be Mr. Dornan is in denial! So sad! I kind of liked him but I believe he’s trying too hard.

Kiki said...

@Sandy. I hear you. Been with my husband 20 years we fought doesn’t mean we don’t love each other! No relationship is perfect and people saying they are is in denial. Dornan is very much in denial. When u try too hard there is usually something u are hiding!

MZ said...

Now we can all see that what’s written on here is Fake news. All those blinds about how bad things were between Jamie and his wife and Jamie just confirmed they have had only 1 fight in nine years...someone’s lying here. Who is it...Enty or Jamie?

AgonyAunt said...

Like a river that runs north... total DENIAL. He's either a very poor actor (which we know) or he's purposely using a form of messaging to keep all his women on the hook. Recall what fake "Aunty" described as "his-hers-and-hers" fantasy life. Only its more like "his-hers-and-hers-and-whomever-else-that-tickles-his-fancy-when-the-need-arises". The Times described him as "A-List". Ahahahaha. That is rich.

Sandy-pants: I have NO PROBLEM shilling for the DJ team. As long as she doesn't say ONE thing and DOES another. Cuz there's lots of twitter-twatter convos and innuendos which tend to raise eyebrows. Making one sense its not only Millie who "won't let go...". At this point. It will ruin her. I never say "trust me". But TRUST ME on this one. There's a reason the OTHER love-of-his-life keeps her distance. Stalking former partners is deeply creepy. And VERY uncool. In the end he wasn't willing to choose. And expects everyone to suffer along with him. FOR HIS SINS. That's total bullshit. One is ONLY required to suffer for ones OWN sins. And a guy with a wife and (soon) three young children is NOT appropriate as your BEST FRIEND. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Leave it be darlin. Leave it be.

Rennie said...

The only time Jamie and Millie argued must have been those two times when they were going to the Pre Oscar parties. The first one, Millie was following Jamie like a little puppy with tears in her eyes. The second one was in the middle of the street with some serious conversation going on with Millie not backing down. We do know that Jamie embellish quite a bit because we all know he doesn’t drink. It was so funny that when it was told to him that he tell Millie 10 times a day a tell that he loves her, He says boy that a lot. He know that is not true. He didn’t remember saying it. It’s sad. At least you should try to what remember you say. He sold the house in LA. I was reading the comments. Sure enough. Someone said that Jamie bought it when he was hot and heavy with
Dakota. The house is about 2 to 3 miles from her house. He’s selling it because he went back to his wife. So Aunty, you’re not the only one that believe that Jamie would go to such lengths.

Dakota is my girl. I’m happy if she’s happy. Something is now not right. She doesn’t seem comfortable in her own skin with Chris. People are talking about engagement soon. All are friends are having babies, so I’m sure she getting that feeling as well.

I’m looking forward to seeing Bad Times the El Royal.

Hannah J said...
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Hannah J said...

Maybe Jamie and his wife were having problems, then they worked it out and she got pregnant. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors. Maybe Jamie is the perfect husband, and loves his wife. Maybe Millie gives Jamie enough rope to hang himself with and then brings him back in. She does remind of the type to let him do what he wants, just to keep him happy. Remember this is a woman who loves to be with famous men and if this blind is about her, she will do whatever it takes to keep them. Jamie seems to embellish a lot in his interviews. I mean one fight in 9 years, I highly doubt that. Unless Jamie's away so much, they don't have time to fight, but something tells me there have been knock down, drag out fights in the Dornan household. I feel like when these stars talk like their relationships are the best thing ever, that's when there's usually something they want to hide. And if anyone believes that Mr. & Mrs. Dornan don't argue, then I have lakefront property to sell you in the Sahara Desert.
As for Jamie and Dakota, I think everyone that keeps saying they are in love, just can't let it go. Don't know if anything happened between them while filming, but its obvious they don't really keep in touch.

Kiki said...
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SD said...
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Anonymous said...

To me after this whole shit show it seems Jamie is a good lad who may just exaggerate his love life a bit too much. Dakota is just a woman looking for love. Is Chris her soulmate..who knows. But isn’t everyone looking for love? After all is said and done none of us will ever know the truth. Just hope all are truly happy. I for one am not a fan of the brilliant wife. The feeling I get about her is one of someone who is desperate for fame but only through who she is with. I for one don’t think the Dornan marriage is as perfect as Jamie wants us all to believe. But it is what is is.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

What a hoot. "A-list actor". Holee fuck. Who are these ppl trying to convince? Their own circle-jerk? Dornan can't even "act" like he loves his wife. smh.

Idunno Sandy-pants. I wanna play on your DJ-fantasy-team. But twitter tells me "she won't let go" isn't just a one-woman league. Remember when fake "Aunty" gave up the goods on what was happening in the land of art and poetry and the Dornan "D"? It was a fantasy-sports-team of his-hers-hers-and-whatever-random-tickled-the-"D's"-fancy. So I guess Millie is the "breeder". Dakota the "Venus-fly-trap". And Rita/other co-stars/random waitresses serve to "scratch-the-itch" when the former-two are geographically challenged. In the meantime. He kvetches by writing dreary "WoeBeGone" poetry at his 24/7-twitter-self-pity-party moaning about his tragic existence that he and ONLY he created by sheer stupidity and selfishness. How does he keep so many tedious "balls" in play? One wonder's what Keira thinks of the Dornan-fantasy-league? A self-respecting intelligent actor. Who took her ball. And went the fuck home. Rather than accept the lies and bullshit and empty promises whispered in an Irish accent from a master-manipulator-mega-prick with golden abs and brass balls and dead-eyes. Sandy-pants, I need some evidence before I waste MORE energy fan-fagging for someone who WON'T LET GO. And I need better visuals than CM. Even with a better haircut. Blake was a good start. Cuz I doubt he thinks Dornan is worth it. Not by a long shot.

AgonyAunt said...

P.S. Dear Sandy-pants. I have written a codicil to crib terms and conditions. You may use "it is what it is" at will. Forthwith.

How's THEM apples...

SD said...
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BBB said...


Yes, our soft porno wannabe poet has many souls inside him, too many I would say... he sometimes seems to be yowling in pain and distress like a stray cat in the middle of the night, other times he's just a lonely desperate cat looking for some pussy action, but most of the times he feeds himself with his memories of all he had and lost.

Can one actually face the shitty present out of the happy memories of the past? I guess we can, Jamie is the living proof.

Wonder if MyWife is his inspiring muse to his poetry? What a lucky man!

AgonyAunt said...

Hey "B"eebs. I like your "here-kitty-kitty" analogy. And #MYWIFE as Dornan's MUSE has strong energetic vibes. #MYWIFE-MYMUSE. Or simply #MWMM. Kinda like POETIC JUSTICE. Let's make THIS a habbening. Shall we?

And to really fuck-up the trolls I wanna confess. And ask the fashion-gawds for forgiveness. Cuz I was TOTALLY wrong about a recent OPINION. On closer examination. Dakota Johnson's Gucci "duster" is actually quite fabulous. And on second thought. Please DO NOT lend it to Millie. Cuz you may be needing it yourself. (Ahem). And its MUCH TOO COUTURE for #MYWIFE-MYMUSE. Cow-shit, babbie-vomit and remnants of last night's bowl of pistachio ice cream on her romper is the go-to #MWMM's fashion statement.

Where's Snoozle??? Are ya back yet hon? Cuz I wanted to kvetch about Dakota Johnson's "Birf-day Partay". You know. The one in Malibu. With the blue balloons release. Caused quite a stir. Didnit. Her spoke-person said it was for a "fren". Anyone else wonder if that "fren" might be mad-lad and #MYMM? Maybe she released those blue balloons in honor of babbie#3? She does have a weird and wonderful sense of humour. Kinda like having a party to show she's LETTING GO. That would be a pretty strong message. For ALL to SEE.

AgonyAunt said...

So Assy. Are you suggesting Dakota Johnson isn't preggars by her "beard"? Who do you suggest is papa? Oh prescient one...

Damn the torpedoes. Your's keep missing the mark.

AgonyAunt said...

If I were writing this SAGA script (which to be honest I kinda am) I'd go one step beyond double-blind-beards. The BETTER story twist is that Milly is a surrogate for DJ+JD's babbie! That's right folks. Cuz we ALL know Millstone is a good breeder. Why not do "rent-a-womb"? For lots of money. It's one way to stay married. By carrying her husbands love-child with the woman he REALLY loves. That way Dakota's rep is technically telling the truth. She ISNT pregnant. Millie IS. With Dak's babbie. Isn't this the BEST SCRIPT EVAH????

The crib is starting to FEEL like the old days...

Anonymous said...

Oooh my turn....... She is carrying the baby for Rita Ora, or Gillian Anderson, or Oona Chaplin or the Czech porn star (hmmm wonder whatever happened to that baby) or the young pub waitress or Sara Gadon. I mean we can play this game long time. Psst...am I missing anyone!

SD said...
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SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

SEE. Good-grrrl Sandy-pants. Now your with the program. I like it. Your Rita script. Is she the "rent-a-womb"? Or the eggo-donor? I suppose if one wants babbies who turn tricks in Dubai. Rita's your gal.

Did anyone notice the big stuffed Harlequin puppet-doll Don Johnson brought to the partay? It "felt" like a specific message. Kinda like a gesture-Jester. Then all of a sudden this line from Closer came to me: "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but it's better if you do...". Wasn't Julia Roberts at Dakota Johnson's "gender release" partay? In Closer, didn't Julia Roberts and Clive Owen meet in an aquarium? Hmmmmm. Didn't FSOG shoot an aquarium scene which got cut? Patterns. Patterns. Patterns. My head is swimming in patterns.

I wonder if these lyrics mean anything:

"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Well, then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin

I've got more wit
A better kiss
A hotter touch a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet
Sweetie you had me
Girl, I was it, look past the sweat
A better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me

Let's get these teen hearts beating
Faster, faster

So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Will you dance to this beat
And hold a lover close?"

Girls are fools. They give them what they want. How am I doing with the script...

AgonyAunt said...

P.S. Notice "your"? Trolling torpedoes...

Sophie said...

Hey Aunty,

Wow, I’ve got to catch up with all of the news...

So Jamie has confirmed that baby #3 is on the way... will mama Millie show up for any of the upcoming appearances?
Jamie was very talkative in his most recent interviews —- he Isn’t trying to hide anything these days. What is going on? He tweeted some things on that Twitter account of his this weekend, too.

Dakota’s birthday party attendee list was bizarre - Sean Penn and Julia Roberts are old enough to be her parents, so where were HER friends? You know, Blake, et al?
The Pink and Blue balloons had me going for a minute .... but, there were several “official denials”, and there was the interesting Instagram account (The Tendertaste) —- which featured a torso shot of a female resembling Dakota holding a gold balloon to her stomach and saying, “My baby’s name is Issa Joke”.

With all of the hubbub about Dornan #3, Dakota got the last laugh —- she has not forgotten him...

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Hey Snooze. Hope you had a nice holiday. Yeah. My FIRST reaction to the pink-blue balloons was "Oh my, she's twisting the dragons tail, naughty-puss". It felt "prankish". But seemed an ODD crowd for such pointed-messaging. Tho' we only know the guests DM papped. Her close frens might have been inside the party. Not pictured.

The Harlequin doll seems rather significant tho'. Like a message. A warning. A reminder. Between father and daughter. These are Hollywood people. They're not terribly well educated. Not in the traditional sense. But they know everything related to "modern culture". And use movies and pop lyrics as sources of symbolism, parable, metaphor, etc. The way thinkers and scholars use literature, history, philosophy and the bible. Movie actors tend to quote lines from Mike Nichols' films like my English lit professor quoted Shakespeare or Milton. Don't get me wrong. Nichols directed some decent movies. But he wasn't in the same league as Kazan or Stevens or Ford or even Kubrick. One gets the sense reading books requires too much time for celebs. Especially the classics. Far too much work. Too much unaided thinking required. Poetry -- especially pop-music lyrics -- or haiku -- or a few lines to fill a tweet -- is perhaps the limit of their patience and capacity. So I reckon Closer as allegory is as good as it gets in Hollywood.

No one has forgotten. The question is whether anyone has forgiven...

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Aren't these celebs on the front lines of Planned Parenthood/Roe-V-Wade battle stations? Why would they care about using babies as pawns? It's just some random cluster of cells. No biggie. Right?

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Everyone has a talent. Some have several. Mine is seeing patterns and developing strategies. I live in a universe of "ideas". Tho' to be perfectly candid. My execution sucks. So one learns to be competent at those things for which one isn't naturally gifted. In business. I generally worked with others who were very good at "deliverables". And adopted their techniques for getting things done. That said. Those who are competent at delivering even mediocre work -- or co-opting the good ideas of others -- tend to be the most rewarded. At least on this mortal plane. Thinkers are less valued than doers.

So of all the various bilge and subterfuge she's spewed on this thread. Astral finally wrote something which rings true. That ALL the actions in the saga we see is "scripted". It's a similar construct to "all the world's a stage". And Hollywood in particular has a very tough time separating fact from fiction. Notice I didn't write TRUTH. For there is very little of that at play. And I'm not sure they'd know the difference between TRUTH and a well-constructed fantasy. The kind of illusion for which they yearn. In their world. A good lie is better than a bad truth. Cuz they erroneously believe TRUTH can be "evil" as well as "good". And that's the heart and soul of their struggle. The illusion that Life-Truth-Love is material. And personal. Therefore it may be twisted into different material permutations. Like the "Aunty" proposal of His-Her-Her family/relationship circus's. And as if ones state of being and moral sanity depends on matter circumstances. Or that fantasy living arrangements will produce the desired results. Did the 7th woman tell him to "think-again"? Did she insist on more babies to fill-up her empty vessel? So many bad choices. So little time.

I don't know about others. But I tend to ignore anniversaries. And birthdays. It seems a poor way of marking Life. Like trying to stop and measure a river whilst flowing on its course. Cuz ones depth and breadth and journey is ever-changing. And returning to the same spot doesn't give us the same experience. Memories tend to remind us of qualities. Not quantities. The warmth of the sun on ones face. The dappled shadows of leaves reflected on a river. The calm, cool feel of water moving against ones fingers. These are the memories which carry us. We value GOOD given or received. And the lessons we learn to lead us onward. And upward.

The Beatitudes teach us to live in grace. "...sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." Each of us must determine what it means. I believe it begins with TRUTH. Not YOUR truth. Nor MY truth. Cuz no one OWNS it. One lives it. It is what it is.

Perhaps #3 is a redemption arc. Maybe it will complete the family picture. Replicating something lost. The balm of Gilead. But we are witnessing a script. In a play where the actors are not well-suited for the roles. And the audience is less and less convinced by their words and deeds. Testosterone boys and harlequin girls.

AgonyAunt said...

Oh dear. I actually read your ENTIRE post. For once. And I largely concur. Except to say the evidence of a long-term affair has manifested itself in numerous ways. Too many to re-count. And I'm tired of the drama it attracts from shills when I do. So suffice to say your argument here is unconvincing to those who have long observed patterns and behaviors. Your example of her giving him direction doesn't prove they are NOT having an affair. It rather proves they ARE. Cuz she is helping him put his best foot forward. That her superior ability to SELL a movie is evident in how she handles herself in those situations vis-a-vis him. We've ALL seen his "deer-in-the-headlights" display. Or his "loose-lips" moments. Frankly, its somehow endearing he isn't able to lie as well as she. But although he may not lie well. His actions seem MUCH less honest. The worse thing she does is more tats. He has more children with a woman he doesn't love. She lies. But lives a rather honest life under the circumstances. He doesn't lie (as fluidly). But lives it. Perhaps together they strike a balance. A way to LIVE in TRUTH. Which gets me to my point. One doesn't "face" TRUTH. Not like facing an accuser. Life isn't a criminal box. Tho' some people tend to see it that way. And behave as if their job is trying to get a jury to believe their version of "truth" which is nothing more than a series of human events. Of choices. One "lives" TRUTH. Follows it. Is witness TO IT. Loves it. Like the air we breathe. TRUTH inspires and expresses LIFE. Otherwise we are nothing more than a bunch of material facts. Which one sorts and curates depending on the jury one FACES on a particular day.

Don't necessarily agree with your conclusion of "betrayal". Depends upon what agreements, understandings, conditions and contingencies were made BEFORE the "marriage" took place. Dornan and #MWMM do not have what one traditionally considers a "marriage". This is the heart and soul of his current struggle. His contract with #MYWIFE was to gain traction for his career. And give him stability of having "a family". But the "marriage" ignored the necessity of SOUL required in the union of two hearts. And produced babies from nothing more substantive than a business contract. Affecting the children from such uninspired terms. Case in point. Elva is her protection from a divorce. I reckon the worst betrayal is a marriage based on greed. Evident in "WoeBeGone" poetry is the realization that such contracts are VERY hard to break. Even harder than a marriage based in SOUL. Millie never expected him to love her. She does expect him to remain "married" to her. Regardless. That results from unions NOT originated in SOUL. #MWMM isn't letting-go of her contract.

Sin always punishes itself. Until one stops sinning.

AgonyAunt said...

Whelp. Look at her TW. Not letting go. Those baby-blue-balloons (BBB) must be for #MWMM and #3. The His-Hers-Hers fantasy league. I reckon CM is REALLY a VERY nice man after all.

Testosterone boys and harlequin girls.

SD said...
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SD said...
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BBB said...

"...there is no prison stronger than one that locks from the inside..."

Even when the means you choose to unload are weird and improbable your honesty can be quite disarming, even when things seem scripted and fake, maybe our presence here still has a meaning and a purpose otherwise we wouldn't be here.

By remembering how good it was and questioning if things will change you're unconsciously saying there's still hope, you don't want to forget and don't want us, witnesses to forget about it either, as long as we remember it's still alive isn't it? So we'll linger around for a bit more, no worries.

Is Damie a fenix that keeps rising from the ashes?

p.s: The house in the Cots always seemed like some sort of prison, Real Aunty called it Big Stone Prison, I called it a Dungeon. Either way it doesn't feel like a real HOME to me, there's something missing there.
Oh and please bring Pam back, I miss her unfiltered comments.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...

Righteous anger is a stepping-stone to TRUTH. So its nice to know I can elicit some HONEST reaction. Tho' to be blunt. Not everything I post is about nor in reply to you. Its rather self-absorbed that you presume to know my target. Rather egotistical. Be careful. Such vanity will swallow you whole. Just ask mad-lad.

It's funny. Does anyone else see this saga as a series of images? Cuz today I saw "Grande Odalisque" by Ingres flashed across my hippocampus. Yikes! The name "Odalisque" is very evocative. It means courtesan. Or mistress. And while these woman were usually quite beautiful. And often well educated. They lived as second-class citizens. A kind of gilded-cage netherworld existence. I reckon Hollywood sees them as "Pretty Woman". Sadly. Their status in society didn't enable them much upward mobility. They didn't marry their lovers. Family, hearth and home was unattainable. Perhaps due to their experiences. Or preferences. Or choices. I reckon we're all caged by our choices in life. Hotel California.

AgonyAunt said...

Do you need a monitor? The kind with hall passes? Cuz we thought you didn't like rules. Unless you were making them.

Sucking Dornan "D" has ALWAYS been YOUR department. From the get-go. The rest of us rough-him-up on the regular. Which is perhaps how he likes it. Rough and nasty. Think Rita Whora. Tho' our beatings don't include a "happy-ending". To be honest. Most remaining cribbies think his dick is meh at best. Dornan isn't tall enough to make us swoon. He's a wee manlet really. Cute tho'. The curly hair begs to be patted.

Beware. You'll upset Our Lil No-Nose. Cuz she's been doing so well lately. Don't want her falling off the no-dick-sucking-wagon.

Rennie said...

I’m looking forward to seeing Dakota on Ellen’s show today. She’s gonna talk about the pregnancy and the balloons.

SD said...
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AgonyAunt said...


SD said...

These two sculptures come to mind as relevant.

Both at the Louvre.

Scribe accroupi


Victoire de Samothrace

AgonyAunt said...

Wasn't Dornan in LA on Oct 4th???

Rennie said...

I enjoyed Dakota on Ellen’s show. She was her old jovial self. I’m going to see Bad Times but not Suspiria.

BBB said...

Suck his dick? No thanks. Don't have the hots for him like you AstralW our Christine or wtf your username is today. You already cooked his recipes so get on with it. Here see if this inspires you.

"Yeah, right
Did you hear about my baby? She come around
She come round here, the head to the ground?
Come round here just about midnight
She makes me feel so good, make me feel all right
She come round my street, now
She come to my house and
Knock upon my door
Climbing up my stairs, one, two
Come on baby
Here she is in my room, oh boy
Hey what’s your name?
How old are you?
Where’d you go to school?
Aha, yeah
Aha, yeah
Ah, ah yeah, ah yeah
Oh haa, mmm
Well, now that we know each other a little bit better
Why don’t you come over here
Make me feel all right!
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria
All night, all day
All right, okey, yey!
(Gloria, Gloria)
You were my queen and I was your fool
Riding home after school
You took me home
To your house
Your father’s at work
Your mama’s out shopping around
Check me into your room
Show me your thing
Why’d you do it baby?
Getting softer, slow it down
Softer, get it down
Now you show me your thing
Wrap your legs around my neck
Wrap your arms around my feet, yeah
Wrap your hair around my skin
I’m gonna huh, right, ok, yeah
It’s getting harder, it’s getting too darn fast
It’s getting harder
All right!
Come on, now, let’s get it on
Too late, too late, too late
Too late, too late, too late
Can’t stop, wow!
Make me feel all right!
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, Gloria
All night, all day
All right, okey, yey!
(Gloria, Gloria)
Keep the whole thing going, baby!
All right!
All right!

Gloria by The Doors

BBB said...

There's an even longer version of Gloria by the Doors from the Aquarius rehearsal where he says "why don't you wrap your lips around my cock".

Van Morrison is the original author, but the Doors version it's my favourite, although Jimi Hendrix does a good version too.

So instead of saying "suck his dick" give it a twist and say "wrap your lips around his cock" it sounds something much better.

Gloria! Gloria,
All night, all day
All right, okey, yey!

SD said...
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Kiki said...

In honor of Mental Health Day on October 10th, I beg all of you if you are in need of help, please call someone before it's too late.

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