Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Random Photos Part Three- Metropolitan Opera Season Premiere

Jemima Kirke
Gina Gershon
Nigel Barker and his lovely wife.
Erin Richards
Rob and Marisol Thomas
Amy Ryan and her husband.
Beth Stern and Katie Lee
Josh Lucas
Maggie Grace


sandybrook said...

There's at least a couple of these people I wouldn't expect to see at operas (Hi Beth, Katie Lee, Josh and Rob!)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wikipedia: "Nigel Barker is married to Cristen Chin, a model and CoverGirl representative since 1999. The pair met in Milan through Cristen's agent; and for Barker, it was love at first sight. "That night," Barker explains, "I called my mom and said, 'I've met this girl, and I'm gonna marry her.' The ground moved. As beautiful as she is on the outside, she's also got an incredible heart.".

A feel good story amongst so much trash.

Seven of Eleven said...

Why does Jemima's hair match her hideous dress?

Gina's dress and hair are just perfect for a Met opening.

Maggie Grace annoys me for some reason (I think her character on LOST) but she's pulling that awkwardly constructed dress off.

All Lace no Leather said...

Amy Ryan's husband has an interesting shaped head.

Katie Lee's pose shouts "the front of my dress is ugly, so look at the back".

Count Jerkula said...

Dear sweet lord Satan, please include Katie Lee and Maggie Grace in the next edition of the Fappening. Thank you for your time sir.

Ay said...

Nigel Barkah!

LottaColada said...

Oh, hey there Nigel!!

Josh Lucas looks pretty good too.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay!!!!! It's my Mrs. Heisenberg!!!

Tricia13 said...

Nigel makes me swoon

Topper Madison said...

There's a lotta "Who?" in here. #feelingoldandclueless

califblondy said...

Nigel is so damn hot and the only reason I watched the next we'll never hear from you again model show.

Katie used to be Joel irritates me to no end.

Gina looks mahvelous dahling.

Unknown said...

Josh Lucus looking dapper. He doesn't get enough credit for his hotness.

Jordan T said...

Amy Ryan it's been a while! Looking great

chopchop said...

I love Jessa too! Her and Shoshana. :-)

Essie said...

Nigel Barker is beautiful and when he talks about his wife,his eyes sparkle. Lucky woman.

I like Katie Lee's dress but I still can't stand to hear her speak. She has such a monotonous, slow,boring voice. She has a new show on Cooking Channel that I managed to watch once and it was obvious why they kicked her off Top Chef. A stoned Padma is 100 times better than Katie.

Kassandra said...

Yum, Josh Lucas. Always thought he was so much more gorgeous than Matthew McCwhatever when comparisons were made.

I have watched Sweet Home Alabama at 8 times specifically to revel in his hotness. We *definitely* need opportunities for revelry of this type.

NaughtyNurse said...

Hello, Josh Lucas!!! Mmmmmmmm!

Beth Stern is gorgeous!

Rob Thomas is looking a little like Robin Thicke these days!

Love Jemima.

Gina is looking rather Mother of the Bride-ish there. What will she do when her sugar-daddy (aka Pres. Clinton), moves on to a younger model?

smn1985 said...

Nigel barker is so incredibly handsome. Especially in that tux. Mm

smn1985 said...

Nigel barker is so incredibly handsome. Especially in that tux. Mm


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