Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Simon Cowell Tells Ryan Seacrest To Come Out Of The Closet

Now of course I am sure Simon would say all his comments were jokes. The fact that he gave Ryan some lip gloss after the comments was just more joking. The thing is Simon looks as if he has his comeback about Ryan coming out of the closet ready to go and is debating with himself whether or not to let it loose. There is no way it could be scripted unless they knew Melina was going to talk about her high heels. Look at Ryan's face right before he says "we're friends." Although the video is long, the exchange occurs within the first minute or so.


Anonymous said...

Jus read a transcript of this on ONTD. Sometimes I wish there was more original stuff on this in the good old days... coz I 'heart' it so... cant seem to keep away.

Anonymous said...

Simon needs a new haircut, a stylist, and a training bra.

Anonymous said...

You know you love this blog. We're a group of about 6 named people and 50 Grouchy Ass Anons and we all care about each other. If you go to Perez or ONTD, you're just another cow at the cattle ranch.

I like ya'll so much I even care what happens to you in line at grocery stores!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a grouchy anon regular and I love you too.

I am hearing the word 'staged' a lot re: this incident. Both of these lucies need to come out.

Picking on the gay kids on X-Factor and aiming the funnies Ryan Seacrest is not the best way to go about diverting attention.

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I were *rolling* last night when we heard Simon say that! Scripted or not-funny!

Anonymous said...

I dunno (grouchy anon. here). That exchange between the two of them made me feel really uncomfortable. I think I actually blushed.

Then again, I'd let someone with two items ahead of me in the grocery line if I had a cartful.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was scripted, but they obviously know their shtick by now and Ryan knew if he set up a punchline that Simon would deliver. And Simon knew this is what Ryan was asking for. They've been having this conversation forever on AI.

Amber said...

Hey, I love this blog! But I really do love ONTD as well.


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