Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Today's Blind Items

This former not very long ago A-list movie actress with a non-movie star husband has gone through four maids in the last four months. Their previous maid was with them for almost ten years and was with them all of the time. And when I say all of the time I mean all of the time. The only time she actually acted like a maid was when there were guests over who didn't know how close she was to the lady and gentleman of the house. Well, the maid grew older and so they decided to find a new one. No luck as each of the maids has been less than thrilled with the advances made not just by the husband, but by our actress as well. The agency sending the maids over knows what's happening, but just keeps sending new ones over for a tryout.


Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts

Anonymous said...

I thought Julia Roberts too, but she hasn't been married for 10 years and the BI specifically says "with them for almost 10 years"

Anonymous said...

Are there really any Hollywood couples that have been together for 10 years anymore??? I can only think of Travolta-Preston, but he's an actor.

Anonymous said...

michelle pfeiffer???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sandra Bullock and Jessie James

Anonymous said...

Madonna was never an A-list actress. Sandra and Jesse have not been together for 10 years, and Michelle Pfeiffer was maybe an A-list actress in the late 80s/early 90s. The BI says "former, not very long ago A-list actress".

Anonymous said...

Annette Bening and Warren Beatty

Anonymous said...

Waaa ... cannot remember anyone from 1997 who would fit the BI except for Gloria Stuart the old lady Rose from TITANTIC bless her heart she's still alive and kicking and is nearing 100.

Anonymous said...

Non-movie husband - Warren Beatty is certainly a movie husband.

Michelle Pfeiffer is married to David E. Kelley - that is a good guess...

Anonymous said...

Michelle P and Annette B good guess but the BI says the husband is not in the movie biz

Anonymous said...

well... technically david e. kelley isn't in the movie business. isn't he a TV producer?

Anonymous said...

Russ & Kimora

Jim said...

The blind item says he isn't a movie star.

He could still be in the movie business as well as tv.

Anonymous said...

HELLO - Michelle Pfeiffer has not been consider A-LIST for at least 10 years!

Anonymous said...

People, please read.

It says the couple have had the maid for 10 yrs. So they have been married for at least 10 yrs.

The husband is NOT a movie actor.

The wife is a former A-list movie actress.

Michelle Pfiffer and David E. Kelly sounds like a really good guess. He is a television producer and they have been married since 1993.

Anonymous said...

Frances McDormand.

Anonymous said...

Meryl Streep

Anonymous said...

Meryl Streep is still A list (Oscar nom this year for Devil Wears Prada); the item says former A list.

Glenn Close? I think her husband is not in the biz, and she hasn't done much lately.

Anonymous said...

Just reread the item. Michelle Pfeiffer might be a good guess - David E. Kelly is def. "non-movie star."

But (and, yes, I always have trouble with this) - would she really be considered a recent former A list movie star? She hasn't done much since the 90s and those weren't big hits. Sigh. The alphabet lists are just shades of grey for me.

Anonymous said...

I hope their previous maid was well-paid and received plenty of bonuses.

What a depressing life being expected to no only clean their toilets but to service them as well!

Anonymous said...

Cate Blanchett? She got married to a non-movie person in Dec 1997, making it almost10 years of being married. The former housekeeper in question would only have to be with them for almost 10 years.


Anonymous said...

How long has Diane Lane been married?? By the looks of Unfaithful, she still gets down!!

Anonymous said...

Russ and Kimora...are you kidding me? She is not and never was a Alist movie actress or even an actress at all....come on now

Anonymous said...

Diane Lane has been married only for a few years, and her husband,Josh Brolin is a movie actor. Not them

Anonymous said...

Does this sound like any connection to the not-so-blind item on Perez?

[Friends of what A-list diva are concerned about her recently converting to Scientology?

Even though she's publicly denied this, sources close to the superstar confirm to PerezHilton.com that she converted.

"She has slowly replaced (uncomfortably pushed out) most staff who was not into the religion," says a well-placed source. "Her long time house keeper was so uncomfortable with the new 'workers' in the house, a.k.a. Scientology folk, that she was forced to leave."

The picante diva has been shunning old friends as well and only surrounding herself with other Scientologists]

If so it sounds like J-Lo

Anonymous said...

READ THE BI PEOPLE!!!! JLo has NOT been married 10 years.

Anonymous said...

JLo is not an A List movie actress, plus her and Marc have not been together for 10 years

Anonymous said...

helen mirren?

Anonymous said...

That opening line is bugging me - "this former not very long ago A list movie actress." So does "former" mean formerly A list? or former movie actress? I'm thinking the "not very long ago" is parenthetical and that the actress is no longer A list but still acting.

And skip my guess of Glenn Close. Husband fits, but she's only been married to this one for a year.

Anonymous said...

Helen Mirren is def A list, so she doesn't fit.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you know you're Hollywood jaded when you get bored with your willing menage-a-trois maid that will do anything. Those kind of people don't just grow on trees.

Or do they?

Anonymous said...

"READ THE BI PEOPLE!!!! JLo has NOT been married 10 years."

Read it yourself. No where does it say the BI couple has been married the whole ten years.

It's probably still not JLo but you don't have to be an ass when you didn't read it carefully either.

Anonymous said...

Julianne Moore is married to a non-celeb. Although they've only recently married, they've been together for about 10 years. She was also in the movie about the husband who was gay and her best friend was a maid.

Anonymous said...

In response to the rude poster calling people names...people are saying this because of the reference to the Perez BI about J-Lo, which most certainly is about J-Lo (who was in Maid in Manhattan by the way.)

She has not been married to MA for that long, however, so it can't be her.

I'm banking on Julianne Moore, but she always seems like the epitomy of class and grace.

Anonymous said...

I kinda agree with SB about the opening line and am wondering if it should be read: "this former (not very long ago A list) movie actress...", meaning it's someone who was an A list movie actress and is retired or is now doing television. what do you think?

Anonymous said...

I know we guess them a lot, but what about M.Douglas and CZJ?

Anonymous said...

yeah, i think the wording is bad on this blind item. it's too confusing. i do hope it is revealed though......

Anonymous said...

Michael Douglas is a movie star, so it can't be CZJ.

Anonymous said...

Michael Douglas is a movie actor. The BV says non movie srat husband

Anonymous said...

OT--Dlisted has pictures of Nicole Eggert from a Samsung evert. She's looking a bit rough. Poor girl.

Anonymous said...

D'oh!! Sorry, that was a stupid of me. I got nothin'.

Anonymous said...

1:41 I think you are right as it doesn't say married ten years & JLo's long term "staff" (entourage) is being let go of in record #s as per Perez scoop this AM. She certainly was A list until a couple of years ago. I don't know about menage a trois though, just sounds like a little extra spice for a BI.

Anonymous said...

It isn't JLO, She hasn't been with Mark for 10 years. Perez'z not so blind item may be about her but not this one.

And I have no guess other than Cindy Crawford...who was certainly and A List model in her day.

Jim said...

Although Helen Mirren is one of the best actors out there, I don't consider her "A" list simply because she is not a leading lady type.

Cindy Crawford was never an A list actress.

It has to be somebody who used to be a superstar actress recently but now is playing second fiddle. And married for ten years.

This is a tough one.

Anonymous said...

Meryl Streep

Anonymous said...

i think michelle pfiefer is a good guess

Jim said...

I found another potential match.

Liv Tyler.

She was not so long ago an "A" list actress, Lord of the Rings, etc.

Seems to have dropped out of the spotlight the last couple of years.

Her husband is a musician. They have been married since 2003, BUT... they have been dating since 1998, engaged since 2001.

So they have been together for roughly 10 years.

Liv Tyler anyone????

Anonymous said...

OOOOOhhhh... Liv might be a good one then! Helen Mirren ain't married or anywhere close, I believe. I still say Frances McDormand or Tyler, just can't see Pfeiffer licking the carpet.

Anonymous said...

Liv Tyler was never an A list actress, but Helen Mirren is - so I think you're a little confused.

Anonymous said...

be adequite - please do your research. Helen Mirren IS married and has been for ten years.

Anonymous said...

So, for a completly different guess, what about Deborah Messing and Daniel Zelman. They got engaged in 1998 per imdb, he hasn't done any movie/tv work since 2000 so he could technically not be in the biz anymore? She is just the first person who came to mind.

Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts?

Anonymous said...

Messing has never been an A list movie actress.

Anonymous said...

Julia Roberts is still considered A list.

Anonymous said...

Probably not Deborah Messing - though she has appeared in a movie or two, I would not say that she could be considered an A list movie actress at any point.

That's one of the things we need to keep in mind -

A list movie actress - formerly (in some way)

non-movie star husband

10 year relationship w/husband

Need more clues, I think, though I have not yet had time to dissect the item itself to see if there might be clues in there.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy these blinds, but have the ass of people throwing guesses out there without reading them properly.

Anonymous said...

Renee Russo came to my mind. Is she married?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 and others - you can get that information by checking out www.imdb.com.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So...just go to Wikipedia, look up Oscar Best Actress/Supporting Actress winners who are consistently leading ladies in several movies, probably someone considered A-List from late 80s until early 2000s, figure out which one is still married for nearly a decade.


Faerie said...

damn yall bitch in the comments a LOT....

EVERY time i come here to read the guesses you guys have to argue about comprehension skills...

SHUT UP...just guess or dont...

Anonymous said...

invisible what's your guess?

Anonymous said...

I like the Michelle Phifer guess. I thought about Ashley Judd, but she hasn't been married for 10 years.

Anonymous said...

What about Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell? They aren't married, but maybe Ent's throwing us off course, and GH and KR have been together forever so they may as well be married. Plus, they seem like they could be the type to diddle the maid. She is definitely former A-list, and although he has been in movies, I wouldn't consider him a movie star.

Anonymous said...


This is not that tough. I hate the posters here, over confident corn eaters. F YOU!

Anonymous said...

FYI my gossip-loving peops, the BI says "non-movie" lest you overlook the tv show and theatre husbands...

Pfeiffer popped into my head halfway thru this BI..

Unless the couple likes older women, they too (at least one of them) is "old" now as well...

....Don't think I really want the answer on this one now that I think about it...blech!

Anonymous said...

Jamie Lee Cutis!?

Anonymous said...

You know, I so wanted this to be Annette Bening and Warren. Reason why is that it would tie in with something very specific. Years ago The Nanny's Fran Drescher revealed in her autobiography that she was pretty freaked out when she discovered that Warren Beatty and then girlfriend Isabelle Adjani (sp) had been watching her on TV all the time and seriously wanted to hook up with her for a threesome. I think they even went so far as to invite her over for one, and she was freaked out by the whole thing. Don't know if by the time Annette rolled around Warren had given up those "ways," but I couldn't help thinking about his tendency to "order in" whenever he wanted a threesome back in the day. Maybe Annette doesn't put up with that, though.

Anonymous said...

I like the Goldie Hawn guess, although the original guesser thought that the fact that they are not married might negate the guess- well, they have lived together so long, they are probably considered "common law" husband & wife- and I think its a great guess!

Anonymous said...

This is old school EL.

How about some Jay Leno S&M Gossip???

ya know all about it !!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How about Sharon Stone and husband Phil Bronstein (newspaper editor). They married in 1998. She was definitely A list in the late 90's. not sure if that equals not very long ago or not.

Anonymous said...

Lauren Holly

Unknown said...

Scratch that sharon Stone guess - appears shes been divorced since 2004.

taffs said...

completely unrelated, but i'd love to hear your view on this blog (http://jonathanjaxson.blogspot.com/), EL

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Emma Thompson. She has certainly been A-list, having won one Oscar and nominated for four. But except for Nanny McPhee (which was a fairly low-key film) she hasn't been in anything since Harry Potter and she didn't have a starring role in that.

Her husband, Greg Wise, has been in a few films and tv shows, but is in no way a star. They have been together since at least 1998, because their child was born in 1999.

The maid makes sense- when she was with Kenneth Branagh, they used to be mocked relentlessly for living the high life- including having a staff at home. This lifestyle could have easily continued with Greg Wise.

Plus, I think that there are several other clues in the BI, including the terms 'maid' (she played a housekeeper in The Remains of the Day), 'gentleman' and 'lady' (she and Greg Wise played a gentleman and lady in Sense and Sensibility).

What do you think, ENTy?


Anonymous said...

OKAY - Lauren Holly? Goldie Hawn? Jamie Lee Curtis? NOT A-List actresses!!!

Anonymous 8:17pm - I share your frustration here. It's like one big sandbox of DUH!

Anonymous said...

What about Brooke Sheilds?

Anonymous said...

Brooke Shields? I give up.

Anonymous said...

Kurt Russell IS a MOVIE STAR!!!!! Cindy Crawdford IS a MODEL
Debra Messing IS a TV STAR
Russell and Kimora are NOT in the MOVIE BIZ
Michael Douglas IS a MOVIE STAR

Nuff said

Anonymous said...

oh, some of these guesses are laugh-out-loud. read it!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:38...Love the Emma Thompson guess...she's always set my gaydar off a bit

I definitely thought English with the lady and gentleman thing and everything seems to fit. I'm on board!

Now start using a nic and take credit for your work! Just click on "Other" and type in a nic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary Mac-

I've got Amanda on the post.

Glad to know someone's reading all the comments! Thanks for the back-up. And you are right- she is a bit of a gaydar set off, isn't she? Not that there's anything wrong with that! :)


Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister - I would say that Goldie Hawn is absolutely a former A list actress. I think she's a good guess. And for the husband, perhaps ent means a non-movie STAR, emphasis on the star, which I would agree that Kurt Russell is not. Having been in some crappy movies 10 years ago does not make one a star.

Anonymous said...

I read it to mean that the husband is not an actor and never was. But I don't have any guesses.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:28 Please check out Kurt Russel's IMDB page and tell me he is not a movie star. He has been working non stop since 1963. He is indeed a movie star...Just as much as Goldie is

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:34 - I initially thought the same thing, but concluded that if the husband was not an actor, the item would have said that, and not "non-movie star."

I agree with the thinking that Kurt Russell should be considered a movie star, esp. with Grindhouse out now, and I would not conider Golde Hawn a not so long ago A list actress, so I think it's probably not them.

Emma Thompson looks like a good guess, and Michelle Pfeiffer is also a good one, too, imo.

Anonymous said...

*consider. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:28 - We'll have to agree to disagree on this. A-list to me means she was in the same league as Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, etc. Goldie Hawn has never been on that level.

I also have to agree with others that Kurt Russell is a movie star, so that would disqualify her twice.

I'm throwing another name into the ring - Anjelica Huston.

Anonymous said...

The BV clearly says "husband" so again, that disqualifies Kurt and Goldie as they are not Husband and Wife, only life partners.

Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister - I agree with your definition of A list actresses, but just can't see Angelica Huston fitting in that group, especially in the recent past. I checked out her imdb profile, and it hasn't been very exciting for many years.

Anonymous said...

SB, you might be right about Huston going back too far. I just can't come up with anyone who fits all the parameters, so I'm reaching now...lol.

Anonymous said...

Goldie Hawn was once alist loooong ago.
But since they aren't married...

Im stumped!

Anonymous said...

OH...see the Amanda now, Amanda...sorry!

Anonymous said...

Quite alright Mary Mac!


love the name, by the way. Sounds like the name of a sexy lady from a retro cookery show.

Anonymous said...

Angela Bassett-- been married exactly ten years to a man who is not a movie actor

Anonymous said...

Angela Bassett is a more realistic guess than most of the others. I think we can keep her on the list of suspects.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, twisted sister. I think the best guesses so far are Bassett, Pfeiffer and Emma Thompson. The "gentleman and lady of the house" line does make me lean towards Emma Thompson, who has been w/her husband since about 1995.

Anonymous said...

SB, the only problem I have with Emma is that 1) Greg Wise is an actor - some telly in the U.K., but also acts in movies, and 2) who wouldn't want to go to bed with him?

Sorry, that was off topic.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll buy that, though I would classify him as a non-movie star husband. Maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on "star"?

(And staying off topic, I'd totally hit it, too.)

Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister, You are cracking me up. Some of these comments are so out there it reminds me of the SNL skit with Alex Trebec and the stupid answers that the Sean Connery guy gives to the simplest questions. LOL

Anonymous said...

pfieffer is my guess as well. i would be really suprised about bassett. she and her husband are very religious.

Anonymous said...

Angela Bassett is married to movie and TV star Courtney B Vance, I dont think it is them.

Anonymous said...

Angela Bassett is married to Courtney Vance who is very much an actor. Ever watch Law and Order? He's been all over those shows and now has a permanent spot on one of them - CI I think.

So it isn't her.

Anonymous said...

sb - I got dibs!

drcocks - yeah, only not that bright!

Alex - "Name a color that ends with the sounds *urple*."

Anonymous - "Light urple?"

piratechick said...

ent made sure to hyphenate that non, which means the husband is a star, just not a moviestar.

(so Courtney Vance sounds ok, since he isn't exactly known for his film roles...)

...what I'm thinking is that it might be a top A-list woman married to an athlete or music star, or television personality.

ent likes tricky clues that way.


Anonymous said...

But Courtney has still done movies, and that disqualifies them.

Movie star means starred in a movies, right?

Jeez, folks.


Anonymous said...

plotterist - not sure i agree completely with that logic. if what you said held true, you would consider cindy crawford a movie star b/c of the one movie she was in. and i think most of us here would say no, she aint no movie star!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call Cindy an A list movie star, but their are numerous types of movie stars, and she would fit as a star in a movie of very low value.

Movie star is a pretty bland term, for me at least. If we elevate it to mean A Lister Who Can Carry Any Film, then what do you call the rest?

Maybe you'd be more comfortable with movie actor? Well, Courtney Vance has played above the level of working stiff actor who we all see, know his face, but can't place him - which is what I'd call a movie actor, someone like Wade Williams.

Vance has done a lot of TV work which gives him name recognition in the many movies he also stars in.

Anonymous said...

"Liv Tyler anyone????"

She's never been anywhere near the A list.

Anonymous said...

Its my girl Ripley: Sigourney Weaver.

Anonymous said...

Twisted Sister- sorry I didn't have time to go to IMDB like I usually do for Helen Mirren. I have a real job that requires work sometimes. Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

6:03 AM Debrah Messing is a movie star, for instance she was the lead in The Wedding Date and was also in other films such as, Garfield, Along Came Polly and the Mothman Prophecies. So, before you display your ignorance on all things Debbie Messing, check out Imdb or google. TIA

I know also like Emma Thompson as another option.

Anonymous said...

be adequite - your class is showing dear. If you're so busy, don't leave lame posts here.

Allthsun, Messing is not an A-list movie star. A-list is Paltrow, Halle Berry, Kidman, etc.

Is there an echo in here?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like that one.....

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Any ideas on ZX? I can't decide if she's legit.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Deb Messing has NEVER been a-list. I thought Emma Thompson was a very clever guess, and I could really see it with her.

Michelle Pfeiffer and David E Kelley having threesomes for tio years? Not so much. Emma Thompson is much naughtier :)

Anonymous said...


Most probably, this couple is English, not American.

Anonymous said...



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