Thursday, August 09, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Because I love each and everyone of you I am going to reveal the kindness and jackass blind items from this week and will do so next week. I think it will be Wednesday and I will repost them on Tuesday and provide some more clues to give you one last chance at guessing away. Don't just assume that a comment written by someone claiming to know the answer in the kindness is actually the answer.

#1 Despite their appearances together on recent talk shows and their public comments to the contrary, these two actors really don't like each other and what you see in public and what goes on in private are two very different things.

#2 This former A list television star and now a "Didn't he used to be in?" kind of star who still works but not at the same level he did and his never higher than B list wife are each enjoying other people while remaining married for the sake of their child(ren). Each parent takes a turn at home with the kid(s) while the other goes off with their current flame. It works out well except when they need to be photographed in public. They need each other for publicity sometimes but are loathe to ask for a favor from the other. Their solution? They actually charge each other to show up for photographs. This way the other person needs to be really sure they want the person to come along and is not just saying it.

#3 This Western Conference NBA star has moved out of the family home and is living in a hotel.


Pinky said...

1) Kevin James and Adam Sandler?
2) Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna
3) Kobe?

Unknown said...

So the 'Kindness' is NOT Charlize, I take it. Hm..
This is fun! Thanks for revealing the answers next week, Ent!

Kim's World said...

no the kindness was about the actor giving strawberries to the at&t center

Twinkle Toes said...

1) Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker

I don't think it is Sandler and James, They hang out off camera also (go to dinner with their wives, etc)

Laurie-Anne R Collins said...

I like the Kobe guess. I've been hearing rumblings this past week about him getting a divorce but haven't seen any official announcement.

YahMoBThere said...

EL is just saying he loves each and every one of us because he wants us all to stop claiming we're carrying his babies. Just like every other guy, only with a lot more scoop-age.

Tracee said...

LOL! Twisted! YAY!!! Reveals...but what about the juicy A-list couple headed for splitsville. I'm dying to know if its Tom & Rita or whoever!

#1-I was going to say Adam and Kevin, but they were spotted having lunch together and if you don't like someone would you have lunch with them? So I think Jackie and Tucker are a much better guess.

#2-IDK. But that's weird that they pay each other. I mean really, whose footing the bill...its just coming out of the same bank account.

#3-I agree with Kobe.

mjs said...

1/ Kirsty Alley and Vallerie Bertenelli.. from those Jenny Craig Commercials...

mooshki said...

I'm carrying EL's baby. Sadly, all his money goes to alimony and other paternity suits, so my lawyer said there's no point in going after him. I should've waited a few months and gone after Stephen Belafonte instead.

MnGddess said...

I think number one is Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Chris always looks a bit uncomfortable when they interview together.


Anonymous said...

mjs - have kirstie and val been on the talk show circuit? I thought it was just the ads.

I like the Hamlin/Rinna guess for #2, but does he still work? (too lazy to imdb today)

YahMoBThere said...

Mooshki, I'm carrying EL's love child, too, but at least he told me the baby and I could go live in the basement. Not the basement he lives in, mind you, just some basement.

Unknown said...

Oops! I meant to say 'Jackass' and Julia Roberts, not 'Kindness' and
Charlize (!). Thank you knm 2003!

Unknown said...

Didn't EL post a picture of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker and he said something like that he didn't think they liked each other?

jlb said...

I think when Ent posted a picture of Chan & Tucker together he had a comment that went sounded something like they looked uncomfortable or he wasn't feeling the love between them - I'm on board with that guess.

Was Harry Hamlin ever Alist?

No idea...

Anonymous said...

Hamlin could have been considered A-list back in the LA Law days.

I'm on board with Tucker/Chan, Hamlin/Rinna, and the 3rd isn't even blind :-)

Dang, you all were good today!

Anonymous said...

I'm carrying ENT's conehead baby

Anonymous said...

Harry and Lisa are appearing together in Chicago (the musical) in NY

sullivan said...

kobe was on kimmel last night and his wife was in the audience. if he moved out, i doubt she would have been there.

Bryn said...

#1 John Travolta's been hitting the talk shows lately. What about him and Michelle Pfeifer? It doesn't say the two actors are male.

smooches said...

ENT is carrying my baby...

YahMoBThere said...

Oooh, Smooches! A blind item. We get to guess who the real mother is, right?

jlb said...

Just throwing names out there for about David Duchovny & Tea Leoni?

smooches said...

TS, he's trying to claim i'm the mother, but i demand a maternity test...i'll see him in court..

Hez said...

Ent, if you really loved me, you'd score me a vial of Charlie Sheen's baby batter so I could knock myself up and really piss off Renise Dichards.

YahMoBThere said...

Smooches, you're slick. EL should have known he can't pull a fast one over on you.

Pinky said...

j - I like that guess, but when I think Tea, and I do, she was A-list cusp. She did quite a few movies.

jlb said...

True...I was more thinking along the husband lines I guess...forgot about her in

Farm Girl Pink... said...

BI# 1

If Isiah Washington was still on Grey's I would have immediately said it was him and Patrick Dempsey. Then again there is has been so much drama on the set of Grey's it could be any of them... haha!

BI# 2

I do like the guess of Harry/Lisa... only problem is I don't think she would put up with that non-sense. Plus she is the big money earner between those two. She really had diversified her holdings... the girl has her finger in alot of profitable business' in LA. Plus I still think she really loves ole Harry.

But I tend to agree that who ever the couple is... they are still very public. So I am off to look at AP picture's...

BI # 3

Even tho Kobe is a great guess... I have always suspected he married that girl without a pre-nup. Plus if he ever plans to recover his whole good guy image and get those high dollar endorsements back... he needs to look all married and happy. But I tend to go with the idea that who ever it is... plays in LA or Arizona... someone who is in the LA scene hitting up the clubs. And gold diggers. haha!

Stacy said...

Awww, I love you too EL!

Sparkwee said...

#1 maybe the kids from Superbad (Michael Cera and Jonah Hill)

Unknown said...

BI#1: Lisa and Bart Simpson

BI#2: Marge and Homer Simpson

BI#3: Please please please let the answer be Tony Parker

kellygirl said...

Oh, Hez, great idea, but I'd hate to see a laptop wedged into your skull

RagDoll said...

RUIQUI for your #3 guess...from your keypad to God's screen, babe!!!

However, I think #3 might be Stephon Marbury...sure, he's A Knick now, but he was a Western Conference Star when he played for the Timberwolves (remember the K. Garnett/S. Marbury duo?)

Kelsey said...

OOOOOOOOO BIs revealed!

and wouldn't kobe get more than just a "western conference nba star" credit?

or maybe ent's just trying to throw us off.

Miss X said...

What about Kirk Cameron and his wife (Chelsea Noble) for #2? I know they are super religious and have 6 kids but it's the best I've been able to come up with. He was definitely an A list TV star and she may be B list at best.

Although with their religious beliefs, this seems unlikely. Perhaps I'll trigger someone else's thinking.

Hez said...

Miss X, if the universe had any sense of justice, all the 'holier than thou' douchebags like Kirk "The New Messiah" Cameron and the 'more in love than thou' douchebags like Eva & Tony would spontaneously combust with the friction of their hypocrisy rubbing against their smug preachiness.

But of course, instead the universe lets Paris Hilton record another album while folks like us are still struggling to cover the price of earplugs. (The good ones ain't cheap!)

Miss X said...

Hez I knew it was way off but you never know...he's certainly one that would kill his current career by divorcing his wife.

Back to the drawing board.

This particular BI is driving me crazy. I want to know who it is!

honey015 said...

You know, for No.1, d'ya think EL could be being a bit sneaky? The BI doesn't specifically state that the two actors are WORKING together. It just says that they've been obviously defending their relationship in public, and the way is says 'what goes on in private' makes me think of a more homey situation. I keep thinking it's Brad and Ange; both actors, LOADS of rumours about them not liking each other any more, she's been publicly laughing at split rumours, and they've been doing very Beckham-esque photo ops of them smiling and holding hands together. The only thing I'm not sure about is the 'talk shows together' bit.Don't know of any recent appearances.

Camille said...

#2 Will and Jada


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