Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Hooker And The Child Abuser

Ahhh, it is like a match made in vice heaven. After spending the past several months keeping his hair long and feminine for all his prison buddies, Joe Francis is back on the outside now and has made an offer to the hooker. I know she has a name, but she has so many names within her name that I just like to refer to her as the hooker, and we can call Joe, the child abuser. Not that he has to register as a sex offender mind you, because then people would know where he lives and kick his ass on a daily basis.

So, the child abuser offered the hooker her $1M to give an interview to GGW Magazine and to have her very own DVD. The child abuser says that the hooker doesn't have to get naked which is a first. Until this scandal broke, I doubt she earned any money without taking off her clothes first. Now reports are that she has made $200,000 from the downloading of that awful song of hers.

"Her face is on the cover of every newspaper in the country," Francis said in a statement. "It's clear that the public wants to see more of her. This is a serious offer and I hope she gets back to me right away."

Hey, if there is money around she will smell it, and the child abuser will have another person he can exploit. So, if she isn't going to get naked on the DVD, what exactly is she going to do? Talk about world politics? Explain how she can charge $1000 an hour despite being uglier than most of the people on earth. Sing? I mean if this is 45 minutes of her, what is it going to be? I'm surprised actually that she hasn't been on Larry King. I know he would love to marry her. This would be right after he asked her a question like, "You just did this once or twice in your life right?"

The child abuser is currently awaiting his trial on tax fraud charges. The child abuser claims he is innocent, and refuses to plead guilty. Yeah, remember that when he changes that plea next week.


Anonymous said...

You are on the tear of all tears, Ent. There's snarky and then there's cranky. "uglier than most people on earth"?!

Rough morning in court? Oh WAIT! It's the day after St. Patty's, you've got the hangover to end all hangovers!!

Anonymous said...

Well, she may not be the ugliest woman on Earth, but she's uglier than a hooker should be. But then, we already know she thinks pretty highly of herself...who would go to all the trouble to record songs when they know deep down inside that they have no discernible talent? Attention starved whores who think they're the shit, thats who.

GammaGirl said...

I don't think she's ugly at all. Should I tell the story about the one-legged prostitute with a wonky glass eye that hung out in front of my hotel in the Dominican Republic?

Ent's toeing the line between snarky and ugly here, but I see his point.

GammaGirl said...
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captivagrl said...

i don't care about the hooker or the child abuser. we all know which percentage they fall into. OT- i love the post(by richard) over at gawker describing christian(fierce)siriano, "the wee fashion designer with the Sydney Opera House on his head".

Reese said...

She could spend part of that 45 minutes explaining how she could have lived in New York for several years and still have no idea who Eliot Spitzer is. I'm a Californian and was very familiar with Spitzer and his activities when he was the extremely creepy and egocentric New York attorney general. I guess no one offered to pay Ashely to read or watch any news sources.

Anonymous said...

It pisses me off to no end that we have another Paris Hilton now. I knew this would happen as soon as she was "exposed".

More hookers extending their 15 mintues well beyond....well, 15 minutes.... ;)

Oh, and I can't talk about "the child abuser" - too despicable for words, that creature.

YahMoBThere said...

I don't want EL to give her any more press either.

I'd rather he post that Heather Mills is such a twit she poured water on Paul McCartney's lawyers head in court. What a moron. I'm so glad she was only awarded 48.6 million, which is less than the 50 million Paul offered her in the first place.

jax said...

in the immortal words of Easy E:

"Ho hooker, hooker ho. bitch you ain't shit"

jagerlilly said...

A match made in STD heaven...how long before there's a "leaked" sex tape of the two? Gross...

Amber said...

By the way Ent, today there are new pictures of Kristin Davis. Ones showing her whole vag lol, and the man she was with has some gigantic bush.

Joe Francis can go die in a fire.

Unknown said...

She's not bad looking at all, I don't get all this venom. Whoever's posting Ent's stuff seems really bitchy towards women this week. Don't think I'd pay her $4300, unless she was gonna wax the car too, but not bad looking.

Ask A Hooker said...



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