Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today's Blind Items

I can't believe he forgave her. This celebrity couple was on the verge of divorce. He is a guy. She is a B list television actress with A list name recognition who would probably kill her child to get into movies. Well, she almost did kill her child which is why she almost got divorced. Apparently the way it happened was that our actress was doing lines of coke off a glass table in the living room. The only people home were the maid and a child of the actress. A young child who had been watching mommy do lines. Well, the phone rang and mommy went to go get something out of a bedroom while she was on the phone. Five minutes later, the maid found the child imitating mommy at the glass table. Yeah. Apparently the child didn't do it exactly right, because when the family doctor made a house call he couldn't see any damage except for the white powder on the face. While the doctor was there and all this commotion, the husband walked in. He freaked out. Not only because of his child, but also because his wife had told him that she had stopped snorting months earlier. He left with the child after packing up a few things. The marriage was supposed to be over so don't know what brought them back from the brink.


ItsJustMe said...

OMG, this is horrible. I want to cry thinking about that poor child.

Chatty Cricket said...

For some reason Tori Spelling popped right into my head, but I think it's her husband who would kill his own child to get into movies, and I really think Tori is D list.

Also thought Kate Beckinsale, but she's not TV.

Lori said...

I'll take the obligatory Courteney Cox answer.

Unknown said...

Kelly Rutherford or Anne Heche

lmnop123 said...

Okay this is so much worse than anything else that's been put up on this website.

Just Horrible!

WTF did he go back? It doesn't say what type of celebrity he is. Maybe he's dependent on the wife's salary but even so I'm sure he could get a decent settlement to take care of the child.

Words cannot express how bad I feel after reading this story.

West End Girl said...

Wow, despite my cynicism, this one is too shocking :(

MontanaMarriott said...

Debra MESSY Messing

Momster said...

Imagine the child's baby book: first smile, first tooth, first birthday, first lines. . .

Horrible, just horrible. That woman should not be left alone with the child again.

princessd said...

Kate Beckinsale?

Unknown said...

Debra Messing does sound like a good guess considering she hasn't been pictured with her husband in a while.

And yes... this is very shocking and sad. Hope she gets help pronto.

kanonymous said...

Kate Beckinsale does not have a child with her husband.

princessd said...

gah. nevermind. just read the tv bit part

kanonymous said...

Debra Messing is a good guess. She has said before she wanted to get into movies but she hasn't really.

Unknown said...

Debra Messing appeared in "The Women" which cancels her out.


I really wanted to say it was Jennifer Garner.

She's TV (alias) but have her movies done well?

juicy said...

I agree that this is Debra Messing. Kelly Rutherford fist popped into my head, but I wouldn't say that she has A-name recognition.

Mr. T said...

New shoes, toys, and now coke...I finally understand why people say kids are so expensive!

lmnop123 said...

If something happens to that child after this the husband and the doctor are also responsible for allowing her to remain in the coke fiend's care.

Unknown said...

Kelly Ripa. All that divorce talk seems to have died down.

jagerlilly said...

Ooooh, Janepod, I like your answer! But Kelly really hasn't done much acting since her soap opera days has she? Wouldn't she be described as more of a talk show host now, rather than television actress?

Goodgrief said...

Holy Crap!!!! Poor child. Debra Messing has also been in the movie "the wedding date".It may be her, because her movies are worse that Jennifer Anniston's. I can't believe the husband took her back.

Mexi said...

if it was kelly ripa that would be the end of her career! the soccer mom's that worship her would boycott anything and everything she's been in.

B626 said...

Angie Harmon?
Husband's a celeb because of sports. Not an actor.
Youngest daughter about
3.5 years old.

Maja With a J said...

Holy. This really is a good one. Terrible and tragic, but a juicy item nonetheless.
Do I have any guesses? Um, no. I'll think about it for a while.

Lucky777 said...

First few lines (bad pun) had me thinking Courtney they have a kid?

PotPourri said...

Harmon has 3 kids, although I don't put anything past her with that nasty personality. I was thinking someone that has a young child. Messing's son is almost 5 now. Courtney Cox's daughter is older too.

Reese said...

I seem to recall a post about someone very much like the woman in question, and child protective services had been out a few times to make sure this woman's child was still alive. The woman's parents had largely raised it because the parents, especially the mother, were grossly negligent. Debra Messing was the overwhelming choice for the mother, and there was significant evidence to indicate this was the correct guess. I'll stick with the favorite and go with the faux redhead whose career hasn't exactly taken off since her TV show went off of the air.

lutefisk said...

If this was any average person it happened to it would be in every paper. Why is it when it happens to some half-assed celeb it is covered up?

jenna said...

Does debra messing really have Alist name recognition though?

I thought of courtney cox too but wouldn't enty have mentioned that the husband was famous too if that was the case?

Jill said...

I really like B626's Angie Harmon guess! But is she B list, or C? And does she have A list name recognition?

Cooper's Mom said...

I too think it's Debra Messing. Lainey keeps calling her out for choosing 'body over baby' (new baby, not existing one. Though if this is true, she shouldn't be allowed to have any more) and you haven't seen her hubby with her in an awfully long time.

Could def be her, we'll know soon enough when her husband starts appearing in public with her.

lmnop123 said...

Cooper's Mom I thought Lainey said Debra had a LapBand operation? I don't remember her being a coke fiend.

JaxSux said...

Sarah Jessica Parker

warmislandsun said...

Whoever it is, I am saying a little prayer for them and their family. This is too sad, but I gotta wonder how often this type of thing happens - people (not just hollywood) doing drugs in front of their kids. So sad.

Thisisridiculous said...

Sarah Jessica Parker. is all I've got.

Unknown said...

My guess is Sarah Jessica Parker.

Ainm Sloinne said...

I get the impression though that this person has more than one child as it says 'a child of the actress' possibly indicating more than one child.

I could be completely wrong about this though - just opening up more possibilities?

I like the SJP and Debra Messiing guesses though. Neither of them have had hugely successful movies (SATC Movie aside - that was simply an offshoot of the show that made her).

Unknown said...

SJP is A-list TV all the way and has done many films.

Jenna Elfman? With the name recognition being because of her in-laws.

I am still going with Ripa, though.

Unknown said...

SJP films -- Footloose, First Wives Club, Honeymoon in Vegas, Family Stone, Hocus Pocus, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Failure to Launch, Mars Attacks, Miami Rhapsody, and the excellent L.A. Story and Ed Wood.

Though I do think she is a coke fiend with marriage problems -- just don't think this blind is her.

Dee said...

I'm on board with Debra Messing. At first I thought SJP, but if it was her I think that Ent would specify that the hubby is an actor, rather than just a guy. Same for Courteney Cox.

JaxSux said...

SJP hasn't really done a good film in awhile...not since The Family Stone

and EL does say it's a "celebrity couple" ergo the hubby is famous too. Yes, ergo.

jensun said...

I agree there may be more than one kid ("a child of the actress"). And I suspect the child is her and not theirs, possibly ("a child of the actress" and "almost did kill her child"). That's different from "their child".

Doesn't Debra Messing only have 1 kid, and it's with her husband?

Big City Girl said...

Lisa Rinna.

Binky Melnik said...

Don't peple here ever go to the movies (or watch them on DVDs or cable)? Debra Messing's done plenty of features. She's already in the movies. She's not the answer to this blind, as much as we might like her to be.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this is Courtney Cox. Yes, she's done a few movies but it was really tiny parts. I'm sure she'd love to be a big film actress but so far she hasn't really broke through.

lmnop123 said...

What does Enty mean by the second sentence or is it a typo"

"He is a guy."

Wouldn't "he" impy that it's a man. Or maybe the sentence isn't complete.

Also I agree that Enty made a point of mentioning her child so perhaps it isn't his.

mooshki said...

What Binky said. :)

MontanaMarriott said...

It could be a typo but I was under the impression that "he is a guy" meant he was a non-celebrity/regular dude.

As per the "get into movies" I thought it meant have SUCCESSFUL movies and be huge in them like AJ or JA. But if it means that she has never done a film then I would say this could be Marishka Hargitay.

MontanaMarriott said...

Also, Enty does call the child towards the end "his child" so this child is both of theirs.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Garner is many things, but I don't think a bad mom is one of them....

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Garner is many things, but I don't think a bad mom is one of them....

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

It's between Messing and Cox in my mind. I'll take DM, final answer.

Judi said...

Good eye, NotOnMyDollar. This could be Anne Heche. Wasn't there talk a while back of her and her husband splitting?

Judi said...

But Heche is best known for film, not tv. Hmmm.

Kathy K said...

Courtney Cox has been in enough movies ... when I read "would kill to get into movies" I read that as someone who has never been in one and has been, say, "stuck" in TV.

Kelly Ripa, ridiculously skinny Kelly Ripa, definitely comes to mind. She had that TV show, and it looks like she's done a couple of voices in movies, but I see her totally wanting to walk the red carpet at the Big Show, not just the Emmys.

Like others, though, I don't get the "He is a guy" line .... if that means he isn't in the businesss, then it's not Kelly. But he does start out by calling them a celebrity couple, and that would fit.

M. said...

Actually, Anne Heche had a big soap opera career before she hooked up with Ellen way back in the day (Anne played twin sisters on "Another World". And while she's done a few movies, I think her recent television career would have her considered a television actress. I didn't think she and her actor boyfriend & co-star were married. Sure, she is pregnant with his child right now, but he still hasn't divorced his wife, and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to do so.

Majik said...

I second Judi's thought about Heche and hubby splitting...haven't heard about that in a while, though, so I don't know what the status is. She has done some movies, and that movie with Harrison Ford did pretty well--but I also took " get into movies" to mean have a string of successes and become a STAR, and I think Debra Messing fits that one a little better. She's done a lot of movies, but she's never been the star, only a supporting or bit player.

Kat said...

The way this is worded makes it seem like the child is hers, not his, like he/she was from a previous relationship.

The thing about these kinds of blinds is that we'll never know the truth. The reveals are always incredibly obvious or generic. This is one I'd like to be revealed at some point, but I'm sure it won't be.

Poor Kate said...

Funny how celebrities bitch about hounded by the press and something THIS horrible gets swept under the carpet.

This "story" will never see the light of day.

Mika said...

I think Laineygossip had this or a similar Bi last year. I think it's cox.

Pookie said...

i'm jumping on the anne heche train of guess.

althooo....Reese, that debra messing guess sounds valid. pls dish on what people were saying!

Wack said...

tina fey! jk.

is teri hatcher married?

sarah jessica parker?

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller. The child is Ben.

Dianne P said...

Regarding the child...I think it pretty much has to be the biological or at least adopted child of both.

The husband would not be able to take away the wife's child if it wasn't his as well.

This is sure a tough one.

Unknown said...

This is horrible. Debra and SJP popped into my head but I kinda think it was Nicolette Sheridan too, just because of the movies comment but I known its not

Lucky777 said...

I thought the "he is a man" wasa clue also, but then I read it again, and I think it was meant as: he's a man, he took her back, that's what men do.

Katy said...

I'm not sure about the child being from a previous relationship/adopted. Towards the end of the blind (third line from the top) it says "his child." That to me indicates that the kid is biologically related to both spouses.

Pinky said...

Traylor Howard. 2nd marriage, filed for divorce. 2 1/2 year old son. Two *GUYS* a Girl and a Pizza Joint.

Provel said...

It's not Heche. She's having a baby with her BF James Tupper, and I think she's already divorced.

Unknown said...

What about Heather Locklear and Ritchie Sambora? Thought they were done, but just saw a pic of them somewhere together (maybe their daughter's soccer game or something)?

nancer said...

this is a married couple. not locklear. and who is traylor howard? not A name recognition. i don't know anything about debra messing but if this is a 'celebrity couple', does it fit her? is her husband famous?
i'm thinking it fits with courtney cox better than anyone else that's been brought up so far.

Unknown said...

I think the reason kelly was getting a divorce is b/c her husband is a lying sleeze bag whore who cheats on her constantly! hell I even know someone who slept with his ass.

L00nyBin said...

I don't think it SJP - for one I think she puts too much time into being an "actual" parent; walking her son to school, etc & Bodie, you said..."SJP hasn't really done a good film in awhile...not since The Family Stone"

Does noone remember Sex and the City THE MOVIE? It was #1 last year, for quite a few weeks. So I don't think SJP would be killing to get into movies b/c she's making them, rumored to have SATC movie #2 in the works...

juicy said...

If my memory serves... Ent did post a pic in randoms the other day of Angie Harmon looking very thin, saying something along the lines of "she's looking very different..."
Could it be coke?

Cooper's Mom said...

Mika, i think the BI you are referring to has been revealsed as Liv Tyler (i was surprised, i had assumed, like many, that it was A Jolie). the one where she was all coked up and a child got involved. Liv Tyler has done movies all the way, so can't be her.

Not on my dolalr - you're right, she did have a operation, so it may not be her, but they all do coke, right? I'm now torn with SJP and DM, but i'm sure matthew Broderick would have left her long ago if he was going to leave.

Whoever it is though, it's fucking disgraceful and she's lucky she's not in jail.

Anonymous said...

It's Tori! She is Dean's cash cow, of course he'd go back to her! They just had a kid and she's not only the daughter of one of the most famous television producers in Hollywood, she was also on 90210 - the original and the recent rip-off! In addition to a current reality show. I have never seen her in any movies. Everyone links 'Spelling' to TV.

As well, remember this blind from a few days ago?

"#2 - This current reality star and former B list television actress has a new diet. Coke and more coke as she gladly shared when she was discovered at one show indulging in her 'lunch.'"

Most of us thought it was Tori. It's definitely the same person in both blinds.

Chrissy Buns said...

i have been lurking here for quite a while and reading all the posts and at first i liked Courtney Cox, but now i'm going to jump on the Tori train...she would for sure kill her firstborn to be a famous 'real' actress...oh yeah, i like Tori for the win...and if this one is ever revealed...TAKE THE KID(S) AWAY! can you say 'unfit'?

ablake said...

Wasn't Tori in the spoof of Scream movie(s)?
Then again, my first thought was Alba and she's been in a couple of go nowhere movies as well


rocky said...

How about Brook Shields? Recent show cancellation and she has done Suddenly Susan. She has two young children with her current husband or boyfriend (not sure if they are married).

S. said...

Tori wasn't wearing her wedding ring a few weeks ago in pictures... and there were no publicty photos of the gruesome twosome for a while.

But somehow I don't think her husband KFed Jr. (sorry, after hearing Lainey call him that I can't get it out of my head) would be the type to pack up and leave over something like this, as horrible as it is - hell, he left his wife and newly adopted daughter to run off with Tori so I doubt very seriously he'd pick up and divorce his cash cow. If the two of them split up, it will be Tori's doing, not his.

lmnop123 said...

I don't think it's Tori because Enty recently mentioned that Dean would be stupid to leave her because she was his meal ticket.

DazzledByTheNorthman said...

I think this BI refers to Patricia Arquette; she is a TV actress with A list recognition and her husband is Thomas Jane (hence the sentence "He is a guy" in reference to his feminine sounding last name). They have a 6 year old daughter together and she has a 20 year old son from a previous relationship.

lmnop123 said...

If Patricia Arquette is a coke fiend then that's just sad because she's got way too much weight on her for a fiend.

La Libre Penseuse said...

One never knows if these "blind items" are for reals or just around for entertainment value. At any rate, I noticed a few days ago there was another blind item regarding the fashion week about some B actress snorting coke. Everybody said it was Tori Spelling.

Now this item pops up and I noticed a few weeks ago Tori wasn't wearing her wedding ring, plus she has two young children with dean. Could it be her?

Here's why I think it would be too weird

- Tori is a dedicated mom and is constantly seen playing with her children and spending time with them. She often gushes over them in her interviews and her book.

- Tori is currently filming a reality show with her husband for Oxygen. If she was doing coke, wouldn't the reality show catch her doing it?
cause for concern
-Tori has been seen without her husband recently
-No wedding ring on her finger
- She weighs only 100 pounds now and she's dropped excessive amount of weight the last couple of months

what is eight past six? said...

I'm a huge Friends fan so it saddens me to say this, but I am leaning towards Courtney Cox.

"He is a guy" is such an odd sentence on its own, just plunked down there, but maybe it's a reference to David's 'sister' Alexis? David is definitely a guy, at least. That was my first thought about that sentence. Then "She...would probably kill her child to get into movies" could be a subtle reference to the Scream series.

I'm not sold on that line necessarily meaning it's an actress who has NEVER been in a movie, just an actress whose movie career never took off. I don't recall any movies Cox has been in other than the Scream series, and if she has been in some they obviously didn't amount to anything. Cox hasn't even been in a movie that was a well known flop. The average person is not going to know her for even trying to get into movies, just for Friends and maybe Dirt.

The only thing that puts me off of Courtney as the answer is that I didn't necessarily see her as caring that much about getting onto the big screen. That would seem more like Debra Messing. But you never know what these celebs want...Cox didn't strike me as a cokehead either but I should have figured that one, anyone that close with JA probably doesn't frown upon it, to say the least.

nunaurbiz said...

1. I'm not good at these things.

2. When I saw "a child of hers" I thought child, children, she has more than one.

3. I'm not a parent, but I know that kids do these things when they are toddler- or almost-toddler types.

4. This is someone I didn't see mentioned earlier so it's probably so off base ....


nunaurbiz said...

P.S. Wouldn't the doctor have an obligation to report this kind of thing??????????

jmc said...

The child is not his.
"While the doctor was there and all this commotion, the husband walked in. He freaked out. Not only because of HIS child, but also because his wife had told him that she had stopped snorting months earlier. He left with THE child after packing up a few things."
My guess is that the child is the wife's biological child and that the woman is pregnant with the husbands child, which is why she was supposed to have stopped months earlier. So i would suggest a Hollywood couple that is pregnant and has a child under the age of 4 that is not the husbands biological child.

Dick Insideu said...

Kim Basinger.

Dick Insideu said...

No, that can't be right.

shoe addict said...

tori spelling def fits

shoe addict said...

angie harmon does coke and is dissappeaaring but i dont this blind is her. debra messing is laineys body over baby (surgery) skinny. still tori

Kitty said...

Nicole Ritchie? Although she's C-list at best.


shoe addict said...

after a reread could be debra messing. if it were courtney cox there would be a mention of david i.e quirky or in the biz or showbiz fam. according to our guesses on blinds hes a heroin addict and shes a raging coke head who may or may not be a lez with jen, bu they r still married in hollywood maybe we should stop guessing them after 10 yrs.

jus sayin.....

JaxSux said...

Hey L00nyBin: I said SJP hasn't done a GOOD movie since the Family Stone.

SATC movie sucked. Hard.

lmnop123 said...

Marissa Hargitay, although she seems like a sweetheart.

I also like the idea that the child could be the woman's and maybe she's pregnant with the husband's kid.

Liz said...

Someone on Gawker mentioned ... what about Katie Holmes? I know she's done a couple movies, but most people I think would associate her with TV.

canadachick said...

I'll go with either Leah Remini (small movie roles) young child but husband not real well known....or Jennie Garth - husband actor (TWILIGHT) youngest child is about 2...she's done mainly TV.

Sporky said...

I'm going with Angie Harmon, although she did do that horrible movie with Charlie Sheen...

B626 said...

Doctors in Hell-Hey are paid mucho bucks to go on 'house calls' and to not tattle.
And live very comfortably because of it.

canadachick said...

its funny cause the first thing i thought of when reading it was the scene with Sharon Stone in Casino doing coke with the kid sitting next to her.

Jeff said...

Tea Leoni?

Julie said...

most of these guesses have been in movies. including Tea Leoni and Tori Spelling, and even Marishka (albeit Tor and M, not big screen, just lifetime) Patricia Arquette = True Romance. lol Courteney Cox met David on the set of her movie "career" minus like ace ventura and like, that one adam sandler movie.

I kinda think Traylor Howard (2guys,pizza place blabla and monk), because i thought that from the big party blind from a couple weeks ago. wait, shes not A List name.

who else! Kellie Martin? think someone from ER.........I always think its Kellie Martin though, just like for the lawyer husband that gave her aids. (the one that first got me into cdan, i think?)

idk, see who would be a name recognition for me is different that most the world.

dammit, rackin my brain

lucy lawless? final answer.

FrenchGirl said...

for me that's Sara Jessica Parker or Courtney Cox!

Binky Melnik said...

I think you're looking under the wrong rocks. Forty-year olds don't break into the movies. Not females, anyway; men can do it, rarely, but women are considered dried up already well before then. Hell; it's hard to find work even if they're established actresses and they're forty! I think we need to think younger. And certainly not actresses wh've already headlined $15M movies which did $31M in business (Debra Messing), or Courtney Cox (who did a string of movie which did a combined total of nearly $300M, and most recently did "Bedtime Stories").

Anonymous said...

Hmm, this is a hard one.
Re: the Katie Holmes guess. It could be her, considering her current appearance, and the rumours that Suri isn't Cruise's child. But I just think the "he is a guy" line means it's not someone famous. Plus, Scienos aren't big on doctors and it's well known TomKat have a ton of staff, including nannies, so I doubt Kat(i)e would be left to look after Suri by herself.

I think MB and SJP's kid is just too old to be 'imitating mommy'. Plus the use of 'mommy' suggests the kid is young, say under 7.
And again with the unfamous husband.

I agree with the posters who said it sounds like the actress has more than one child.
This is a tough one.


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