Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Olivia Newton John's Daughter Calls Off Wedding - Groom Is Married

So, you meet someone and fall in love so you ask them to marry you. How does that process work if you are already married and not separated? Well, someone needs to ask James Driskill because he proposed to Chloe Lattanzi, the daughter of Olivia Newton John, but left out one very important detail. He is married. Chloe found out and called off the engagement. James got married back in 2005, and was living with his wife when he met Chloe. I guess it would have been kind of an awkward conversation to have on the first date and the next thing you know, James was probably thinking at some point he would tell Chloe, but would you not at least make the effort to get the divorce if you are asking someone to marry you?


Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

Still married, blah, blah, blah. The important question here is, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER FACE?!

Kara said...

I feel bad for her. That must royally suck.

Cecilia00 said...


First Olivia Newton John's guy fakes his death and then this. Bad luck with men in that family.

califblondy said...

Poor girl had issues, this can't help...

Aly said...

Enty has had a few posts about Chloe's problems with PS and ED.

Robert said...

Maybe it's like Tom Hanks and John Candy in Splash:
"Freddie, you brought a date to your
own wedding!"
"Hey, I'm just an extremely liberal kind of guy!"

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Um. I don't care about those people, sorry.

I just experienced my first earthquake, and am trying to find the words to describe how weird it was. I thought my house was about to fall inward for about ten seconds, and then it stopped. My cats are still *totally* freaked.

Tempestuous Grape said...

@Ida - I lived through the Northridge earthquake and several more right in the epicenter. It's scary!! Where do you live?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@TG -- I live right in the Blue Ridge Mountains, nestled in a valley. We're used to getting the remnants of hurricanes and blizzards, but *NEVER* anything like an earthquake.

I know that lots of you are giggling at a 5.8, but that was literally one of the Top Five Weirdest moments of my life. So surreal. I could feel the floors above me shaking, and then every object in the room began to vibrate. It stopped after about ten seconds, thankfully.

I am SO glad I wasn't on the road -- and so is everyone else in town, probably!

figgy said...

Poor girl! Looks like she's doing better with her anorexia, though. Thin, but not terribly so.

timebob said...

be safe Ida and all, my friend's daughter just called her mom crying becuase the floor was shaking in their apt in Brooklyn.

Didn't feel anything in my office in NYC but very scary indeed.

mikey said...

I'm in NJ and felt the earthquake. The building shook and my chair felt like mush. No getting out of work early though.

RenoBlondee said...


We somehow didn't notice it here where we are in Eastern NC even though all my daughters' friends facebooked that they felt it, but we live 20 or so minutes away from town.
I felt one in NV and Idaho though and you are right! It is so freaky!

MacVixen said...

5.8 can be bad sometimes so I'm not giggling at you Ida. The first one is always the hardest :) The 6.9 of '89 was scary as fuck and I'm a native Californian!

On topic, I feel bad for this girl. Does seem as though she has had some issues in the past - something like this certainly can't help, but maybe it's a blessing in the end. What in the world was that foolish man thinking? How do you plan a wedding without every divorcing the first wife? Jeez dude, you could have at least tried to do it quietly and discreetly. Hope it makes it over between them. If he'd lie about being marriage, no telling what other lies he would have told!

Jasmine said...

Ida- while IT IS sorta adorable how floored you are (and judging by facebook, how everyone in that part of the US is) about this earthquake, I totally get it.

I mean, if I experienced a tornado in Cali like the ones my mom and dad did in MI, I would be going crazy.

Hell, if it even snows here people trip :0

Jasmine said...

But yeah, what IS up with this chick's face?

She's giving me lollipop fevah with that big head and tiny body.

Also, her dude looks a little like Mathew Fox. At first I was like, is Matt Fox dating Olivia Newton-John's daughter? lolol

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

@ Ida, yep felt in Charlottesville, VA. It was a weird 40 seconds to see the walls of my house shaking and feel the floor moving. All I could think was, 'Crap, why did I buy the 131-year-old house rather than the new one?!' My cat doesn't seem freaked out, and my dog just thought it was exciting rather than scary.

Maja With a J said...

I remember my first shaker! As a Swedish girl who had just moved to San Francisco, it completely freaked me out even though I knew it would probably happen at some point while I lived there...so Ida, I totally get where you're coming from! :)

califblondy said...

Ida, I heard there were fears that the earthquake was a terrorist attack and cellphones are down.

Earthquakes are too common here, but for people unaccustomed, it has to be terrifying.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

Cellphones are working.

KiKi said...

Just heard reports it was felt in Connecticut as well. @Ida, your cats will NOT want you out of their sight for the rest of today!

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Ida - Yeah, I thought about you immediately after I saw where the epicenter was! Glad you and kitties are ok! I only felt it here for a second, but wondered why my dog was going ape-shit a few seconds prior.

I feel kinda bad for this girl too...not sure about the lengths the guy went to keeping it from her. Jerk.

bluebonnetmom said...

Well, I have lived this scenario with the ex-husband, so I totally feel for this poor girl. Glad to hear the East Coast Friends here are safe even though it was pretty frightening. I know I would have be scared!

Ms Cool said...

@Ida and everyone else -glad to hear you are ok! I'd like to experience teeny earthquake where no one gets hurt and insurance companies don't get called, just to experience it. But the reality is, I've seen a tornado and live through blizzards yearly and exciting nature can wear thin.

Cindy said...

Ida, I feel for you. They said it's the strongest one in VA since 1897. These old buildings in Hackensack, NJ shook like the earthquake was here. Glad I spent 1985-1992 in LA and know what an earthquake feels like. The people here were freaking out.

Mother Campfire said...

Ms Cool, I will take an earthquake over a tornado any day of the week. And I'm a Cali girl.

Jeri said...

Uhh oh. I hope she gets through this ok. She's had a lot of problems and has seemed to be doing better lately.

What a schmuck. Man up mister.

Cancan said...

I don't see anything wrong with her face.

Gary T. Burnaska said...


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Thanks for your thoughts and concerns, experienced quakers. :-) As far as I know, everyone in my own town is okay, but people are being terribly dramatic, of course. I wonder how folks closer to the epicenter around C-Ville are doing. Hope all fellow east coast cdaners out there are doing fine.

It felt like this really, really heavy wind instantaneously blowing through -- for a second or two, I thought we might be experiencing some kind of freak tornado, because they *have* been known to briefly hit local neighborhoods and EFF things UP, but when I could hear all the pictures smacking against the walls and every pane shaking HARD, it hit me how my little region of the world was experiencing a freaking earthquake. SO weird. Glad it was so short.

It only took about forty-five minutes or so before my uncle posted an Apocalypse-themed status update wondering "if December 22nd, 2012 isn't here today" -- which not only doesn't really make sense at all, but I also thought The Raptapocalypse was supposed to take place on the 21st? Whatever. They'll just keep prolonging it and prolonging it.

Anyway, not to trivialize this event, but from what *I* can tell, most people ran outside, shrieked, wordlessly sat in shock and listened to the rumbles (me), or went blissfully unaware. But I can't imagine anything bigger. No, thank you. I'll just stay put with VA's floods and ice storms and 435435 allergens and the fact that what happened today was extremely rare. Thanks.

RocketQueen said...

Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty good reason to call off the wedding.

With regards to earthquakes, I think most of us here on the west coast are kind of just waiting for the big one to happen. I've felt a few already in my lifetime, enough that I think they're "cool" now. I'm sure that will change ;)

Cindy said...

I think poor Chloe kind of looks like Octomom, poor thing

skeeball said...

I felt it here at work and I am in CT~totally felt like the worst dizzy spell I have ever had and then I realized my chair and desk were moving!!! totally freaked me out!! WOW

PammieC said...

She does look like octomom!

old ;ady said...

Ida, I'm so glad you are all right. Now you are suppose to have aftershooks. Just keep a eye on your cats. June of 2010, we had a tornado at 2:30 am. Went right by my house. Dogs had been acting weird all day. I didn't pay any attention to them until the 145 mph wind and their jumping on my bed woke me. Every house around me was severly damaged and I didn't even lose the flowers on my hanging plants. I pay lots more attention to my dogs behavior now.

Snakeoiler said...

And there is also the Andy-Gibb-killing-himself-over-her-mom thing, which can't be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I thought Andy Gibb killed himself over Victoria Principal?

I tend to attract real winners like this guy. Oh so earnest yet oh so douchey.

trashtalker said...

Ida, I'm in Maryland. I was in the middle of something at work and couldn't leave, but a bunch of people from my building and others nearby headed outside. One coworker who was driving his car said he didn't notice any shaking. It shook pretty hard for about 1-2 minutes. We had a small one centered here about a year ago -- maybe 3.6 -- at about 5 a.m. that woke me up, but I thought it was a big truck driving by.

OT, I canNOT believe the BALLS on this guy. He's married, and he's out at an event getting photos taken with his GF/fiancee? Um, duh!

Bit dams said...

okay all you earthquake survivors. no more laughing at us when cali get 5 inches of rain in a day.

when you aren't built for a specific issue (earthquake/heavy rain) its not just scary its dangerous.

hope you don't get any after shocks.

Not A Ninny said...

Hey, women do it too. Can't tell you how many times I've been in bed with a chica and heard the line, "Uh, I'm not actually divorced yet..."

@Ida -- You just need to develop Cali reflexes. This one SF shake, I came out of a dead sleep and was braced in a doorway while my not-yet-wife was saying, "Hey, is this an earthquake?"

firebugDVM said...

We live in Ohio and the quake hit in the middle of the burial for my husbands grandma :(

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

We felt it up here in Boston, and my mom felt it in upstate NH; from the way she described it, it was stronger there than here, although that may be because we're used to a certain amount of noise & shaking in my particular office building. One of the partners has a huge fish tank, and watching the water shimmying several minutes after the quake was definitely interesting. It wasn't my first one (New England is actually a moderate earthquake activity zone), but I'd say it's the strongest so far. Oh, and my mom's cat freaked out, but since I wasn't at home I don't know how my Jezebel did...she seems to be none the worse for wear right now, though.

PotPourri said...

This is so sad. Chloe butchered her face, because of poor self-esteem, and Anorexia on her body has not helped. It's so hard to figure out how this happened, especially when Olivia was more a stay-at-home mom, and we really know Matt Lattanzi was definitely an unemployed Stay-at-home dad!

Danielle said...

uhh Andy Gibb died of an enlarged heart after complaining of chest pains due to a viral infection shortly after celebrating his 30th birthday. So I don't think he killed himself..


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