Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 3, 2012

Lets talk about the cheating this B+ movie actor has done on his B= list actress girlfriend over the past few years. It only seems fair. Lots you will know, but many you won't. The list numbers about 10. The most salacious to me was the marriage he broke up. She used to be a B+ television actress on a very hit show. She got married and had some problems. She got back together with her husband then auditioned for a movie with our actor. The chemistry was instant. By the time they started filming her marriage was over and our actor and actress were in bed everyday. One time they were joined by one of his other long time female co-stars.

Threesomes are nothing new. Our actor and his best friend who is also an actor took an actress with them on a European trip. Sex and booze and threesomes the entire time. The actress had previously had a relationship with our actor and she even co-starred with him in another role that required sex scenes. She said they were real. Remember, this is all going on while he is dating the B+ list actress from the first paragraph.

There were always the flings with his co-stars. That happened before during and after. There was the European burlesque dancer. Oh, and a couple of models. There is the night he got drunk and made the ultimate mistake and slept with someone who should not be slept with unless you have a quadruple strength latex bodysuit. She has actually started getting work again. There was the C list Australian actress and the reality star from VH-1. Oh, there was the co-star of the actress that had her marriage broken because of him. That was an interesting one. There was the daughter of one of the director's of a movie he starred in. He told her he wanted to be with her forever, but didn't really mean it. He just wanted to sleep with her. There are a few more, but no one would know who they are.

B+ movie actor: Robert Pattinson
B- actress girlfriend: Kristin Stewart
Former B+ TV actress on a very hit show, split and got back together with husband: Emilie de Ravin "Lost"
B+ movie actor’s longtime female costar: Ashley Greene
Actor’s best friend: Tom Sturridge 
Actress who had real sex scenes when co-starring with B+ movie actor: someone from "Bel Ami"
Actress who is starting to work again: Lindsay Lohan 
C-list Australian actress: Sophie Monk
Reality star from VH-1: Paris Hilton
Co-star of Former B+ TV Actress: Maggie Grace
Director’s daughter from movie he just starred in: Caitlin Cronenberg


mynerva said...

No wonder he doesn't have time to shower.

Alicia said...

Rpatz and lo-lo?!


Trey said...

wow this one is juicy! No wonder he took her back, cheating is no big deal between these two

Grace said...

Yup. This is totally acceptable when a guy does it to his girlfriend. No one even blinks. But, when she gets caught having an affair, everyone loses their shit.

cinephreak said...


Bit dams said...

Holy crap!

Sass71 said...

Hot Damn!

djphob said...

Just getting on. So far 2013 sucks balls. But that's pretty juicy. Thanks, Enty! Lilo... Really, Robert? Blurgh.

LottaColada said...

Holy moly, was Reese Witherspoon also involved somehow in this mess?

Mari said...


Jason Blue Eyes said...

He slept with Paris and Lindsay? VOM!

MISCH said...

Oh the STD's just within that pool....YUK

annabella said...

well, it looks like kristen's indiscretion was nothing. if this blind is true, and I don't doubt that it is, why has enty been so hard on kristen stewart for cheating w/the married director? can it be just that the director is married? the director violated his vows, not kristen.

Trey said...

So who is the Bel Ami actress who had sex with him? Kristen Scott Thomas would shock the hell out of me.

CK76 said...

Sparkly Cedric, who knew he had game.

Jodell24 said...

This was a good one!

Kloie said...

Ew, he must smell so rank.

Betsy said...

He must be radioactive by now.

Frufra said...

Was he the common guess? Yowza! I don't remember who was the frontrunner on this one.

dezzie disaster said...

Ewwww Paris and Lindsay.... I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.... I hope he used protection bc herpes is the gift that keeps on giving!

Elizabeth312 said...

Whoa! And I thought he was so whipped over Kristen. Lindsay? And even worse Paris? Yech!! I'd still

Jodell24 said...

This was a good one!

Anonymous said...

What a disgusting man whore!!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

This is a fake one, made up by a commenter on a Kstew-forum; right around the time she was caught cheating.


Look for a (very long) comment by a commenter named Peter.

The complete list, according to that poster:

For those who can't find the comment on Gossipcop: breakdown of the list/story:
Girls he has cheated with according to the comments:
Burlesque Dancer:Caroline Jones
Nikki Reed
Ashley Green
Megan Fox
Erika Dutra (no idea who that is)
Camilla Belle
Emilie de Ravin
Natalia Tena (plays wildling on Game of Thrones)
Teresa Palmer
Maggie Grace
Ana Colja (Russian model)
Cronenbergs daughter Caitlin
Shea Maria (vh1 ho)
Sarah Roemer (actress from movie Disturbia)

Lux Luthor said...

Wow, RPattz?! I'm actually surprised, I thought he'd be pickier, for some reason. Lindsay AND Paris? Yeesh.

May Flower said...

Just...ewww. All around. This makes me happy to be in a very long-term, stable, blissfully mundane relationship.

LottaColada said...

Kudos to @Mary Stewart-McGovern who got most of this correct!

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Annabella, that very thought crossed my mind, too. Double standard much?

Wow. I feel filthyyyy...Oompa Lindsay AND Wonky McValtrex?!?! Off to shower...

Noel said...

This relationship has been a joke from day one. Why is anyone surprised by this?

timebob said...

it always comes down to pictures, Kristen was just stupid to get it caught on camera with a married man.

Who knew Rob was such a player. If he did sleep with Lindsay I'm surprised she didn't stalk him like she is stalking Max from the Wanted now.

MrPresident said...

Wow Kstew highest paid actress last year only considered b- actress....while Pattinson is B+. Both will be c-listers in 5 years

Frufra said...

Guys, I will forever believe that the Kristen Stewart "affair" was nothing more than very very crafty PR. Everything makes sense.

Pip said...

My god. What a douchebag.

Unknown said...

Robert Nooooo!!! Lilo and Paris, now that is #$%^up!

Unknown said...

Ewwwww...I need a shower and penicillin after that

Erika said...

I actually don't believe this at all. He and Caitlin are still friends, so I doubt he fucked her over. Also, I don't believe what enty says about "Robsten" anymore. One day they were always PR, and the next day they were together and both cheating on eachother. It makes no sense. During this time, Rob was followed by paps everywhere.

Kelly said...

That was hard to follow! Got it now though, lol.
Happy New Year everyone!

Audrey said...

I'd love some vodka with all this JUICE. ;) Thanks Enty, good stuff!

MinnieSaSa said...


Linnea said...

Yeah, I remember reading this blind somewhere else... thanks for reminding me, SYCB!

Della said...

Ok- quick vote. Which is worse Logan or Hilton?

FSP said...


Catherine said...

RPatz and Lilo? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firecrotch....

Rickatoo said...

Hopefully both will be GONE in a few years

trouble bubble said...

So who was a co-star from Bel Ami?

JACLYN said...

Wow and yuck!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Erika: that's because Enty didn't make up this blind, someone else did. See my comment above.
ANyway; all fake since the blind was made up by someone in the comments on Gossipcop, it got a lot of responses and Enty copied it and erased names.

THe list i put in an above comment has all the names the commenter from GossipCop mentioned in his post. As can be seen it is a list of basically every girl he worked with, because the commenter was mad because Kstew got so much heat when she cheated. He posted this saying 'but look what Rpatz did' with no evidence whatsoever.

JSierra said...

Nice guessing gang!

There was a period from mid July to roughly mid August where I did not have a computer so all of these blinds are totally new to me.

RPatz is a man whore. And people were so sad for him when Kristen and Rupert's affair came out. No wonder she was cheating. That is, assuming it was real in the first place.

What a juicy reveal!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! What a manwhore! No wonder he drinks so heavily, he'll probably never feel clean again. I never got his appeal. He can't really act, Twilight is painful to watch. He owes his fame to a tweener bodice ripping novel about sparkly vampires, and his fans project their feelings about "Edward Cullen" on to this dirty dirty man-ho. Yuck. I feel dirty just from reading this. EWWWWWWW. I bet Linds and Paris were all " Yay!! Hello career again!! I'm back baby!" Thinking that they'd get a boost from being seen with him. Hoes all around. No wonder Kristen Stewart always looks so surly, their relationship is a total sham. Maybe a friendship, but can't see anything past that.

Jolene Jolene said...

Bel Ami costar--Christina Ricci? Why is that one the only one Ent didn't reveal? Hmmm.

Munch said...

Forget the rampant misogyny that says he's OK to be a manslut but woe betide his girlfriend if she has one affair, am I alone in thinking he's just not attractive?

He has zero charisma and isn't handsome enough for that not to matter. Throw in the festering gloop of STDs he has exposed himself to and it doesn't get any more attractive.

I'd rather lick piss off a nettle.

La Descarada said...

Paris Wonky Eye AND Li-Ho??? Gross!!

Reese said...

Good lord, there aren't condoms strong enough to use with this guy. Paris Hilton and LiLo, plus everyone else on earth? I got a headache just reading this one. Kristin Stewart got so much flak for her cheating (deserved), and RP gets sympathy for being the cuckold. Freaking unbelievable.

Erika said...

@ShitYouCan'tBuy, yeah, it's well knownthat Kristen's fans are rabid for her. They make things up all the time about Rob, especially around the time Kristen got caught. Kristen's publicist, Ruth, is extremely sketchy. I wouldn't be shocked if she leaks these things. Lainey said she does something of the sort.

Anon said...

I think because one party gets caught and the other doesn't even though there's infidelity on both sides.
Not a gender but more about who gets exposed.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Natalia Tena is the Bel Ami co-star he did it with according to the real person who made up this blind.

Eeekalicious said...

Unbelievable. I hope this reveal makes Enty famous! He totally deserves it.

This one is earth-shattering!

LittleRobinBird said...

Wasn't there a blind that said Kristen was asexual and the relationship was fake?

jane3113 said...

He slept with Paris and Lindsay? So he hates his dick is what this reveals.

nora said...

So he sleeps around with every woman in his path & there's no pictures of this or any drama around it...all the girls playing together so nicely...sorry Enty I don't believe this one. Happy New Year To everyone!!!!!!

JSierra said...

Audrey try some pink pantie droppers (hehe very fitting for this reveal). Mix beer, Everclear, vodka, and pink lemonade powder mix together. Pretty soon you will be wanting a piece of that RPatz ass.

Erika said...

@ShitYouCan'tBuy It's shocking the influence some people have. Some random person makes this up and it's picked up by everyone. It's sad really.

HalleGoLightly said...

How does a dork like this get so much ass? Just because his career is hot right now? I could see a good looking actor who's actually a man (Affleck, for ex). But a little boy twig like this who's not even that good looking? Blows my mind.

gr8p said...

ENT! This is an awesome reveal!

Shit You Can't Buy said...

This is a fake one, made up by a commenter on a Kstew-forum; right around the time she was caught cheating.


Look for a (very long) comment by a commenter named Peter.

The complete list, according to that poster:

For those who can't find the comment on Gossipcop: breakdown of the list/story:
Girls he has cheated with according to the comments:
Burlesque Dancer:Caroline Jones
Nikki Reed
Ashley Green
Megan Fox
Erika Dutra (no idea who that is)
Camilla Belle
Emilie de Ravin
Natalia Tena (plays wildling on Game of Thrones)
Teresa Palmer
Maggie Grace
Ana Colja (Russian model)
Cronenbergs daughter Caitlin
Shea Maria (vh1 ho)
Sarah Roemer (actress from movie Disturbia)

Enty copied it and erased names.

As can be seen it is a list of basically every girl he worked with, because the commenter was mad because Kstew got so much heat when she cheated. He posted this saying 'but look what Rpatz did' with no evidence whatsoever.

So, IT IS FAKE. And Enty copied it from GossipCop. A Kirsten fan wrote it because he was mad.

:| raven |: said...

i really like Robert Pattinson as an actor (Remember Me) and i really wanted to believe the relationship with Kristen was real. but OMFG .. really??? Paris and Lindsey??? wtf and then why did the world go insane after her affair ...

egad .. i just lost all respect for him.


Amy in MI said...

Natalie Tena was Tonks in the Harry Potter movies as well...

Alicia said...

Double agreed.. It was a conspiracy!

Unknown said...

Wow! What an STD factory.

Pink_Palace said...

Great find, sh!t you can't buy!

I still come and read the site and the blind reveals, but the majority just seem like a fake blind made up from some Daily Mail blind.

Back in the day I believed all of them...lol and true/false, they are still very entertaining!!

Fijigrrl said...

Ya know I love me some good gossip but this one just doesn't ring completely true. If he had schtupped two of the biggest famewhores of all time herpes hilton and craycraylohan I can't believe they wouldn't be 1. Stalking him 2. Subtly letting the 'indiscretions' be known. Those two are desperate

Shit You Can't Buy said...

THe original story:

4 parts (copied straight from the comments from GossipCop)

Robert Pattinson has been cheating on Kristen Stewart since the start of their relationship. He hooked up with Megan Fox AFTER the Twilight premiere in Tokyo when he first got together with Kristen. He was sleeping with Nikki Reed at the start of New Moon filming and Ashley Greene all throughout. He hooked up with that Erika Dutra chick in Cannes that year and Camilla Belle in NYC when she went to visit him there during Remember Me filming. There were rumors of him and Emilie de Ravin having and on-set fling that same summer during filming. He was cheating with Ashley Greene again during Eclipse filming that fall while Kristen was on set. There were the rumors of him leaving Leighton Meester’s apartment in NYC early the next year. He cheated with some burlesque dancer Caroline Jones during Bel Ami filming in London causing him to be late for Eclipse reshoots and also his co-star Natalia Tena who he’d already had a history with before too. He cheated with Lindsay Lohan during Water for Elephants filming in LA that summer at Las Palmas and was photographed poolside with a bartender from Saddleranch crawling all over this lap poolside at a hotel that July after Kristen had already left for Montreal to being On the Road filming.

sbalb said...

Eh, I buy that RPatz slept with all those women, just don't buy that he was "cheating" on Kristin when he did it.

Shit You Can't Buy said...


There were rumors that he was going to co ke parties in Malibu and hooking up with sk anks like Teresa Palmer all that summer too. He was supposedly hooking up with Maggie Grace during Breaking Dawn filming while they were back in Vancouver spotted in her hotel while Kristen was back in LA. There was the Russian model Ana Colja who was interviewed saying how she’d been ‘close’ with Rob since attending the Oscars with him years back and they still saw each other all the time, hinting at a sexual relationship between the two. He was said to have been hooking up with his director David Cronenberg’s youngest daughter Caitlin during Cosmopolis filming that summer, hitting lots of late night hot spots and parties, spreading their DNA all over Toronto together. He was hooking up with LA bar sk anks like that Shea Marie chick who tweeted she shared “Jameson and Gingers” with him at Jimmy Fallon’s Emmy after-party and went back to Rob’s house to hang out following. There were all the bars he was hitting in LA closing them down at 3-4am every night while Kristen was busy in London filming Snow White and the Huntsman, girls tweeting about sharing drinks and cigarettes with him on the patio and flirting with him. He only visited Kristen one time during filming and not again until the very end after they finished their international promo tour for Breaking Dawn 1.

Shit You Can't Buy said...


There were the Sarah Roemer hook up rumors that she went home with him from Soho House after they’d been partying with friends all night there and at La Poubelle. There were the Katy Perry texting stories that he’d been trying to console and hook up with her after her break up with Russel Brand–something that Kristen completely covered for him for I might add. There were the Lindsay Lohan cheating rumors AGAIN after that (didn’t believe those were true though-Linsday is too gross now even for bottom feeders like Pattinson). He gave an interview saying he frequented the KittyKat Club in Berlin when he was in town-a known fetish club where people openly engage in lewd acts and group sex. Some of this sh it is going to come to light and it’s going to bite Rob in the azz if he dumps Kristen for this thing with her director. This is not going to go away and it’s going to get worse for him before it gets better. If he forgives he and takes her back (at least publicly) he might be able to avoid the backlash. Otherwise they’re going to start coming out of the woodwork against him and it’s going to be Tiger Woods all over again. She’s the one who got caught, but he’s been doing it for a long long LONG time before this.

Maja With a J said...

The thought of R-Pattz and LiLo banging...man, I can almost SMELL it.

Shit You Can't Buy said...


While none of these rumors of him hooking up with other woman has been 100% proven WITH PICTURES (because there have been multiple sightings by fans and others of him with these and other women), he’s only gotten a free pass on all this so far because Kristen has always stuck by him through it all and looked the other way despite the constant cheating talk about him. This is not going to go away if he dumps her. He’s going to reap a huge backlash so he’d better think wisely before condeming her for something that he’s done since the beginning of their ‘relationship.’ She’s not the only guilty party here. If he wants to keep this all under wraps and out of the mainstream media (as in not just in the comments section on gossip sites), then he’d better be careful. Kristen was stupid with how she handled her affair. Will Rob be smarter than she was? We shall see.


The guy who wrotes this copied this in EVERY Rpatz post on GossipCop. He hates him.

Enty copied it and it looks VERY fake.

Eeekalicious said...

@Shit You Can't Buy

OMG. If it's true, of course it's going to have the same information. Enty's is fact though, while yours is speculation.

Enty obviously has inside information that your poster didn't have. He wouldn't publish it as a reveal without having verified it.

Unknown said...

hey @shityoucan'tbuy
who's PR firm do you work for cause here's a pic of R Patz & caitlin cronenberg


Audrey said...

Oy, I feel hungover just reading the recipe!

CrazyCatLady said...

I thought it sounded like BS...glad you posted this.

vintage said...

LMAO...This fannfcition was written by a troll from from Ted's old AT board she was always on a rant and rave about Rob being a bad bf and insert girls name who he is cheating with. . She is known as HappyFeet.


Eeekalicious said...

@Shit You Can't Buy

What do you expect, that Enty has to hide under every bed with a notebook in order to verify a story? Use your head.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Tuxedo Cat: Sure, 2 days before Enty posts this blind the story I just copied is posted on GossipCop. Fangirls all over the world go insane over it. Suddenly Enty posts it..after it has had buzz all over Twilight fan world...
Mkay, sounds very plausible -.-

@Jay St; none, since I am on the wrong continent to even represent American-based celebs (i'm from the Netherlands). There are also pictures of him with male friends, is he doing them too?

Pink_Palace said...

I meant Daily Mail picture...

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Tuxedo Cat : Don't get mad, I just pointed out I found this 'blind' earlier in comments on another website. Big deal. Maybe you should use your head and realize that some of Enty's blinds may not be true sometimes. Doesn't make it any less fun, I love reading them, but sometimes the blinds are just too obviously fake and I then comment on them to point that out.

djphob said...

Hehe, these comments are fun.

Erika said...

@Jay St, Cait and Rob are friends. That's why I don't believe he fucked her over. She shot him for Italian Vogue last year, too. She was on set taking pics for Cosmopolis, as well.

CrazyCatLady said...

I think some people actually believe Enty is a real entertainment lawyer....riiighhhht

Anonymous said...

Soooo freakin what! It's reveal day . Even if its just half the hoes he slept with, let us have our fun !

I totally believe he's a pasty sparkly cokehead Hollywood hoe lover.

Anonymous said...

Eh I believe he prob did all those skanks but I still don't believe him and snarly scowl face are a couple, she's still more unbearable than him

dia papaya said...

Blech Maja Papaya! I just threw up a littke bit in my mouth. *shivers*

T said...

Holy angel farts!

Audrey said...

I've always believed that the RP/KS relationship was fake. I'm not surprised that he is sleeping with whomever he can. Why not? He's a young hot man to whom women through themselves!

I don't disbelieve Enty got the story from GossipCop, just like he gets stuff from the DM. I guess exclusive content is hard to come by these days...

Unknown said...

I'm having a hard time believing anyone is dumb enough to screw both LiLO and Paris. He can get better women who are not known for their STDs. Besides I heart my Lost girls and Natalia Tena just plain rocks.

Happy New Year everyone!!! I'm shooting Cinnamon Whiskey Fireball to try and get over my flu. :)

Maximus said...

holy crap

dia papaya said...

Soooo... He's the UK version of John Mayer! Now we know for sure. Who do thing has slept with more ladies???

Shit You Can't Buy said...


Nooooo Russell is the UK Mayer; both did Katy Perry and 5o58393859389583other girls xD

Now I think of it, according to the original story Pattinson also did Katy, so you might be right xD
Ah well, Russ and Rob can be both be king sleaze of UK, exchanging spots when the other is busy banging xD

:| raven |: said...

crazy cat lady - you mean he's NOT????

heh ...

Audrey said...


Katie said...

I am not an RPatz or KStew fan in the least, but yeah, this is fake, and the original comment thread pretty much proved that.

I'm not saying Enty "stole" this blind from the many comment threads around the gossip web that some person repeatedly posted this list to around the time of KStew's "scandal." More likely, the person who posted it everywhere emailed it to Enty as well.

Enty has disclosed in an interview in the past that he does not vet blinds that get sent to him from unknown sources, and that he estimates maybe half of the blinds he posts are true (no way of knowing through, huh? If you don't vet anything that comes to you from unknown sources...)

:| raven |: said...


vintage said...

@Shit You Can't Buy

You're are wrong. That poster is a ex Rob fan, everyone knows this. And i repeat that poster is a troll from Ted's old AT board.

@Shit You Can't Buy, dont forget:

Annelyse Schoenberger,
Elaina Arora
the german vj
BA extras,
WFE extras,
his US agent Stephanie,
his UK agent Grace,
Resse w
girls at the "pool party"
dallas lobato
julia jones
the blonde in Ny while filming RM
and also the blonde in germany with the bob haircut
rachel curtis
tom stu
Marcus Molinari and random guys
and whomever I may have missed

Eeekalicious said...

@Shit You Can't Buy

Wow, who am I going to believe? You, who pops out of nowhere or Enty, who is a lawyer and posts Blind Items for years 24/7/365?

Wow...Tough call.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I do however still don't believe that Rob and Mouthbreather are a couple.
They got a fake relationship to help promote Twilight better and the cheating on Kstew's part was done to make her appear more adult/sexual.

Because why the hell does she suddenly dress like a hookah on the red carpet? Who does that, after being caught cheating? Normal people would try to look innocent, not underwear as outerwear wearing creepsterchic. Before the drama she was walking around in All Stars on the red carpet.

Also, they got back together right in time for the last premiere. When the dvd sales are mostly done they will 'break up', because Rob couldn't deal with her cheating and couldn't stop thinking about it.

Kstew will then try to get more Angelina Jolie like roles.

No idea what the gain in it is for Rpatz, right now he kinda looks like a fool for taking her back.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Tuxedo Cat, this is getting childish. In the original blind I posted the exact same information and have been on this board since it started; I didn't just pop up with this information.

You don't believe me, fine.
I don't believe all of Enty's blinds are real, but I am sure some of them are. You might think that is stupid. Also fine.

@vintage; wasn't following that board, so didn't know :) Thanks for the extra info, didn't know about all the other names, and there are a lot, hahahahaaaha

Chicky said...

Lather rinse repeat... (Eyeroll)

Audrey said...

@Shit, I agree with you about the relationship and you have an interesting take on the KS "evolution". I wouldn't put it past ANY corporation to manufacture a relationship for money. Just like Nike.

Kiki K said...

Meh I believe it anyway. I don't believe him and Kristin are a real couple so technically it's not really cheating anyway

vintage said...

I think Rob and kristen are a couple

zeldafitzgerald said...

i love this one.

anyone who calls them Rob and Mouthbreather automatically outs themselves, you realise that don't you?

rainbow said...

That's BS and fanfic! Sorry!

I beleive that RPatz and KStwe are dating.

Anna V. Xol said...

If the paps had caught him with a married chick it would be equally disgusting. They are both douches and i hope they are not so big this year.

Trashaddict said...

Great way to quash any gay rumors, if his PR team was uncomfortable with them.

Ellen said...

Even if this is "fake" I bet there is some truth to it. I always thought it was kind of odd that he partied so much without kristen Stewart. I hated the first part of the Twiight book and couldn't bring myself to read any more if it, so I certainly have not and will not see those movies, but I liked Kristen Stewart in Adventureland. I hope she can pick better quality scripts and better men in the future.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@zeldafitzgerald: Dumbass question of the day; but what do you mean?

Flo said...

Who cares? Its just sex. No one forced their legs open.

Louise m a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Louise m a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vanessa said...

"Trashaddict said...
Great way to quash any gay rumors, if his PR team was uncomfortable with them."

yes, you're right

Tsk said...

I also believe R and K are dating. I heard they are in UK.

Eeekalicious said...

I totally believe it. Here's what I think. (I went to post-graduate music ed. for 4 years, most of my friends are artists and musicians, and I went out with a bisexual man for 2 years). Anyone who hasn't spent time around bisexuals probably thinks they are a myth. They aren't. I would say more but I don't want my kids to know everything about me.

In creative circles, bisexuality is very very common.

I think Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart are both bisexual, and are in what seems to be an open relationship. Because they are paired together in the tabloids, their relationship has probably outlived what would have been its normal shelf life. I think they are probably best friends at this point. Kristin got caught while she was having a relationship, and may or may not have been in love. She was probably just pissed off that she got caught. Robert had to pretend that he was upset.

Twilight is a money maker, and many jobs depend on it. I think they've both been faking a lot, and have sacrificed a lot of personal freedom for the sake of their careers and the careers of others.

I really think that once the relationships are taken out of the heterosexual box, the whole thing becomes much more understandable.

Unknown said...

wow Pattinson makes Gerard Butler look boring, Pattinson is a total sleazeball imagine telling the Twihards the truth

he probsbly does and will sleep with anything, male or female, shudder

Unknown said...

oh I see some naive Twiharders already here, grow up ladies, the truth is often sleazier than most minds can ever imagine, Hollywood stars are self indulgent narcissist hedonists as a rule

Catarina said...

I don't think this one is true. I find Robert Pattinson really weird in some way and I don't see him beeing in a threesome. lol

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Tuxedo; I like that theory!
I just can't imagine Pattinson on top of anyone, for some reason there is something about him that seems very asexual. Don't ask me why.. But I like the bisexual and friends theory and Kstew being in love with the guy and getting caught..

Ugh, we will probably never know with these two.. So much PR.

ino said...

I remember people were saying that this is why he took Kristin back and why her cheating wasn't really THAT big a deal to the two of them. That's also why she was more upset, initially, about pissing of the wife (her co-star) than her own boyfriend. Oh well...

CrazyCatLady said...

I know! I just believed everything on the internet was true!

Erika said...

I like tuxedo's theory as well. Ted C had blinds about Rob being Bi and there are the rumors about Kstew and Dakota. I have my own theory, but there's no way of knowing the truth.

Anonymous said...

Most of this is b.s. Also, you can't cheat on someone you have never, EVER, been with. They are contractually obligated to play pretend until after the release of the DVD or they will not get their percentage points, which will be huge. Basically, they are owned by Summit/Lions gate for the time being.

Robert and Kristen are friends, however.

Her "cheating" was a set-up by Summit to stir up publicity. It backfired on Kristen because that Rupert guy really did want to fuck her. She didn't know things would get so out of hand, had no idea what to do, and freaked out. She's...different, and they used that to their advantage. I am not a fan of her personally because she's highly unpleasant, but I don't think a lot of it is conscientious. As I said, she is different.

And she's not asexual. She has a girlfriend. The girlfriend was not pleased about those pictures and I dare say was far more upset about it than Robert. Robert was just pissed she went behind his back and didn't tell him what they were making her do. (She's not the brightest bulb in the lamp.)

Robert isn't gay, he's bi, but more into women, and yes he's a big slut. But even he wouldn't fuck Lindsay Lohan.

Anyway. The whole situation is twisted. Those studio execs are some diabolical motherfuckers, believe it.

Jazzy said...

Any of them; Uma, Christina.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Erika: Wasn't there also a blind on here about a young actress trying to hit on women at a red carpet event? That she was too agressive doing it/too shy? (can't remember which one of the two).
Popular guess was Fanning.

I like the theories here xD

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Intheknow: You are now the new Twilight-Himmmm;



littlemanwhatnow said...

Bel Ami Christina Ricci

Anonymous said...

I too think Rob and Kristen are a result of a PR machination. And I wouldn't doubt that he sleeps around a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if many in Hollywood not only sleep on the casting couch but in their co-stars trailer, in Letterman's greenroom, on craft services food cart...sex is what many of them (according to Enty's blinds) get exposed to as soon as they can become a Disney darling.

Anonymous said...

@Shit You Can't Buy: Am I now? Ha! Well, I'll try to take that as a compliment. ;)

Honestly I have more interesting information on far more interesting celebrities, but people sure do like to speculate on those two for whatever reason. It's funny to me. I guess the studio knew what it was doing after all then, wink wink. A majority of "dating celebrities" are fake.

Old Hollywood PR and politics are alive and well and still running like a well oiled machine. Things really have not changed much at all.

Scott said...

I agree, her mistake was doing it in public. If there were photos of him it would be huge news.

Erika said...

Um, @intheknow, SPILL! :)

Julie said...

@intheknow.... any more Robsten gossip? like a hint on who Kstew's girlfriend is?
The gossip about these two fascinate me. I just can't figure them out.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

@intheknow- sounds like you know! And a lot of it! Cool.

@Shit You Can't Buy- like your sleuthing!

Ady said...

This "blind item" is based on a BS spewed by Gossip cop lunatic known as Kiko.
Kiko went ballistic went her beloved Kstew got caught cheating and started posting her BS fanfic on all the Rob articles there. She even sent this gawker.com and wetpaint.com. Gawker decided to post it on their site for hits whereas wetpaint was classy enough to reject this shizz
Enty got played by A loony Kstew fan! LOL

Ady said...

And if you honestly believe that Lilo and Paris Hilton would actually keep their mouth shut about hooking up with one of the hottest heartthrobs in Hollywood and not sell him out to the highest bidder then you deserve to be ridiculed imo duhhhhhhhhhhhhh

@intheknow - You know what? I lurvvve *~insiders~* who basically scream "I'm an insider ya'all" in their usernames ;) it tells me everything I need to know about their credibility...its not like they are looking for attention or anything,ya know? pffffft

But since you are in mood to spill the deets I would like to know more about Summit's genius PR strategy to have Kstew fake an affair with a 40-something married dude with two kids to promote a movie that is supposed to be about eternal love,commitment and loyalty ;) I'm sure you can explain the purpose and benefits of having this strategy,as a business mgmt student I'm sure I can learn a lot from your insidery knowledge LOL

Anonymous said...

@Ady: If I called myself Kitten, or Ady, I doubt anyone would look. It's part of what I get for selling my soul to work in this industry. I get to set things a little straighter, and it doesn't matter if people believe it or not. That's the thing. I get to have "confession" and not be sued. It's freeing. I simply don't feel the need to have a blog or a site. Sometimes it's just fun to spill a little.

I also didn't say there was a strategy at ALL about promoting THE MOVIE. It was drumming up personal interest. Keeping the fangirls causing a stir, keeping the names in the press. They knew damn good and well the movie was going to profit. But there are also other things in which to profit.

So, @Ady, you can LOL all you want, and you can believe whatever you'd like. Happy New Year.

Ady said...

@InTheKnow Aww shucks I didn't mean to hurt your insidery feelings,babe.Most of the *~insiders~* are FOS and anyone who blindly believes them is really gullible imo. Its really hard to believe that Summit made Kristen fake an affair with a married guy to maintain public interest.Anyone with basic knowledge about how things work in Hollywood can tell you that a female cheaters are ALWAYS crucified whereas male cheaters walk away as if nothing happened.And being a home wrecker in Hollywood is like having the scarlet letter stamped on your forehead. If they wanted to maintain public interest they could have gone for a better option like staging a simple photo op which showed a very happy Kristen coming out of gynecologist clinic now THAT would have shaken up the media

Anonymous said...

The rest of you lovely people who inquired, I can't tell all things at once. It would be pretty easy to trace me from place to place (read: work) if someone got an idea who I am. I'm no big deal, just lucked(?) into this stuff. I'll be around, I'll say what I can. I also will not respond again to trolls.

Night calls. Take care of yourselves and a sincere Happy New Year.

Ady said...

And oh Happy New Year to you! ;)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ady said...

@InTheKnow It was nice talking to you.I know its really important for you to hide your real identity since you possess some sort of super secret knowledge about R/K but still I hope you'll come here again to spill the deets for all those who trust you with their heart and soul ;)But remember that brainy *~trolls~*
me will always have questions even if you don't have convincing answers ;) Have a very good day and God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I'm with "In the Know" in believing publicists largely construct these A and B list relationships in Hollywood to create stars, sell tickets, sell tabloid magazines, etc. The Greatest Show on Earth isn't limited to the circus arena. With Kristen's affair, she went from a petulant teen to a vixen. Now she's being groomed to play more adult roles. Her style has suddenly changed from grunge to high fashion. Liberty Ross got name recognition, her husband probably got cash or perhaps to have actual sex with Kristen, and Rob got the sympathy vote. They all win in this bargain, except the kids. I've worked a bit in marketing and PR. The shrewd, underhanded puppet mastery that I am witnessed was enough to make me leave that career for education. I can imagine Hollywood has its share of shrewd, wheeling and dealing, ball breaking maneuvering that plays and manipulates us, the gullible masses.

zeldafitzgerald said...

Sorry, i'm late, different time zone.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@zeldafitzgerald: Dumbass question of the day; but what do you mean?

Outs themselves as a nonsten of course!

Anonymous said...

@Michelle: Bingo. Smart, and your synopsis is right on. She's not going to get many/any more roles though that don't tank or go straight to DVD. No one wants to work with her. This industry will eat her alive. Too much damage has been done that they really didn't intend, especially to the extent it went.

The pervy dude didn't get to have sex with her, but it still messed her up. She was very upset. (It bothered me and I don't even like her very much.)

I'm looking into other options, working in design, have an internship. But you can't unknow what you know.

Good intuition, you.

Ady said...

@ Michelle Do you know that nobody is buying Kristen's vixen image? Now every time she wears a sheer dress she is called a dirty wh--- by almost everyone.She is not Angie and she was leaning towards high fashion way before the affair was revealed. What mature roles are you talking about? Right now Kristen only has one confirmed movie role in which she plays a young con woman in movie called 'Focus'. She had a similar role in 'Cali' but she dropped after the big scandal was revealed.This scandal destroyed her reputation and nobody can deny that.Liberty Ross got her 15 seconds of fame and few modeling projects that nobody cared about because Liberty never played the sympathy card. If this affair was set up then Liberty should have been the first person to play the sympathy card because more sympathy=more exposure. PR strategies are formulated after considering your target audience.Twilight's audience consists of silly tweens and middle-aged ladies and have-an-affair-with-a-married-father-of-two strategy would never work with this people

Anonymous said...

The KStew frothing begins! Oh it's easy. Awww. Ben dropped out of Focus and so did everyone else. She doesn't have an offer on the table.

The Kristen fanatics are so easy to spot. Poor dears. She's not nice, don't waste your energy. Find a nicer girl to look up to.

GiGi said...

@intheknow: Can you answer some questions about Rob? 1. Is he a nice guy or a douchebag like some have said. 2. What really happened between he and Nikki Reed, that whole mess. 3. Were/Are he and TomStu just best friends or lovers, and how did Sienna fit into all this...is the baby Tom's? 4. Is Rob seeing any one girl/guy in particular or is he happy being "young, wild, and free" 5. Do you think he'll ever settle down like Tom did? Thanks in advance for answering. I for one believe you!

GiGi said...

Is any of this blind true?

GiGi said...

@intheknow: I know how that industry works. And you are 100% correct. I hope you are for real because what you say is exactly what I've suspected all along. I have never thought Robsten was real. They have never acted like anything more than friends even though they've made half assed attempts at trying to look like the real thing. Their body language has said it all. She acts repulsed by him TBH. And he just acts like a bafoon around her. They're pretty funny actually. Will they remain friends and hang out after this is all over? I can't believe he'd hang out with her considering the type of person she is. Either he's a glutton for punishment and has low self esteem or he's just like her....tell me he's not!!!

A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A said...

Good lord! all you have to do is proclaim that you know stuff and all the losers will start treating you like a walking gospel

But still if you really want to know insider stuff,here's what you need to do.

1.Read any 'Robsten' article on Gossip Cop
2.Scroll through 500-1000 comments over there and you will def find at least 3 people (on an average day) claiming to know what's happening with Rob & Kristen.
3.All these so-called insiders will claim to know Rob or Kristen in one way or other.
4.All of them will have their own stories/info and they will keep you hanging on for more (a little begging is required)
5.They have way with words and try to come across as a logical people so you'll prolly be convinced.
6.Most insiders there are pro-Robsten so you won't be happy with what they tell you

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@Michelle: YES! Amen to that.

Nicole said...

Trashaddict said...
Great way to quash any gay rumors, if his PR team was uncomfortable with them.

Everybody in Hollywood knows that Pattinson is gay

Anonymous said...

I am by no means an insider, but I think it's naive to think insiders don't follow or even comment on this blog. Yes, some claimants might be doing so due to illusions of grandeur, but others are legitimate. Which ones? I don't know, but if we keep attacking everyone who says they are an insider, then we risk insulting and losing the real ones. I hated the attacks Himmmm got awhile back. I hope he's a real insider, but even if he's not, enjoy the ride.

P.S. While I am as far from being a Hollywood insider as you can get, no 12 degrees (or whatever number it's supposed to be) of separation between me and Kevin Bacon, my sister's husband has an aunt who is an actress. Not sure what list she would be on, she's more into a certain genre of films, but she has told my sister that beard arrangements are alive and well in Hollywood, and she said that Tom Cruse is one of those who benefits from these arrangements.

summer said...

@InTheKnow You are FOS...You are a typical nonsten poster.

summer said...

Michelle: You are FOS too

A said...

A lot people on this board present their opinions as fact :/

Anonymous said...

@summer, You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass. When you disbelieve everything, then there is no room for seeing the truth. I don't know if my brother inlaws aunt is telling the truth, but I don't doubt it, particularly with all the other evidence. Do I personally care if Tom Cruse is gay or not, no. But I do enjoy learning about the inner workings of Hollywood. And I do think it's important to realize the mass media can be manipulative. From a post on another reveal, do I know if mkultra is used in Hollywood? No. But it's possible. So you don't like my post? No problem. Move right along to the next commenter. I won't be goaded into revealing my personal information to satisfy your disbelief, which I doubt would be satisfied even if I told you the actress.

TP said...

There are no insiders here. None at all. They are "trolls" playing with all of you

Anonymous said...

@TP, perhaps you are right that no real insiders follow this site. The word "troll", however, gets thrown around alot, particularly when someone doesn't like something someone says or thinks someone hijacks the board. What really is a troll anyway? I think the word is often misapplied.

Anonymous said...

BS hook up stories. He looks asexual.

Anonymous said...

"There are no insiders here. None at all. They are "trolls" playing with all of you"

I agree with you and I think that most people on here (90%) don't believe insiders post here.

GiGi said...

Don't say there aren't ever insiders that post here. You don't know that. Why wouldn't someone come on here occasionally and post the truth? Believe it or not there ARE people who know these people who surf the net and know things. I have 2 family members that work in Hollywood. One is an extra who does alot of work and has been on alot of sets. One is a reality star. (Not gonna say who it is). And "inthe know" is right on. I am in no way an insider either, but my family members see and hear things. The bit about Tom Cruise I can tell you is correct. Rob, don't know anything about him, but personally I think he's gay just like most of the actors. All this is a smoke screen. Intheknow says he's bi, I find that hard to believe, but who knows.

GiGi said...

Just as an example, some people were talking trash on twitter about my family member who is a reality star. So my sister and I went on line and started talking to them, we told them some truths about her. Some people believed us, some called us "trolls". We laughed because they really had no idea they were talking to real insiders, and no, we couldn't give ourselves away because then we'd be bombarded with people trying to find us, or her and cause all kind of problems.

GiGi said...

Also, Rob has been known to go online and talk to people. He has even said that he goes on line and reads, what's to stop him from commenting? I believe he used to comment on Ted Casablanca's E board. One example way back is supposedly he made a comment about something he might say in his next interview and guess what, he said it in his next interview....he had done that before too. Rob has said he has times where he doesn't do much, just read, watch movies and goes online. So I'm sure he does have downtime like we all do. Who wouldn't want to go online and see what's being said about yourself. We check all the time to see what they're saying about my one family member.

Anonymous said...

And this is why it was much easier being a source to a columnist. God, people are exhausting.

@LovesRob: 1. He's a very nice guy. He's also a very big manwhore, but he's a nice guy. 2. Nikki just got jealous, typical drama on set. She wanted to be with him and he wanted to be with everybody. So it didn't work out in her favor, obviously. 3. Yes to all. Sienna is a master manipulator. 4 & 5. He has someone he sees regularly ^ but he's on the prowl and happy. Don't count on him settling down ANY time soon.

@Anna: (Don't waste your time battling with crazy people. You'll never convince them of anything, and it's not worth the effort.) I highly doubt that Robert and Kristen will stay in contact after all of this is over. He feels sorry for her more than anything because she's not bright and she got the shit end of the stick in that scandal. She's probably closer to Taylor as far as being friends with any of the cast, but her contract states that she be seen with Robert, so they have forged a "friendship." I can't imagine having to live that lie, what a mess. (As far as the gay thing, he's not gay, but he's not picky, either. Dick? Fine. Vag? Cool.)

Also, Tom Cruise is not gay (I know, hard to believe) but his marriages ARE arranged. Travolta is gay but that's glaringly obvious to everyone on the planet, poor thing.

And Michelle: Nice to make your acquaintance. Keep up the rational, good comments that make boards like this tolerable.

Back to the grind! Removing myself from further notifications. I'll be around again at some point--take care.

Ady said...

@InTheKnow LMAO I was waiting for your insidery reply and I knew it would be something like this.I even told my twitter pal about this,we had a bet and guess what... I won! ;) But still I would like to know more about how evil Sienna Miller broke up Tombert and tricked poor innocent Tom into having a baby with her.

"4 & 5. He has someone he sees regularly ^ but he's on the prowl and happy. Don't count on him settling down ANY time soon." <-- I'm just gonna sit back and wait for you to claim that you are is regular booty call I know that day is coming soon LOL ;) I'm sorry to inform you but your *~insider~~ knowledge sounds like something that's usually found on Rob fan tumblrs but atleast those people are decent enough to say that its their theory and not insidery knowledge. Soooo I've got two questions for you

1.Are you on tumblr?
2.Have you ever sent your insidery knowledge to someone who has a popular tumblr account?

I think I know you from somewhere ;)

A said...

The thing about so-called insiders is that they will tell you everything that you want to hear and pass off their thoughts as fact but once something big happens they will write a short consoling post to calm their believers and then disappear for weeks/months.
And once they feel that the sh*t storm is over and you are again ready to accept their lies they will crawl out of woodwork.
I guess some people really need to understand that being a troll makes you a loser and its so not cool.

GiGi said...

@intheknow: thanks for your comments. I choose to believe you. Screw the rest of them. Do you know them personally or know people who do? Also, I know you can't reveal this person he sees regularly, but is it someone from LA or London? And has it been going on for a long time? Also, can you answer if he was on a date with Sarah Roemer last year or if it really was "innocent". Thanks for all the info....I wish you could e mail me....would love to talk to you!!

GiGi said...

I've never thought he would be a settle down kind of guy anyway, he is waaaay too good looking for that, you know he's gonna take all he can get. Is it true he has taken fans back to his hotel room? And is it true he's into threesomes also??

GiGi said...

Also, I remember someone coming on Ted's E board a couple years ago, like way back, and said they went to school with Rob and he was very open about his "lifestyle", that "anything goes". Insinuating that he's Bi.

A said...

@intheknow Is it true that Rob is the true father of Reese Witherspoon's baby boy? Is it true that Rob had a nose job when he was a teenager? Is it true Rob brought a new Stoli shirt? Is is true that he is secretly married to Emilie de Ravin since 2009? Is it true that Rob uses same condom brand as Tiger Woods? Is it true that Summit owns a sparkly mind controlling potion? Is it true that Rob's secret gf is Donna Versace and they are expecting a baby soon? Is it true that Rob picks his own insiders? Sorry couldn't resist that one hehe but I hope you answer me!

B626 said...

I'm not saying all is forgivable BUT arent couples in their 20's, married or especially going together, not exactly known for fidelity?? Throw in Hollywood stardom and your really screwed. :)

Ady said...

@intheknow You DESERVE your audience dude

GiGi said...

@A: Oh STFU! You never know if you're really talking to a real insider....maybe you aren't. But what if you are? And you're throwing them under the bus unmercifully....what a stupid ass.

GiGi said...

I'm surprised with all these hookups Rob has that anyone has turned up pregnant.....maybe they have and it's been hush hush or gotten rid of....I bet alot of women would love to have his baby.

A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A said...

@Anna Oh I'm sorry if I'm not one of those silly chicks who wholeheartedly believe the wacky gossip spread by losers on AT board. God has given me a brain and I like to use it.

A said...

@Anna No,Rob never got anyone pregnant since he has safe sex like Tiger Woods

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some people think that someone on here is an "insider"...O_O

No one here is an insider.

Amy said...

Anna said: "Rob, don't know anything about him, but personally I think he's gay. All this is a smoke screen."

I heard that hes gay.

In Hollywood gay actors can't come out from the closet without losing their fanbase. I feel bad for people like Rob but as long a they stay in the closet nothing going to change in HW. It's killing their souls

Yeah, and also... said...

in what world is Kristen Stewart B-? she was the highest paid actress in the world last year.

Also, I think she is a lesbian and the whole Pattinson relationship is fake and so was her affair with the director who is still with his wife.

WTF??.... said...

I call BS on this blind.
I certainly believe that Rob is gay.

Kelly said...

A year or so ago we had a regular that was an insider on here that had sources on this set. She said Rob and Kristen did hook up and that they pretty much all did. That Rob and her were a couple but not exclusive like a lot of Hollywood couples. She was very credible, as she had other info not just on them that was true. I guess there's no way of knowing what's for sure, but I do believe insiders post here.

GiGi said...

I believe insiders post on sites...why not. Idk if certain ones are real or not. I guess we'll just see if what they say pans out at all. Alot of people have said Rob is Bi....I still think he is gay, but what do I know, that's just what my gut feeling says. Doesn't mean he hasn't hooked up with women before. I just think he's handsome and a good actor, on his way to being an even better actor. I'd like to see him be rid of that ball and chain (Stewie) once and for all.

free said...

This...."No one here is an insider."

InTheKnow is not an insider. she is a delusional rob fan aka nonsten. They are so easy to spot;)

GiGi said...

Was starting to believe this person, but when they said Tom Cruise isn't gay, that right there said it all. Everyone knows he is gay.

VoraCity said...

@Ady it's not just people on Tumblr who believe those things about Rob. You can believe this is his lifestyle and also believe he and Kristen are/were a couple. Even if he wasn't faithful she still owed him an apology for embarassing herself/them. They've said they intend to keep silent re: their relationship and they have: "believe whatever little story you want" - I believe they deserve each other and subscribe to the same relationship/PR strategies. I believe the blind was started by some zealous fan - like every other nonsten/robsten/PR b.s. theory...Twitter and Tumblr don't have any better insider info than anyone here...

GiGi said...

@inthe know: Is this the real gf?? Who is she?


bellaluna said...

He makes my skin crawl. Do we have any Twihards here to worry about?


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