Monday, March 31, 2014

"Frozen" Is Highest Grossing Animated Film Of All Time

This weekend "Frozen" inched past "Toy Story 3" to become the highest grossing animated film of all time. It finally opened in Japan which gave it the boost it needed to become number one. I finally watched it this past week and I thought it was really good but I'm not sure it is first place worthy. The numbers aren't adjusted for inflation but it is for sure popular. My all time favorite animated film is always going to be The Iron Giant. I think most guys say this. I also say this despite Jennifer Aniston being in it. She also happens to be in Office Space which I love so it just goes to show you that just because someone can't act doesn't mean they can't be in some really good movies. I imagine that this Halloween every little kid that knocks on doors will be dressed as someone from Frozen. The total to date for the movie is $1.072 billion.


Zayrina said...

I watched it just last night. It was very cute but not better than any of the Toy Story movies, equal perhaps but not better.

Violet said...

I loved it. But nothing will replace Monsters Inc in my heart. Child no. 3 might disagree.

FSP said...

Please stop speaking for men.

Enty #33 said...

So were back to the Enty that usess a non-news worthy post to slam someone completely unrelated...

Harry Knuckles said...

This Enty sure hates Aniston. He/she starts off talking about Frozen and then boom Aniston sucks in everything she does then boom back to Frozen.

Count Jerkula said...

P: Elsa

M: Anna

B: Aniston

leemonada76 said...

U r absolutely right

Count Jerkula said...

Well now y'all went and done it. Y'all complained about the hotties Harry had as his avatar, so he went the other way with it. I hope you are all happy with yourselves.

Amy in MI said...

Love love love it. Watch it all the time with my bff's 4 year old.

Anonymous said...

All boring blinds turn into an argument, @Count.

aemish said...

I loathe Frozen. Saw it in the theater, and rented it twice On Demand for my daughter. This movie has nothing for adults.

Count Jerkula said...

@Cocoa: it is better than posting links to the Frozen porn I saw. I doubt anyone here wants to see computer generated reindeer dick, and I didnt take the time to read through 50 Shades of Elsaanna to see if it was worth posting.

txredhd said...

I don't understand the hype over this movie. It was good, not great.

Kelly said...

My boy did not like it. Grandma took him. I haven't seen it yet. Can't imagine it's better than Little Mermaid or B and the B!

witwritergirl said...

It was ok. We saw it in the theater but won't be buying it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your restraint. :)

Count Jerkula said...

Your welcome. There is a hot CGI one of Anna w/ some firecrotch going on, and a hand drawn one of her with a carrot in her butt. I LOLed at that one.

Harry Knuckles said...

Count, her name is Edna and her favorite position is reverse cowgirl.

crila16 said...

I liked Frozen too...but there is no way this is the best animated movie of all time. The Toy Story movies are far more creative, Monster's Inc was even better. The Little Mermaid and Lion King are my all time favorites. Frozen was entertaining, but not the best.

crila16 said...

Oh...and The Incredibles. LOVE that movie. Can watch it over and over again.

B626 said...

My kids are older now, I'm much older and very content for it show up on basic cable someday.

NomNom83 said...

Aww, The Iron Giant! Loooooooove that movie! Old school animation, a classic sci fi vibe (spot-on for the era), funny and ALL THE FEELS. It gets me every time.

Um, and Frozen was good, too. Not a fave, but good. Although it appears that my immunity to "Let it Go" probably has something to do with my not fawning all over it.

NomNom83 said...

@crila: If you don't already know, The Incredibles is getting a sequel.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Office Space! Love that movie!

Unknown said...

Not to be totally OT, but why is no one talking about The Walking Dead finale last night? OMG!!! Sorry....

skippy said...

Toy story 2 & the 1st Shrek for me!

Count Jerkula said...

Greatest Animated Features

1. Fritz the Cat

2. The Drawn Together Movie

3. Beavis and Butthead Do America

4. The South Park Movie

5. An American Tail

Oopsy_Daisy said...

I honestly have seen Frozen about 200 times by now. My daughters and nieces are OBSESSED with it; even my son is making a music video for his sister's birthday inspired by Let it Go. It's not the #1 Disney movie, but it is definitely up there.

Besides, who doesn't love Olaf?

caydian said...

Hello Count. I thought Fritz the Cat was kind of amateur-ish (and odd). Boyfriend at TAMU took me to see that flick. Surprised to see 'An American Tail' on your list.

WareCat said...

I saw Frozen in the theater & again last nite w/ my daughter.
I was rolling! I thought it was funny.

The Lego Movie was bullshit.
Only good thing in it was Batman.

Therese said...

I loved the Iron Giant.

Jessie said...

Ohh Fievel! Sooomewheeeere ouuut there...

Seven of Eleven said...

I thought it was funny, but a little much on the music. B&B and Little Mermaid were better, though.

Highest grossing doesn't necessarily mean best animated movie. I don't know about any of you, but I don't remember parents ever taking me to see a movie in the theater twice, much less three or four times, and rarely every single movie we wanted to see. You picked a "theater worthy" movie (like Indiana Jones) and waited for the rest to watch at home. Plus, even adjusted for inflation, ticket prices have jumped astronomically since Disney's golden days of B&B and Mermaid.


audrey said...

Frozen was good, but Toy Story and Monsters Inc were better.

it took forever said...

Nothing beats the lion king

Unknown said...

P: Count



Weird Freaky Shit: The K-Family, bring it Bruce!

Count Jerkula said...

@caydian: what early 70s cartoon not produced by a major studio doesnt look amateurish and odd? 1/2 the live action films of that era look like crap.

Count Jerkula said...

Dingle: does that mean you wanna give me some pussy? I thought you were a dude? Maybe yer callin me a pussy, I dont know, im just hoping you arent talking about violating my mangina.

Count Jerkula said...

It took my kid a week with the dvd to have the words to every Frozen song memorized. He sings them all day long at his moms house, but the only way I can get him to sing is if I do. Im such a horrible singer he'll agree to sing if I agree to stop.

The 3-4 year old Korean girl at my breakfast spot was singing Do You Want To Build A Snowman the other day when I was there. Today after some hide and seek, she attacked me. Backed me into a corner, grabbed my pant legs and put her feet on mine, so I walked around the deli with her until my pork roll sandwich was done.

PotPourri said...

It was wonderful. It's the first Disney film where a sister saves a sister instead of a prince saving a princess.

Unknown said...

@Count, I'll be gentle on your manhole. Bring you favorite lube.

Count Jerkula said...



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