Monday, May 05, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

George Takei gets the top spot today, because the guy deserves it. A lot.

Christina Aguilera
Nicole Richie and Cameron Diaz practice their tag team exchange.
Bob Iger with Chewbacca on the Star Wars set.
Sean Penn and Charlize Theron in NYC.
Emmy Rossum and
Boy George at the GLAAD Media Awards.
Andy Cohen takes a selfie with Emma Stone.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen. Interesting look from Tom.


MontanaMarriott said...

Takei has the most hilarious FB page, he puts out some really funny stuff.

sandybrook said...

Sulu, Chewbacca and Boy George make up for the rest of these trolls. Cant go far wrong there.

sandybrook said...

Yeah Brady who dressed you?

Seven of Eleven said...

I love George Takei's FB page, too!

Tom Brady, oh myyyy.

Count Jerkula said...

P: Charlize

M: X-Tina - She strikes me as a cum addict, so I bet she got skills.

B: Rossum

lolaluvs2snack said...

I think she styles and dresses Brady like that so she gets all of the POSITIVE attention. Its like a passive aggressive thingy for her. She wants to be the prettiest person in the room, not her husband.

ljsmed said...

Best thing I heard all weekend, Tom Brady at the Derby bitching about Giselle just like every other husband does. The guys were loving it! It doesn't matter how gorgeous you are, you are still a wife that your husband bitches about, lol!

ladybaus said...

Where did Toms hair go? Time to shave it off dude---you'll look hot!

Count Jerkula said...

@Derek: If he shaves his head, then everyone is going to see the scars where the hair plugs were harvested from.

Also Derek, I appreciate the Happy Birthday wishes, but please don't send anymore dick pics. It aint my thing.

NJ FireFighter said...

Sean and Charlize looks like such a fun couple! I'm sure it would be a blast to hang out with them!

ladybaus said...

@Count keep dreaming buddy

Tippie Hippie said...

Tom seems to be experiencing with his softer side???? Giselle is holding onto him for dear life - strain in marriage I wonder.

Gayeld said...

@Montana. He's the best part of Facebook (and about the only thing I check now.)

Harry Knuckles said...

George Takei genuinely hates William Shatner. As far as I know, neither has said why. I'm guessing Capt. Kirk was a little insensitive about Mr. Zulu's sexual orientation back in the day

Xtina needs to move away from pop crap and start recording songs from The Great American Song Book. There are a ton of wonderful old standards that she would do such an amazing job with. Her voice is such a gift.

Possum tits, just because.

Always liked Boy George. Pretty good singer, but a little weird. That whole "kidnapping and chaining up his boyfriend" was a little out there. Probably shouldn't do that any more.

SkittleKitty said...

It looks like Tom is channeling a Tintin (sort of).

Cecily said...

I LOVE George Takei.

Count Jerkula said...

Well someone with cdanderek in their email sent a dick pic. Even wrote "jerk" on it, so it has to be someone here.

Where you from? I'll check the IP, so you can be exonerated.

Snapdragon said...

So nice to see Boy George on here. I love his Twitter feed.

Sorry to be That Trek Pedant, but: Sulu*

msgirl said...

Now who in the 60s would have figured that was Hulu who would kick butt on a handheld gadget that connects you all over the world. That is sf come true ! I have to say that watching tso in my childhood in the 60s framed my dream of how the world should be. Dammit wheres the federation?and the intelligent alien who would guide us?

msgirl said...

Oh and I'm sure Takei was just as pissy around The Shat, who thought he was the star but was rudely confronted with Nimoy's success. It's cool they became such good friends.

Ian's Girl said...

BradyBundch are a weird couple. She always looks so much more masculine than him. I often think they're bearding for each other.

Count Jerkula said...

IP = Florida

Erin B said...

Brady looks like some version of Ed Grimley to me.

Anonymous said...

I can see that!

ladybaus said...

I live in Toronto everyone knows that. I don't know your e-mail and I would never send a dick pick. Of course the person would be from Florida. Probably one of your skanky regulars trying to be funny and failing. If anyone knows a regular poster here that lives in Florida please let me know...

TalksTooMuch said...

Yay, George Takei!

um, dick pics from Florida? Sandyboo????

Anonymous said...

Isn't Sandybrook from Florida? Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Jinx TTM!

Greengrl said...

I want to be besties with Andy

ladybaus said...

good grief. Thanks for the info guys. I don't find that type of thing funny at all. I can have a laugh at myself and know I have been at fault sometimes but that is perverted and really wrong IMO. Nice pic btw TTM---looking good

Beetlejuice said...

Oh Sandy, you saucy boy you, sending dick pics to Count!

VIPblonde said...

Wait, there are dick pics being sent to someone that isn't me?!

ladybaus said...

and under my name?! God knows what that thing looks like...

ladybaus said...

@VIP If I ever come around to the dark-side you will be the first. I promise...

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks fella!

SugarTitz said...

Happy birthday count!
Was Tom at Kentucky Derby? I missed that. Must have flown in and out to get back for that really impotent stylist party Saturday night that Every Fashunista. Was at. And by that I mean the basic bitches.

VIPblonde said...

@Derek :)

SugarTitz said...

Yes Xtina. Could pull a Willie Nelson Stardust or Rod Stewart classics. It revitalized both their careers and brought them new audiences. I think her ego is too big to do that though. She wants to be seen as the new fresh thing. Like massengil.

SugarTitz said...

Not me!

ForSure said...

George Takei should be at the top of the photos every other day. It's okay to be Takei.

Seven of Eleven said...

I so miss B in 23!

ladybaus said...

I think Xtina should do more power-ballads like Beautiful. The dance stuff is never that great. Except for Dirty of course. I hated when she tried to incorporate that 40s sound. eg. Candy Man

Sherry said...

Not gonna even speculate who sent the dick pic. Sandyboo made a love conx a few weeks ago with several people who lived near by. Let's not point fingers just yet.

I so need to go to George's FB page then. He is one of my favs!

SugarTitz said...

New profile photo. Is this so princess marina won't recognize you? I don't think that will work dear. She might have the old photo saved to memory. If you need to enter the snark protection program I can hook a bunny up mmmkay!

Sherry said...

Oh yeah meant to mention that is a whole lotta WTF on Brady there.

I agree Luvstosnack..Giselle probably dressed him so she'd be the prettiest girl at the ball.

TalksTooMuch said...

Sugarbread, are you a dude too???? Mind = blown

Kristin Wigs said...

Sugarbread, I think Marina was going COLD TURKEY.
TTM pillows = Goodwill
Amber Tamblyn book = BURNED

Don't ever doubt someone who reaches the character limit on this hell forsaken blog. Twice.

SugarTitz said...

No I'm very much a woman! Haha! But if I knew how to send clickys. I would send them to count 4 his birthday. Of someone else OBVIOUSLY! $!#!

SugarTitz said...

I was just eliminating myself as a perp. Cause most people here know I live in Vegas. I was kidding when I said "not me"

ladybaus said...

@Sugar---he has the hots for Lena Dunham--I am sure there are plenty of raunchy pics of her around for you to send...

M. Brown said...

Everyone in Boston is losing their minds over the Brady photo.

Thiz said...

Vegas! Just moved here.

Count Jerkula said...

@Sugarbread: Thank you.

@Derek: Only way a Dunham pic could give me a hard on is one of her being fed into a wood chipper.

NaughtyNurse said...

Tom Brady is a world class douchenozzle. I wouldn't sleep with him if you paid me.

Now Chewbacca!! Hello, big boy!!

JSierra said...

I've always thought Gisele looked a bit manly, and not in a good way. Her new commercial/music video fucking kiiillllssss me. I can't stand to watch it, my skin crawls and I get so embarrassed for her but at the same time I can't tear my eyes away. Brady doesn't look that bad IMO, just very colorful.

Happy cake day Count Jerky! I like the new avi TTM!

Just in case anyone was wondering, I would not complain if I got sent random dick pics. Just sayin...

SugarTitz said...

@thiz. Welcome!

VIPblonde said...

@JSierra While we wait for our inboxes to fill up with dick pics, here's a little #ManCandyMonday to tide us over ;)

SugarTitz said...

Hahaha I don't know why Lena insists on Always being Naked All the time. It makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes.
@jsierra. I can't stand Jizelles. Music video for hm either but I also can't look away. It's like some sort of subliminal message . Don't know what. But I feel maybe co $. Is sending subliminal messages through Jizelles video.

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, JSierra. And um, a friend told me about this site called LadyBoners or something, maybe on reddit, I dunno...

SugarTitz said...

Got any macavoy. Or fassbender. For Cinco de Mayo

TalksTooMuch said...

No doot ladies

VIPblonde said...

For Cinco de Mayo I give you Guys With iPhones! :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Okay, whew, sugarbread, I thought everything I thought was wrong and all was in the air again!

Beetlejuice said...

Surprisingly i hardly ever see actual peen on r/ladyboners

JSierra said...

Duh, that's cuz you have to go to LadyBonersGW you silly geese! Also, Vikings GW if you like a rugged bearded look, Beard Porn for the sculpted beard, and drumroll please..... a ladyboner subreddit devoted solely to Loki Hiddles.

You're welcome.

sandybrook said...

It wasn't me @Count I dont even know when your birthday is. Plus I dont like having my picture taken. Florida is a huge state and I'm not the only person down here on CDaN.

Kristin Wigs said...

Jedi porn! Double Gingey Bearded Baristas! The stars of all my sexual nightmares!

Beetlejuice said...

@JSierra- I spend too much time on r/askreddit and r/asoiaf and I never explore. Many thanks to you darling!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Happy Birthday to @count and @JoElle!!!

TalksTooMuch said...

What???? JSierra, I will name my last born after you! Initial-wise! Woo hoo!

TalksTooMuch said...

Sandy, there is no judgement, only lub here.

Lila said...

Nicole Ritchie looks deathly. She needs sustenance, not a hike. Tom Brady looks like TinTin, for sure.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you LadyH.

"ladyboner" is about the least sexy term you could come up with for female arousal.

JSierra said...

Woo internet and Margaritas, this is the best day of my life! Happy dicko de mayo everyone!

JSierra said...

There should be a "praise" after that "internet".

Stephen L said...

That's a great picture talkstoomuch! It reminds me of the Joker.

TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, Stephen!

Bacon Ranch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TalksTooMuch said...

Awww, Bacon, did you forget what account you were signed into? I hate that. Well, I just have the one account

Bacon Ranch said...

Hahahaha seeing who is paying attention :)
Obviously not Brady, that hair needs to go.
I also saw pictures of my beloved Adam dying his hair...TRAVESTY.
It looks awful.

PotPourri said...

George Takei's facebook page is HILARIOUS!!! I love him!

PotPourri said...

George Takei's facebook page is HILARIOUS!!! I love him!

Beetlejuice said...


SoSoSophie said...

Agree, ladyboner is kind of gross.

B626 said...

Please GAWD let Charlize be gay and Sean Penn her beard. It's the only scenario I can stomach.

Alita said...

I'm interested - how many sex0rific pictures did you receive, @Count? And happy birthday.

Tom Brady really isn't looking awesome there (though I still would, under the proviso he be naked - and not talk). But George T definitely makes it up - love him!

Count Jerkula said...

@Alita: 7 + 1 dick pic.

Lady Heisenberg said...

;) @count, here is a great pic, but the ensuing article is just....fucking ridiculous.

If it weren't for them Patron margaritas, I would try to generate a GIF of
THIS but with a cake superimposed in front of her and confetti blowing out of her ass.

Lol Alita

Claudea said...

�� ( <--- this is a praise emoticon if it doesn't display correctly)
And to quote dearest Georges...
Btw is it just me or the logo from that guywithiphones website oddly resembles National Geographic's

Count Jerkula said...

I appreciate the effort Lady H, but Vanity Fair nudes after everything has been seen, except for the 2 openings of interest, is pointless. It is like going from 151 to Coors Light. It might still get ya there, but it is going to take a long time.

Your confetti concept reminds me of 2 pics that are buried somewhere in my archives. Both are of chicks bent over, one is blowing bubble with her butt, the other blowing the puff of a dandelion. Both artsy photoshops, not actual farts used.

I can stare at the gif of Dadario's shirt removal for a long time. That broad is basement chain material.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@Count: You mean like THIS SFW PORN gem?! ***this is really a MUST for everyone***

Aoife said...

Brady was dragging his wife at the Derby? Really?
I'm meh about Gisele. She's like Kate Moss. In person they're not really much but slap on some make up and put them in front of a camera and they transform. I think models have to be able to become something/one else when they walk or do photo shoots. That's what Giselle (and Kate Moss) do.

SugarTitz said...

Lily Simmons from true detective and Banshee is way sexier than all those basic bitches put together. I can't clicky. Or link so I will leave it to count to start a new archive on your birthday.

SugarTitz said...

I get error

Snootches said...


Snootches said...

Ditto to everything you just said! We need Dirrty Xtina back!

Snootches said...

Is he fucking kidding with those clothes n hair. It looks like a Halloween costume. I want Welker back....

Snootches said...

He at least balanced out Tom's douchiness with his rad self SMH....

Anonymous said...

One of those people is here (again) today, Wigs.

AND I think I was right about at least one of the trolls.


Count Jerkula said...

Sugarbread: Is that the chippy who cost Woody his marriage and offered him her balloon knot?

If so, those are some tender vittles. NSFW

It would be a tough F/Marry/Kill with the 3 naked broads from True Blood. I would have to interview them first and see what they were offering.

TalksTooMuch said...

Well, apparently Stephen L that was so supportive to the artist formerly known as the Principessa Marina and rosie el riveter is also known as BaconRanch! Who woulda guessed that?? Not I

Lady Heisenberg said...

BOOO, Try this ONE

Bacon Ranch said...

Nope, tis not I, said the fly. I responded sarcastically and then deleted because it occurred to me how it would seem.
If you want to take my words as truth then go back to where Ent said his next door neighbor is a serial killer and I said that no I wasn't.
Believe what you want TTM. Go right ahead. It's all about you.

Ismeralda said...

Tired of the Jessee Jackson/Rev Al naysayers. It's a nasty dirty talk. Let us have fun! Damn TTM. She/he got ya. Hope you erased your blog about your disappointment. Was clear.

TalksTooMuch said...

Really? That was sarcasm? It didn't look like sarcasm. It looked like someone forgot which account they were signed into. I especially liked where you talked back and forth between two accounts the other day. That was awesome.

As for it being all about me: apparently for you, it really is

Bacon Ranch said...

That's me too!

TalksTooMuch said...

I really hope at some point you are able to get help. Sincerely

Bacon Ranch said...

I use this account. If I have something to say to you I will. I normally ignore you so don't hold thine breath.
I'm sure it may shock you that others don't care for you and are vocal about it, I'm just not one of them.

SugarTitz said...

The guy eating corn reminded me of Ahnuld. 4 some reason. Loved it.

SugarTitz said...

Yeah but she's better on Banshee. F.m.k.
f. Lilli. M. Pam. Kill sookie. 4 sure.
Keep on the side the redhead jessica.

Anonymous said...

Can we all come to the consensus and award Brady the title "douche of the century" already?

Alita said...

Interesting, @Count. You didn't go all out with a pict0r drive, as far as I saw, so that's not too bad.

Heisenberg :)

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I hate missing deleted comments :(((
#Foamo (the added 'a' is for 'actually!' And missing foam parties).

Kristin Wigs said...

TTM, it was pretty evident and I'm not good with these things. Anytime someone disagrees with Bacon Wench (typo and it stays), a flash mob of dick suckers comes out of the woodwork. Please. And someone else here called it (not me). One long blind item finally solved. A national nightmare now over!

Kristin Wigs said...

Alita, here you go!

Bacon Ranch has left a new comment on the post "Random Photos Part Five":

It's the eyes
I meant it as a compliment.
Its a very nice picture.

Alita said...

Hehe, nick change fail. Thanks Kristin! I definitely feel better about foam parties now, ta.

But not shocking new mega news ... I mean, we always knew Bacon was one of the trollskies from one of those mega troll days that hung around. Shrug. Sorry that TTM, as per, copped it.

headrot said...

i'm glad ya'll see bacon for what i saw now :)

Kristin Wigs said...

I think creating your own fan club is especially intrepid. Like the girl in school who sends flowers to herself on Valentine's Day.

Alita said...

It's the kind of devil-may-care pioneering spirit that has led to miraculous discoveries, @Kristin! I admire those brave souls. Truly an inspiration!

Kristin Wigs said...

Touché, Alita! Bacon Ranch could land us on Mars or be the next great mind behind those Budweiser "Waaazzzzzzuuup" commercials. But because he says such a hard on for our copper-haired Canadian, we may never know.

Bacon Ranch said...

Hahaha you guys are wrong.
But God love ya


(let that sink in)

I avoid TTM and her off topic look at me comments, it's easy to do. Just seems every month there is drama with her. I made a joke that I deleted and all of a sudden I am every person who has had an issue.
I've never even been a person who has had one.

I'm not going to flounce away. You lovelies can look forward to my long stay <3

*anti flouce bounce from the room*

Alita said...

Shining a spotlight on the dangers of fixation, Kristin. A very special episode of CDaN, indeed. 'Cause everyone likes a good Budweiser commercial (and they don't even sell that stuff here). That's something to think about :(((

Bacon likes Doctor Who, and even sexually prefers the correct Doctor (I like Eccleston for grit, but not fantasy 'ooh imagine I'm the new assistant' - that's all for Tenth). We bonded over this. But who can be mean a ginge? Gingism is plain wrong. I don't support it. Some commenters have so many layers - like onions.

Bacon Ranch said...

Holy moly Alita, I just think Tennant is cute.

Bacon Ranch said...

On second and third thought..oh hell yeah I'd hop into that phone box.

OneEyeCharlie said...

I'm amazed in your can do spirit, Bacon Ranch. Even being completely exposed as a two faced bitch, you lie with a smile and deny everything.

Several weeks ago, I made a comment about people here who post using alternate, throw away profiles. The new blogger profiles have too much historical knowledge, and conveniently show up to twist the knife when people are getting trolled and personally attacked. It's obvious that these are being used to shelter the identity of "regulars" here so that they will remain pure and likeable in the eyes of the majority.

I said it then, and I will say it again. People who do that are complete chickenshits beneath contempt. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

Let's look back at the trail of events. TTM is getting slammed. People stick up for her and question her attacker. Suddenly and very conveniently, a user by the name of Stephen L, with a newly created profile, shows up to defend the attacker and throw some passive aggressive shade at TTM.

And then on this thread, Stephen L does another passive aggressive slam on TTM's looks by commenting on her avi. TTM doesn't rise to the bait. Stephen L replies with

It's the eyes
I meant it as a compliment.
Its a very nice picture.

noting the use of the pronoun, I. But whoopsie, someone forgot which Blogger profile they were logged in as and that gets posted under the Bacon Ranch profile. Hate it when that happens. Hurry Bacon, delete that shit before people know what's going on. Oooooh, too late.

Hopefully this little synopsis gets everyone here up to speed and everyone realizes what a mean spirited bitch you are.

Looking back, I'm guessing you were also using one of your myriad disposable accounts when you got vicious on a personal level against TTM. Insulting her, her husband, etc. I'm guessing you are also behind some of the attacks on Derek and Sandybrook, among others.When Unknown A and Unknown B show up to snipe at people.Are you Raspy as well? Yes, I remember those things because I always got irritated by the petty and cowardly way in which they were done.

Having written all of this, I take it back. You are not a mean spirited bitch. You are a complete and total cunt! I suppose some of your alternate profiles will start taking a swing at me now. The thing is, everyone will know it's you, cunt. If you had taken people to task under your own identity, I probably would have disagreed, but not bothered to comment. But your chicken shit actions and then pathetic lies denying it demanded a response. At least everyone here now knows what a worthless cunt you are and place a name with the cruel, anonymous attacks.

Alita said...

Don't know about cute - when he first regens -ep where he loses his hand - I think he's scary (which they did on purpose, of course). I'd travel with Ninth, love Tenth forever, and suffer Eleventh channeling Tenth in order to see the universe.

Bacon Ranch said...

You couldn't be more wrong Charlie.
I made a joke and deleted it. That's it.
Thanks for all the insults, though:) I'll put them in my pocket for another day!

Alita the ep where he leaves Rose still breaks my heart.

Kristin Wigs said...

Charlie, my love for you is unconditional and unwavering.


Alita said...

Is was so sad, Bacon, no doubt. That dalek to the side - ufff! You sure know your Doctor.

But you know I recall that you started here on a troll day, right? I've said it a few times in the last ever. And I really don't believe that silly story above about being sarcastic. Comon - I get it, not so much shame in trying, but own it! I don't care that much, don't TTM does either - but you are so pwned! Fucking own it!

Alita said...

*don't TTM = doubt TTM

Bacon Ranch said...

Hand over heart I was just being sarcastic about her comment that spurred the whole thing on Friday (about Amanda all eyes)
I didn't realize people would become feral. Shit, I rethought it within minutes and deleted. She's the one who came back 3 hours later talking about it.

But look at me, I inspired Charlie to write an essay.

Just not a very nice one :(

I'm not Unknown of any number or raspy (who is that?) or Rach or Stepehen L or Tricia Shaw

Alita said...

Oh please Bacon! You started on a troll day! You're pretty harsh! You were totally and utterly outed on Stephen L (hey Stephen L, waiting for you!)

Comon - own it! I mean we all knew you were a party of the trolldom, is the manner in which you've been outed that's atad disappointing. I genuinely thought you were smarter. Just own it - we don't care that much, just be honest!

Alita said...

Not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exclamation marks !!!!!!!!!!

Bacon Ranch said...

How do you know I started on a 'troll' day?
That's a leap.
I'm reporting you.

Bacon Ranch said...


You have to eat next to the chubby guy for 5 days.


Count Jerkula said...

@Sugarbread: My apologies, I typed "True Blood" instead of "True Detective". Daddario, Banshee and Moynahan.

If I was picking True Blood chicks I would have to go with Paquin, as long as she don't go too skinny. Rich and Bi is tough to pass on.

Count Jerkula said...

@Alita: I'm not going to spam the site w/ Selfie Demands. That would be over the top and probably lead to me being photo bombed w/ more dick pics and other revolting fare.

Alita said...

Okie dokie ... ?

Troll day = those CDaN days where new crazy folk spout rubbish for hour on end. My name for it, but descriptive.

So the first day I saw you, your nick (and I was reading a lot then, but surely is not definitive, just my view), was one of those troll days. And in my view, you were trollskiing then (hate the word 'troll,' find it over used, but it's the de jour) - but you hung around. I thought we all acknowledged this silently, tbh.

Because ... I don't care! Like everyone here, you amuse me sometimes and not others. You like Doctor Who, that's enough for me, I'm a simple person. I don't care overly if you comment as multiple people. I only care of what what some commenter says amuses, or interests, me or not. Hassling TTM isn't amusing, is boring and so over done. And you did do that, through another nick, and got sprung (dude, own it!).

So you reported me ... ? Thumbs up! Go you.

Seven of Eleven said...

ALITA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Seven of Eleven said...

@Alita, sorry, I was just happy to see you and my exclamation points got out of hand. :b

Do you follow Jewel Staite on Twitter?

Alita said...

Count ... I seem to have this thrilling comment forum drama thing going on now, but just quickly, I'm glad you got as many as that, hope they made you and the ladies happy. And as a birthday wish I hope you find the right lady within the petrol radius soon.

Hall Monitor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hall Monitor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alita said...

Everyone uses to many exclamations sometimes, Seven. It's the online version of jazz hands, so it's all okay.

I'm still upset about the Start Wars thing. I wanted to say that but didn't want to be confrontational. This is thus probably the best time - comment probably won't get through ... since I've been reported ... dun dun dunnnnn!

Hehe, night ;)

OneEyeCharlie said...

Comment deleted? Comment deleted?

Oh come on Bacon. Get your shit together. Did you not realize you were posting as Hall Monitor now? Maybe you need a nap, you lying bitch. Just how many alternate Blogger profiles do you have?

Hall Monitor

9:15 AM (23 minutes ago)
Hall Monitor has left a new comment on the post "Random Photos Part Five":

And that's my only other right now email. It's my work one. Go with with that..
xo Bacon

Bacon Ranch said...

I did!

I was trying to swap out to my Bacon account.

My God Charlie, you are coming across as a dick

Here is what I was going to post

I didn't actually report you, silly. However the whole 'troll day' speak makes me raise an eyebrow.
Keep talkin'
Keep truckin'

surfer said...

Holy hell Batman! This is ugly. :(

Bacon Ranch said...

Charlie has called me a bitch and a cunt this morning.

If anyone EVER gives me shit for giving him shit I would like to refer them back to here.

wanton said...

Shut your eye hole.

Bacon Ranch said...


What part of xo Bacon can you not f*cking read?

You can call me all sorts of names but can't pay attention?

TalksTooMuch said...

I think at this point, we should all just back away. Slowly. Whoever it is, they're devolving and I've watched enough Criminal Minds to know that it doesn't end well. Also CSI.

Bacon Ranch said...

Dammit, I'm not wanton.

Still..I made it clear I was f*cking BACON with the Hall Monitor.
Very clear who I was.

Go play a happy game of "Skip and go fuck yourself"

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to speculate on who Sandybrook's troll/s is/are?

Jill of All Trades said...

Holy Sh@T that was nuts! What's funny is that pretty much 99% of you are new from when I first Dee-Lurked back before libby on a mobile!

@Charlie, no offense, but you just got here like two seconds ago and that speech sounds A LOT like this chic that quit back in the Libby days. I had NO IDEA ppl were doing this one CDAN but if they moneys is on you and Alita be the Zombie-Trolls...imho

...for the record I did notice peeps like to stick up for Bacon but I thought there were just a lot of commentators who like do I...same goes for TTM.

I thought we were all just friends, but that's probably cuz I'm in the wrong time zone to ever see what ppl say after I comment-jajajaja

Back to lurking now...THIS is why I love CDAN


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill!
Are we only allowed to comment after we've been here a set amount of time? Do we get credit for how long we lurked before we got up the nerve to comment?

I don't agree that Charlie and Alita are trolls. Nah.

You think Bacon is a guy? Huh.

You should drop in and comment more often. I'm sure you recognize some of the commenters here from the days before us newbies. You could have a reunion!

Anonymous said...

Oh ok, I re-read and now understand you were saying Charlie is new but sounds like someone who was here a while back. Gotcha.


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