Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 27, 2017

They haven't actually gone out in at least six months. However, this foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress asked her boyfriend to not say anything to anyone until he found someone he wanted to date. Our actress hates dating and hates relationships but knows they look good for tabloids. She is so strange. Everyone used to think she turned out normally for being such a popular child actress, but not so much.

Emma Watson


Cadmium77 said...

She's English? She's a millenial? 99% chance she's a hard core dyke

Cadmium77 said...

You can never shame me out of being a cynical old realist.

ForSure said...

Emma Watson doesn't hurt anybody, as far as I can tell. Let her live. Let her wear her sustainable fashions and hide books all over the cities she visits. If she's asexual, I'm sure that community would LOVE to have her as a celebrity member.

sandybrook said...

So what, she's a loner. More exist than you think. And she probably has no need to work, so she doesn't need the publicity and clearly doesn't like it anyway.

Seachica said...

Cadmium, you're pathetic. Happy to say I know plenty of millenial english women who don't fit your narrow world view.

americanpanda said...

Sounds like she's smart to me. Do you on the side and give the fans what they want for show. As long as she's up front about her expectations then i see nothing wrong. Stop hating on Emma Enty

Amartel said...

What's abnormal is the pressure to be in a relationship all the time. It's ridiculous. And assuming someone's gay or lesbian because they are not in an acknowledged relationship demonstrates a rather elderly, if not completely demented, perspective.

Jennifer B. said...

She's a frikin prisoner of fame. It's like if you or I painted myself blue and walked outside into the world. Can't blame her, so what?

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

I actually feel sorry for her.

Very, very hard to have a normal life while being a very popular actress.

If she's a lesbian, okay!

Her sexual orientation doesn't affect me either way.

beebopcowboy said...

holy shit, emma watson makes my gaydar flatline, so this would be a total delight if she was lesbian or bisexual.

I'm bi and would seriously let her tie me up. Hot damn.

Someone Else said...

Go easy on Cadmium. If Count Jerkula said that we would all be laughing and/or groaning. It was a quality joke.

♤♡♧◇》《♧◇♡♤》《♤◇◇♧》《♤◇◇♧ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KarportJunction said...

Can you please explain to this old lady? I'm seriously asking. I help out in a youth grp and I've noticed that, not judging or implying ANYTHING negative. To each his own. I just want them to know I understand when topics about coming out, bullying,etc. I'm trying to cut down my reactive ways it gets me in trouble. I react violently when anyone tries to hurt them.

LizOz said...

+1...let jokes be jokes

Unknown said...

Emma Watson is a sweat heart, I hope she just accepts its ok to be single and you don't have to date.

Count Jerkula said...

I bet her pretty lil cooter has had dick in it under 20 times. 27y/o and still got that new car smell. I'd be happy just sniffin her under carriage while i jerked off, so i could burn an image of it into my brain, for future fapping.

Maude Lebowski said...

You beat me to commenting exactly this! Except my gaydar goes crazy with her.

As mentioned above, she might be Ace (I'm Demi myself). Either way, who cares? As long as she is nice to people, she can be sexually attracted to pumpkins for all I care

Unknown said...

Honestly, if I were famous and just not feeling dating right now I'd do the same thing. It's easier than fielding all of the "why are you still single" questions.

Haywood Jablomee said...

Count, Fap on you crazy diamond!

Misty said...

You should give up being a lawyer and focus on your gossip column Enty. Smh.

Danilo said...

This should be a bit normal with celebrities, they should always be dating.


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