Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blind Item #15

This barely a celebrity offspring of a former A+ list mostly television actor all of you know says that the A+ lister would get drunk and molest the offspring when she was in her early to mid teens.


Dena said...

Maybe one of Kelsey Grammar's kids, Greer. Ick.

Tricia13 said...

Mason Grammar?

Tricia13 said...

She may still be too young.Spencer is the one who wants to “model” was miss Golden Globes

Brayson87 said...

Yuck and yucker

Anonymous said...

Lily Rose Depp??

Unknown said...

David Hasselhoff?

Boldblonde said...

Kelsey does look like a perv.

AustinP said...

Baldwin daughter?

sandybrook said...

I like Jen S.' guess because we all know that idiot cant handle his shit. Kelsey I really can't see doing that.

Katy said...

Hayley Hasselhoff

Maude Lebowski said...

What about Emma and Eric Roberts? Is he mostly television?

PapayaSF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Miss Golden Globes Greer Grammer, geeeeeeeez.

Anonymous said...

Grammer is known for his two-decade-long portrayal of psychiatrist Dr. Frasier Crane on the NBC sitcoms Cheers and Frasier. He has won five Primetime Emmy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and one Tony Award, and has also worked as a television producer, director, writer, and as a voice actor on The Simpsons as Sideshow Bob (for which he received his fifth Primetime Emmy). He also recently won a Daytime Emmy Award for “Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program” for his voice work in Guillermo Del Toro’s award-winning series, Trollhunters. Definitely A+.

Winston Smith said...

I will say this again, STOP blinding child molestation. Especially if in a few months it will be disclosed and if its never disclosed then we are part of the problem.

A second reason it should be unblind because having 3 or 4 innocent people named in an attempt to guess is unfair to them.

Maude Lebowski said...

Stupid Question:
What does "barely there" mean in Enty-speak? Barely there as in strung out on drugs? Or barely there in regards to career status? Or some else entirely?

IanPhlegming said...

Kelsey Grammar is definitely A+. You win that many Emmys and star in two Top Ten Nielsen shows, you are A+. I hope it's not him, but could definitely see it.

sandybrook said...

Barely theremeans you might have heard of them if you pay really close attention. They have a tiny bit of fame or notoriety.

palmettobug said...

But wouldn't KG have stopped drinking long long before she was the age indicated here? Wouldn't he have been sober since her birth-ish? She isn't that old, they divorced several years ago when she was still quite small.

Court b said...

I think sometimes we have to remund ourselves, some of the commenters are just plain young, and weren't there to remember the history of celebs, entertainment,etc.. because I'm always shocked by comments like the one above, wondering on what planet we're you on? Kelsey Grammer was huge! That said, doubt it was him, at least I hope.

nonyabusiness said...

kelsey grammar was definitely a+ list but i sincerely doubt this blind is about him

Maude Lebowski said...

Thank you Sandy!

Apricot29 said...

Hasselhoff. Known drunk. One of his daughters is trying be a plus size model.

Rammed Earth said...

Alec Baldwin.

Bradford said...

My first thought was Hasselhoff.

Brayson87 said...

Not the Hoff, KITT would not allow it.

Unknown said...

I concur with Winston Smith.

There is a line that this website has crossed with all the child molesting blinds. While I am not oblivious to the fact that these horrors occur, I can't fathom how anyone, if they have credible evidence of the fact, can not step forward and say anything. I don't think I could sleep at night if I had proof that a child had been damaged (don't even get me started about Heather O'Rourke).

Exposing the Weinsteins of the industry is one thing, but reading some of these blinds about children actually makes me cry. I don't have the stomach for this blog any longer.

Enty, I hope you find a way to really out these monsters and get some justice for the victims.

Hanniam said...

My vote goes to a Hasselhoff daughter. There as an interview with Hayley a while back where the publicist warned the journalist in advance that if any questions were asked that involved David, he would instruct his client not to answer them. That said, I wonder if it’s the younger daughter, Taylor, who is more “barely there” than her sister, who seems to have had less trouble booking projects for herself (skipped out on The Hasselhoffs and a singing debut with Taylor to film the TV show Huge, successful plus size model since she was a teen) while Taylor was only in the aborted “family” projects until RKoBH, which is kind of a family thing too as she’s a “rich kid”. Then again, abuse by known alcoholic dad could explain Hayley’s drive for her own success.

Beyond EMF said...


Mason looks a little more traumatized. Both her and Spencer look like they could have suffered.

Honey Bunny said...

I'm also with Winston. I get to the point that if it's this kind of blind I am starting to just skip them. It's not fun trying to guess blinds like these.

Don Kieballs said...

This particular blind is double hearsay and would never make it to court. The only thing enty could provide, according to this blind, is testimony that he heard the daughter say, or he heard the the daughter said, she was molested. If he didn't witness he or have proof, he can only verify he heard something said.

Posting the person's name could get enty sued for libel if he doesn't possess admissible evidence to support his claim. Also, it wouldn't be a blind. It would just be news and this is not a news site, "CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS IS A GOSSIP SITE".

That being said, if enty did have actual proof, I'm sure he would make sure it made it into the right hands.

TimC said...

enty makes these stories up for bigger hits.

BestMan said...

Good god. Grammar had two very successful TV shows, the last is STILL extraordinarily popular. The very definition of A+

BestMan said...

I see the Hollywood pedo trolls are back. Watch them dance. Pass the popcorn.

Tricia13 said...

@BeyondEMF... I have t seen them much in pix, thought Camille did a decent job of keeping them out of the public eye. But that divorce was so swift, so bitter it seemed like she had quite a lot on him, and apparently—got the Malibu mansion.
Cod have been a myriad of things —but thanks for posting that,and yet sad to hear it.

bollybiy said...

Don K. makes the points above that
(1) there may be no evidence of the crime other than the daughter's own testimony; and
(2) Enty would face potential liability for defamation if he could not prove the truth of his public statements.

Let me add the following:
(3) Enty probably does not know if the daughter is telling the truth;
(4) the daughter may not want to go public with her story;
(5) there may be unpleasant consequences to the daughter for making public allegations;
(6) the statute of limitations for the crimes may have lapsed;
(7) it is not always easy to find a law enforcement agency willing to take action against prominent people in the industry.

To elaborate on that last point, the City of Los Angeles and LAPD in particular has been co-opted by the industry for decades, and it is much the same in other cities around Southern California. The situation is not much better in federal law enforcement, especially with the politicization of the FBI. It's not as if these agencies weren't well aware of the culture of exploitation in Hollywood -- they've just turned a blind eye to it.

Anonymous said...

To All Who Do not like the way Enty writes the blinds and the content of some of the blinds: 1. I am a nobody. but 2. No one is forcing you to read and comment on this site 3. it is understood that any comments are conjecture 4. If Enty had proof beyond a reasonable doubt I'm sure he would turn it over to the police, but that's likely not what he has, just more probably true than not or something similar, which won't put anyone in jail.

Unknown said...


To those who want Enty to name the alleged molesters, here are your choices:

1) Enty gives in to your pleas and names a molester.  He may have reliable sources, but he isn't the victim & he simply can't produce the type of evidence required to *legally* back up his claim. As a result, the site is sued and is forced to shut down.

NOTHING happens to the molester, btw.  Not only is the creep enriched by the lawsuit, he's now viewed as the innocent, unfairly targeted "victim" of a reckless gossip-monger site.

2) Enty takes your criticism to heart and stops publishing ANY blinds about molesters. No matter how many similar stories he's heard re: the same guy or how much he trusts his sources, his readers will be left totally in the dark. (Who does this protect?  Oh yeah...the molester.)

3) CDAN readers stop hassling/*shaming* Enty to do something he simply CANNOT do. CDAN is one of the few gossip sites willing to "go there" at all.  Let's let him do his thing.

Don Kieballs said...

bollybiy and Unknown - Thank you for the additional points that are honestly better phrased and with more information than I provided.

F&G said...

I suck at blinds and this screamed Hasselhoff to me.

Samantha Willow said...

The way this goes is Enty gives just enough info to possibly ID the perps, we make the guesses and the world can see who to watch out for, possibly some victims get brave seeing other people were hurt by said perps and maybe they reach out for some justice. Gossip is just that and I doubt Enty is doing anything that could bring trouble for the site. It's the perfect forum to out sick people.

Krab said...

Also folks, kindly learn the difference between "evidence" and "proof" after you look up "hearsay."

That said, I'm getting sick of these blinds too. And no I really don't believe 90% of Hollywood is pedophiles or daughter molestors etc.

Fifi LaRue said...

Alcohol isn't Grammer's drug of choice. Long ago he went through rehab twice for cocoaine or heroin,something like that. He's been sober for decades.

T. W. said...

@Unknown thank you for your defense if Enty. I want to add:

1. For all we know Enty has done everything possible to render justice

2. In some jurisdictions, law enforcement and/or child services will not do their jobs. I know, I live in such a jurisdiction.

3. The victim may be the source of the info. Said victim may have signed a NDA, so if a gossip site outs victim, guesses about the perv's identity become easier. Victim can claim they kept their end of the NDA.

Sign Name Below said...

+1000 to @Don Kieballs, Sam Willows, TW, Unknown, One-Eyed Bob, Bollybiy

Judge Judy is not how things work. /sigh

It never fails to amaze me how ignorant citizens are of the law. This is civil jurisprudence that is built into the case law and enshrined in the Constitution. The decision by TPTB to stop teaching rudimentary civics and history has effects outside of turning our populace into sheople.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Please not Frasier. I loved taht show so much.

Sign Name Below said...

@Unknown has laid it out pretty succinctly

Dahling said...

OR..... - humor me - You have to know these pedos read this sight too? It's sort of well known in these parts. That said..... what if one or ANY of these blinds saves even ONE child from being molested - because the perp is too busy s##tting himself about being outed?!?! I'd consider that a freaking WIN! A freaking public service!

All that is on this blog is speculation or gossip. You can't go to the authorities with that. Well, I suppose you could, but .... well YOU try it and see what happens. Come back and let us know.

Net/net and without malice, if these blinds so upset you may I suggest TMZ or People. They have happy gossip.

Jojo said...

This def sounds like Spencer Karen Grammer, like described she has a few credits but "barely there". And most importantly she fits the are, mid teens would have been about 1998.

Dahling said...

I like The Hoff for this (and that's the only thing I like him for). He was once A+, aaaand let's not forget it was of his daughters that leaked that hysterically pathetic hamburger video.

AVG said...

For what it's worth I remember Spencer Grammar as a brief, unsuccessful recast on Another World, so I think she fits as sort of having kicked around a bit. If KG has those tendencies, I'm sure Camille will find a way to hint at it sooner or later. She already outed him for his more fun kinks.

Dahling said...

+1 to all of those I agree with on the don't post pedos thread. To those who Are complaining, it's a bit like going to a Star Wars movie, then complaining that you hate sci-fi flicks. All Dogs Go to Heaven is playing in Theater Six.

SteveD said...

Spencer is a main voice actor on Rick and Morty which is a big show. Might be thought of as a cult hit but it gets more viewers on late night cable than CW does in primetime and it's the #1 comedy among 18-34 in all of television.

SteveD said...

Funny you picked that movie. If you go back and watch All Dogs Go to Heaven it has some horrifying imagery around children.

clean4life said...

Sideshow Bob is def A+

Todd Brink said...

Cool thing about websites is that if you don't like the material on them you don't have to go to them anymore. Yeah that's the best.

Adrian Zmed said...

Molesting a daughter just seems unthinkable. I don't care how drunk.

Dahling said...

@SteveD - Lololol whoops!! Never saw it - but it sounded sweetly innocuous, and had enough syllables to make the sentence 'sound' better.

Kel said...

Or a stepdaughter

Kel said...

Lololol @her so right you are!

Few Views said...

All too often, the only proof that people who have been abused can offer is their own testimony. Let Enty cook!!!

YummyBoogers said...

@Unknown....have I told you lately that you are my favorite? You are spot on, per usual.

Teaching in the trenches said...

Spencer Grammer was a lead character on “Greek”, it ran for four years on ABC Family

mistang said...

After what happened to his sister, I would hate to think Kelsey Grammar would do something to his kid. If anything, I thought he would be more protective of his girls.

Tammy said...

Kelsey Grammer was accused in the 90's of the molestation of a 15 year old girl. If I am not mistaken, the charges did not stick.

tetsujin said...

I tend to agree, molestation, rape and murder are serious crimes and treating them this way, as subject of gossip, doesn't sit well with me. Credible evidence of crimes within the statute of limitations needs to go to the authorities. It's silly to think a perp reading CDAN is going to stop because it's a blind he or she might possibly be implicated in. It's one thing to blather on about who Taylor Swift is mad at today, or who X is banging behind his wife's back. This is a bit different.

Zenny said...

I love how people think they can tell someone has been abused because they 'look traumatized'. Get over yourself. You're not a psychic.

Unknown said...

This is a blog for speculation or gossip but some posts get deleted. The whole thing seems more like a PR machine.

Post Cards From The Edge said...


Court b said...

Didn't she manage him, completely salvage and bring back his career, after cleaning up his hot mess of a drug addiction, and get him Frasier? I remember making a huge deal when they got married how she basically saved his life. I remember Barbara Walters interviews, the whole bit.thats why it was huge that he finally had this great life, and turned around and cheated in him with the nanny, I think as she was being diagnosed with cancer? She earned 1/2 of every penny he made, if not more.

Court b said...

He liked everything

Unknown said...

@OKC Greek was a great show! Spencer also voices a role on Rick and Morty.

Mango said...

Enty, please stop the child molestation blinds, unless you are going straight to reveal. It could hurt other celebs who get roped in as casually thrown-in guesses.

just sayin' said...

If Enty does a blind about a child, it's because the child told him directly and he has permission to print it. That's my strong belief anyway. Greer Grammer is 25 years old, so if it's a Grammer, it's her, not Spencer, who is 16.

That being said, Kelsey divorced Camille quite suddenly, basically abandonded his kids, and immediately took up with Kayte Walsh, who was a ringer for Spencer. As a child who grew up in a similarly sick household, it looked to me like he had to get out of the house because he was feeling urges toward his younger daughter, and he found a substitute for her in Kayte.

Jeannie said...

Omg can we stop with all of the nonsense about not making these blinds? How about you try going to the police about a celebrity you’ve heard might touch kids and see how far you get. Unless you have proof - it’s impossible. Even WITH proof, it’s nearly impossible. The only one who can go to the police is the victims themselves (or someone who actually witnessed things happening). And there are many, many reasons why victims don’t go to the police. Enty’s options are to either write a blind item, or do nothing.

Let me share a story from the real world. A family member was working at walgreens and met what she thought what a nice, but kind of weird, young man. They became friends and then eventually started developing feelings for each other. He started confessing he liked teenage girls... he was in his mid twenties and admitted to liking 17-18 year old girls. Nothing illegal in his state and it struck my family member as a little odd but nothing too weird. He was a virgin and she figured maybe he attracted to younger women because of his experience level, he was less intimidated by younger women. As their relationship progressed, he started admitting to fantasizing about 15-16 year old girls. And then it got younger. He started talking about liking girls 10-12 years old. At this point she realized the man was a pedophile. She was concerned about losing her job and not wanting to make waves to she started trying to distance herself from this man. He was too oblivious to realize she was pulling away. He thought he found someone to accept his dark secret. He started sharing more with her, including that he had a USB drive with images of child pornography. At this point she name very alarmed and went to the police. She told them everything. You know what they did? They brought him in and asked him if he had chicks porn on a USB drive. He said no. Police decided she was a jealous and crazy ex girlfriend making it up to get back at him. She begged them to get a warrant, she knew exactly where the drive was. Police laughed at her. Then she lost her job for filing a false police report on her coworker. And this is just regular people in the real world. Now imagine what happens when someone tries to accuse a celebrity? To a police force that may or may not be corrupt and open to protecting celebrities.

Jeannie said...

Ugh so many typos and no way to edit.

just sayin' said...

+1 Jeannie

Unknown said...


T. W. said...

Exactly. Just because we have a Constitution and laws does not mean people follow them to the letter.

lucy said...

hypocritical to bemoan molestation blinds yet rush to guess which mom/dad is strung out on dope or bedding their ex-lovers, all emotionally devastating to innocence

Zenny said...

@just sayin - Spencer Grammer is 35, not 16. You are thinking of Mason. And no, she is not a 'ringer' for Kayte, unless both having blonde hair makes them twinsies. You have a pretty vivid sicko imagination.

Dahling said...

aaaand to those who think those who are in the industry.... Perhaps even referenced within these blinds don't read them.... Please note all of the trolls on this thread alone. Oh yeah - they are here!

My little Spanish style cottage said...

It's bad enough going to your family telling them your brother has been sexually abusing you for years. I could not imagine having to go tell the police, have it go public...especially if it was a beloved actor. Hell no.

Dannette said...

If you're "sick of pedo threads" just leave. It's not your site, and your bitching is boring.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Unknown. :)

katsm0711 said...



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