Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Today's Blind Items - We Can't Let You Talk - The Church

Right after the calendar turned to 2018, he was going to talk. He had to talk. He didn't want to go to jail for lying. He was going to have to talk to investigators in his own country. When they asked where the money was going and who he was paying and that secret installation out in the middle of his country, that is where things were going to get more interesting. Investigators from the US would then be called in and that would set off alarm bells all over the place.

Who is the he mentioned in the first paragraph? If you live in his country, you might not know his name but you knew his company. You knew his products. Almost every single person had probably used one of his products. People from all over the world used his products. It is why he was very very rich. He also had a lot of charities he supported. People also gave his charities money. He was very interested in creating products for people that his charities supported. That is how The Church became involved with him. That is the "product" that was created.

Why was he going to talk to investigators? He got busted. He got busted for paying off people he shouldn't have paid off and he gave them a lot of money. He gave them enough money to do his bidding for the rest of his days. When investigators asked him did he give any money to anyone else he would answer yes. They would go through the list and one of those names was going to make some ears go up and some telephone calls made. Lets call that name F.

Why did he give money to F? He wanted to try a new product. A product he had been testing not only in poor countries around the world, but also testing in a facility in the middle of his own country, away from prying eyes. Did he have permission to test it there? No. Those indigenous people thought they were signing up for something completely different for that money they were being paid.

He finally got the product mastered and wanted to be able to sell it to the world. He thought of a way to do that and make a big splash. That is where F comes in. He gave a huge amount of money to F to get his product into a country at a time when all eyes were focused on that country. He wanted every news story to have pictures of his product and people talking about his product. That all happened. He got his wish and the product flew off the shelves. It flew off so quickly that it was easy to forget the early stages of the product that killed people in other countries and his own country.

When faced with all of that in front of him, when he would have nothing left to save himself, the only thing he could possibly offer up was The Church. So, they killed him. Period. And now? That pesky investigation that was scheduled to happen is about to be called off. No one is going to ask any questions about anything.


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Fishy said...

Sorry if repeat hard to shlog through some of these comments 😚

And this happened THE DAY AFTER anyone last heard from the Sherman's. So either the day or day before they were killed.
Links at bottom to original cases.


plot said...

What, no life?

No friends to meet over the weekend? No fun to be had? Can't imagine anything matters more than yourself, miss mary?

"FDA experts review the results of laboratory, animal, and human clinical testing done by manufacturers."

And how do you imagine the FDA does that without labs of their own and testing?

Come on little research queen! Dig!

Schneiderisnext said...

@Plot. You're completely wrong. @MaryLamb is 100% right

The current FDA approval process involves pharma/agrochemical companies submitting studies, and the FDA scientists review the submitted data.

While the FDA does inspect/approve company laboratories, they do not independently verify any of the research.

"As a matter of practice, the agrichemical companies submit their own studies to the FDA as part of a voluntary “consultation.” Moreover, the FDA does not require the companies to submit full and complete information about these studies. Rather, as the FDA has testified, “After the studies are completed, a summary of the data and information on the safety and nutritional assessment are provided to the FDA for review.”[4]

That the FDA does not see the complete data and studies is a problem, according to a Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews article by William Freese and David Schubert:

the FDA never sees the methodological details, but rather only limited data and the conclusions the company has drawn from its own research….the FDA does not require the submission of data. And, in fact, companies have failed to comply with FDA requests for data beyond that which they submitted initially. Without test protocols or other important data, the FDA is unable to identify unintentional mistakes, errors in data interpretation, or intentional deception…[5]"


Schneiderisnext said...

The FDA permits companies to submit their own safety studies, but does not require independent ones. However, the evidence regarding pharmaceutical studies strongly suggests that industry-funded studies are more likely than independent ones to be favorable to industry. Here’s Ben Goldacre’s review of this evidence:

in 2010, three researchers from Harvard and Toronto found all the trials looking at five major classes of drug—antidepressants, ulcer drugs and so on—then measured two key features: were they positive, and were they funded by industry? They found over five hundred trials in total: 85 per cent of the industry-funded studies were positive, but only 50 per cent of the government funded trials were. That’s a very significant difference.

In 2007, researchers looked at every published trial that set out to explore the benefit of a statin….This study found 192 trials in total, either comparing one statin against another, or comparing a statin against a different kind of treatment. Once the researchers controlled for other factors…they found that industry-funded trials were twenty times more likely to give results favoring the test drug. Again, that’s a very big difference.

We’ll do one more. In 2006, researchers looked into every trial of psychiatric drugs in four academic journals over a ten-year period, finding 542 trial outcomes in total. Industry sponsors got favorable outcomes for their own drug 78 per cent of the time, while independently funded trials only gave a positive result in 48 per cent of cases.[10]

Schneiderisnext said...

A great subreddit discussing the corruption of the FDA


Doug said...

@MindYourPsAndQs, I don't know who will inherit the murdered couple's wealth, but at least one estimate puts it at about $5 billion. Anywhere near there and it's enough to pay for an investigation and information that would expose some amateur disgruntled relative hiring a semi-pro team to do the job. Unless the relatives are really dense, they were probably afraid of the idea of going after the Shermans. I doubt that they were involved.

If the authorities end up pinning it on a relative, I will remain skeptical.
They already have those relatives positioned to be blamed. If this was done by an ultra-professional team on behalf of very high-ups somewhere in the world (could be near or far), and I believe it was, then the crime is not going to be solved correctly. It might or might not be "solved" incorrectly. It's a decision that someone will have to make: blame a patsy or just leave it unsolved. The latter would leave the impression of high-level responsibility hovering over the case.

plot said...

Hold up there Scheider. From your own sources above -

"...only 50 per cent of the government funded trials were..."

So what sort of government funded trials are we talking about here? Would that be...FDA trials? You would mean that the FDA then does testing and trials?

Here is a list of the FDA labs -


Here is a list of the FDA accredited labs -


Nothing is done there? I'll admit it might be too little (particularly after Bush cut funding and ripped up testing standards for his Big Agra buddies) but FDA testing does exist. This list does not include the many university labs that have contracts with the FDA btw.

That said, I found the article you linked to very well written on the whole and I'm going to bookmark the page to look through all his or her articles. Maybe I'll agree with him, maybe I won't. But he ain't messing around.

sadiq said...

Just for the record - FDA requirements are quite stringent. All GMP areas are subject to audit and if there are any inconsistencies found in active pharmaceutical ingredient (main ingredient that causes efficacy) or finished dosage, the plant can be shut down immediately. FDA shares information with Canada, EU and Australia markets as well adding further complexity. Therefore, compliance is difficult to maintain.

Bees in the Trap said...


It is well established (with links included) in this thread that the person who "was going to talk to investigators" was BARRY & HONEY SHERMAN of Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Giant APOTEX. Just google "Apotex Under Investigation."


"Shortly before his mysterious death, Toronto billionaire Barry Sherman was working to shut down an investigation into a fundraiser he held for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that allegedly violated lobbying rules."



The stories basically say Barry Sherman was greasing Justin Trudeau's palm with some fundraising monies. Whatever. He would get a slap on the wrist. Certainly nothing worth being murdered over.



The money that the church donated to Sherman's charities (ALLEDGEDLY, MY CONSPIRACY, MY OPINION) was for Apotex to research and create a pharmaceutical drug product.

Bees in the Trap said...

Maybe Apotex did make the drug or "product" for the church? Maybe the drug (or product) is the one in a different blind that. Remember the blind that said a "church leader" has "funded" "billions" in medical research? And that his lab found a thing they thought could cure a disease, and he gave them the go-ahead to test the drug in a village, and it killed a bunch of adults? Remember when people said the blind CAN'T be true, because how could a "church" get access to a medical testing facility?

Oh I don't know.

MAYBE IF YOUR "CHURCH" "DONATES" A BUNCH OF MONEY TO the FAVORITE CHARIITIES of a A MAJOR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY OWNER LIKE, SAY, APOTEX (ALLEDGEDLY, MY OPINION, MY CONSPIRACY), you might just get access to "product" like viruses, vaccines, life saving drugs, life-ending drugs.

Now who is F and who is this church?


So the Shermans of Apotex (ALLEGEDLY, MY CONSPIRACY, MY OPINION) were very interested in creating pharma products for people who supported their favorite charities.


So there's a reporting of some of their favorite charities.

This "church" originally crossed paths with Barry Sherman because he would create a product (ALLEGEDLY, MY CONSPIRACY) if you donated money to his charity or his favorite charities.

Bees in the Trap said...

This "church" originally crossed paths with Barry Sherman because he would create a product (ALLEGEDLY, MY CONSPIRACY) if you donated money to his charity or his favorite charities.

So remember the church that is involved with funding medical research? And they ended up experimenting a "new drug" on a small village.

Well, hey look, in the blind, this pharma company that took a "donation" from a "church" ALSO EXPERIMENTS IN VILLAGES and on poor people.

Who is the church with an elusive owner/funder that donates millions, almost billions to medical research???


David Geffen (if you research Google for medical donations) is one of the biggest single handed donors to medical and viral research in the US. He funds UCLA Medical Center. What makes you think he wouldn't (through a lil church he's affiliated with) donate money to APOTEX also. Now he gets both UCLA Medical Facilities (ALLEGEDLY, MY CONSPIRACY, MY OPINION) and APOTEX working on drugs for him.

Of course, a weirdo billionaire could just pay off medical labs to find his ALLEGEDLY closeted self the cure to AIDS. But that would be too weird and get too much attention. It would be better to use a church as a front to connect with medical schools and pharma companies.

David Geffen is known for being a heavy hitter in Hollywood. And for being a billionaire. But he isn't really known for funding a CHURCH called DREAM CITY CHURCH. (MY OPINION, MY CONSPIRACY, ALLEGEDLY David Geffen is affiliated with Dream City Church from Los Angeles, that now has a foothold in Arizona, including SHORT CREEK, ARIZONA where there MAY OR MAY NOT be "rehabiliation of sex trafficking victims" who may just be young blonde girls trafficked in from Eastern Europe on religious visas. ALLEGEDLY. Dream City Church may or may not also have operation not only in LA, not only in Arizona, but also Eastern Europe (Romania) ALLEGEDLY.


Bees in the Trap said...


This "church" of David Geffen's originally solicited Barry Sherman to create some drug cocktails, or retrovirals, or whatever drugs for the church's use. And the church did use the drugs created for them, with Apotex adminstering the testing. On kids in Africa. Maybe Kenya or Congo? ALLEGEDLY. MY OPINION.

NOW. In Geffen's circles runs another heavy hitter who may or may not have a name starting with "F" who may or may not have been able to take a bribe to get the Shermans what THEY wanted, which was to get a drug into a country at a time when the whole world was watching that country.

Ummm...last year the major humanitarian crisis was PUERTO RICO in September with the HURRICANE that still has power out six months later. ALWAYS ON THE SCENE, CLINTON GLOBAL WAS NATURALLY THERE and brought medicaations from FORTY FIVE OF THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PHARMA HITTERS.

Guess who wanted to get on the list?? Apotex! They wanted to be with the big boys, and get their meds including on the Clinton Global Press Release, and look like heavyweights and goody two shoes. Not a third tier pharma with dodgy meds that the US FDA warned them the US won't import because they aren't up to standards.

Apotex is trying to get their drugs some GOOD PR.

So who did they go to that they met through their originaly contact, the church (David Geffen), who also could connect them to Clinton Global and get them onto the press release and get their drugs into PUERTO RICO six months ago?

Bees in the Trap said...

So who did they go to that they met through their originaly contact, the church (David Geffen), who also could connect them to Clinton Global and get them onto the press release and get their drugs into PUERTO RICO six months ago?

Who is the 30th MOST POWERFUL CANADIAN BUSINESS MAN, that is friends with Geffen, may or may not be involved with The Church, has been named on Pedogate blogs for his 'ELPIDA" Charity, and also is a business partner of one Bill Jefferson Clinton?


Frank "Franky Da Juice" Guistra!!!!


Franky da Juice is not only:

The 30th Most Powerful Businessman in Canada.

He used to OWN LIONSGATE MOVIE STUDIO with made films like "American Psycho" and Michael Moore's FARHENHEIT 9/11.

Franky Da Juice mostly made billions in banking, mining,OH YEAH.....HE WAS URANIUM ONE. Remember that deal? He made NYT headlines when he donated something like $100M to Clinton Global after they helped him sell Uranium One.

So Franky da Juice is friends with David Geffen. They both used to be studio bosses. Franky is business partners LITERALLY with Bill Clinton. Read his Wiki.

"Clinton-Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative"

He also popped up online as affiliated with this shady sounding Dream City Church that Geffen is ALLEGEDLY the main donor (and beneficiary of young parishioners) MY OPINION, MY CONSPIRACY. If you believe those stories about that church that expanded into Arizona. But who would believe those things?

Anyways, it was FRANKY DA JUICE GIUSTRA who introduced the Shermans to Clinton Global because they paid him to do so. Frank Giustra and Barry Sherman are both Canadians, so maybe the Canadian banking system showed large funds being wired, and the Feds got curious when researching Barry's smaller mistake of lobbying Justin Trudeau.

The only thing that would save Barry Sherman's ass from both the Canadian and US govt being up his ass about buying his way into the Giustra/Clinton Global Pay for Play, is for him to RAT OUT THIS WEIRD SLEAZY CHURCH THAT HE MADE DRUG COCKTAILS FOR.

But FRANKY DA JUICE and the Church of Geffen's Dream City can't let Barry Sherman ruin all their work. They would rather the "ChurcH" keep doing it's reputed activities of child trafficking and medical experimentation. Barry Sherman is a nice guy, but hey, the Church is more important. FRANKY had to order the hit b/c Sherman would have ratted him out. Sorry Barry.

All of this story above is Fictional. It is made for Entertainment Purposes Only. If the lawyers see this, you cannot sue for defamation, as this story is fictional and not to be believed.

Geffen, Giustra, are very nice guys are not involved in any illegal activities.

Bees in the Trap said...


Frank Giustra founder of Uranium One, Lionsgate Films, Elpida Foundation, Boys Club Network

Frank Giustra came to internet infamy by being the owner of Uranium One, which came under heavy media scrutiny and voter scrutiny in the US 2016 Presidential Elections.

Frank Giustra's name came up again all over Twitter during the #pizzagate hysteria, due to allegations his Radcliffe Foundation included a logo that is listed as "boylove" identifier in the FBI handbook on sex crimes.



Frank Giustra is so rich he even came up on the Panama Papers


Questions surround his work with possible human trafficking under the guise of a charity:





Frank the billionaire and buddy of Bill Clinton can definitely order a hit on ther Shermans and the Canadian police will cover it up. They aren't going to prosecute or investigate billionaire Frank Giustra.

The media misdirection has already started. The police were forced to admit it was a double murder. At first they said it was a murder suicide. Not two days after the police finally admitted it was murder, that now they are spreading a bullshit story about some fraudster involved with the Shermans. You won't see them go after the Shermans for allegedly paying Frank Giustra, their fellow Canadian, for access and inclusion in a Clinton Global medical intervention in Puerto Rico.

Bees in the Trap said...


The misdirection begins, and the 1% stay protected.

You may notice all the same players come up again and again in business, and politics.

Considering that something like the 85 richest people on the planet have the same amount
of wealth as the poorest 4 billion people on the planet, it is obvious that very few people are making
the world go round. Very few people control the majority of industry. So you will see these people's
names over again throughout the years, if you pay attention to business and political news. Or even
Hollywood news. Again, industries are so centralized, and the power and money is in so few hands,
you will see the same names across all industries over and over. Happy gossiping!

plot said...

God DAMN Bees! That's a hell of a summation for all the various threads of the ongoing conspiracy narrative around here. I even appreciate your explanation as to why it always seems to center around the same people, which could be correct, I guess, or it could be that people can only hold so many bad guys in their heads at one time.

Off the top of my head, I'd like to include one footnote. The Uranium One deal did something very good for this country, not something bad. The Obama cabinet approved the deal, even though it was unnecessary as far as business is concerned (it could be sold with or without approval), because Russian buyers agreed the uranium would stay on this continent and not go to Asia or Europe. That was a hell of a negotiation.

Now we have Trump who is inclined to tear up all deals especially if it favors Russia and Vlad for him to do so. I don't think I'm wrong in thinking that this deal, which would not have the uranium involved travel, is soon for the chopping block. MAGA!

Doug said...

@Bees in the Trap: Great work. Very interesting. Thanks.

MindYourPsAndQs said...

Sounds lke the Sherman cousin who sued him and lost is a patsy or being paid to plant red herrings about the investigation... http://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-cousin-cruelly-claims-barry-sherman-hated-his-wife-and-wanted-her-whacked

designace001 said...

Wow! Bees in a Trap excellent synopsis, your allegations are spot on. It not a wonder Guistra produced Hunger Games is it? Don't forget Barry and Bill had been playing together for eons. Multiple countries multiple drugs all documented in various news articles and initiatives.

I actually was just dropping in to say hi to and add a link for @Schneiderisnext about foisting an entire health care model on a country a 'Dream' one. This group has been mentioned before, it plays a part as well.

Schneiderisnext said...


Microbicidal VAGINAL inserts (Dapivirine Ring)

This is the same product Larry Ford the Mormon apartheid BIOWEAPONS specialist was researching

"Results of two large clinical trials in 2016 demonstrated that the Dapivirine Ring (link is external), developed by the International Partnership for Microbicides (IPM), is safe to use and significantly reduces the risk of HIV infection. This product has now advanced to an open-label follow-on study, the DREAM Study, that will collect additional safety data, investigate real-world options for product delivery, and evaluate if correct and consistent ring use will increase when women know that the ring is safe and effective. "



Schneiderisnext said...


Apotex was a part of a group of drug manufacturers studying pregnant women exposed to ARV meds.

This is the same thing the "Dream" program software is tracking in sub-saharan africa

Schneiderisnext said...


"...only 50 per cent of the government funded trials were..."

So what sort of government funded trials are we talking about here? Would that be...FDA trials? You would mean that the FDA then does testing and trials?

Here is a list of the FDA labs -


Here is a list of the FDA accredited labs -


"Government funded trials" are mainly CDC, and military research

Yes the FDA has labs, but they are used to make sure that drugs/food is what it is advertised/not fake or contaminated

The FDA approves labs at universities, but those labs are then sponsored by pharma companies to do studies. So an FDA approved lab may do the research, but that doesn't equate to the FDA doing the research

Additionally, the FDA "fasttracks" medications which pre-approves drugs, and also has relaxed rules on overseas labs producing ARV drugs or components of drugs.

Mary Lamb said...

Yes, Schneiderisnext, I found that too. The supposed labs are supposedly used to make sure manufacturers comply with regulations. I don't even buy that.Now they just have to issue black boxes.
When a pharma is found liable of malfeasance, they're hit with a fine that equates little to nothing compared to what they made. Timely, too, where it takes just enough time for the law suits to come rolling in.
If you weren't aware, everyone takes graft. Every committee, every single decision-making body and that includes the FDA, in a very big way.
NO TESTS ARE DONE BY THE FDA BEFORE PASSING APPROVAL. They rely on the company's test results, you know, the one's they give them.
I don't understand why that's so hard to believe.

Thanks, Schneiderisnext, I lost any interest in replying. Have a great day. :)

Mary Lamb said...

Oh, sorry that I've forgotten to add..
The vaginal inserts bother the shit out of me. I couldn't find anything, in a minute's shot, but from what I know about the Nova-ring(that the monthly contraceptive, yes?), this sounds very similar. I could be very wrong but how is a 'ring' going to prevent HIV? Is it a very strong spermacide? I would appreciate any input.

Schneiderisnext, yet another intriguing piece of the puzzle. Keep it up! (and copy it!)

Mary Lamb said...

Sorry for the typos, it's been a long day and I'm tired as hell.

Mary Lamb said...

Schneiderisnext, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Control groups infected with HIV, or even AIDS, and then given these experimental drugs?
Maybe the rings are given to the negative group and then exposed to either?
For anyone thinks this is impossible, get out of your ownself and do some research. You'll be disgusted, dismayed and disillusioned.
No conspiracy theorists need apply. It is what it is.

designace001 said...

There was a French study with statistical data during the seminal time period that Africa and AIDS testing and delivery systems (GFdation) were first developed. This was by the doctors who were on site. They were prescribing AZT. I saw this study circa 2005 +-. Their data suggested many false positives and mass dosing and deaths of participants iirc. This study has been scrubbed. This link below speaks to that controversy and also to the inception of the AIDS programs in Africa @Schneiderisnext and some of the rest of you may find the back story of interest. https://www.altheal.org/toxicity/debazt.htm

designace001 said...

here's a snippet fom the article linked above, "[43] That's just what some observers think AIDS in the US largely to have been, and if one looks at the CDC's AIDS mortality figures read against the frequency of AZT use there, it's not hard to see why. AIDS deaths trebled between 1988 and 1989 with the recommendation that AZT be given to asymptomatic HIV-positives; they rose steadily by 1994/5 to fifteen times what they had been prior to the introduction of AZT as an AIDS drug in 1986/7, and then fell precipitously - by 1997 to less than half of the 1994/5 death rate following the slashing of the recommended dose by two thirds, and the abandonment of AZT-monotherapy in favour of 'combination therapy', still toxic but not as immediately so.

At the first meeting of President Mbeki's International AIDS Advisory Panel of orthodox and dissident AIDS experts convened in Pretoria over 6 and 7 May 2000, Dr. Claus Koehnlein, a German physician on the panel, told journalist Celia Farber, "I remember vividly the early years, and seeing those AZT patients, and they just had no bone marrow left and that was it... we killed a whole generation of AIDS patients with AZT. Especially in the early high doses of 1200 and 1500 milligrams. That was just murder."

On 3 February 2000, in an article Experts Warn Against Using AZT On Pregnant Women, the Inter Press Service reported him making similar points at an AIDS conference in New Delhi, India: "Since AZT can directly cause several of the 30 AIDS-indicator diseases which form the basis for AIDS diagnoses in the U.S, it logically follows that AZT can cause AIDS when administered to an asymptomatic HIV-positive individual... In his experience, most HlV-positive patients who were placed on AZT rapidly suffered immune-deficiency and developed symptoms which were commonly ascribed to AIDS. And most of the cases he knew of resulted in death. Koehnlein described AZT as a 'highly toxic and worthless drug approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration on the basis of fraudulent research and which continues to he promoted in spite of it being responsible for tens of thousands of deaths'."

designace001 said...

When I first saw this information in 2005 I remember I had a very hard time hitting send after typing the word genocide.

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