Thursday, March 01, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Awww Shucks Rapist

If I asked you your first thoughts about this A- list mostly movie actor all of you know, you would say he is a great guy and happily married forever by any standards and not just Hollywood. You would love his movies and recognize he has been in some of the biggest movies of all time and in some of your favorite movies.

Now, what if I told you, he was a serial rapist who used his power to force himself on women. Not just one woman, but many women. What if I told you, his long time good friend who is supposedly a leader of the #TimesUp movement not only knows about the women but is someone who would introduce women to the actor specifically because they wanted to meet our rapist. The good friend often times had sex with the women as a condition to him introducing them to the actor. He looked for women who were open to being submissive. Our A- list actor is aggressive and preferred if the encounter was consensual but is not going to let a no stand in his way. That aww shucks image he feels is always going to be his best defense. He thinks the women he hooks up with on the side are trash and treats them that way. He says they are disposable.

So, next time you watch one of his movies or think what a great guy he is because he seems like the happy family man, think about what I have written here.


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frogger said...

Ughhhh. I was reading other posts here today & saw someone mention "rapey Sean Astin" & I thought it was a joke. He's the LAST PERSON I would have thought of. He was at a small comic-con last year in my hometown. Now I have to wonder how many innocent fans he assaulted while he was there. Makes me sick.

Jayne Townsley said...

When wondering/doubting if Astin would get any "action," you have to understand the fandom that exists for LOTR.

It goes beyond your average movie goers who saw the movies and thought it was great.

Up until now, I would have said I'd have loved to meet him not that I'm someone he'd be remotely interested in. But, yes, I would have gone to see him at a ComicCon specifically because of his role in LOTR. Even though I hate Samwise Gamgee and blame him for pushing Gollum back to the darkside.

A comment above about, "I watched it and even read the books."

The books are classics. Don't act like it was a chore.

Guesser said...

@Simply Mason Zero,I don't want to destroy your opinion of Elijah Wood,but there was a story many years ago about him,regarding Aaron Carter. Google at your own risk.

SimplyMason0 said...

@guesser I can't really find anything on google regarding Elijah Wood and Aaron Carter

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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anna maus said...
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Nubian princess said...

Ughhh... read before posting.

Citizen S said...

Has no one guessed John Travolta?

He is approx. A-
Long marriage, Dad to several kids.

I could see him raping people.... yes even women.

Randyman said...

I think the "happy family man" suggests the children are in the spotlight some also, none of these names fit. Andy Griffith and Don Knotts would be my thought if they werent dead.

Randyman said...

OOOH It could be John Travolta.

Krww said...

Got it! Mark Ruffalo/Reese Witherspoon

All Kindsa Girly said...

OMFG, Sean Astin, SMH. All my childhood crushes are turning out to be depraved assholes. Well, on the bright side, JK Simmons, Wallace Shawn, Tom Hanks, and Ron Howard remain an their pedestals. Thanks Enty and Himmmmm!

Edie said...

Tom Hanks has been an A-list film star since the early 1980s.

Jimmy said...

Oh good call.

+ Ruffalo as the friend. Actor is Chris Hemsworth.

Susan said...

Lololol Doug

Unknown said...

Ben Stiller, Danny DeVito, Matthew Broderick?

aanjheni said...

Thanks for the update @himmmm

Just posting this link for those who would like to revisit what Sean Astin said about the #MeToo movement.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, aanijheni. I just realised his father was Gomez from the Addams family.
I always wondered why he and Fraudman were so close, he even starred in that atrocious video of his, Ascension or something like that. Makes a whole lot of sense now, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. What a creep.

jessorella said...

Do you know what I also just realized? He’s the voice of Disney Junior’s Special Agent Oso. My son LOVED that programme when he was younger.

Southern Man said...

Here are examples of moronic, useless posts, which we suffer dozens of on multiple items:

"Please don't be X..."

"I hope this isn't Y, because I love them..."

Seriously people?
Those kinds of comments are beyond useless, totally irrelevant and just wasting comment space (and everyone's time.)

I know you're expressing your feelings, and that's alright, but these comments are NOT the place to do it.
Could you put five seconds of thought in before you post a comment?
Meaning, if you're not contributing something useful, practical and thoughtful don't post it at all.


Thanks for your time and careful consideration.
This forum has a lot of sharp and connected people.
That makes it a rare and useful resource.

When you do dumb things, you bring the value of it down for all of us.

Does that make sense? I hope so.

IanPhlegming said...

Wonder if Matt Damon's alleged move to Australia has anything to do with this.

Rosie riveter said...

Ugh. Well thanks for wasting 60 seconds of my morning while I read that. And about a post that's weeks old too.
Blah! And here's another two minutes wasted to reply!
Boy, do I see what you're saying

M-n-M's said...

I was under the impression(from researching the movement myself)Eva Longoria started it all. So, maybe it's one of the others that are in the forefront 'with' her because Desperate Housewives, I'm sorry, does not give her A- status. Not at all. But, I did some digging & maybe this link can help, as it has a list of who's involved heavily:

FormerAthlete said...
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FormerAthlete said...
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FormerAthlete said...
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FormerAthlete said...

I like Adam McKay (best friend/producer) and Will Ferrell (as serial rapist and Marina Abromavic fan) for this. They created the perfect bait...

"Will Ferrell is launching a female-focused division of his production company.
Gloria Sanchez Productions will aim to produce “female-led” television and film projects..."

Will Ferrell (Married 18 years)
NOT necessarily a movement supporter, but highly connected. Joked "I'm Next".

Adam McKay (Married 22 years)
VERY politically active. Recent projects are politically based.
Says, "Hollywood isn't liberal". So, he's disengenuous, as well.

Things to consider...


William H. Macy (Married 20 years)
His wife, Felicity Huffman, is extremely involved in the movement and has hosted meetings at the couple's house.

Mark Ruffalo (Married 18 years)
Dead center of the movement.

Tom Hanks (MARRIED 30 YEARS)
Dead center of the movement

Steve Carrell (Married 23 years)
Big time movement supporter with wife, Nancy Walls.

Judd Apatow (Married 21 years)

Paul Rudd (Married 15 years)

David Arquette (Married 19 years)

David Schwimmer (Divorced)

Anthony Bourdain (Divorced and not an actor)

Seth Rogan (Married 7 years)


Kevin Bacon (MARRIED 30 YEARS)
No known ties to movement

Matthew Broderick (Married 21 years)
No known ties to movement

Gary Sinese = HELL NO.
Not involved, and people in his close circle will have NOTHING to do with this movement.

SimplyMason0 said...

Dude it already been confirmed its Sean Astin. Someone verified it on twitter recently

tinydancer61 said...

Twitter's saying Sean Astin. Wow.

Anonymous said...
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Drumstixx said...
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M-n-M's said...

1 thing: David Arquette shouldn't even be on here. That is false info saying he has been married 19 years. LOL> No way. He was barely celebrating a 10th Anniversary with then wife, Courtney Cox, when they divorced. He hasn't even been married to his current wife for but a nanosecond.

H said...

Sean Astin- Aw shucks rapist
Corey Feldman- the friend who's involved with the Timeups movement with his campaign on abuse in Hollywood.

Unknown said...

Sean Aston.. aww shucks is movie 51st Dates. He had a stutter...

Unknown said...

Morgan Freeman

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