Thursday, December 06, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 29, 2018

Because murder has no statute of limitations, police have reopened an investigation into these murders from over two decades ago. Every single one of you and your parents and grandparents knows about these murders. Apparently there was an accomplice.

OJ Simpson


Smalls said...

Say what??

Brayson87 said...

Joe Simpson?

Do Tell said...

There was always a rumor that OJ's oldest son helped him commit the murders.
I wonder if OJ can be tried on some different but related charge.

cheesegrater15 said...

His son. He either did it and OJ covered for him or OJ did it and his son helped him.

sandybrook said...

Apparently there was a different killer who needed his protection and took a fall for his son. Although somebody from Radar asked the Melendez Brothers who are experienced in this type of stuff and they think OJ is responsible.

gauloise said...

cause they couldnt use the money and time for something more relevant. I got mugged and it was basically, sorry to hear that, you sure I have to write all this down?

Smalls said...

Saw this article when searching on Twitter:

yepthatsme said...

The Martians did it! But it was covered by MIB who framed OJ Simpson!

longtimereader said...

How about the police investigating the number of people of who protested @ Ferguson that have mysteriously ended up dead? or going after wall St. criminals or war mongers/torturers in Washington? nope the celebrity case that made us look foolish 20+ years ago.

Anonymous said...

I hope the truth finally comes out...whatever it is.

Smalls said...


Do Tell said...

Take those issues up with the FBI and the Justice Department, longtime. Local crime is for local police and there is nothing wrong with them going back over it if they think someone still needs to be brought to justice.

Moose said...

Regardless of any statute of limitations, OJ cannot be tried again. It would be double jeopardy.

hothotheat said...

Same here, galoise. I got mugged twice while living in Boston and the police couldn't been more apathetic. And I was beaten in the foyer of my apt bldg the 2nd time. Muggings aren't near as important as getting a famous killer.

hothotheat said...

This isn't about OJ being tried again. There have always been rumors his oldest son did it.

Do Tell said...

He could be tried on a different related charge. That would not be double jeopardy.

Do Tell said...

It's not reasonable to equate a crime and police response that took place in a different state to a double murder that did take place there and the LAPD's decision to look into a possible at large murderer in or around their city.

cat said...

Supposedly the son, who Nicole believed was semi stalking her. She told someone she believed he was peeking, in her windows. Supposedly spying for O.J., but perhaps he was interested in Nicole. She cancelled a dinner party, at his resturant, the night she was killed. He bragged about being the chef for the meal. Hours later she was killed. I can't see O.J. taking the rap, for his son, but that has always been the rumor.

hunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hunter said...

How old was this son? I didn't know OJ had a son of murderin' age at that time.

I was also confused after returning to the US after years abroad to see Jessica Simpson was a huge star. She was so... white and her dad was so black, I was like wow, genetics.

the girl in question said...

murders were faked, same as the manson murders. hoax. check out miles mathis' essay about OJ. it may just open your eyes

kiki71 said...

So if there was 'conspiracy to commit murder' is that a different charge altogether than murder and OJ could be re-tried? Curious. Double Jeopardy only applies to exact charges right?

Roxanne said...

OJ cannot be tried again but his son Jason has never been charged. Unless he can be charged as Jason's accomplice! That's different. Incredible.

Alf Landon said...

True -OJ murders was a staged hoax -theater. Just like the Cosby thing

Sunno said...

Double Jeopardy, OJ was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. He can't be retired.

Do Tell said...

He can be tried on a different charge as was pointed out, as in conspiracy or obstruction.

HeatherBee said...

@ cat- I’m with you having a hard time believing O.J would take the rap for his son, just because I imagine his ego has got to be gigantic.

Moose said...

Double Jeopardy would attach not only to the principle charge (murder), but any potential lesser included offense (which would include conspiracy to commit, manslaughter,...).

Buddytesla said...

Didn’t the woman who OJ almost crashed into fleeing the murder scene say that she recognized him and that he was alone?

Simon said...

I can believe the son may have been involved but maybe accessory after the fact. I seriously doubt OJ would take a fall for anyone.

Anonymous said...

This doesnt make sense. If there were really no STATUTE, why wouldnt they have investigated it again IMMEDIATELY in the 1990s after the verdict and brought it to trial AGAIN. After he lost the Civil Suit, why not bring it back to trial in 1999 all over agian

PolitiJim said...

This BBC documentary totally changed my opinion of everything I was told about the case.

Bottom line - LAPD didn't follow up on numerous other leads including that of his son. ....who had a history of women....with knives.

SamtaClause said...

You all should check out Brian Hess' videos on YouTube or his website, - he actually went back and found archival video that was never on the internet. Some really shocking stuff even for me, and I thought I was well informed at the time. Changed my mind! For 30 years I thought OJ clearly did it. When you actually look at the timeline though, and the almost complete lack of blood evidence...

I don't know if it was Jason (who was 24 at the time and mixing anti-psychotic meds with alcohol) but I don't think it was OJ.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Before we get too excited, could we just get the kid to try on the glove? Because if it don't fit... let's not bother.

cheesegrater15 said...

He couldn't be tried for their murders again, but he could be charged with something else.

Bleu said...

OJ wrote about having an accomplice in If I Did It. I don't recall the details -- actually, I'm pretty sure OJ said the person was the killer, not him. And I don't recall thinking he meant the person was in any way family.

splatford said...

I always suspected Al cowlings was more invovled than Just the trip down the freeway

Gator said...

It is not double jeopardy if they go after the accomplice. My first thought twas the guy who drove the white bronco.

Anonymous said...

+1 @jeff splatford

flyingtiger said...

To: Never could be any other way
The murders are fake? Where do you get these goofy idea? Next thing you know, you will telling us that Walt Whitman never existed!

Drewholtaus said...

Pimp mama kris kardashian helped robert hide the weapon! Lol

hunter said...

See that's the comment I deleted - the one where I said it was Pimp Momma Kris all along!!! lol!

But then y'all were getting serious and I felt bad.

Sd Auntie said...

Oj would not take a fall for anyone. He did it and AC helped. His son is too much of a loose cannon to be an accomplice

aemish said...

I can't see Jason doing it alone and then OJ taking the fall. OKay so OJ and his son did it together and OJ took sole responsibility.. I can see that.

Alf Landon said...

Really people do not be afraid of the truth.

maryjanefoxie said...

Regardless of statute of limitations, the constitution protects against double jeopardy.

chillip said...

"Regardless of statute of limitations, the constitution protects against double jeopardy."

The limitation is on the crime; this suggests a new, non-OJ, non-double jeopardy suspect is in play.

I've always thought it was highly probable he was taking the fall for his son, too.

PolitiJim said...

@Chillip - just think for a minute what that would mean. OJ would go from being (almost) universally disdained to respected - if not revered - for laying his life down for his son.

Bokolis said...

I remember that they couldn't eliminate the possibility that OJ's son was involved. It was simply decided that he wasn't and he was kept far enough from the lights that I couldn't form an opinion on it.


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