Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 5, 2019

It looks like this permanent A++ list celebrity is now also the messenger between the mogul and another member of his mafia. That A list singer has never been included in this group at all, so I'm wondering if she will spill info. She probably doesn't know the consequences if she does and she is a talker if you get the right party favors in front of her.

Oprah/David Geffen/Barry Diller/Katy Perry


cheesegrater15 said...

I'm sure Katy doesn't notice much.

Huckleberry said...

+1000 to cheesegrater

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

One of these things is NOT like the others.
One of these things just doesn't belong....

shakey said...

What does Katy Perry have to do with them, and how did she wind up in their cabal?

Monkeyweather said...

Took the oath, made the deal. Satanist. She does what she's told.

longtimereader said...

Katy loves the nose candy, isn't that bright so will talk is enough is offered to her.

Coffee Bean said...

Katy Perry has sexualized so many prepubescent children that she is a Demi-god to the Elitist Pedophiles.
Which is why Hollywood insiders protect the most successful Child Sex Slave procurer in the bowls of Tinsel Town.

Katy is the matriarch who turned family entertainment into Pedowood Propaganda.
May her true crimes against children and concubines get exposed for the world to change.

Rot in Hell bitch. We know.

Boo said...

If she says a substantial word, Katy Perry will find herself "exceedingly depressed" and will put a noose around her neck and jump/sit thereby committing suicide. Just another in the long list of fake sui....I mean suicides.

pickyvegetarian said...

oprah is evil and I'm pretty sure its a dude


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