Sunday, January 14, 2007

No blog on Monday because I have to get ready for the Golden Globes. BUT, of course I could not leave you with nothing. This is true especially if you are stuck at work on Monday, saying OMG, I need ENT. Well, I know that no one is actually saying that except for the people who call me from jail at 3am, but you get the idea. If you are looking for me on television I will be the guy in the tux flashing EL signs like Johnny Fairplay in Survivor. I could of course also be the guy doing a Brit Brit and puking my guts into Jack Nicholson's lap. Either way, it is all about fun.

I want everyone to mark their calendars for Friday the 19th. Friday will not just be the usual Four For Friday, but will be the very first compilation of all the blinds that have been guessed correctly and that I can reveal. I think there are about ten. Also, I know the number of blind items, hints, and the back and forth is getting crazy, so I am working on a fix for the problem. One of the main issues is a lack of time and a lack of knowledge about HTML. I would love to make everything look great, and be organized and understand the value in it.

Tim Gunn gets his own show!!!!! Seriously, this guy makes Project Runway and I think he deserves his own show. I am a HUGE fan. BUT, I am not sure this format the way it is described is going to work for him. I do think he has incredible style, but I am anxious to see how it is going to play out every week and if it will get stale or be uninteresting. I want it to do great and not just be a big hit and then crash and burn like Queer Eye which is being canceled. Remember how hot that show was for the first year, and then everyone said, it is the same week after week. Oh, here is a bit of gossip from Queer Eye, Thom Filicia was not out to his family prior to the show starting. So, immediately prior to the publicity blitz of the first episode, he called his family and said he was going to be on a new television show and its name, and oh yeah, that he was gay. Anyway, I digressed. The point is everyone loves Tim, and so let us hope they give him something great.

Most people when they go on a diet give up sweets or liquor. Perhaps they will even start to exercise. Not Elton John though. He figures the best way to lose weight is to quit eating curry. Well sure, that will work also if curry is another word for all you can eat buffets or gallon containers of Ben & Jerry.

I am sure everyone has heard about the Golden Globes making their gift bags worth $600 instead of last year's $40,000.00. The funny thing in this article is the headline and the picture chosen to go with the headline. There must be a hundred actors and actresses they could have chosen to convey cheapness, but they chose Tara Reid which is so wrong. Also, if you think I am going to have the time of my life at the awards, check out the presenters at the bottom of the article. Those types of presenters ensure a great time and makes the Golden Globes the best awards show out there. I will explain why on Tuesday.

Blind Item of the Day

Have you noticed that this actor has a habit of just about A listing himself and then takes a big break to drop himself back to middle B? Age is the reason most people cite. The reality is that he has always enjoyed playing with his own team even when he was married, and has done so irresponsibly in the past. His frequent trips to Europe to explore his violent, dark side in gay brothels and S&M clubs has become his focus and passion. His failure to use protection at any time could also be causing his limited work schedule. He has a history of doing work only when he needs the money to finance another six month sex fueled vacation. He often signs on for two or three films but usually only completes one before exhaustion and/or lust sets in. Witnesses state that people never get to close to him in the last few days of any film because of his mood swings which alternate between kindness and rage in a matter of minutes.


Pope-rah said...

Willem Dafoe?

Pope-rah said...

is he still married?

Pope-rah said...

can somebody start a list blog of who is A and who is B

I don't know how to think of who is on what list.

Anonymous said...

I think some of the difference is in one's own mind. Some people still say Cruise is A but I wouldn't.

BTW--What's up with Morton's book about Cruise? Is it going to be released?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, EL, for attending to the hint madness. Look forward to the GG update and the blind item summary/revelation.

Also, pope-rah, at least according to imdb, Dafoe is still married to his gorgeous italian bride. When he's not filming, you can see him in downtown NY. He keeps busy with his theater group.

Anonymous said...

I'm terrible at these but I thought of Leo DeCaprio right away.

Anonymous said...

Leo hasn't been married, though

Pope-rah said...

Off the top of my head with no google-fu - discount as you will:

James Woods?
John Malkovich?
Alec Baldwin?
Greg Kinnear?
John Cusak?
Bill Murray?

not sure about the age hint - too young or too old?

Anonymous said...

Leos IMDB profile actually seems to support this "make a few movies, take a break" -work ethic. But yeah, no marriage.

The only time I might have percieved a chink in his straight armor is in at the end of a interview where he seems to kind of slip up and give a knowing flirt to the male interviewer:

Not saying that the interviewer is gay though.

But enough with all the male brooding actors possibly being gay. I want, No, I need DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal and James Franco to play heterosexual male leads in the future also.

Or is that why they do "brooding male" so good, on some level because theyre gay?!? That a straight guy might not had let those feelings, that boyish and self-pitingly tortured twinkle in the eye, linger past his twenties? Sorry for asking it out loud, but..

Anonymous said...

6:41 again: Sorry for the rant and yeah, I thought it was Travolta too.

Because he has repeatedly taken breaks in his career, even when it took off again. And he's extravagant enough to fly to Europe for such things. And theres the photo of that kiss. But he's still married, right?

Anonymous said...

I could see Alec Baldwin but doesn't he work pretty steadily?

I don't get a gay vibe from Jake or James Franco. Leo yes even with all the models.

Anonymous said...

seriously, some of these guesses make no sense.

James Woods and Alec Baldwin are both shooting a tv schedule these days, which doesn't seem to fit with the description.

I am fairly certain Malkovich just hangs out in Cambridge, MA, when he's lying low, since I had a friend who used to see him in a bookstore in Harvard Sq all the time. And I would definitely count Murray as A-list, though maybe some wouldn't.

Greg Kinnear is an intriguing possibility.

rakemama said...

Don't know why, but Pierce Brosnan popped into my head immediately. I think I even read somewhere, maybe IMDB (too lazy to check), that he had talked about a gay affair.

rakemama said...

From Pierce Brosnan's IMDB

"I was young, frivolous, and full of abandon - a hippie with long hair down to my shoulders and a little goatee beard. Why? Because I thought I was gay. But no, I'm not gay."

His work history doesn't really match the clues though. Who cares, God, he's hot.

Anonymous said...

Viggo Mortensen? I think he's a Danish citizen and spends a lot of time in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Greg Kinnear is intriguing :) But he does seem to be working just about every year. Also, consider these quotes:

"Age is the reason most people cite."
= Someone that gets talked about more than Greg Kinnear? But who?

"His failure to use protection at any time"
= Greg Kinnear?! Really?

"A habit of just about A listing himself and then takes a big break to drop himself back to middle B"
= This however could have been Kinnear.

Maybe we should focus on figuring out just who have been on the cusp of A-list and then dropped back a bunch of times? And then check that with marital status :)

Anonymous said...

Viggo Mortensen:

Viggo works continously. He just does a lot of european movies. Did a swedish language movie before Bond, for example.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Willis?

Anonymous said...

Colin Farrell?

was briefly married.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we should focus on figuring out just who have been on the cusp of A-list and then dropped back a bunch of times?"

Good idea. But I'm drawing a big blank.

Anonymous said...

Bill Murray!

ps. we want another britney update, is her new "boyfriend" really straight? he seems to bat for the other team.

Anonymous said...


Hope you have a ball at the golden globes.

Can't you just give a hint who you might be by rubbing the side of your nose inconspicuously if a camera pans your way?

Then again... (lol)

It was a nice surprise to get some new goss but what am I gonna do tomorrow?


All the best


Pope-rah said...

I like the Viggo guess - his imdb shows about 1 film (released?) per year..not a lot and I seem to remember him talking about only doing films when he needed the money.

he's divorced with 1 child

Anonymous said...

Both Bill Murray and John Malckovich are currently married, unless I'm mistaken.

John Cusack hasn't been married, has he??

I'm going to guess Gary Oldman on this one. Great talent. Doesn't seem to work much. Does work in Europe. Has dropped out of some things in the past. Mercurial.

Anonymous said...

this could be way off, but to me "have you noticed" is a little strangely worded, so i searched imdb for the word notice and Two Weeks Notice was one of a small number of things that popped up...Is Hugh Grant even a possiblity?

Then again, a search for the word witness brings up "Witness", starring, among others, Viggo Mortensen.

Anonymous said...

Oldman is 48...

appeared in "The Pope's Wedding", for which he received Time Out's Fringe Award for Best Newcomer of 1985-1986 and The British Theatre Association's Drama Magazine Award as Best Actor 1985. His film debut was in the 1986 biopic Sid and Nancy (1986), where he played Sex Pistol Sid Vicious, picking up the Evening Standard Film Award as Best Newcomer. In 1988, he received a Best Actor nod from the British Academy of Film and TV Arts .
His performance as Sid Vicious in Sid & Nancy (1986) is ranked #62 on Premiere Magazine's 100 Greatest Performances of All Time (2006).
He has spent much of his career playing psychotic and sadistic characters...
Was arrested for drunk driving in L.A. and released on bail the next morning. His passenger in the car was pal, Kiefer Sutherland.hmmm...
wives include:
Donya Fiorentino (16 February 1997 - 13 April 2001) (divorced) 2 children
Uma Thurman (October 1990 - 1992) (divorced)
Lesley Manville (1987 - 1990) (divorced) 1 child

Anonymous said...

Would be easier if we had to find the one person in Hollywood that's not gay IMO. All the guesses sound so possible and honestly, why do they not come out already? Being gay isn't something to be ashamed of.

Anonymous said...

they don't come out b/c it can hurt movie ticket sales.. sadly. I think most of Hollywood is just promiscuous bisexuals.. they are artists and they are not known for holding back on partying, drinking, drug abuse, and lots of sex.

Anonymous said...

Being gay isn't something to be ashamed of.

Of course not, but the stereotyping that it will hurt your career still exists. Were someone to test this theory who knows? The internet (where a lot of fans are) seems pretty gay-friendly mostly. But there will always be people who will scream religion and boycott stars films just because they're gay. That's pathetic, but...

Some closeted gays may want to keep their private lives hidden because they are into S & M (just like some straights who won't say they're into it either), so there's sometimes more to it than just being gay and out. You might be gay and not care but you might care if someone's going to spill your S & M clubbing secrets.

I like the Viggo guess for this. Also wasn't Clooney married at one time?

I have to say this sounds a bit like Ted Casablanca's S & M-loving major actor who is allegedly involved with a well-known celeb far away from the cameras and likes his whips and chains, etc.

Anonymous said...

His frequent trips to Europe to explore his violent, dark side

Viggo's means 'war' in its native tongue, i.e. 'violent, dark side'?

I like Viggo, and remember seeing pics of him after filming HoV and he looked so thin and scrawny. Very exhausted. This doesn't make this BI him of course, it could be anybody, but he seems to be a man of intense passion and extremes.

I don't care a jot that if it were V he was gay or bi, I'd only care that he was being irresponsible with his own health because he seems such a good genuine guy.

fannie mae said...

Rupert Everett - in and out of the movie biz - renowned around Europe for some really seriously hardcore sauna activities.

FrancesDanger said...

Fannie Mae- Rupert Everett is renowned for those activities, but he's out and proud. He's even written about his days as a rent boy in his memoirs.

Is Christian Bale still married?

Anonymous said...

The first actor who popped into my head while reading this is Johnny Depp. He was married and he lives in France. He does a movie or so a year or two now a days and he has spoken about aging...

I don't think it can be Bill Murray as he is supposed to be a total asshole.

Alec Baldwin is a viable guess too.

Hooray for Tim Gunn, he is the show.

Anonymous said...

Viggo works all the time here in Eu! Both movies and TV. He is never out of the limelight. And his name don´t mean "war" but "strife" or "struggle". Also, if he goes to Europe it means he doesn´t live here, wich Mortensen does wiyh a huge house in Denmark.

I´m more for Oldman (oldage!).

Anonymous said...

bruce willis

Anonymous said...

brad pitt

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:26 PM and Anneka, I think you got Viggo mixed up with Mads Mikkelsen from Casino Royale.

Mr. Mortensen has never done and will probably never do a Bond movie in his life.

He does not work for TV all the time. He did few eps of a soap and a bit part in George Washington mini-series both in 1985 and 1 ep of Miami Vice in 1987 when he was just a beginning actor. Then he switched to movies.

He lives in LA (where he also owns and runs a publishing firm), has a small house in Idaho and recently bought a house outside Leon (Spain) where they filmed Alatriste.

And he is not constantly in the limelight, only when he has some movie to promote. He is actually rather disliked by the paps because he is a master at avoiding them and disappearing for weeks on end.

Viggo is 48, same as Oldman.

Not saying that I believe the bi is about him, the S&M, whips, etc. things just doesn't sound like Viggo. He seems such a gentle man, but you never know of course.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Vin Diesel.

Anonymous said...

Hey all we have to do is look for a man in a tux at the GGs! EL outed!

I don't think it's Viggo, although he was a good possiblity for the TedC BI someone mentioned. He works all the time, with photography, art, poetry and publishing. He only makes films to make money for his other interests.

Another possiblity - Robert Downey Jr. His career breaks are supposed to be for drugs rehab, and then he will do a couple of films before having another break. In the first line 'this actor has a habit'?

carolinec said...

Edward Norton seems like a good guess...but i don't think he's been married before...

Anonymous said...

Harrison Ford was in Witness. Maybe him.

Parsley Mostly said...

val kilmer

oh, yeah.

Anonymous said...

kevin spacey, came to mind right away...

Anonymous said...

what about ed harris?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't agree with the Spacey guess, though he is rumored (almost assuradly) gay, i would def. say he is A-list all the time.

Anonymous said...

re: Harrison Ford...the dark side (Star Wars) works for him as well.

Anonymous said...

Eddie murphy has had his share of gay rumors, just divorced his wife, and has definitely been borderline a-list (everyone knows him, no one sees most of his movies (dreamgirls, shrek, and dr doolittle being some of the exceptions)

Anonymous said...

The one clue that hasn't been talked about is the mood swings at the end of the shoot. That must be something we can work with.

Re: Viggo, the LotR shoot was like two years long. Surely someone in that immense cast and crew would have noticed something.

I did like the Oldman="old age" clue, but again, the mood swings throw me off. Although he has said he just did Harry Potter because he needed the $.

Anonymous said...

I would say Harrison Ford is A-list, though the Witness example is interesting. Viggio was aslo in that film.

Kathy K said...

Vin Diesel.

"sex fueled" ... diesel ... fuel ....

I think EL is talking about someone who got to the brink of being an A-lister (and I interpret that as basically becoming an actor who, just by being in the movie, guarantees great opening box office), but then just kinda drifts back into oblivion.

Plus, with his physique and body-building tendencies, I wouldn't be surprised if sterioids are a factor and we know those lead to mood swings and dark days .....

Anonymous said...

Vin doesn't fit. Never married (or at least I can't find any mention of it) and too young for the age clue.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is "A" list? I would think that Harrison Ford and Kevin Spacey are always on the "A", but maybe I don't know either.
Mrs Mo

Anonymous said...

If people are saying that his age is keeping him from doing so many movies, I would think that he would have to be at least in his late 50's. I think that would rule out a lot of these guesses, unless it is not a clue about age (Oldman).

Anonymous said...

What about Chevy Chase...the word vacation and European jumped out at me.Though I never considered him A list.

Also, I am not sure we can discount married celebs...

Mrs Mo

Anonymous said...

How about Daniel Day Lewis?

He's definately been on the brink of A-list. He's one an Oscar for "My Left Foot."

However, if you check his credits at IMDB, there are large gaps between films.

Also, he was in "Age of Innocence" and maybe age is a clue to that.

He's still married, though.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Murphy is who popped into my head. ~ Stacey

Anonymous said...

Daniel Day Lewis for sure but doesn't he live in Italy and work as a cobbler or something?
Harvey Keitel....

Anonymous said...

Okay ... Viggo w/o a doubt.

"He has A HISTORY OF doing work only when he needs the money to finance.."

Viggo's big 2005 hit: A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE ... which, by the way, featured a cringe-worthy rape scene ... with his character assaulting his movie wife.

Anonymous said...

And ... in Viggo's IMDB entry

"He became good friends with the close-knit stunt men on the "Lord of the Rings" films, but they were wary of doing fight scenes with him because, carried away with the intensity of his character Aragorn, he would frequently "really go at them" and leave the other combatants in bruises."

S&M??? Lengthy stays in Denmark? Next BI please ... (Ha!)

Anonymous said...

Plus, Viggo was in Witness as stated earlier.


Anonymous said...


"just about A listing himself and then takes a big break to drop himself back to MIDDLE B?"

Um ... isn't "middle earth" a LOTR thing? ANOTHER of Viggo's big gigs??

Anonymous said...

No offense to Viggo fans, but I don't thinks he's ever truly approached A list.

I'm sticking with Gary Oldman on this one.

EL's hint "dark side" could hint at the forthcoming The Dark Knight, which Gary which is in.

Anonymous said...

@ pope-rah
stopped by yr blog.... hilarious!
will b reular visitor for yr take on things....u started me on the Britney is'MV' trail....I owe u!


Anonymous said...

I haven't really looked at all the clues yet, but Viggo's name did come up last year in connection with those gay sex poloraids of Tom Cruise, as another struggling young actor who "paid the rent" in favors to Jacobo Yasha- Nicolayevsky.

Just sayin ...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, of course you´re right, got him (Viggo) mixed up with Mads!


Anonymous said...

EL, regarding referencing your BIs -

Have a look at the "post pages" feature on Blogger. You can create a separate page, comment enabled, that links from your main page. You can easily update that any time you post a new item.

I started indexing your BIs yesterday on a draft page at my blog, but since you're going to do it, I won't bother :)

Anonymous said...

One more for Viggo...he was in a movie called "The Passion of Darkly Noon" re: " gay brothels and S&M clubs has become his focus and passion"


zcom80 said...

I am thinking its probably kevin spacey, i think he is still living in london just now so it would be easy for him to travel around europe. also a friend of mine met him in paris and they ended up having drinks and my friend said kevin was 'VERY friendly', kevin also asked my friend to come out with him later in the evening. my friend is a very hot marine. I told my friend that Kevin is totally gay rumour and he hadnt heard this, he did say that it explained ALOT though!

I also think alot of the guesses made on this one are bad ones. we are now starting to think that everyone is gay. i dont think it is gary oldman, an actor friend of mine shared a flat with him when he was younger and said he was a bit odd. no signs of gayness though.

Anonymous said...

Another Viggo connection, re "focus and passion," he has a film soon to be released by Focus Features (Eastern Promises).

It is SO Viggo. I think he has approached A-list several times, so to whoever said he wasn't close to A-list, I respectfully disagree.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Spacey's gayness is the worst kept secret in the country. Esquire magazine pretty much outed him a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Jumping on the Viggo bandwagon here: I found this on google:

"Deleted Scene: Aragorn's Age" -- Eowyn (Miranda Otto) discovers Aragorn's (Viggo Mortensen) true age is not what it appears.

It's a deleted scene from LOTR, could be refercing: "Age is the reason most people cite."

Kmark;) said...

Never posted here before have read for months, LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!

From a small town in Ontario, way far away from Tinsel town! I desire to know the secrets and I thank you for delivering! I am so excited about the reveals, Thank you! I also love reading the comments especially the info many bloggers post and obvious time to provide this form of entertainment! I log in everyday, Thanks for a good read Entertainment Lawyer! Have a lot of fun at the GG, I'll be watching for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

ha! yes those presenters sound capitivating. lord

oo, hmmm, bill murray, huh? interesting... mostly cause his movies are so crazy, etc. I would say Alist, but since he's not done a thing in a while, and has long spurts of nothing...perhaps.
I've heard something about Cusack being a fiend.
Alec Baldwin seems crazy, but since he's on a tv show now, that tends to limit his galavanting, I'd say, so might discount him.
I know nothing about the rest of your people, Pope.

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it but the clues do seem to point in Viggo's direction.

Summary of what's been posted so far

- Middle B and Middle Earth (LoTR)

- A history of doing work/History of Violence movie

- Viggo is now divorced

- Witnesses state/he was in the movie Witness

- has become his focus and passion/Focus Films has picked up the rights to his upcoming movie Eastern Promises

- has become his focus and passion + his violent dark side/Viggo had a role in The Passion of Darkly Noon

Anonymous said...

I voted on Harrison Ford earlier (under two Indy aliases). I'm changing it to Viggo.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure its hugh grant because:

"Have you noticed"
-2 weeks noticr

"Age is the reason"
-Bridget jones and the edge of reason.

" he was married, and has done so irresponsibly in the past"
- Liz, hurley, scandal with prostitute.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure its hugh grant because:

"Have you noticed"
-2 weeks noticr

"Age is the reason"
-Bridget jones and the edge of reason.

" he was married, and has done so irresponsibly in the past"
- Liz, hurley, scandal with prostitute.


Anonymous said...

and also ENT says 6 months, can that be reference to the movie 9 months he filmed?


Anonymous said...

interesting Hugh ideas above *nat*. I've been going nuts on the MV front, on ENT's post about twice ago, I believe. Gah! In my mind I've def discounted Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson...

Anonymous said...

Viggo was rumored to have an affair with Orlando Bloom on the LOTR set...Viggo for sure.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Day Lewis from the Age of Innocence and Gangs of New York?

Anonymous said...

have to agree with carolinec, edward norton seems right to me too.

Anonymous said...

Nat, Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley were never married.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was from any of those Vacation movies.. Chevy Chase? I dislike him so much.

LOTR is blasting in the background... Viggo is a friggin doll in that movie. Yummm! He is a strange guy and I like him, but I would never think he's approaching A-list status.

Kevin Spacey would be no surprise. Isn't it known that he's gay already?

One other thing... on a totally random note... remember the BI that was compiled this past week possibly two about the guy at lunch with his g/f and his wife walked in? EL didn't give many details but Perez said it was in Malibu. Anyone interested in doing a search for ELs in Malibu? Not that I want to know who EL is but...

Thanks for staying alive EL. Even though too many people are commenting I still love stopping by... :o)

Anonymous said...

William Hurt?

Anonymous said...

The Perez item is totally not related... Malibu and the Marina are light years apart... and Ent's BI said he would never have known this guy was married... like he wouldnt have known that living here... and with all the hoopla that went down with mel's arrest...
completely. different. item.

bmini said...

OMG, after reading all of the comments, it crushes me to admit that Viggo seems to fit. I think I am going to cry....

Anonymous said...

"Anon at 7:26 PM and Anneka, I think you got Viggo mixed up with Mads Mikkelsen from Casino Royale."

Anon 7:26 here and yeah, I did. :)

It might be Viggo. I don't think he works in Europe, never seen him appearing in any European film, Danish or otherwise, in the past 10 years.

If it's him, it of course would also explain why the blind item would go to Europe for the action.

I doubt Focus films producing an upcoming movie could have anything to do with the item though. Focus have produced movies in just about every hot actors career and I think the mention of Focus might mean something else here.

I also would not take that deleted scene to mean anything. It might, but it seems like stretching it a bit too far.

But I respect your digging though. I apparently couldn't even connect the name with the right face.

Viggo Mortensen is of the right age AND apparently regularly travels to Europe (right?) AND takes breaks from acting AND has been close to A-list stardom..

Anonymous said...

hugh grant idea:
i always thought they were married... guess not! you learn something knew everyday!

NatNat985 said...

finally got a google account, that was my post before this. aka nat

Anonymous said...

Two guesses that also might fit ---

Billy Bob Thorton (works in bursts of two or three movies, some of them real crap --needing the money?) and never quite becomes A list despite the fact that Hollywood loved him for his work in Sling Blade (Oscar win for writing it.) He and Angelina had the whole infamous "wearing each other's blood in a vial around their necks" thing. He's been married four times. He has a new kid with another woman but is not married to her. And he himself has talked about how he has many weird compulsions and phobias. Also, he has times when he looks seriously skinny like he might be unhealthy.

The other guess I have is Tommy Lee Jones but haven't had time to back it up with any research. I hope it's not Tommy. He's cool.

Anonymous said...

I have been musing on this ever since Ted's blind vice and I definitely think it's Val Kilmer. He really is a good actor (When he wants to be) does a movie, drops out for periods of a time and I read about the break up of his marriage awhile back. Not pretty, allegations of violence. I also believe he has a child.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to add to Anon's Billy Bob Thornton theory:

Billy BOB Thornton--middle B
Bad News Bears--team

but he really doesn't have long bouts of not working. I kind of think it is someone older.

Mrs Mo

Anonymous said...

Ent in a tux...


Is it any wonder I haven't got any work done today?

cindie said...

Did we ever figure out who ENT's Golden Globe date was? Drew Barrymore, Reese Witherspoon or not, they both looked GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

I'm really feeling Val Kilmer for this, it just clicks in my head.

Now to find some evidence...

Anonymous said...

Nicholas GAGE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some others with careers that go up and down and previous marriages:

Bruce Willis
Harrison Ford
Eddie Murphy
Nick Nolte

Anonymous said...

Hez, I thought you didn't work today because you had to get ready for your GG date?!?

Anonymous said...

Alas, Jeeeze, my dress would have been great! I worked in a vintage store and the wardrobe has far more potential than the dance card can provide at present...

I'm hoping it's Drew -- then we know Ent is down with the fun-loving brunettes, and that means I actually stand a chance of a podium finish!

I didn't watch the telecast. Anybody see our EL's gang signs being thrown down?

Anonymous said...

So sorry, Hez :( But on the bright side, EL did confirm that he's male, so you don't have to switch teams :)

And heck yeah, anyone who knows vintage clothing would completely slay the red carpet.

I didn't watch the broadcast. Did you see any guys in tuxedos?

Anonymous said...

I vote for Viggo, and he can spank me anytime.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the Billy Bob guess.

If its Johnny Depp, as someone said before, I'm taking the next plan to Europe. ;-)

zcom80 said...

billy bob is apparently scared of flying.

i looked up val kilmer on imdb and he seems to have worked regularly for years, no real breaks there. i did think it was him though...

i am starting to think viggo now too

Anonymous said...

I'm going with Viggo. Sad to say.
Middle B = Middle Earth
Violent, dark side and History of point to History of Violence.
Witness is pretty clear.
And I do think Viggo flirts with A-list. He really got noticed in a Perfect Murder, then dropped back with Psycho. Bounced back with Walk on the Moon, then dropped back with 28 days. LOTR was a huge break-thru, but then Hidalgo was a dud. History of Violence was fantastic, but then what the heck is this Alatriste? Never heard of it.

Anonymous said...

Keanu Reeves continually looks A-list and then drops wayyyyyy out of sight for awhile. He will come back and make a movie and disappear again (from most headlines, at least). He seems to have a 'dark side' or rather he always seems 'dark'.

Nick Gage kind of does the same thing and he has a 'weird' side to him too. For example, the rumors on where he actually came across his current jail bait wife. He is just plain creepy and he does a great movie and then not another for awhile.

His Arquette marriage was weird too. I do not think they had an intimate relationship and that was just fine with both of them. I think he was into other things....if you know what I mean.

I don't think this guy would appear most normal to most people. He would have to have a dark side or something that keeps him rather antisocial because his sexual deviation is very extreme, he goes to big extremes to live it and at quite a distance and financially and he wouldn't have time for regular relationships.

These two guys seem that way to me....and there might be a couple of more.......and they are not spring chickens anymore.

Pinky said...

Any way you can make the clues fit Keanu? Because he seems like a good guess, but from the wording of this BI, Viggo jumps right out and bites you in the ass. Hard. Just like he likes it ;)

Pinky said...

I don't think this guy would appear most normal to most people. anon 10:50

You'd think, right? But I met a guy who's into bondage and rough stuff and he's the sweetest looking thing you'd ever want to meet. Doesn't look like Tommy Lee at all...

Anonymous said...

I think it's Hugh Grant. He and Liz Hurley had an S&M thing going for a while...

Anonymous said...

With the kind of S&M that this blind seems to be talking about (not home grown, this guy goes to another continent for some reason!) there would be some sort of 'flags' in some ways that people notice, but ignore. You all know the kind of people that appear a little 'off' in some way, but you can't quite figure out why until you read about them doing something in the paper in then it all adds up.......

but now that I am writing this I think of all of those people that do not 'fit' the stereotype and we are shocked to find out their secrets.

This is hard........but the blind did say this guy was divorced and Hugh Grant has never been married. Most of the guys mentioned so far have been married and it didn't say that the guy was married presently.

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH, I think I have it!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Who is Vigo Mortensen and why would he be 'A' list?

Anonymous said...

ENTL, this blind item was hard!! The very first person that came to mind was Daniel Day-Lewis. Method actor, can be difficult to get along with on the set, reported some folks, only comes out once in a great while to make a movie. But, he is still married and has not been married previously.

Then, I also thought of good ole Val Kilmer. Alot like Daniel Day-Lewis, but, he does not wait for as long as Daniel does, and his parts lately have him actually hovering around I would say C list at best. He can be very difficult to work with, as one producer on one of his films has reported. The producer also went on to say that he would never work with Val again. Divorced. Could meet that criteria.

Viggo Mortensen. Another possible fit to the puzzle. Would I personally consider him to be hovering A list or B list? Hidalgo did it for me. I loved A History of Violence though. Plus, he was an answer to a blind item that stated he was into that kind of thing. Possibly him. Divorced as well.

Jeremy Irons I ruled out because he is still married. The blind item states he WAS married. No history of being difficult on the set.

Hugh Grant is also ruled out because he has NEVER been married. Plus, no history of being difficult on the set. Lusty yes, when he hired that hooker, but that is about it.

Keanu? Nah, never been married. I believe that Keanu's issue maybe drug related. I have read in more than a few blogs that he may have a meth issue.

Nick Cage? I remember Fast Times at Ridgemont High if you look at the credits on that film, that will be ONLY TIME you will find that he goes under Nicholas Coppola. Just a little movie trivia for you.

Stacy said...

Has anyone considered Wesley Snipes? He's known to frequent Europe and have a bitch of a temper.

Anonymous said...

Viggo, Viggo, Viggo!

Anonymous said...

All you people guessing Viggo are freaking idiots and you know nothing about Viggo. This is SO not Viggo. Also, to whoever posted that there was a rape scene in A History of need to watch the film again. It wasn't a rape. Not unless holding onto a guy's ears and pulling his head to you is what all rape victims do. All of you. Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

The "Focus" hint is because he is a well known photographer - Viggo that is...

Anonymous said...

“Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.”

Anonymous said...

You've got some of your "facts" mixed up. For the record:

1 - Thom came out to his parents years before the show. Right after college in fact.

2 - Queer Eye didn't "crash and burn." They shot over 100 episodes. That's not really crashing (in most people's opinion at least). The final season begins this summer and is actually the best yet. Also, the show is now in daytime syndication on nbc.

JPowell03 said...

Actually, Thom Filicia was out to his family prior to being cast on Queer Eye. He came out to his mother and father shortly after graduating college and moving to New York City from Syracuse. He did, however, ask his father and brothers if it was okay that he was out to the entire world on national television.


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