Friday, April 27, 2007

Four For Friday

1. So this A list movie actress (and I really use the term loosely here because to me being in the tabs often doesn't make you A list, but some people think so) who is always at the top of every sexy list has been going through more heartbreak then was previously imagined. Although people spoke of her breakup, it was just a casual thing for the most part. Not for our actress. She was absolutely crushed and it shows. She has been dropping weight rapidly and has become sickly looking just in the past two or three weeks. Not drugs, not disease, just heartbreak. (Not Jessica Biel)

2. So, this person you either love or hate was all set to do an exclusive party in the Land Down Under. Big bucks were coming his way. So, what he decided to do was go ahead and double book two parties, even though he had promised both of them exclusivity. He thought the two hosts would agree to something and he would get two fees. Well, neither host would budge and both were irate. Finally one had enough and just said you can have him. Except for a little nudge from someone, our person could have ended up with no parties and is very lucky to still have one.

3. This B list film actress just completed a round of publicity for one of her recent films. When she was looking at the photos of herself she decided she didn't like what she saw. Even though she's incredibly young she decided to have a face lift. Now, she can't stop smiling. No, I mean the skin is so tight now that it is really uncomfortable unless she is smiling all of the time. This is someone who never smiled. What makes it worse is that she is going around telling everyone that she has never had any work done. Uh-huh.

4. So Wednesday was Administrative Professionals Day. I don't think they changed it from Secretary Day to be PC. I think it was done so it would include more people and make the lunch crowds rival Mother's Day. Anyway, last year at lunch, I needed to use the facilities. I'm old and have prostate problems. As I was waiting in line, (see what I mean about crowds), I noticed an actor brother who was not even shy about his need to look over the dividing line to both his right and left to see what the other men were bringing to the table so to speak. Lest you doubt his intentions, our actor is just a bit vertically challenged and had to stand on tip toes to achieve this feat. He managed to make it through about three cycles of men before fleeing. He must also have a bad prostate because he was headed back to the bathroom 15 minutes later.


Anonymous said...

#1 Cam Diaz
#3 Rosario Dawson

Anonymous said...

How about Jennifer Aniston for the first one? Good guess on Rosario D

Anonymous said...

Cam Diaz
Perez Hilton
Rosario Dawson

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Cameron for #1 and #3. It was pretty obvious how upset she was after the JT break up. And in all the pics on X17 and Flynet (papparazzi site) she is always smiling... which NEVER happened when she was with Justin. Even the celeb bloggers (Perez, etc) made comments about it. Plus, they all just did a bunch of press for Shrek the Third.

I doubt EL would list 2 BI's about the same person though. So I guess she'd have to be one or the other.

Anonymous said...

2 is totally Perez!

Anonymous said...

WTF?? This was published TWO days ago - not a blind.,22049,21614842-5006002,00.html

Anonymous said...

Took an article from an Aussie paper & made up some BS to go along with it. Great job.

Anonymous said...

What is considered "just a bit" vertically challenged? That would help with the guess. I'm 5'1"... everyone seems tall to me.

Anonymous said...

#3 Christina Ricci [definitely looks odd in the recent Coach Fragrance Launch pics - movie promoted being Black Snake Moan]

Anonymous said...

So are all the "blinds" made up, not real or just the Perez one?

Anonymous said...

#1. Jessica Alba
#2. Perez Hilton
#3. Rose McGowan
#4. ?

Anonymous said...

i vote Rachel Adams for 1, Perez for 2 (duh - and thanks for the link!), Rose for 3 (this has been covered everywhere for a while) and 4, every male actor in Hollywood

Anonymous said...


Hey, maybe EL wanted to give us an easy one since all the BI's lately have been real head scratchers!

Anonymous said...

HA! Publicityiscandy - you are so right about #4! According to Ted C and EL, just about every actor in H-town is gay!

Anonymous said...

Wow I'm sure everyone had a chance to search the internet and find one article written in an Australian newspaper about Perez. To me it was blind and I haven't seen anyone in the US report it. I'm glad you have so much time on your hands. Now that you can't knock ZX and EL being real, you just have to find something wrong somewhere don't you? Are you ever happy? Were you not breast fed as a child? Maybe if you weren't so busy being a fact checker you could actually find a replacement breastto make up for the one you were lacking as an infant.

Anonymous said...

#1-Scarlet johansson: supposedly she really wants to be in JT, but he's diggin Biel.
#2-I agree with the Perez Hilton
#3-No idea, but Rosario is a good guess.
#4-Still working on


Anonymous said...

kevin dillion for #4

Anonymous said...

#1 Alba always looks miserable lately.
#2 Perez in Oz...the summons thing was funny! He must have quite the collection now!
#3 Rose spoke of her 'accident' so I doubt its her. Rosario does look different.
#4 undercover brother dude? The one who crashed the ferrari? He's not very tall.
Obvious I know but hey....

Anonymous said...

ooh kevin dillon is a good guess!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Kevin Dillon for #4

Anonymous said...

I think Jess Alba for #1 is a great guess.

Stacy said...

#1 Scarlett Johansson, even though she's bopping Ryan Reynolds right now, there are a LOT of rumors about her still talking to JT all the time.

#2 Perez

#3 No idea, but I like Rosario and Rose McGowan both for this one.

#4 no clue, don't really care

Anonymous said...

1 - Jessica Alba
3 - Rose Mcgowan - she looks like a mess.


Anonymous said...

God, you guys are good. Her name would not have come to my head, even though just a few days ago i was thinking, wow, she got some great new make-up or facial or something. Frightening, if it's true, that someone so young would get a facelift, especially since we have fillers or botox for freshening up without the drastic surgery thing.

Anonymous said...

oh, duh! I was referring to the Rosario Dawson guess for #3
- kellygrrrl

Anonymous said...

I dont think Jessica Alba broke up with her boyfriend. They were in pics together just the other day...

Anonymous said...

there no way #1 is scarlett. the a-list actress is supposed to be looking bad.
"She has been dropping weight rapidly and has become sickly looking just in the past two or three weeks. Not drugs, not disease, just heartbreak."

go on you-tube and look at the video of her on snl, if anything she has put on a couple of pounds.

pusssykatt said...

Rose is a good guess...she's scary looking:


Anonymous said...

dont think its rosario ive met her and she seemed pretty sweet and seems like a gererally nice person.

Anonymous said...

#1 could be jessica alba, i've seen photos of her not looking great, but i assumed it was just no makeup and bad lighting, and she seems like the type of girl who takes her relationships seriously enough that when one of them ends she wouldn't be able to just blow it off.

Anonymous said...

I changed my mind about #3. I do think it's Rose. She looks great, but most of the pictures I googled were before Grindhouse and she's very serious and sultry looking. She's constantly smiling...and Robert Rodriguez is cute and all, but she's smiling ALOT!. Final answer for #3 is Rose McGowan.


Anonymous said...

Went up and read your comments and now know that #2 is Perez, what a whore! Who wants him for anything? I am confused as to why he would be perceived as powerful as I've been reading lately. He's ugly, fat and dresses badly. He reminds me of a rodeo clown.


fo real said...

humm I am going J-Lo for #3
I got nothing' to back it up but she looks odd in recent pic's.
I must say also Mrs Diaz is a great guess cause ya know she never use to smile at the pap and does now all the time!
But I like the Mrs Diaz for #1 better cause the smile is fake to cover her weight lose.. but all the recent gyms pics
I guess I really don’t know.
I do think some old BI have been uncovered. The Oscars winner w/ the B look alike.. umm that Sean Penn/Eve connection was kinda weird eh?
ohh and Alyssa Milano is in a new Veet commercial and that seems like and old BI about an 80's star and that we would see her soon?...

Anonymous said...

#4 agree Kevin Dillon is the "brother actor"

Anonymous said...

Kevin Dillon is a family man these days & is not vertically challenged.

Anonymous said...

1. jessica alba
2. perez
3. rose mcgowan
4. kevin connolly

Anonymous said...

12:58 grow up. People come to this site looking for inside goss, not "infantile" comments protesting when someone busts the writers when they're caught out lying.

Anonymous said...

GGA - exactly! He looks like an overweight Papa Smurf with his new blue hair!

Jennifer said...

Jessica Alba for #1. I can't ignore the timing of this one, especially the quip about the sexy lists. She's FHM's sexiest woman for 2007.

Anonymous said...

Weird, 12:58 that you feel these prove EL & ZX exist. Lot of people out there still don't believe that & they haven't resorted to name-calling as you've done. Chill, if EL & ZX arereal people, they wouldn't need you to bully others in their name.


Anonymous said...

Look...perhaps EL saves up his blinds all week for his 4 for Friday and someone else got the schoop on Perez on Wednesday in Australia. Big deal. Doesn't mean he didn't have an inside scoop too. Get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Right on mom! haha

Geez! What's up with all the crazy comments today? Serious PMS going on in CDAN today!

1 - Jessica Alba
2 - Perez
3 - Cameron Diaz
4 - No clue. Apparently they're all gay now

Anonymous said...

Uh, yah...a little too much time on our hands don't ya think haters? Come on now play nice or go home. :)

Stacy said...

Well he sure as hell has been saving up some reveals for awhile now. **rolls eyes** He's gonna make me get all ethnic up in here.

peawry said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Angelina for #1. I just finished reading somewhere how scary skinny and in fact "ill" she is and there are lots of rumours about her and Brad. Kevin D. is a wicked guess for #4.

Anonymous said...

1. agree Jessica Alba
3. I think its Christina Ricci she just finished promoting Black Snake Moan and on monday EL posted a photo of her and wrote "Christina Ricci looks different. Really different."

Anonymous said...

Jackie says:

1-Alba the phto op the other day was that...a photo op.
2- Perez the fat fuck
3- Cameron Diaz
4- Chad Lowe???

Anonymous said...

What kind of "doctor" would agree to perform a face lift on some one young. I think the "surgeon(s)" who did all Michael Jackson plastic surgery need to be stripped of their medical licenses, arrested, and jailed. Ethical surgeons would've referred both to a counselor and refused to do the procedures.

Anonymous said...

1. Alba for #1: "Top of every sexy list" gives it away

2. Already been guessed (PH)

3. I like Rosario for this one

4. Steve Baio, Frank Stallone, or Don Swayze

Anonymous said...

3. Can't be Cameron Diaz EL says "she is going around telling everyone that she has never had any work done" Cameron admitted to getting her nose done.

Anonymous said...

christina ricci all the way. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

4 Danny Devito?

Anonymous said...

1. Alba doesn't look sickly and skinny. Neither does ScarJo. Ang looks like hell, but she hasn't broken up with Brad. Kate Bosworth? Or whatever her name is, the one who became ana after she was dumped by Orlando?

2. The fat fuck.

3. Just to spice it up, I'll guess Mena Suvari, who looks like the Cheshire cat in every photo. The girl has this frozen grin.

4. The BI doesn't have to be gay, just a guy wanting to compare the goods. Guys do that, right? Right? How tall are urinals? How short would a guy have to be to tip toe for a peek? Wait, don't tell me. This small world of men should remain a mystery, or they risk losing my adoration.

Anonymous said...

3. I agree with hiya for Ricci. Also, she has bangs which would hide any new scars. :-)

Anonymous said...

#1-Angelina Jolie

Have no proof, but she's been looking thin lately and rumors of trouble in Brangelinaville lately.

Anonymous said...

#1 Its gotta be Scarlett or Jessica Alba....Cause Cameron and Justin were pretty serious for many years it wasnt just casual. And Cameron is never on the top of any sexiest list!!! I think its Alba just cause shes looking rather frail lately.
#2 Perez
#3 Its gotta be Rose McGowan. Rosario Dawson is kinda known for her big horsey smile and Rose McWhatever her name face is just tore up from having too many procedures and shes always been very moody and now she all smiles lately in her pics. She looks like my grandma after her lift, but with black hair.
#4 I dont really care

Anonymous said...

4. Emilio Estevez?

Anonymous said...

Agree with Perez for 2, obviously. I think Rosario Dawson is a great guess for 3, she has been smiling a lot lately and her face differently looks different.

Anonymous said...

Gotta be Angelina Jolie for #1.

Anonymous said...

#4 def Jake Gyllenhall (sp)

Anonymous said...

anon 12:45, I would consider you vertically challenged

Anonymous said...

I don't think Angelina's a good guess for #1. The BI says "it was just a casual thing for the most part," well, Brand and Ange have a baby and he's adopted Maddox and Zahara and they've been together for years now. That's hardly a casual thing. She just lost her mother; I would imagine her weight loss comes from that.
I haven't got a good guess to offer up, though. Everyone looks skinny these days...

Anonymous said...

Jolie for #1. Heartbreak is the loss of her mother this past January. They were very close.

Anonymous said...

#3 is Mena Suvari

Anonymous said...

#1 Can't be Jolie. She and Pitt are still together & happy. She does look underweight and stressed out, but she's got a pack of kids, her mother died, she has a hectic schedule, voluntarily views some of the most heartbreaking conditions of humanity up close and personal, has to keep up with world politics and she probably needs a martini and a spa day.

Oh yeah, and she's not just A list for tabloid exposure.

I'd vote Cam. Diaz but for the sexy list topper qualification. Can't remember what she's ever ranked in those men mags? Not in the top ten.

Must be Alba.

Anonymous said...

I like the Jolie guess for #1. I would surprise if she tips the scales at 95 lbs. I don't buy into how happy their family is... the girl has issue's. Her constant need to keep moving... adopting children... and constant need not to just sit still. Plus even Pitt looks weirdly thin and drastically older in the last year.

I also like Alba guess.

#2... got to love the Rodeo Clown guess. I do hope Perez is saving his money when it all crashes.

#3... I like the Cameron Diaz guess. She has spent years looking mean and harsh with the paps. Since the breakup she is Miss Suzy Sunshine. Always smiling. Plus I am sure she does not consider getting her busted nose as "face work"... she was simply correcting a broken nose issue. haha!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing rose Mcgowan for #3. The eyes there just look a little too tight - as does the whole face really. Have a look and see what you think

Anonymous said...

#1 scarlett johansenn?

#2 def perez. im in oz, and in pr, and heard rumors abt that

#3 is cameron diaz... if you look over at x17, they're always commenting about how she's always smiling now when she never used to smile for paps before

#4 no clue... one of 'em baldwins???


Anonymous said...

Kevin Dillon, at 5'11", is not vertically challenged, so I think Jake is a good guess.

And I do NOT think that Jolie is A-list other than in the tabloids. You don't see her commanding the huge dollars that Julia Roberts, Halle Berry and other A-listers do. I don't think she's the answer to the bi, however.

Anonymous said...

I'm going off the beaten path here. I'm going to guess Drew Barrymore for number one. She and that Fab guy were together for a long time and she's lost weight and she's on People's sexy list.

Anonymous said...

#1 is most definately Jessica Alba. She's A-list even if she is not considered the best actress. She is always at the top of "sexy lists"...currently #1 on the Victoria's Secret list. She has been looking frail. However, she has been seen out with Cash so if they broke up they are back together. He's not going to give her up. She's considered to be the sexiest woman in the world by many (according to polls etc.).

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm liking Chad Lowe for #4. He's definitely vertically challenged (5'8").

Anonymous said...

Jake is 6' so doubt ot is him for #4.

Anonymous said...

#3 is totally Rose McGowan...she never would smile in pictures, even promotional stuff for Charmed. Now she looks like the joker..


Anonymous said...

Alba and Cash have been together for years. That's not a casual relationship.

Anonymous said...

1. Drew Barrymore

2. Perez...Duh, that's been figured out already.

3. Rose McGowan...She's looking strange these days

4. Chad Lowe

Anonymous said...

1. i think is reese witherspoon
2. def perez hilton
3. kristen dunst
4.danny devito

Anonymous said...

I think #1 is Drew Barrymore. She was just named as People's Most Beautiful, plus she went out with Fabrizio for years and the tabloids barely mentioned their break-up (Although people spoke of her breakup, it was just a casual thing for the most part.)

Anonymous said...

#4 Danny DeVito, with the "brother" reference being the movie(s) with CA Governor (easier than spelling his last name), Arnold.

Midwest Surfer

Anonymous said...

when it says "people spoke of her breakup" i think it might be a clue for People, the magazine. did they have an interview or anything with any "sexy" somewhat newly-single celeb? Jennifer Aniston comes to my mind, esp. since I didn't think that many people took her and V.V. seriously.

i reallly hope that 3 isn't christina ricci since i love her, but the fact that ENT wrote "she looks diff, real diff" this past week makes me wonder. otherwise, i'm going with Rose.

Anonymous said...

1. jessica alba = notice Ent says not Jessica Biel.
2. Frankenberry aka Perez Hilton
3. Rose Mcgowan looks like Dixie Carter!
4. ..

Anonymous said...

Gotta be Cameron for #1- she has lost a lot of weight and instead of attacking the paps like she did while she was with Justin Trousersnake, she just smiles at them now. Why are people guessing ladies like Reese Witherspoon and Angelina Jolie? I know Hollywood types are whores, but come on, I think we can classify their relationships as serious!

#2- Obviously Perez. Wanker.

#3- Yup, that's Rose alright. I'm surprised no one on any gossip blog has mentioned she looks exactly like Judy Garland now- but old alcoholic, broke down Judy. Is that parallel just me showing my age?

#4- I love the Danny Devito guess. I think the prostate problem Enty refers to is a hint that the man in question is older. Danny seems to fit.


Anonymous said...

LOL I love the Perez/Frankenberry nickname. That needs to stick.

People . . . get over Angelina Jolie as the first item, no matter how frail she looks. Jolie has an Oscar, is on Forbes 100 most powerful celebrities list (#35), and averages $10 million per film. She's A list.

Drew Barrymore is a good guess.

Anonymous said...

#1 - What's-her-name in Spiderman
#2 - No clue
#3 - Christina Ricci !!
#4 - Casey Affleck

Anonymous said...

ps - here's how i know 3 is xstina ricci -

Anonymous said...

1. reese witherspoon
2. perez
3. christina ricci
4. donny walberg


Miss N said...

kate Bosworth for #1 - considering she was very 'active' with aussie crew members when she was here I'm surprised she's taking her break up so badly.. Karma??

She def all over the tabs but sooo not A list.

Anonymous said...

bosworth is soooo over. it's not her. it's scarlett. (boo boo hoo!) people think of her as A because of the woody allen thing, which is boggling - sure did wonders for good ol' diane weist, eh?

#3 is once again, miss penelope pig nose pumpkin wednesday addams

#4 is mr. emilio estevez.

you're all welcome.

~bun bun~

Anonymous said...

number 3 I really don't think is Rose. Her face has been this fucked for like a year. SOMETHING happened there but not recently, plus she doesn't look any different since the Grindhouse premiere (and Grindhouse is the only film she's done in the last 5 years because of Charmed so it would have to refer to this film.) And she hasn't been in hiding recuperating from a facelift or anything since the publicity for Grindhouse a few weeks ago, because she's been photographed by the paps a few times. In these shots she hasn't been smiling.

I say Cameron all the way. Girl was looking haggard and now her face ist tight and shiny and she smiles at the paparazzi which she never used to.

Anonymous said...

Agree with #3 not being Rose - if it is, then the face lift failed miserably (and not just in regards to her having to smile all the time).

Not Cameron though either - what movie has she promoted lately??

My money's definitely on Christina Ricci.

Anonymous said...

not cameron for 1 or 3 because she has admitted to nose surgery and is not sickly looking
Not Rosario because she is known for that big wide smile since forever
I would say that Ricci or McGowan are good guesses- especially mcgowan since her face looks as if it is melting.
#1 is most likely Alba because she has been looking rough lately and those last 2 sighting with Cash were far apart and could be photo ops- on Perez's message board someone said she cheated on him and others knew who the person was (some rich hot guy with a lambo in some other country, somewhere in Europe i think, and is was claimed to be ethnic)
AND she is the only other marginally talented person that tops every sexy list besides Biel that could loosely be termed A list just for their sex appeal and tab exposure. - the talented part rules out Angelina because she is not someone that would be loosely termed an A list actress b/c she is obviously legitimate.

Anonymous said...

ALSO, i do agree that if it was Rose for the face lift then she is still recovering or its botched because she looks really puffy and melting
Its hard to tell with Ricci's face because its always been so tight looking.

Anonymous said...

#1- Drew Barrymore? She has been losing weight since her breakup with Fabrizzi-Whatever. It was just kind of mentioned when they broke up, no big deal was really made about it. He's dating some new girl, I don't remember which one he's with now... but Drew has only been seen with Cam Diaz. Cam's break up was HIGHly publicized, and it was no secret she was upset. Alba is still with her guy, and had been losing weight before the rumors started about a break up. Drew was just voted sexiest, and ENT made some comment about it last week.

Anonymous said...

OK i think its solved- nypost today mentions a sighting of Alba and Cash today saying they were seen at Cochella acting 'distant'. Def. alluding to photo-op, meaning that they are indeed over and only on for appearance sake. Seriously, has anyone not noticed how shitty shes been looking lately????

Anonymous said...

i'm more upset that enty is now telling us he's old and has prostate problems. DEFINITELY not picturing you in that way, sweets!

no offense, but can i point out that "bun-buns" is not me, i am the bionic bun... and often sign off as
-buns---just to keep things straight, not trying to pick a fight, i like it here too much!

has anybody thought about that cadaver marc anthony for the urinal interloper??? is he short or just gross? what about ryan seacrest? somehow i don't think perez would just be peeking, i think he'd be loudly critiqueing (yeah, i know that's spelled wrong). but how do ANY OF THEM fit in for "secretary's day"? is it possible ent uses the term "vertically challenged" instead of "short" because it was a little person?


Anonymous said...

#1 is Jennifer Aniston - she keeps going back to Vince's bed


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