Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hey Mischa. Shut Up!

You know I'm not a big shut up kind of person. I'm more of a be quiet kind of person. I think I read somewhere that shut up was one of the rudest things you can say to someone, and that be quiet is much more appropriate and less damaging to the psyche. Who knew I could be so sensitive? Not me. Anyway, the shut up is directed at all celebrities, but falls on Mischa because she is just the latest who complains and complains while at the same time desperate for the attention of the paps.

The only reason I talk about Mischa Barton is because she manages to get her photos out there to be seen. She has no acting career or modeling career at this point and she is living off past O.C. fumes. Nothing wrong with that. I think an actor should live off those fumes for as long as they can.

So, if Mischa stayed home every night, pretty soon people would forget her because she is not doing anything memorable work wise. Although I'm using Mischa as an example, you can just fill in the blank on any other number of actors and actresses who once touched fame. Go back to someone I had in Random Photos the other day. Estella Warren. You know she makes two or three times as much as Mischa when she acts or models, but you rarely see her and probably forgot her name already.

So, when Mischa gets ticked off at a pap for taking topless photos of her AFTER he warned her that she was in a public area, then I have a problem. The Australian pap has it on tape warning Mischa that he had not taken photos of her, but if she were planning to sunbathe where she was located, that it was very public and that he would be taking her photo. He even suggested more private areas.

So, what does she do? Sunbathes topless and when the photos show off the fact that photoshopping is how she makes her living, she gets ticked off at the paps for invading her personal life. Of course if they had come out spectacular she would have been grinning from ear to ear; happy and secure that people were taking notice of her for the next week or two until she could think of another stunt or boyfriend or arrest or church visit to keep her in the public eye just until she gets that next big break while at the same time trashing in public the last big break she got as the worst television show ever.


captivagrl said...

nice ass

littleoleme said...

I'm a hag for saying this but I'm 42 and though my butt and thighs still need a little work (ie exercise) they sure as heck don't look like this girl. Get moving Misha! Take a walk! Climb some stairs!

dreadpiratecuervo said...

She got dimples on the wrong cheeks, damn! She's what, like 21? Get on the stairmaster!

Anonymous said...

I agree with littleoleme, but remember, these younger celebs don't exactly have a healthy lifestyle. As a 41 year old mom, my kids give me a workout and I'd collapse if I stayed out late partying.

Anonymous said...

There is lotion that would help her... I work as a "skin care expert" on the side because my main jobs (preschool teacher and social worker) pay 1/2 as much.

Seriously, she is TOO YOUNG for that. That's the tell-tail sign of someone who ONLY uses drugs to be skinny - no exercise or healthy diets...

Girl is gonna age fast!!

RagDoll said...

And this, folks, is what happens to the elasticity of the skin's collagen when people smoke cigarettes, have yo-yo habits when it comes to nutrition, and drink too much alcohol. Cocaine is no good either. It decimates body tissue. This person, however, looks like a classic case of the abuse of beta-2 adrenergic agonist, like maybe Clenbuterol? It makes you drop tons of fatty tissue quickly without disturbing your muscle mass, but it stops working in short order and your body begins to distribute fat unevenly, and in a way that disrupts the collagen beneath the skin. It never works again once taken. Way to destroy your looks before you're even 25. Yeeeeouch!!!!

jax said...

i normally refrain from laughing at cheese thighs but damn Mischa lay off the cheese fries.

i feel a whole lot better about my body today.

d said...

Yup, this is what it looks like when you only restrict calories to lose weight, instead of exercise. Compare her to Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba, or Evangeline Lilly, who all exercise and lift weights to be lean.

I'd rather go to the gym every day instead of starve myself, food is too good to not eat :)

Anonymous said...

When I saw this pic of Misha couldn't believe my eyes how her legs looked. I think I even had to look twice to make sure that I wasn't looking at an older women's body (70 yrs. old). I thought my legs were bad but this young woman in her 20's is the worst I have seen. I think I might apply to run for Miss USA now LOLOL.

Anonymous said...

Right! I would assume that because her career is in the crapper, she would try harder.

Must be so hard to be her...

Anonymous said...

I'm 65 and overweight and my thighs look better than hers.

selenakyle said...

Man, that just made my day!

Mother Campfire said...

You guys are assholes. Seriously. Cellulite is also genetic. There are woman who could obsessively stairmaster and never get their legs to look any better.

Unknown said...

Well, to be fair, she could have been, um, lying on rocks, and had just gotten up and the impressions were still there...hopefully

YahMoBThere said...

Yeah, I'm a little pissed off that EL posted the photo under the guise of something else and now people are bashing her body. Every other site had this pic ragging on her for her cellulite yesterday, so he posts it today and pretends he's just discussing her?

Asshole move of the month. To say I'm losing the love is an understatement.

Anonymous said...

Although I am sure some exercise would improve matters greatly, this is mostly just a case of bad genes.

Betcha she's going to have some plastic surgery now.

bionic bunny! said...

big sur, you're right. that stuff is gentic, and no amount of exercise or "miracle cream" (no offense, but please!) is going to get rid of it. she could be a stick and still have it.
sure, i'm overweight, but my mom's always been little,
AND she had legs to kill for (can you imagine? my mom had cooler clothes than anybody in high school!!)
but the cellulite was still there.

Anonymous said...

lol, no offense taken!

and after reading these comments again, i do feel like we're being a lil hard on her.

lets just forget her instead.

Amy said...

She must have some unfortunate genetics, but she's still lucky not to have a gut. A big butt is fine (adored by some) as long as the stomach is flat, even a large lower half entirely seems to work with a flat/ish stomach, but no one can pull off a gut, it seems it is always unattractive no matter what on women but totally acceptable for guys...so annoying. Think of all the TV shows where a fat loser husband somehow has a skinny cute wife - it is NEVER shown in reverse.

Dick Insideu said...

She has BAD cellulite on her ass and thighs/. Gross

Sinjin said...

This picture is soooooo going into my Bad Day folder. Hey Mischa, buy a sarong/pareo and over that up! Seriously.

Sinjin said...
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TheGoldenSockPuppet said...

I think she's just been eating a lot of cottage cheese.


I can't help myself...her face is so cute and she has the most amazing boobies...I'd still take 'er for a test drive.


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