Friday, July 11, 2008

The Glitch

I want to thank everyone for their patience on the loading hiccup when you first enter the site or refresh. Some good news. The problem was finally identified and if you use Mozilla there is no more glitch. If you use Internet Explorer, it is better, and hopefully by Monday will be 100%.


Lynne said...

Thank you, EL!

chickenrotini said...

Thank goodness! I switched to Mozilla so I didn't have to wait.

Maja With a J said...

Sweet! I'm an Explorer girl myself so it still gets stuck a bit but I'll wait patiently...:)

the.princess.leia said...

Yea!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Enty!

Still your future 12th & 14th wife....


Goose's Wild said...

I know this one! Its ben affleck!

Thx Ent.

SkittleKitty said...


I've should have thought to use Mozilla to solve it for myself, but thanks for fixing it in Explorer!


classalpha said...

... I don't use IE... only Firefox v3.x ... but could you fix the site "bug" of which you can't middle button scroll on the center of your blog page w/o opening up a friggen picture? It's annoying as H*ll, especially on *FFF* when I need to get down the page to read the text and all I get is... *ewww*... ?:[

BTW... Ent. L. ... have any 'OTHER' *distressing news* or "blind items" re: the drugged-up/*sex tape-making* WH0RE with the now 'DEAD' "career" aka Brittany Murphy? Oh ya... I left an "Em"teresting "note" on *Arturo Globenfeldt's* "blog" re: *that one "blackmailed Actress"* blind Item... you might find *it* "Em"teresting as well.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I came here to leave some sort of celebratory note, but am too baffled by the previous comment to really say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

Well I got "Em"terested in *whatever* in the H*ll that "crazy" item ^above^ could "possibly" mean.
*But I can't keep up the insane punctuation charade*

I didn't realize Britney's hubby was such a damn gangster. Whatever kinds of business he's been involved in, he's allegedly ripped people off for millions of dollars.

From "Socialite Life" - "On June 13, a man identifying himself as Arturo Globenfeldt posted a message on Monjack's page claiming he owes him $16 million in film investment money."

On July 4, 2007 - Globenfeldt posted this on his blog,
"My dealings with Monjack are now at an end. I have been compensated for my investment and am happy to leave things at that. Simon himself is a decent and personable fellow. Though we've had trouble in the past, I can now say that I am impressed with his maturity and willingness to make things right (if only regarding myself). I wish him well in whatever the future holds for him. To clarify, I am not the 'mysterious figure' alluded to in the article. Everyone knows I am a gentle soul and would wish no harm on anyone."

And on that same date contains a posting from our Punctuation Friend taking Globenfeldt to task for the settled debt re: Britney being offered out to settle her husband's debts.

(I thought we the CDAN'ers had agreed it was Pamela Anderson and that guy she was married to for a few seconds?)

But if you read comments on some of these blogs, its obvious there are a lot of people angry with BM's hubby.
- lots of comments on this blog

Okay, it is 6:30 in the morning and I am hung up on a Britney Murphy story - I am going to go get a life now.

the.princess.leia said...


Okay, since this is about Brittany Murphy, I can't help but think that Eminem is somehow involved in this. The were in Eight Mile together and they both have said that they became (and remain) very close. Maybe Em was the one to get through to BM about how much of a mooching, con-man douche that her hubby is!

classalpha said...

... why are my posts considered "baffling"? Really, all one has to do is READ them just as you would a "pointed" *script*... and you have to pay "Em"tention to the 'WORD's in them ...

As much as I *HATE* *that cRapper "Em"NEMA... he* has nothing to do with the "legal revelations" re: Britt's *'GROOM'some-looking "husband"*...

More than likely, Britt's now-fired, LA-based BWR Public Relations people are the ones (Thankfully) "Em"forming everyone about *SKUM-jack*. They performed the original "background check" on *SKUM-jack* before Her *PHAKE/PHONY/PHRAUDULENT BLACKMAIL-based "nuptials"* took place. They advised Her not to "do" *it*... but consequently, Britt fired ALL OF THEM. Britt is now being "repped" by east coast-based Paradigm.

Unknown said...

classalpha said...
... I don't use IE... only Firefox v3.x ... but could you fix the site "bug" of which you can't middle button scroll on the center of your blog page w/o opening up a friggen picture?

Thank you for mentioning this! It drives me crazy as well. I didn't realize it was browser-specific!

classalpha said...

... you're Very Welcomed... calla. ;)

Unknown said...

ENT, not to be a nag or anything... But I thought you had originally said that you weren't going to use ads because you didn't need the money and you only wanted to share your stories... I'm sure that removing all of them would help in the "freezing" issue. I do LOVE your blog though, and don't want to seem like a complainer. :)

Anonymous said...

But Classalpha they've been together for awhile now. Do you think Britney is being held against her will or do you think she's okay with all of this? It just seems like if she were being that repressed that she could have found a way out by now.

Do you know her husband personally or did he rip you off? I would be interested to hear more about him if you are interested in spilling the beans.

Anonymous said...

Miley's camwhoring again. This time in a wet t-shirt. :(

Maja With a J said...

Oh dn, I'm sure those pictures are "doctored" or "not her" ;)

classalpha said...

... to brenda... no... I don't know *SKUM-jack* or *his KRONIES*. I didn't even know *who that 'GROOM'some-looking MOB-fia CRETIN WAS* when Britt was first "seen with" *him* in late 2006. Myself and 'OTHER' of Her "fans" just speculated that *SKUM-jack* was an'OTHER' "uncle" from Her Bertlotti side of the family... but we were certainly *mistaken*... weren't we?

... and what does the "length of time" *SKUM-jack's* been "with" Britt to do with negating *his* BLACKMAILING Her? The POINT OF BLACKMAILING someone is to hold something over a person's head for AS LONG AS NECC"Em"SARY... *THAT* could be YEARS... DECADES or EVEN for the "Em"fortunate blackmailed Victim... a LIFE S"Em"TENCE.

The ONLY WAY TO STOP BLACKMAIL (besides telling the TRUTH and subsequently calling LAW "Em"forcement) is for the VICTIM TO NOT CARE ABOUT *what's* being held over their head. If Britt and Her "people" didn't care about *what's on that surveillance tape*, then She wouldn't be BLACKMAILED or "married to" *SKUM-jack* in the first place... and therefore *SKUM-JACK* would NO LONGER HAVE *power*OVER Her. But obviously, *whatever is on that tape* could/would DESTROY ANYONE *in it*. Britt's "career" is already 'DEAD" because of Her rotten choice of *roles in flicks*, but also because She's still "married to" *SKUM-jack*.

Just think of how it will DESTROY Britt completely and *whoever else in on *that tape* as well, if *it* was OUT... not that I care about ANYONE 'OTHER' THAN Her.

BTW... my last OT post here on 'The Glitch' blog... according to one of Ted C's old blinds, Britt is "Blood E. Nostril.

Back on blog topic...those photos are still popping up. ?:\

... oh ya... why doesn't Ent L. "chime in" on the subject of Britt? I'd love to read what Ent has to "say" about Her... in his "vague" *terms* of course.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

OH MY GOD. I'm sorry, Classalpha, but you HAVE to "understand" that your *superfluous* punctation is a "tad" off*putting. Do you watch Chris Farley's "Motivational" Speaker skit, like, "five" *times* before you "post" each of "these" entries?? Not to be too nasty about it, but GOOD "PHREAKING" *"LORD"*!

Anyway, Brittany Murphy hasn't been relevant since Clueless. The "End."

classalpha said... "Ernestine"...

... what difference does it make how I post... especially if you can't understand the WHOLE PICTURE in the FIRST PLACE? And "OH MY GOD"... I don't cater to *your* specific literary "needs"; I post to inform 'OTHER' blog readers here.

And it's only *your* "opinion" that Brittany is "irrelevant". Even though Her "career" is currently 'DEAD', Britt lasted for many years after She was in 'Clueless'. I don't need to go into Her filmography, or delve into the 'GROOM'-some *details* of Her *several crappy flicks* over the years, but 'Clueless' (which I loved) was released in 1995, and in case you "missed" something... it's now 2008.

... and isn't Chris Farley that now 'DEAD' "comedian"? Wasn't a fan... to be Honest. I grew up on Richard Pryor (RIP) and Cheech & Chong.

...oh ya... like I said before; The "Em"d of my posts in this thread.

Anonymous said...

What does "Em" mean??

classalpha said...

... just a "reference" to *that cRapper aka "Em"*. I have your email address brenda... shall we continue discussing Britt off Ent's blog... that is, if you wish to?

... 'nuff said from me here... except for "Viva la 'Glitch'!".

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

"I don't cater to *your* specific literary 'needs'"

Oh, you mean like correct GRAMMAR and PUNCTUATION? You honestly don't think your writing is completely banal and pretentious? That's cool. Keep being CLUELESS. Ha ha! It's a Brittany reference!

Fine. Please leave this blog. If not, your *ahem* syntax is pretty distinctive and I'll totally ignore it.

Actually, no. I lied. I'll still make fun of it. Because you seem like an absolutely insufferable person and you're totally asking for it.

bmini said...

I can't read it's worse than Ted C

Jaiden_S said...

Just FYI, the loading glitch is still there on IE. Better (maybe...) but still there.

Kristen S. said...

I'm in IE 6, and the glitch is still ther ein full force. No difference whatsoever.

irishstayc2 said...

why is that everytime i attempt to read classalpha's *post's* all i hear is the voice of Thurston Howell the Third from Gilligans island... "Oh Luvey"

hee sorry couldn't resist

jax said...

wtf is'this* jesus christ is english a *game* these days?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Jax -- apparently so. But I'm glad to know that other faithful CDAN readers are every bit as irritated by this asterisky interloper as I am. Rise up and eschew scarequotes! Do it for articulation's sake!

link88 said...

Ernestine, I have no dog in this fight, so to speak, but it is annoying when you tell someone to "leave" this blog - unless you are the writer. Just don't read it if it bothers you.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I know I got a little bossy, and I will ignore this person should he or she post again. And I understand your annoyance at my annoyance, since I don't run this blog. But it IS irritating to have someone inform you that it's your fault you can't understand something when it's so CLEARLY cryptic to begin with -- and I'm not the only one who expressed his/her befuddlement. But I fully acknowledge that I was the bitchiest, um, commenter.

That's all, though. I'm in a much better mood today. :-)

But no dogfighting metaphors, please! I live in an area where Michael Vick's name still pops up occasionally on our local news. Don't get me started.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

P.S. The goddamn glitch is still alive and well, Enty.



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