Thursday, April 02, 2009

Shanna Moakler Slept With Gerard Butler While Travis Barker Was In The Hospital

I think it has been just about a month since Shanna Moakler and Travis Barker announced they were getting back together. Apparently though at that time Travis didn't realize that Shanna had been doing the dirty with Gerard Butler while Travis was in the hospital recovering from his nearly fatal injuries. While Shanna was telling the press how much she loved and cared for Travis and was taking care of him, at the same time she was helping herself to Gerard on a fairly frequent basis. For some reason, this revelation led to a split this week. Each side has their own publicist so if you like Shanna you should believe that "Shanna never cheated on Travis while he was in the hospital." Notice the word while. That should tell you something. If you believe Travis, and you should, Travis had his heart crushed by his cheating wife for about the 20th time.

They remind me of Tommy Lee and Pamela except for the fact that Shanna is a gold digger and is completely willing to dump whoever she is with for a shot at more money or more fame. The problem is that they can't stay away from each other and so they will get back together in a few months until she cheats on him again in the hopes of finding someone better or more famous. If you are a Gerard Butler fan, you have to wonder how great he is. Shanna is probably on the same level as Paris or Lindsay when it comes to the whether it is safe to go somewhere else after you have been there.


J-Mo said...

Didn't Travis release a statement when he was first in the hospital refuting a reconciliation and stating Shanna was simply bringing the children to visit?

Kara said...

I'm sorry - I don't like Shanna at all. She does seem like a true vapid wench. However, I remember reading gossip (on this site) after his crash where he totally trashed her and said they weren't back together, that she was just visiting him in the hospital for publicity, and that you shouldn't believe anything she says.

So. If you trash someone like that, wouldn't a normal person feel that there is no commitment to whatever type of relationship they were having at that time? I'm just saying, it was him who publicly announced there was no relationship at that time so what right does he have to judge what she was doing with anyone????

I'm confused. Maybe my morals are skewed.

Goodgrief said...

She's a skank. And the phrase 'once a cheat, always a cheat' works for both sexes.

J-Mo said...

Kara, I remember that too. They sooo belong together. Do it for the kids Barkers! Since you're messed up anyway, might as well be messed up together.

David D. said...

I'm sympathetic to Travis. Shanna is undeniably the biggest mattress in the factory. However, given the opportunity, I'd be doing the dirty with Gerard Butler even if Travis was in the bed next to us.

canadachick said...

i am ashamed to say i actually saw a few episodes of their show (yah yah i know i'm the reality show hater)..seriously this woman never got out of bed...EVER...he came across much better than she did, at least it showed him playing with the kids.

Pookie said...

these two are so's disturbing to think how all this must be affecting the kids.

mr. ray said...
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mr. ray said...

WHO CARES...they're BOTH skanks!

MISCH said...


palealebrew10 said...

I don't know much about them, but I always thought that Travis was the cheat?

Maja With a J said...

I, too, watched a couple of episodes of their show and I think they're both horrible people who don't seem to have a clue what "love" or "relationship" means. She's a golddigger for sure, but he doesn't exactly shy away from shopping. I'm sure they'll get back together again, and I'm sure it will lead to another breakup.

lutefisk said...

Were they divorced or separated at the time? I am confused here.

Anonymous said...

lute, I believe they were divorced.

Pale, both are cheaters as far as I see it.

lutefisk said...

thanks Sylvia.

Anonymous said...

your welcome Lute

Kara said...

I think they are both di**heads. I just don't get why people call her a slut when they seem to be equally permiscuous. He's the one that told everyone they weren't together at that time and now he's trying to make her look like a whore for getting it on with Gerard Butler.

Well, put me in the ho camp, because if the guy I was supposed to be with told everyone we weren't together. I'd assume we weren't together. And when Mr. Butler came a knockin' - well - he'd have to double bag it, but what the heck - I'd give it a go!

MISCH said...


selenakyle said...

Him, I wanna just squeeeeeze him and cuddle him to my breast. Such a cutie.

Her, I can do without.

Anonymous said...

They're both immature douchewads, and I feel bad for their kids.

MnGddess said...

Given the opportunity, I would certainly help myself to Gerard on "a fairly frequent basis".....


Paperzilla said...

Enty whose the woman Shanna refers to in her blog that should be ashamed of sleeping around with Travis?!

I think they deserve each other, they both seem to be cheaters (remember Travis and the whole Paris incident?).

Fabulous! said...

kara, ita with both of your posts. i'm a fan of both (mainly travis), but i will say travis does the most bashing on shanna.

they were divorced, the woman was there for him when he needed her, he shows his thanks by publicly bashing her, which probably made him feel guilty so he takes her back and then since he knows that she hooked up with gerard, that probably made him feel about as good as shanna did when he was with paris, so now he's insecure and trashing her again to make himself feel better.

phew, hard to keep up with their soap opera, but that's exactly how i see it being played and i don't think either of them is innocent, tho since they have kids, travis needs to shut it.

Fabulous! said...
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littleoleme said...

So sad to do this but I have to - Gerard Butler you are officially off my list.

Impertinent Vixen said...

Oh, Gerard, Gerard. Don't be a manwhore who will sleep with skanks. Oops, too late. Such a tragedy. I thought you were classier than that.

shakey said...

What kills me is in the link to Us - "check out pictures of stars who date rockers". Surely they're not comparing Shanna to a star? Is she famous for something, other than being his on-again off-again wife? Something that would keep her in the limelight for this length of time?


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