Thursday, July 09, 2009

Kate Beckinsale Wins Libel Award - Career Not In Decline

Apparently Kate Beckinsale's career is doing just fine thank you. The Daily Express in the UK was ordered to pay Kate almost $40,000 in damages for suggesting her career was in decline. They also said her career was in such bad shape that she was dropped from Barbarella so Rose McGowan could play the part. We all know how that turned out. This was kind of a lose/lose for everyone.

I hate to break it to Kate, but it seems to me that her career, although not in decline is not the greatest career in the world. When you say someone is declining there has to be a peak from which this decline began. I don't know if she ever reached a peak.

Lets see what Kate has been up to this year shall we? She is the lead in a movie called Whiteout where she plays a US Marshal in Antarctica looking for a killer before the sun sets for six months. Have you heard of it? Yeah, me either. She is in a new movie with Robert DeNiro and Drew Barrymore entitled Everybody's Fine which appears to be similar to About Schmidt. She only has one movie in the pipeline called April 23. One movie? I would have to agree with the Daily Express. I mean I guess maybe she won the money because she was never offered Barbarella so she couldn't be dropped, but she doesn't have much of a career.

I don't see the big deal. Her attorneys said, "The film industry, particularly at the highest level in Hollywood, values actresses on the basis of them being successful and in-demand - one may say, being 'hot property'.

This article wrongly gave the impression that the claimant's career is in decline, which would undoubtedly have a knock-on effect on those who would be casting film roles, as well as the industry as a whole."

Does anyone who read this think Kate Beckinsale is a hot property? Damn you Daily Express. All by yourself you ruined Kate Beckinsale's career. This is such crap. I can't believe she won money.


MontanaMarriott said...

That's alot better than the other actress who are not!

ureallyannoyme said...

I know her name but couldn't tell you much about her before reading this post. Just another nondescript, interchangeable pod.

Carrie L. said...

Wow, that is unbelievable. She gets $40k in damages from a stupid article that I doubt anyone in the industry of any importance read. What a total joke. I wonder how many other celebs are going to start similar lawsuits for some extra cash?

What sucks even more is that now she'll get press regarding the outcome of the lawsuit, so "win-win" for her.

Carrie L. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MISCH said...


TinselSass said...

Note to Kate: You can't litigate your way to being hot.

That $40K will be her biggest payday for the year.

And she should pay it to the courts for wasting time.

stiffkittens said...

She's the one that always talks about her vadge, excuse me - Pharaoh's Tomb, in interviews. DNW.

BiscBayView said...

Is her movie, Everybody's Fine, a remake of the 1990 film starring Marcello Mastroianni? That was one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen and I remember it like it was yesterday.

Kelli said...

She's just an okay actress. She's at the point in her career where it's beginning to taper off, but she still gets work because she's attractive. Something drastic, be it a drug habit or bad plastic surgery, will change her looks to where people outside of her fan base won't even recognize her and she'll be relegated to bi-annual postings on the superficial reminiscing about how hot she used to be. It's the Hollywood way.

shakey said...

You forgot about Tiptoes!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't she up for a Golden Globe award this year? That movie was supposed to be her Oscar-bait, but I think it had distribution problems.

I think her peak would have been the "Underworld" movies. She then got the part of Ava Gardner in the Scorcesse movie. Hasn't been great for her since, IMHO.

Just playing devil's advocate here. =)

SchmaddaKid said...

Does anyone think she's hot property? I think she's SMOKING HOT! Only thing hotter right now is Megan Fox.


Dick Insideu said...

Kate is smoking hot - particularly when she's bouncing up and down on my hard cock.

Morgon said...

I love the outfit she's wearing in that picture so much. I'm a sucker for brown, lol.

ardleighstreet said...

Well she's a working actress and getting paid well but I doubt she'll ever be Meryl Streep.

Leah said...

"...knock-on effect on those who would be casting film roles, as well as the industry as a whole."
Did anyone read it " a whore?"
I read it twice and I still thought it was written as a whore.

She won the money because she needed it. If her and Len are over, who is going to support her?

amanda rae said...


You fucking NAILED that. That is exactly what happens to mediocre, B or C list actresses like Beckinsale, and I can't wait to see it happen to her. It's true, that 40 grand is gonna be one of her last paydays, if not THE last one (I'll cross my fingers!).

As for her being awarded that money, the UK has really strict and weird libel laws, so this kind of thing happens a lot over there. I haven't decided whether that's a good thing or

mooshki said...

I agree with Christopher - Underworld was her highlight, and she hasn't done anything nearly that high-profile since then.

shakey said...

If the acting thing doesn't work out for her, she can always fall back on her education. That wouldn't be a bad thing.


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