Friday, March 05, 2010

Mickey Rourke Had Sex With 14 Women In One Night

I think Russell Brand has found his God. Mickey Rourke says that on one visit to the UK a few years ago that he had sex with 14 different women in one night. In an interview with The Sun he was discussing WAGs and the Ashley Cole and John Terry situation and said, "Forget Ashley Cole. WAGs get an easy time - they should try living with Hollywood hellraisers. I once spent a weekend in the UK and had 14 women in one night. British soccer players have got nothing on us when it comes to women. If you WAGs knew what Hollywood's stars get up to you'd think you were married to pussycats."

Have you tried to do the calculations? I know that before Russell Brand got together with Katy Perry he like to have sex with several different women each day, but I am trying to think about how you can do this. This must have been back in the 9 1/2 Weeks glory years for Mickey. I can't see him doing this recently. He must have had a party and then just had a revolving door from his bedroom to the party. Even if he spent 30 minutes with each woman that would be 7 hours. Did they all line up and wait their turn? How special do you think #14 felt?


Anonymous said...

I am not so sure that this is physically possible. But if it did happen, it had to be before all the plastic surgery, back when he was cute.

RocketQueen said...

Agree with Syko.

Unknown said...

Let's not forget the possibility of multiples at once. cmon, Hollywood boy

Patty said...

It hurts to look at him. Too much surgery.

looserdude said...

Not to be too gross but having sex with fourteen women doesn't mean he ejaculated fourteen times. But having said that, I think he's lying.

Seachica said...

I'm just saying, there are some pretty kinky group sex/S&M parties out in LA.

lmnop123 said...

I agree that he might be lying or this happened when he was an Oscar contender.

He could easily stick it into 14 different women in one night and call it sex, but like looserdude says ejaculation 14 times in one night recently? He would have been anywhere between 55-57 years old when this supposedly happened. He's dreaming.

chopchop said...

Ick. Nast.

Anonymous said...

Sure he did. Suuuure.

jess said...

Oh with Mickey Rourke? Gross

Lady J said...

RIIIIIIIGHT Mickey. I have a bridge in Brooklyn thats for sale too.

mygeorgie said...

Are we calculating time in between for showering/cleaning? The alternative image is truly disgusting.

figgy said...

Even with Viagra, I agree--if it even happened, he didn't ejaculate more than 2x at most.

Linnea said...

and none of these women came out to tell about this orgy? riiiiiiight

New Life and Attitude said...

I would have definitely slept with him back in the 9 1/2 weeks times. He was one of my obsessions. Now I can barely look at him. And for the record the plastic surgeries were to actually reconstruct his face after he got into boxing and had many facial bones broken. Sad what he looks like now.

nancer said...

i second that. he was HOT back in the day. the first time i saw him was in 'body heat' and i thought "WHOA, who is THAT?"

he didn't always look like he does now. so i have no problem believing it.

Julie said...

@mygeorgie yeah, i was thinking "ya think if he washed his dick in between" yuckkkky

though he was kinda cute in barfly.

B626 said...

Jeez I hope those 14 gals didn't bump into eachother and get hurt frolicking in the dark that nite.
I mean the lights HAD to be out didn't they?!

Dr. Spaceman said...

Anyone who brags about having sex with 14 people in one night is pretty gross.

Jerry said...

How special do you think #14 felt?

My best guess is that #14 and probably #'s 1 thru 13 and Mickey himself didn't feel much of anything at all.

classalpha said...
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classalpha said...

... notice that *plastic surgery 'DISASTER'-face* has said NOTHING about Brittany Anne Murphy's (Rest In Peace Babe) Passing. No 'WORD's what-so-ever...

Re: S&M *sex parties*- I definitely rem"Em"ber a recent blind item about *M.Rourke* AND *those things*... have to check the Blind Item rehash site *it's* there "somewhere"...

Henriette said...

This could not have been recently. He is just too old and disgusting now. I think he is lying too. He surely did not ejaculate 14 times in one night. Men usually fall asleep after ejaculation, even the young ones. Take that into account and this is highly unlikely.

Solomon Grundy said...
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Anonymous said...

#14 probably felt better than #13. At least for #14 he didn't need someone else after her.


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