Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hi There

I just thought I would take a minute or two, well probably longer, because I am actually writing it rather than speaking. Sometimes it is easier speaking, especially with my grammar. I wanted to talk today about the blog and the radio show. Thanks to all of you who have sent me e-mails and messages on Facebook.

This might take awhile, so if you have some lunch you want to make, you can probably go put it in the microwave and come back and I will still be here typing.

Way back in November 2006 when I started this blog, I did it because I was bored at work one day and had just read a blog and said, "I can do that." I wrote something and the next day I wrote again and it kept on going like that for awhile and then that whole MV thing hit, and the rest is history.

Despite what many people may think, or believe, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is that it has been me since day 1 writing this blog. If anyone has ever contributed to the site they have been given credit, whether it was for a movie review or giving me a link. Everything else has been me. No team of writers, no switching between people. It has just been me. Whether you want to believe I am a lawyer or not is up to you, but since I have started this blog, I met with the then managing editor of Defamer (I miss them) and showed him my bar card. I have also met with people from The National Enquirer, US Weekly and Life & Style and done the same.

Many of you over the years have asked the question, how does a lawyer find the time to write a blog and work a schedule as busy as a lawyer would have. The answer is that it has been very hard at times. I will give you an idea of my daily schedule for the past almost five years. Wake up. Eat enough food for five people and go to work. Spend the next five hours juggling working, phone calls, meetings and blogging. Eat enough lunch for five people. I then work until about 8 or 9 at night every night to make up for the time I spent blogging in the morning. I do this every day. Just me.

If I have a trial that is going to last all day, I wake up early and blog the entire day ahead of time. Until Blogger made it possible to post ahead, I would wake up and post a whole bunch of things at 5am. If you go back and look at old posts before they allowed this feature, you will see this being done. If I have a calendar call at court, I try and guess how long it will take and post enough to get me back to work. Often you will see a large gap after say 10am because I guessed wrong and you will see a flurry of posts after 11am.

I have not had a vacation for five years. Oh sure, I have gone out of town and even been out of the country many times over the past five years, but I have never had a vacation. Imagine that you and your family went to Europe or something like that. Imagine that during the middle of each day, you told them all that you needed a four hour break so you can blog. To give you some examples over the past five years, I have done the blog from a hotel room while I suffered the worst case of food poisoning that any human has ever experienced. Bathroom then post. Repeat. I was in a third world country two years ago during reveals week and could not get an internet connection to save my life. To get the reveals posted, I had to blog from 1am to 5am so I would be the only guest using the internet. If more than one guest used it, the entire thing would shut down. Through all of this time, I have blogged the past five years as a hobby. There is really no money in it for me because I have not really tried to get money. I have some ads from time to time and they pay all the incidentals, but I do not actively try to get rich. I have had offers to do television or roundtables, and have been offered hosting gigs at parties, but my anonymity was the most important thing, and the other was it is just a hobby and I do these things everyday because I enjoy allowing you to take a break from your day, your schedule, and your life.

I have good days and I have bad days. My moods vary just like yours. Somedays I really feel like writing a lot and somedays it is a struggle to get through, but I am here everyday writing away. It has always been funny to me and to my closest group of friends who know I write this, when speculation runs rampant about how someone else is writing the blog now or the tone has changed. It has been five years. No one is the same. It has evolved. The personal things I used to write about, I cannot write about as much anymore because it would be too easy to out me.

In December, the firm I work for, started monitoring every page we go to on the internet. At that point, I could no longer do the blog on any work computer so have been forced to bring in a laptop and do it covertly. This has made everything much more difficult because I have to keep hiding and then dragging out my laptop. Over the past month, I had some days where I just wanted to give up. There have been lots of days over the past five years where I have wanted to give up. It is easy to criticize and to comment from afar, but I challenge each of you to do what I have done for five years for five hours a day and see if you are able to juggle everything in your life to make it happen.

As for the radio show, Carli and I have always wanted to do a radio show. So, we decided what the heck, lets give it a shot. What we did not take into consideration was the fact we would be giving up every Saturday morning for eternity to do the show. It is one thing to blog from almost anywhere, but for now the radio show would require us to be in one fixed place every Saturday morning.

Considering I was already giving five days a week to the site, Saturday's were going to be another day I would have to give up. Do not get me wrong, I have no greater joy in the world than doing that radio show. I makes me happier than I get all week and I love every second of it. The logistics of it are very difficult though and imagine trying to find guests, calling them, e-mailing them, while remaining anonymous and doing this during an already packed week. The radio show is not done or over. Carli and I just need to find a happy medium. I think it will eventually boil down to once a month for three hours or so and be more interactive with your calls and be more a reflection of the site than just a straight interview radio show. It is much easier to commit to once a month than every week. Plus, we are working on a way we can do it without having to be at a fixed place.

I realize that I should have given you more updates about what is going on and the the things that are going on in my life. The thing is there are lots of things going on in my life, as I am sure you do too. They interfere with not only the blog, but everything else. What is going on in my life is important to me and is very time consuming right now. That is still not an excuse for not keeping you, the people who have been with me for so long, updated and informed, but I do wish to say I am sorry.

I also decided in the past week or so that if everyone did stop reading the site, I would still keep plugging away and writing and posting photos because I love doing it. Despite everything I wrote above, I do love it or I would have stopped a long time ago. I do it for all of you and I appreciate and respect all of you. I value your opinions whether you like me, love me or hate me. I have never ever deleted a comment except those which are vulgar. Without all of you reading and commenting, the site would be much less interesting. Anyway, I will let all of you get back to your day or nights. Pictures to come in a bit.


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Kory said...

I have been here since the days of MV, but I don't post anymore. Commendations for addressing the issues. I don't care whether this site is real or fake, because it is entertaining. Thanks for some laughs, and the pics of Bradley Cooper.

Unknown said...

As a paralegal, I can't even imagine what you go through. I work for a small firm and both of the attorneys are there until way after business hours and they aren't managing a blog (at least, not to my knowledge!) I respect what you do and have been coming to your site for years.
Take time for you and get back to doing what you love!
PS -- if you even open a practice in Texas, let me know. I have a hankerin' to get my hands dirty with some entertainment law. :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

I never doubted you, and we will continue to read your awesome blog. Thanks for everything, especially the giggles.

Miss X said...

Enty, I really do appreciate all you do. That's why yours is the only gossip blog I visit daily.

I come to this blog to be entertained. When I don't see blind items, pictures and/or have to put up with an annoying guest blogger, I'll admit to getting annoyed.

I'm intrigued by the mystery of Enty's identity. As far as Enty being a woman...my brother and I write in the same voice. It's creepy to read something that reads like you wrote it even though you didn't. He and I are more than 10 years apart and did not attend the same schools. We really didn't even grow up together.

And I'll never give money to someone who isn't willing to reveal their true identity.

I like the idea of a radio show where readers can call in. However, I'm not too interested in a radio show. I'd rather read my gossip.

And I doubt anyone's going to read this book I just wrote but I don't care.

Unknown said...

Dang. Long-time lurker, some time commenter. I appreciate all the work that goes into this blog -- I blogged every day on a site for six years, and I can appreciate how much effort it takes. This blog is fun, and I don't give a rat's ass who's behind it. I can't believe the level of vitriol that's been reached here over a book by Amber Tamblyn and a radio show -- but then I didn't donate any money, either. Even if I had, the entertainment value alone of the blog and the amount of material that's been given already would have offset that. IMO, of course.

If you don't like it, why do you keep coming back? I'm honestly curious.

Oh, and thanks for the Photoshop lesson, whoever that was. That really cracked me up.

canopener said...

I keep coming back because I, Karrots, Jacksparrow, Middle-aged Diva, and several others are the reason the post you are commenting on was written. I will continue to 'annoy' people as long as ENTY is a swindler. I will continue to jack the threads. And I will make it my mission to thwart the efforts of ENTY to pocket any more 'donations' from anyone.

StewMcG said...

Enty, glad to see you're back. Like a bunch of other posters have said, I'm here for the gossip and snark. You helped me deal with almost 2 years of unemployment, and for that I'm thankful.

Hang in there. If you need to take a day (or week) off, DO IT. Just give us a "heads-up" so your readers don't assume the worst.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
heatherlynn said...

I love the blog!

People that donate money: you paid for a radio show, and he said you will get one once a month. If you paid ten bucks, you already got two shows.....5 bucks a piece....2.50 and hour.....cheaper than a movie. Stop complaining.

rubyjean said...

Thanks Enty.
Love the blog

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Reasonable doubt by discerning people is never a bad thing. It doesn't mean readers don't appreciate the gossip.

To those who don't want to read criticism, just scroll down.

To those, like me, that can't believe the number of people kissing his a_s for posting this non-explanation, well, like me, scroll down.

It's all good. And it's no one's personal forum but Enty's. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

potatogirl99 said...

Easy for you to say when it was not your money. Sheesh I am so tired of people saying "get over it" or "stop complaining" or "shut up" about this. Everyone has just as much right to comment/say how they feel. Stop with the snark! I love this site but I am really over the arrogance of some of these posts.

potatogirl99 said...

@heatherlynn if you went to a museum that accepted donations and donated 10 bucks, then went in to find an empty room, would you be upset? Confused? Perturbed, perhaps? Just asking.

Kate Calille said...

Been reading since beginning (started checking everyday in Dec. 2006) and this is my favorite blog. I still check it everyday! Thank you for everything you do! :)

Marna Palmer said...

Boy oh boy what a discussion. Thank you for all your hard work Enty. I scroll past the negative commenters who need to find some other meaning in their lives and take the good with the bad of the blog. You're obviously not Perez Hilton or making Perez paychecks, so what do I care if the blog isn't perfect every day? I know I couldn't do what you do! I appreciate your intelligence, wit, and snarkiness and I will continue to do so for as long as you blog!

heatherlynn said...

But you donated your money, got 2 shows so far and the promise of more in the future. Not to mention the whole blog.....so you didn't get an empty room.

potatogirl99 said...

Buuuuuuuut what about not answering the questions regarding the books? Or the money? The entire reason that entry was posted was just glossed over. It's not about the blog being "perfect". I am not a hater, why would I visit the site if I hated it? So, in essence, yes it was an empty room.

canopener said...

And if you donated $50 and were promised a SIGNED AMBER TAMBLYN BOOK that never came, then, yes, you did pay to visit an empty room. I did not and will never give money to this, or any other scam. But people did, and they have every right to scream shenanigans until they are compensated. I will, and I hope they do, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Enty, but I didn't need it. If you posted once a day it would still be enough - one post is better than nothing. You are the best to give so much of yourself. THANK YOU for entertaining me through some very dark days.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Potato and others: You are NEVER going to convince these fans of your position or justify it. It's a waste of time. I don't disagree with you, I just think it's pissing in the wind. So it's time to move on.

potatogirl99 said...

I thought this was an open forum but I must have been mistaken. I wasn't aware of what time it was. Thank you for putting me in my place, middle-aged diva.

Himmmm said...

I remember that book called something like "Everything I needed to know in life I learned in Kindergarden". Never before has a more truthful description applied than right now.

Funny really - how no matter your age, money, or anything in life - it still can be whittled down to being on the playground again. I guess some things and people are cast in their die from the womb. I'm just happy that I learn from my mistakes and success every day.
What good are we if we cannot empathize?

For all 200+ commenters on every side of the street here? Two things to consider:
1. No one has a gun to your kids heads forcing you to read, comment, or care. Nor to do anything else. It is a choice, and you have that power to choose.
2. I don't judge any of you (even the negative ones) because I don't shave your face in my mirror each day. Bitch if you want, and love if you want. It's your choice.

I still smile at recalling that there's always that one kid at the magic show trying to yell out they know how the dude did that trick. Sure, okay. But some kids like the magic show regardless.

Enty man, I thank you for going through with actually doing it, and guess I lost the bet after all. Sorry man, sorry! ;-)

Have a great day my friends...

canopener said...

@Diva: On the contrary, many of those who have become "trolls" did so after reading the dialogue that you, I, and many others started. I'll move on when I get tired. I'm not tired yet.

mooshki said...

Well put, Himmmm. And like in the magic show, sure, a lot of the fun is trying to figure out how they do the tricks, but once you do, the magic is gone. I still wish I hadn't watched one of those magic expose shows they aired a few years ago - it's much more fun guessing than knowing. :)

Despite the disagreements, I still love most of my fellow audience members, and I think you guys are as much fun as the show itself!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Kym, Potato et al:
The problem is that at this point we're talking to ourselves. Saying the same things. I haven't seen a single person swayed by these good but repetitive arguments.

I think we have the stronger, more logical case, and I mean, feel free, but no one's going to see it our way no matter how many posts we make.

In the end, I do think that Enty will be outed & so will the truth, whatever it is....and I don't think it'll mean the end of the blog...but until then...

potatogirl99 said...

All I know is after all this hullabaloo, Enty was so quick to post this. And I have to give all (or most) of the credit to Kym and Karrots. It's not a clear-cut answer, but it's definitely a start, so obviously somebody is listening.

canopener said...

The only reason ENTY graced our presence with this diatribe is because of the 250 comments that our 'bitching' elicited. Do you think this post ever would have been written without that?

Seamus O'Pine said...

I would gladly repay @karrot and @kympossible their "investment" if they would promise to STFU and never come back to this site again. What was supposed to be a "hey, we want to do this cool thing, but may need a little help deferring the cost" was not a SCAM, it was an attempt by someone (Enty) to broaden the horizons of the this blog--a blog none of us seem to get enough of. Had there never been a radio show at all, then maybe you'd have something to whine about. But srsly, tell me how much you sent and where to send a refund. It would be worth the riddance and I could probably fund it from my change jar.

canopener said...

Oh, and btw, I would love to hear from the people who got their SIGNED AMBER TAMBLYN BOOKS. I know there were many, and I'm sure they got them by now. It's been about 8 months!

Anonymous said...

Some of you are just flat out mean. Seriously, just mean. I suspect a lot of that has to do with the anonymity the internet and these screen names afford you.

@O'Pine -

I will gladly accept your offer of a refund of my $500 to never come back on this site again. You can email me for my paypal account if its really worth it to you.

potatogirl99 said...

@karrots I could NOT agree more. I commented briefly earlier this morning on Enty's FB page, and just now and getting bombarded with hateful comments. There does not need to be anger, this is just a discussion.

lutefisk said...

Karrots---you sent $500 to a complete stranger? Any proof of that? Most of us who gave did much, much smaller amounts. I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

lutefisk you don't have to believe me, but perhaps $500 to me is the equivalent of $5000 to you. However, you are not the person offering to refund what I spent.

mooshki said...

If you really gave him $500, I can see why you'd be upset, but if you did, I have to ask why? As much as I love CDaN, that's just nuts!

canopener said...

The amount of $ DOES NOT MATTER. $500, $50, $5, $.50, or $.05. A scam is is a scam regardless of the amount taken. I gave NOTHING. Not the point! the snake oil peddler should be exposed, even if you don't buy the snake oil!

Cara said...

I've been reading your blog for almost 5 years, I guess I must have found the site near the beginning. At the time I was in grad school and looking for a brain break. 5 years later and I still come here daily. That's 1300 days worth of brain breaks. Thank you!

Also, please don't let us stop you from taking a vacation. Put up a sign and take off. The reasonable amongst us will understand. The unreasonable don't count.

mooshki said...

Sorry, I was trying to stay out of this. My mind was just blown a bit at that amount. :)

canopener said...

Yes, that skiing trip that you took, the one that didn't have Internet access, was surely a working trip. Wow! I can't believe how hard you work for your readers.

canopener said...

And by "you", I mean ENTY. I don't want to leave any door open for 'misinterpretation'.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Cognitive dissonance.

GladysKravitz said...

Love you, Big Guy. Never had a problem with you, and I've always admired your ability to blog and blog and blog. Take care of yourself. Please.

Robin said...

Thanks for filling us in. I've maintained websites, blogs and am a writer. People don't understand how tiring it is.

Can you please ban the trolls? They are a tremendous buzzkill to all of this who come here for fun, not to listen to obnoxious, snarky rants.

iheartjacksparrow said...

"hey, we want to do this cool thing, but may need a little help deferring the cost"

Which goes back to my original question when "Enty" asked for donations for a radio show: How could an attorney not afford to pay his own bills? The only attorneys I've ever known who weren't rolling in money were those that just passed the bar exam. And "Enty" has been an attorney for at least five years (per his post). Also, if he's an entertainment attorney, what is he doing going to court? That sounds like a litigator to me. Don't entertainment attorneys, for the most part, read contracts? (I only worked for litigators, family law, corporate, and probate attorneys so I don't know what all constitutes an "entertainment attorney.") According to his post, he spends most of his time in court.

trashtalker said...

Enty, I enjoy your site. I've been coming here for almost 4 years, I think, and I usually check it when I get home from work.

I like Dlisted and the Superficial, but I don't bother to read the comments there. For the most part, the comments here are on topic, thoughtful and funny. I only comment when I have something to add to the conversation, and I suck at guessing blind items.

I don't expect anything from you, Enty, because this site is free. Sure, I'd be disappointed if you stopped doing the blog or didn't post very often, but I don't have any reason to expect anything here. (I didn't donate any money, but if people did donate previously to get a book, I hope they'll receive said book.)

You really should take a vacation. We all will be OK if you don't post for a week or two. Seriously. Vacations are good for the soul. You don't even have to go anywhere. Well, maybe a buffet or two.

As for Enty's persona, whether it's real or fiction, it's a fun creation -- and so are those Enty photos. (If only the bacon blanket were real.) Remember that part of his story is that Enty has multiple ex-wives, and because he pays out so much alimony, he has to live in his parents' basement.

Mari said...

You know, I find some things to be odd myself.
I find it odd when I read very involved comments that include open ended statements or convoluted theories and are replied to with what seems like the prepared follow on most desired by the original, or with what almost seems like the continuation of a stream of consciousness paragraph. It's almost rhetorical.
That's my konspiracy theory.
I suppose I should now add either insults, pity, condescension, a phrase I must think is pithy (since I use it ad infinitum) or an over used internet meme. I'll refrain however, too much of that already.
Enty, thank you for your note. I have come here for a while (like others here, I found you through DListed), and I love your take on things. Thank you for all your hard work, I am sorry you haven't had time to holiday. Come up to T.O; I'll buy you lunch, we Canucks are known for our bacon! Hey, it's Sugaring Season too!
Consider the Podcast idea, there are some wonderful sites, forums, and podcasts-the irony! that are just about step by step directions to start one.

Much love to the regular posters, and especially those I have had the chance to speak to in my infrequent posts. You really make this site great fun.

I would also be personally interested in donating if there is an option from the Blog Host to add an ignore function to the comments. ;)

Unknown said...

I've been reading this site since 2007, posted a few times here and there.

I just want to say thanks. Thank you Enty. For real. Thank you for what you do. Your site has made many an awful workday bearable. And many long lines fly by in no time. You're good company . -- You are with me at the DMV. You come with me to jury duty. You're there when my flights get delayed. And when I'm parked in rush hour traffic. And for all that I am grateful. It may not seem like much, and you know what - it really isn't hardly a blip in the grand scheme of things. Except to me. To all of us readers. We don't care if you're one person or ten, lawyer or not, fat or obese. We come for the musings. The musings and the snark. And you always deliver. So thank you. :)

You keep on writing, I will keep on reading. Promise.

Fel said...

If most of you say you love the community here so much why doesn't someone set up another CDANCON?

Oh that's right, it all went to shit.

I find it really disturbing how a lot of people say they "love" Enty when he/she is a complete stranger.

potatogirl99 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert said...

Phew! I think this post generated more responses than any other before (but don't hold me to it.)
Trashtalker is the only person who mentioned what I was wondering about, namely, Enty's numerous ex-wives. IF he is an entertainment lawyer and IF he's been divorced four or five times and IF he's shelling out alimony to all those ex-wives, that's a huge monthly nut to cover. This explains why he lives in his parents' basement, IF he does.
I sent some money one time to cover the costs of photographs a long time ago, and have reaped many times the value of the money I sent in entertainment and gossip and enjoyment reading this blog. Are all of the things Enty claims about himself true? I don't know. But, as naive or delusional as it may be, I'll continue to believe the Legend of Enty (with a grain of salt) as long as I'm reading and enjoying the site.

nunaurbiz said...

MWAH! Love you, Enty!

delilah said...

PLEASE email G and I and we can help. We are still so dearly sorry that we got our dates f-ed up and flaked on the last AFI (i still beat myself up about it)...we are here for you.
emailing now!

delilah said...

BTW you need to go to this-bacon disney!

juicy said...

O..M..GAAAWD. Would you please SHUT THE FUCK UP, kympossible and karrotbrain and the rest of your followers?
I give a flying fuck whether or not you gave money to some random fucking website, to each their own, but JHC, if you're that gdamn worried about it, file a complaint with the BBB... not TMZ.
It's just a bit tiring when I come here after an 8hr day of work, a 3 hour lecture, and 3 hours of work to wind down and catch up on some gossip (and who the hell cares WHO is writing it, ffs?!) but I have to scroll through your prattling on about nonsense.
WE GET IT. YOUR DUMB ASS PAID $500 TO AN ANONYMOUS PERSON ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. Did you send money to that that girl in Kenya too? Don't worry, I *almost* fell for it. She emailed me too looking for a money order so she could send me an inheritance from my long lost uncle.

Unknown said...

Been here since the start and still love the site. I don't always get to visit daily anymore, life is busier now, but I always manage to catch up. It was great to read this post, love the honesty and commitment. I would have long ago given up! :)

Beta said...

Love your blog Enty, just wanted to give you support!
Your efforts are huge
thanks a lot!!

lutefisk said...

Karrots, I would never be moronic enough to send $500 to a complete stranger, including the Nigerian businessmen and UK lotteries asking me for money. If you expect someone to reimburse you for the $500 you claim to have sent you are a bigger scammer than the one you are accusing Enty of being. He never asked for any specific amounts, did he?

JJ said...

Love you Enty, in that completely sane way that people love Krispy Kremes or Wawa hoagies. It's pure and innocent and simply good for you. I encourage all you who don't understand the Enty love to rethink.

Thank you for this post. I wish it weren't necessary and I wish it would make the complainers go away, but shit in one hand and wish in the other....

Your hard work and dedication is appreciated. Thank you.

JJ said...

And I love that I followed lutefisk. : )

lutefisk said...

JJ, we both come here for the same reasons. There is nothing like knowing at the end of a difficult day we have a place waiting for us that offers some entertainment and enjoyment. If I found that this wasn't the case I would move on. I don't know why others can't do the same.

Anonymous said...

i still don't know what to make of it ALL, but i will say this. if there is no radio show by summer's end (Aug), it will raise my brows.

mygeorgie said...

Thank you Enty for that little 'pop in'. It's a personal blog & people come here because of YOU & your personal style /spin on things. I'd love to see this kind of 'update' happen more often, without outing yourself. It"s a pleasant reprieve from gossip :)

I'd also like to thank the 'pesky naysayers' who's persistant skeptisism & valid questions forced this little 'sit down'. Without their balsy voices, this 'explanation' would not have happened.

Still many unanswered questions, but a nice start. Thanks again Enty & the "pain-in-the-assers"

Anonymous said...

the pesky naysayers are indeed to be thanked!

cheesegrater15 said...


So right. Kympossible was a shit-stirring bitch and I'm almost convinced she was the one that tried to start the whole "Crazy Lies and Nights" blog a few months ago.

caralw said...

If "Enty" really is an attorney, and some of the blinds he posts are from information he got from celebrity clients of his firm, he'd be facing possible disbarment for violating client confidentiality.

He definately claimed (at least in the early days of this blog) that some of the gossip came from clients. If he's making any money off the site (which he must from the ads) then it is also a conflict of interest.

I have a hard time believing he can spend 5 hours of a work day every day without someone noticing, especially if he's working on a personal laptop.

That said, I still enjoy the blog and don't really care too much if he's an entertainment lawyer or not.

Rose said...

I guess if anyone doesn't like it they could actually not read this post, you know, just leave. It's all been settled into one topic now.

I'm not sure most of you really understand the meaning of the word troll. It is someone or a group of someones who come into a community & try and blend in to wreak havoc and be obnoxious. It's not regular members with an actual beef who've taken it public at the last resort.

@Kelly, you're just the last one I saw who said this it's not you personally, but nobody is ignoring them so they didn't have to stop. It just took one day of a handful of people to get an answer. Enty either didn't like the commotion or the talk of them emailing TMZ or the idea of his blog being built and torn down. This is just leftover business. They aren't still going into thread after thread. Less than 24 hours of annoying people is pretty good when they tried for over a month without bothering anyone and got no answer.

I don't really care who Enty is. I don't need that blind solved. I'm sure everyone knows that it isn't the fat guy on FB. That's like rule # 1 of anonymity. Don't post your picture. I know he's not who he says he is, it's the internet. He could be a lawyer but he isn't everything on the checklist. It's doesn't matter to me who posts the gossip though.

I do find it interesting that only a handful of people spoke up on Monday and after he wrote a statement yesterday a lot more people spoke up having an issue once he'd actually said something.

Whoever mentioned a podcast, that seems like a good format for what he wants to do.

__-__=__ said...

Love your site! Glad you will continue to write and amuse me.

Love and Bacon,
The Equation

northstarmlb said...

good for you!!

skeeball said...

Love this blog~everyday at my stinking job, i sneak on and hope i don't get caught.

Thanks enty for my mental health break every day in this hellhole~~

flwrgurl said...


You have just stolen my heart with this letter. I have worked in the same building as ENTY in the past and have seen him do allllll of the what he has mentioned above.

At first I didn't understand and wondered if he did get paid for it. But before I knew it I was proved wrong. I would see ENTY blog away just like he states. In my opinion, ENTY found the vehicle to be able to express his real opinion versus the tabloid version and he has the credentials to back up the information and most importantly he LOVES it!!

ENTY keep up the good work! There are no words to express the respect for the true dedication to the blog!

Good Work!

mo pie said...

I love and adore this blog, but I've been around long enough that I would never in a million years send money to a stranger on the internet. (The "Enty" persona is obviously an extreme exaggeration at best.) I was in fact surprised there was a radio show at all! However, Enty obviously does have connections in the entertainment world. I just don't believe the parents' basement/divorces/obese thing.

I'm curious about the "some posts are obviously written by a woman" meme. What kind of writing is "obviously" by a woman? Does anyone have any examples? The only one I've seen is "Yay!!" and that was fairly recent; the "woman" claim was being made long before then...

Please Play Again said...

Enty, thank you. Thank you for all you do. Despite those naysayers who critisize, there are many more of us who appreciate the effort you've put into this site, and would be very sorry to see it gone. I should like to think that we'd also understand if you wanted to take a break for a bit - go on a world bacon tour! You certainly have the resources to allow for 'guest bloggers' who would probably be thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of your site.

Rock on Enty. Damn the haters, save the CDAN.

WednesdayFriday said...

1. Who gives 2 craps about Amber Tamblyn? What would I do with an autographed book of hers anyway? Who cares.

2. Kym, I am concerned with your mental health. You have become obsessed, and it is rather disheartening to see someone snap. I hope you can find the time to turn off your Ipad and maybe look inside yourself and find what is missing in your life that is causing you to act out in such a way online. I understand you want answers, but your obsession reeks of psychological issues.

3. What kind of dumbass donates $500 to anyone for a website. If you had $500 burning a hole in your pocket, it would have been better going to an animal shelter, Japan, Haiti, so many better choices.

4. I love this site Enty.

Carol said...

I started reading during Timmy/Shimmy, still come back several times a week for a good laugh!

Don't really care who Enty is, but I think he/she's got to be Latino cause of the Latin American celebrities pics on the site.

As long you remain snarky and funny, I'll be logging on.

em said...

Thank you so much for doing what you do. I didnt realize!

DigitalTeach said...

I'm glad you're able to keep perspective on the haters, Enty. I would have given up by now if I had to deal with so many trollish comments every day.

Keep your chin up, sir. For every person crapping all over the comments section, there are at least ten who appreciating the hard work you put into this every day. That's pretty good odds, if you ask me.

Sadie said...

Thank you Enty for doing ALL that you do for all of us!!! <3<3<3

Pookie said...

dear douchetastic posters and accompanying sidekicks, i highly respect your right to voice your thoughts, and do not undermine your anger, but you've spoken. as has enty. kindly move the hell on. kthxbai.

regarding, "Don't really care who Enty is, but I think he/she's got to be Latino cause of the Latin American celebrities pics on the site."

just wanted add...to Carol, that might it not be that enty posts LatAm celebs b/c, per the 2010 census, there are 50 MILLION latinos in the US? and oh, idk, maybe there are a wee number here and there that actually enjoy/partake of/participate in/buy/watch/listen/involve themselves in spanish language and/or bilingual entertainment? he is wise to not ignore the $1 TRILLION/yr. consumer buying power of a group 50 million strong, or their saturation into US general mainstream market...that, or he may just be wanting his latino peeps to teach him the fun dirty words.

but i digress. your theory works for me. i love the idea of enty as a hot cuban from miami...if for no other reason than, well, they're hot...and i hate the thought of perez hilton being their only representation in the entertainment blogosphere. :)

karen said...

I think I have to add my two cents to this.

First of all, I never believed that the chubby guy in the pictures is supposed to be Enty but that it was meant as a joke to illustrate what Enty would look like. I always laughed at those.

Secondly, I can't remember anymore what brought me here - I think it was Dlisted - but I really have to say that this is the best gossip blog I've ever come across. Not only because of the respectful tone the entries are written in but also because of the commenters here. The attitude of the blogger is mostly being reflected by their commenters and that's why it is so enjoyable to read this blog. Enty doesn't resort to name calling in his entries and the commenters here mostly follow his example. You can't say that about Dlisted where everyone desperately tries to emulate MK in his mainly anti-social tone. Stopped being funny for me a long, long time. A cesspit of sociopaths, if you ask me.
I really wouldn't know where to get my gossip fix from if Enty would stop blogging.
Reading that he even blogged while having food poisoning makes me appreciate his work even more. I also suffered from food poisoning (no bacon involved) last summer and it was a horrific experience. I wasn’t able to do anything, let alone go to the internet and write a blog.
Respect, Enty!
Also, I wanted to address that nowhere else I’ve experienced a blogger who really reads the comments of their commenters and cares about their feelings.
I remember that I felt offended by Enty making fun of us Germans all the time he posted something about David Hasselhoff and that I called him out on it a few times. I’d never thought that Enty would come to my blog and apologize in GERMAN for offending me and since then he never used to mock Germans anymore when writing about ‘the Hoff’.
Honestly, where else would you feel so appreciated as a reader???

However, I have to admit that it felt a bit weird when Enty asked for money. I don’t know, I had always thought that a blog with that much site traffic and ads would self-finance. It was just weird and unexpected. Reading the comments of people who claimed that Enty wouldn’t need the money, didn’t not keep promises and that this was just a scam didn’t make it any better. I didn’t donate and that’s why I can’t say much more about it and I can’t claim something from him I didn’t give any money for, but I think that the people who gave money should be properly informed about why a radio show didn’t take place and this on time and not a few weeks after. After all the controversy surrounding Enty’s real identity, the request to donate for Enty’s pictures fee, those books that allegedly weren’t sent to the donators, that blog that claimed that Enty is a fraud etc., it should have been clear that people are confused and need reassurance. I have to say that it was Enty’s own fault that people got suspicious and got vocal about it.

karen said...

I have to add that it annoys me to no end when people post their passive-aggressive remarks stating that Enty ‘doesn’t owe people anything, that people shouldn’t act so entitled and they should be happy for the things Enty is willing to give’. I think that nobody would act entitled if they weren’t promised things and then not given the things that were promised. I find it odd if f. e. Enty says that he will post a certain number of blind items because he got the amount of money he was hoping for from the donators but then doesn’t post them. Is it really so hard to write a short note and explain why this wasn’t possible? Also, Enty does make money from the blog or at least he did before he removed the ads. So, he is also profiting from us! It’s not like he doesn’t gain anything from writing the blog and just does it to please us. It’s not as if we forced a random person on the street to start a gossip blog for us. Both sides profit from this. Also, it might sound harsh but the last time I checked it is the blogger who has to please their readership and not the other way round. Those constant tokens of gratitude, even in this post, for things that are actually are a given on a blog are ridiculous. Nobody expects that Enty is supposed to jump through hoops but he is the one who wants to keep his readership. As I just said, I think this is the best gossip blog and I would be sad if it would end but I think there would be other blogs to find and enjoy. Nothing against being thankful on both sides but some commenters take it too far for my taste by pretending as if we readers would ask of such a big sacrifice from Enty and thus act like suppliants who thank their Lord for giving them the time of day.

I also have to say something about Enty writing this blog while working full time, even when ill or on a business trip. It is much appreciated but I think it shouldn’t be a problem to take days off by posting a note that there won’t be any entries the next day(s). I would say that nobody here would force Enty to work that much until he has a breakdown only so that we can get our daily gossip. It is up to you, Enty, to tell your readers when you don’t have the power anymore and need a rest. It’s human and it’s totally understandable. You just have to say it! I don’t know but in your post it sounds a bit to me as if you were complaining about what you have on your schedule every day and that we would force you to do all of that. You are an adult and if you aren’t able to write that many posts every day and that it interferes so much with your private life to the extent that you don’t even have one anymore then cut back!
People are only complaining here if not given a reason for why things change on the blog. If you tell them right on time I’d say it won’t be a problem. You just have to inform your readers.

angelina said...

@kympossible, if you are SOOOO disgruntled Why are you here? Why? No really...why? What tells me that you are so full of SHIT is that you mention if you see another donate button you will "unleash a 'trolling' of epic proportion." If this site sickens you so much you would be done with it. Yet you yourself admit that your sad self will still be back reading the gossip. Straight loser.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Wow, I missed a lot. lol I don't come here as often as I used to because of a lot of this bullshit but I still occasionally still browse and comment.

Anyhoo, IMHO if I were in this type of situation, I would move heaven and earth to settle up those outstanding matters with these disgruntled people who feel that they got ripped off and/or didn't get their book(s). Why? So I wouldn't have to put up with this every time the mention of money came up on my site. I've read this site for years and I've seen ENTY solicit money several times. Each and every time this happens. If all of this money is "no big deal" according to his fans, then hell, I'd refund the money just so I wouldn't have to deal with the shit, period. That's just me.

For the chick who gave 500 bucks and everyone implying that she's an idiot or a liar...a few hundred posts earlier everyone was saying she should get over it cause it wasn't a big deal. At what dollar amount does it go from a "get over it" to a "you are an idiot/liar"? Who makes this determination? She was also right to say that 500 bucks to someone might mean 5k to someone else. (*raises hand* That would be me.) It shouldn't matter what the amount is that she gave to ENTY.

I didn't hear the latest about the radio show drama (gonna go read that next! ha!) but like I said earlier, this same fight keeps going on because this same issue hasn't been addressed. Geez, just square up with those people and be done with it. Is it really worth all this? I wouldn't want TMZ up my ass (or my blog's ass)over something that apparently can be resolved by some paypal transactions/refunds.

Am I missing something here? This seems really easy to resolve. I must be missing something. Am I high? Why drag this out for what? It's got to be well over a year with that book crap.

I'm sure the fans would even give up a day of the blog for ENTY to straighten out that mess so they would never have to hear about the subject again. So long as it was all resolved of course. ;)

tori tee said...

Awww! I love your site Enty. It's a gem and has been since the day I Stumbled upon a few years ago.

Carol said...

Pookie: please don't get me wrong.

I'm Latino myself, but there have been a few of Enty's references/pictures that are pretty obscure and you have to REALLY know your Latin American music industry (not necessarily the same music played IN the U.S.) to know who they are.

Just my theory.

If Enty's not Latino but still knows the market, more power to him!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cdanluva said...

Just a 'gut' feeling based on the captions posted with the photos - I think Enty is a Latino Buddhist vegetarian living in Isreal. Again, simply based on the comments he makes.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Enty!! I read you every night, and you always manage to put a smile on my face, even after having a tough day at work. Blog on, dear man!

caydian said...

Love the blog EL. Have to check in here a couple of times a day. It's my secret addiction.

I'll keep clicking...

caydian said...

To a blogger? ah-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

{wipes eyes} That's got to be the funniest thing I've read today! It coins a new phrase, "To pull a Karrot!"

Enty, I hope you bought a bunch of bacon that day. Karrots, you should start your own blog.

canopener said...

@Mina and Blah: you are both just as confused, and asking the same questions we all have been asking (and getting burned at the stake for). And as for the person who wonders what the hell they'd do with a signed book written by Miss Amber, you have got to be kidding. I don't care if ENTY promised a piece of toilet paper or used snotrag for a $50 'donation'. The fact remains that people were told they would get SOMETHING IN RETURN FOR THEIR 'DONATION'. The SOMETHING never happened, but the money sure did disappear.. If you think that's okay, I have a sister in Nigeria who will give us $3.5 million if we just send her a plane ticket.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh....love ya Enty.

Anonymous said...

"dear douchetastic posters and accompanying sidekicks,"

"kindly move the hell on."

gotta love, trash, that enjoys calling others out on their classiness. none of the readers with complaints called any one out of their names. however, you did. i guess that classy with a "k" for you.

Anonymous said...

furthermore, i'm happy that the real insider, Himmmm, stood up to you and called you out. working in the music business at the bottom of the totem pole, with going to awards privileges, does not make you a real insider but a token and a lackey.

thanks for also the comment you "deleted" in the manhattan apartment story thread. me and the crew will figure out who you are.

Anonymous said...

oh, forgot to say, you also live near daniel craig. right?

SnowCherries said...

You're the best, Enty. Thanks for all you do!

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Mina-I missed your post until just now. Well put.

Unknown said...

you never have to explain yourself to me. as long as you write, i will read. and i'll always have your back and i'll always be on your side. thanks for getting me through many a soul sucking day with your wit, and humor, and smarts.
So much love to you Enty.

Unknown said...

I can appreciate how hard it has been for you to continue to do this blog by yourself, with the high quality and consistency that you deliver every single day. I also know that having a successful blog means nutjobs who think stalking bloggers is perfectly fine and interfering with their real lives isn't abnormal as hell. Every successful blog and blogger has a few very disturbed nuts who need to insert themselves into bloggers lives, I do feel for you and sometimes you think it's just not worth it but the real readers who care and appreciate what you do makes it all worth it. Keep up the great work and thank you for all the sacrifices you have endured to entertain us all, it doesn't sound like it's been all that easy for you. I'm glad you shared what you do to make this happen everyday, it's not easy at all to something like this and work full time and have some kind of life outside of this "hobby". But you do it so very well!

Elisabeth said...

been reading since 2008. love your blinds. I've never thought someone else started writing this blog or the tone changed etc. i think ppl just overanalyse and get scared they are being duped and so latch on onto something they perceive is 'off' when really its paranoia. thanks for keeping on blogging enty

shakey said...

Roisin, you must be a fast reader! I spend far too much time on this site because I find it entertaining. It's also nice to see more positive comments than negative ones on here.

Ent, thanks for the years of entertainment you have provided. I have made some really good virtual friendships because of you. I enjoy reading your posts, and I also enjoy reading most of the comments here. The only thing I miss are the posts about what you've (or a reader has) found in the news. I find those posts help round out the site nicely, and I do care to hear what you think about things outside of gossip. And I thoroughly enjoy the gossip you give. If you post less often because you want to do some living, go ahead. I look forward to hearing the stories you have to tell. (I'll be very happy if there's a European Weekend II.)

For those who don't understand why people thank Ent for doing what a blogger is supposed to do - think about your job (yes, I'm fully aware this is his hobby). If no one compliments you on your skills or say they appreciate your efforts yet relies on you to bust your ass to give them information day after day, wouldn't you say fuck it, I'm going where I'm appreciated?

I don't follow Perez, or really any other gossip site. Just wondering how often they say they appreciate their readers. Do they do it as often as Ent does? Do they allow them to plug whatever they want twice a year? Do they invite readers to send in photos and post them twice a year? Of course there is the age-old question many of us have asked the haters - do they reveal any blinds they may have acquired themselves?

All this is why I spend so much time here. You?

NYer said...

People lacking sufficient boundaries will endlessly find fault with others, it is sad and pointless, although perhaps allows them to avoid resolving what is really upsetting them. Whoever created and authors this site is brilliant, insightful as to the human condition, generally generous in spirit, and usually kind-hearted. I would not read a gossip site that failed to embody those latter two characteristics, and that is why this and dlisted (the purity of Michael K.'s crush on Anderson Cooper is humbling to behold) are the only gossip sites I can read. Oh, and if you really like bacon, brother/sister at the bar--and I have never doubted for a moment that is what you are--you really need to get to NYC and eat at a place called "Good Enough to Eat" on the upper west side. Nothing. Else. Like. It. Anywhere. And I know my bacon. Proceedings adjourned, sine die.

Char said...

I have been away getting married so I am super late in reading this, and I'm not going to bother reading all the comments some of which I'm sure would make me angry. I just wanted to say that I love this site, and I love reading your opinion and snark every day, and I don't think I'd get through work without it! I certainly couldn't do what you do, and I'm extremely grateful that someone out there is doing it, and doing it way better than every other blogger! THANK YOU!

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