Thursday, October 06, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Best photo of the day is Martha Stewart and Sigourney Weaver running into each other on the red carpet.
Bridget Moynahan reads to kids on The Today Show.
Christina Aguilera after getting drunk at The Box in London.
Not sure exactly what Evan Rachel Wood was going for with this look.
Emma Stone can make young kids laugh, but
not Terry Gilliam.
George Clooney and his dad Nick.
Hope Solo poses naked for ESPN.
Jennifer Garner does not seem to be minding yesterday's rain.
A first time appearance for Jessie J.


Anonymous said...

I really like Jessie J. I was singing "Do It Like a Dude" for a while there!

RocketQueen said...

Mmm...that body issue. I think that's the one that Ryan Kesler posed in and hit the news here in Vancouver yesterday? The pics are impressive.

Superficial posted that same pic of ERW saying they "found Carmen Sandiego" - lol!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Who the hell is Jessie J? She sure seems like a demure, modest, unassuming lady.

I wish Martha and Sigourney were my aunties. I love them both so, so much.

Anonymous said...

Jessie J is a British pop singer. Biggest US hit is "Price Tag." Wrote "Party in the USA" for Miley.

Paleo Dame said...

Without the hat, Evan Rachel Woods' outfit reminds me of the clothes Sean Young wore in Bladerunner.

Deep said...

I've always thought Bridget Moynahan is so gorgeous.

Emma Stone has completely won me over. She seems very sweet and sincere. I hope that doesn't change.

Say what you will about George, but he (and his father) are quite dapper.

Hope Solo- what an awesome body. Go get it, Girl!

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Layna -- oh, god. Really? I will admit to having "Party in the U.S.A." on my iPod and knowing every word to it. I like how she rhymed "memo" with "stiletto"

*ducks head in shame*

cheesegrater15 said...

Who or what is Jessie J?

MnGddess said...

Bridget Moynahan IS gorgeous.

Love any photo of Georgie and his dad.

And I'm sorry, but that photo of Hope is not flattering. The photographer could have done a much better job of photographing her body.

ForSure said...

What is going on with Hope Solo's underarm? count me among the people who do not like that photo at all.

Maidstone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bit dams said...

yeah, the naked chick; suddenly everywhere. tired of her before i even know why i'm seeing her.

Maidstone said...

Now where is Airbrushing when you need it????
No Hope - don't do it.


MacVixen said...

The photos in the ESPN special issue do look amazing for the most part but I have to agree with those that don't care for Hope's. I get that she is extremely fit and muscular even, but I don't find the photo flattering. Her arms look huge and there is something about her torso area that is driving me crazy.

Appollo Ohno's pic looks good as do many others though. the human body is an amazing, beautiful machine and many of the photos seem to reflect that.

M. said...

It looks like Hope has a large growth underneath her left arm...

califblondy said...

Hope's picture is a little weird.

The only Jessy J I know is a smooth jazz artist who plays sax.

Ida, there's no shame in Party in the USA. That song has a special place in my heart.

Nick and George are cuties.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Evan Rachel Wood looks fucking fabulous! Not a fan of the hat, but the dress is out of sight.

JoElla said...

Here is a link for the pics

Susan said...

Party in the USA makes me want to remove my eardrums. Sorry!

Bridget Moynahan - gorgeous. She must have the patience of a saint to have to go through life listening to all Giselle's bullshit.

Jen Garner is like the happiest prego lady ever. I love her.

mooshki said...

I like Hope's picture a lot better than the "pretty" ones. The point is that bodies are for doing things, not just for ogling. Although, that said, I have no idea what that underarm thing is, lol.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Ida - Not only is "Party in the USA" on my iPod, it's on my husband's. No shame in nodding your head like yeah. ;)

ERW did a very good Bieber impression on Fallon this week. I like that...dress? Coat? SHE DOES look like Carmen Sandiego!

Maja With a J said...

Jessie J - she did the in-between bits at the VMA's with a broken leg, no? "It's all about the money, money, money, we don't need your money, money, money, we just wanna make the woooorld dance, forget about the priiiicetag". But I could be wrong.

firebugDVM said...

I also love "Party in the USA." Look up the guy doing sign language to the song on Youtube. It's one of my fave videos and anytime you hear the song in the future you will want to do the sign language...Esp when he signs the part about "nodding my head like yeah, moving my hips like yeah." Plus the guy is adorable and his facial expressions are priceless. Here's the link for anyone thats interested:

lmnop123 said...

@califblondy I just found out this week that there are two female performers with the same name. JessIE J is the British pop artist and JessY J is the American jazz artist.

Astrid said...

I love Evan's outfit. It reminds me of something you'd see in Vogue circa 1978.

Anonymous said...

I think ERW looks fabulous.

Jasmine said...

LOVE that pic of Jen Garner.

If it werent for that whole dumping her first husband, sweet Scott Foley, then fucking over Vartan, and the questionable taste level she has of staying and popping out babies continuously with Affleck-- I would REALLY love her.

I think her fresh faced, awesome mom stuff is so great.


Geebz said...

Hope Solo? Thought it was Anthony Keidiss from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Is that a chick?

Maja With a J said...

Firebug, thanks for posting that - totally made my day! :D

Babylove said...

@Jasmine....I couldn't agree more!

firebugDVM said...

Glad you liked it Maja... That video is always good for a smile :)

Janet said...

firebugDVM, that video is too cute! Thanks for the link.

Sian said...

Jessie J is great

She is very big in the UK at the moment and did a lot of writing for other artists.

Bit dams said...

firebugDMV, loved that video. very cute :)


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