Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sharon Osbourne Confirms That Simon Cowell Cheats All The Time

Sharon Osbourne was just busting out yesterday when talking about Simon Cowell. She says that while Simon was "engaged" to Mezghan Hussainy (above) that she knows he cheated on Mezghan with at least two women and there were probably more. The only ones Sharon would confirm were model, Jasmine Lennard and his makeup artist Julia Carta. Of course if there are two, then you know there are lots more which is why I said yesterday that she got an $8M house. Simon gives away houses like parents give away candy at Halloween. This shows you the difference in wealth between someone like Russell Brand and Simon Cowell. When you sleep with Russell Brand you get a bathrobe and when you sleep with Simon Cowell you get a house. Of course Russell does go for quantity rather than quality, so he has a different kind of budget to worry about.


ozzyinch said...

Come one. Sharon is just saying this garbage because he wouldn't sleep with HER.

Anonymous said...

I bet women get a lot more than a bathrobe when sleeping with Russel Brand.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Good ol' Jasmine. That one gets around!

Anonymous said...

Given the choice, I'd rather sleep with Simon anyway.

Anonymous said...

But who pays the property taxes and maintenance costs? Might as well sell and downgrade to something more manageable. If he's such a slut I wonder what else he giving them.

crila16 said...

Well...now we know Simon is straight. One of the few in Hollywood.

it took forever said...

i think Simon maybe Bi

Casey said...

I'd sleep with Simon for a house. I think he's funny and looks like he'd be a fun guy to hang with.

I love Russell, but I wouldn't sleep with him.

Susan said...

Sharon's "I don't give a shit" attitude is kind of refreshing, actually. Cowell seems so skeevy.

RenoBlondee said...

I agree he *does* seem skeevy. Ew.

Popcorn Sutton said...

His pecs fascinate me for some reason. I am also not surprised by this news in the least bit.

Giulia said...

He is not only sleazy but extremely petty, mean-spirited and devoid of empathy towards other people.

There are so many, especially in the world of music, that have been screwed over by him...

His giving away houses isn't so much an act of generosity as a "keep quiet" manoeuvre.

I have never found a single redeeming trait in this man, except that he claims to like animals.

I wish he donated some of those millions to animal charities.

Del Riser said...

Some guys *keep quiet* maneuver is a beat down, or simply a signed contract. At least Simon gives something of value. If the women have title to the house's and can do with them what they want, it's much better than most women get.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Ugh MYOB you old cow!

car54 said...

Well isn't Sharon on Simon's payroll? And aren't we close to AGT starting hence a need for publicity....and isn't Simon trying his best to keep X-Factor in the news all the time?

Setup....and Sharon is saying it as a favor to Simon---makes him sound like a stud---and generous when he breaks up with people....it's all talk, lol.

Anonymous said...

If the women have the title and deed, then it's better than clothes and shoes.

I hope that the women opt for a house/condo that they can maintain.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would Sharon disclose that? I'm sure that was something that the ex-fiance probably didn't care to hear.

Hope that the ex can afford to maintain the upkeep for the mansion.

Krissie said...

Sharon Osbourne is just like her daughter Kelly. The only way they know to get attention is to talk trash about famous people. Just look at Kelly, she is STILL talking about how Christina Aguilera is fat.

It's an easy way to get press but very cheap and immature as well.

WUWT? said...

From Sharon's perspective, she may not be divulging anything "scandalous" since she cheated on Ozzy and he cheated on her. It might seem to be as monumental a disclosure to her as saying whether someone ordered the soup, salad, or appetizer (or all three).

Henriette said...

But when you sleep with both of them, you get an STD!

Sharon and Ozzy cheated on each other? Say it isn't so! I thought they had true love.

Skippy said...

Sharon Osbourne SUCKS

Anonymous said...

Just thinking the same thing, regarding the house. Would be a smart move on her part.


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