Tuesday, February 05, 2013

18 Year Old Gets Face Tattoo Of Her Boyfriend - 24 Hours After Meeting Him

Yesterday morning I tweeted about the woman above. She is 18 years old and met an a-hole online and within 24 hours got his name tattooed on her face. The couple say they are going to get married. Now, you may be saying to yourself, why are you calling him an a-hole? Well, first of all this is not the first time he has convinced a teen to cover her face in tattoos. The teen with the stars on her face? His fault. Just because this guy decided to tattoo his own face he has made it a personal quest to get as many young teens as he can to also get their faces tattooed. When this couple inevitably break up, he will move on and do it to another teen. She, on the other hand will be stuck like this for life and only hope she can get a visa to the US and work on a sideshow at a carnival with the yak woman.


Christopher Cruz said...

Nothing a little foundation won't fix...

Amber said...

This gives me the sads. I wish the tattoo artist would've told her no.

Cathy said...

I have several tattoos, but face tattoos are the ugliest, trashiest, dumbest thing you can do to your body.

VIPblonde said...

In the words of Mama June: Smexy

FSP said...

This guy must have some serious game.

MBK said...

I can't believe any tattoo artist would agree to do this. Crazy.

SashaJames2 said...

He might be an asshole, but she is a bigger idiot.

ethorne said...

Lil Wayne needs to stop this nonsense.

greenmountaingal said...

Someday these kids are going to be 60 and realize that this was a terrible, no good, very bad idea.

nettalovesrobin said...

People make bad decisions everyday! Smh

LottaColada said...

Um what? How is this guy able to convince these girls that this is a good idea? SMH

EmEyeKay said...

I read that the star girl lied... it was her idea, she said he coerced her, because her parents were so angry. She eventually came clean.

Eeekalicious said...

What a sick game to be playing.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentleman, the Obama voting base.

Meanie Rhysie said...

It's bad enough she tatted her face!! But you don't tattoo anyone's name...unless it's your Mom and Dad or your kids' names!! That's it!! Dumb twunts!!

Nothanksdarlin said...

Any ethical artist would have told her no. Especially considering that this was most likely their first tattoo. I place the biggest blame on that. People make ridiculous decisions, they had a proffesional obligation to walk these girls through this, or flat out say no.

Unknown said...

Where is the picture of the guy?

Meanie Rhysie said...

*Lifetime supply of DermaBlend for these chickies!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Nice try, Schmuck: they're from OVERSEAS!!!!!!

prolixe said...

@putz, with comments like that, it's clear you chose your name well.

PrincessConsuela said...

They're from another country sorry Schmucky.

VIPblonde said...

Right, because Republicans never get face tattoos. Oh wait... Romney Face Tattoo

lc said...

I don't think it's true, the tattoo artist wouldn't go thru with it, ya think? Maybe.

Unknown said...

I can't do clicky links - but there's pics of him and more of her here-- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273234/Man-tattoos-girlfriends-FACE--met-24-hours-earlier.html#axzz2JwJi2w7Y

Kelly said...

Please let this be a hoax.

Unknown said...

cathy i totally agree with you, i have a few tattoos on my back & feet and that's about my limit

Unknown said...

so true reeses!! you never brand yourself with some stupid man's name!

prolixe said...

Linky for JSierra.

Those who mentioned the ethics of the tattoo artist - HE was the tattoo artist. What a prince.

@Reno, haha on the Romney face tattoo. I understand being loyal to your candidate, but that's a bit much!

Nothanksdarlin said...

Uuuuuuhhhhhh I just read that this guy was the tattoo artist. Yea, what a douch

prolixe said...

BTW, if you have sensitive eyes, avoid scrolling down on the DM post. It looks very painful!

Agent**It said...

Russians are now voting in the USA elections?

Just Browsing said...

@greenmountaingal: One of my favorite expressions from one of my favorite books! I still say it in the Alexander voice that I used when I would read it to my boys (who are now both adults). You made my day with that memory!

__-__=__ said...

Thanks for the clicky prolixe - and the warning!! I couldn't look at it all. After seeing her before face it was all too sad, even in Russia where it's hella cold now. Chat rooms, dating sites are playgrounds for psychopaths. Dangerous stuff! Be careful out there.

Ms Cool said...

She must be special needs. How very sad.

Anon said...

Pimp Game...his pimp game's real tight.
Women like 'ol girl is the reason why guys dred having daughters.Young women can be very impressionable when it comes to guys.Hell,even when they're old enough to know better,they still fall for the same bullshit.A father remembers the games he played with chicks so he fears his little girl with grow up and fall into the same traps.

Karen said...

I respectfully disagree with people calling out tattoo artists--I think it's their job to judge whether a person is in their right mind (i.e., sober) and of legal age. They can choose not to ink someone because of their own personal feelings (if I were an artist, I wouldn't tattoo a picture of Hitler onto someone, for example), but it's not really the artist's business to judge that a face tattoo is stupid and someone shouldn't get one. After all, he or she would be turning away business because someone else will always be happy to do it.

I realize that in this case it was the guy himself doing the tattooing, but even if it was a professional I still blame the person (the girl) who asked for it to be done.

Karen said...

I respectfully disagree with people calling out tattoo artists--I think it's their job to judge whether a person is in their right mind (i.e., sober) and of legal age. They can choose not to ink someone because of their own personal feelings (if I were an artist, I wouldn't tattoo a picture of Hitler onto someone, for example), but it's not really the artist's business to judge that a face tattoo is stupid and someone shouldn't get one. After all, he or she would be turning away business because someone else will always be happy to do it.

I realize that in this case it was the guy himself doing the tattooing, but even if it was a professional I still blame the person (the girl) who asked for it to be done.

JSierra said...

Jiminy Christmas, the girl with the stars admitted that she lied about him forcing her to get those tats, she didn't want to embarrass her father so she said Ruslan tattooed 56 stars instead of the 3 she asked for and she had absolutely no idea he was doing it. Then when she recanted, the artist still offered to pay for half of the removal fee. Get it straight Entward.

Prolixe I think you meant J Sarah. I get us confused a lot, I will see her comments and think "huh, when did I post that? I must be losing my mind". But welcome to clicky link world!

Mitchellaneous said...

I look forward to these ladies securing gainful employment ....

Agent**It said...

Entward, did you actually read the entire article yesterday? Wow...I doubt it.

Nothanksdarlin said...

@Karen, my best friend is an artist as well as a hand full of other close friends. They send people away all the time. They don't tattoo faces, they won't tattoo hands unless the client already has full sleeves etc, and a racist or anti semantic tattoo would be out of the question. We question how a Dr would let celebrities get tons of surgery, ie Laura Flyn Boyle, and this is the same type of ethics. My friends prefer a clean conscious rather than a fat payday

prolixe said...

I don't know about any other places, but where I live, there are a ton of tattoo shops and they send people away all the time. Drunk, underage, inappropriate tats (racist, etc.). It's a pretty tight community, so if one sends a person away, odds are pretty good no one else will take them.

@JSierra - hah! I'm flying a little under the radar of consciousness with this stupid Sudafed (non-drowsy my foot). I do often get you both confused, too! I changed my nick from DBZee because there are at least two other regulars with similar-sounding names and I was thinking the same thing - when did I post that?

Susan said...

I read that he WAS the tatooist!

JSierra said...

Pro so that's where DZBee went! Idk how I missed that one lol I must really be loosing my mind.

I think what Karen meant was an artist won't normally turn away someone because they think their tat is stupid, because there is always someone else who will tattoo Yo Gabba Gabba on some girl's neck, or three or four stars on someone's face. It's not the artists place to decide if someones tat idea is too stupid to get or not. Racial tats are a whole different issue then this IMO

JSierra said...

Susan the boyfriend in question is the artist and is a professional artist, not some whooha from online who does ink in his parents basement.

Karen said...

@Nothanksdarlin, I understand turning people away because of the nature of the tattoos that they want (racist, etc.) or because they want one in a private area that the artists don't want to touch. And if they feel uncomfortable with giving someone a face tattoo, that's fine. They don't HAVE to do it. But I'm also not going to blame an artist for giving a customer exactly what he or she wants.

Someone could walk into 7-11 with an advanced stages of lung cancer, but the cashier is still going to sell him cigarettes if he wants them--because it's not up to the cashier or anyone else to make decisions for the person who is making a stupid choice.

Lil P said...

It's sad what girls will do for a guy or 15 mins of fame

Anonymous said...

critical thinking, decision making and life skills FAIL

yawnathon said...

Age disparity between the guy & girl. Apparently he convinced his last girlfriend to let him tattoo his name on her, too. He's a first-class narcissistic piece of shit who is looking to brand his name - I guess literally. I doubt the artists who have garnered hard-earned respect though their work think he's anything but a complete dickhead.

Sherry said...

They could in San Francisco. Add a buncha piercings and you wonder how they're going to work when they get into their 40's and 50's.

Irishbelle said...

I'm just glad the mistakes/guys I dated as a teen aren't permanently written on my face!!!

Unknown said...

Read that as well. Said she slept through it and awoke to find more than the requested 3 stars. BS! I've have a tattoo and the only way ye sleep through is if you're on Horse tranquilisers!

Anna V. Xol said...

Well now other people will see what a dumbass she is. Even at 18, I was dumb but not a complete imbecile. I hope her dar threw her ass out. I would be pissed if my kids pulled this crap.

RocketQueen said...

Dickmatized. *shakes head*

crila16 said...

Ughhhh....No one would ever be able to convince me to get a tattoo. Not ever. My boyfriend has a lot...I have none, except for an appendix scar. Does that count?

Green Wave Gal said...

Anti-semantic? That made me laugh.

MAC said...

I can't imagine how horrified I would be to realize I raised such a stupid person.

Della said...

Damn! Did you see his nose?
Thanks for the link.

stigs84 said...

I saw her fb page yesterday, she was BEAUTIFUL before! I think drugs may be involved, her pupils were pinpoints in some of her pics

FalseProfit said...


AuntJess said...

Who the fack is this guy Robert Patrick Modell from the Pusher ep of the xfiles? Cerulean blue people.

MC said...

Teen girls are ridiculous people.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I'm sorry, but she's got crazy eyes. This won't even be the worst of the things she is going to do, judging by the look in her eyes. (ref. HIMYM,lol)

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Prolixe said:
> "I changed my nick from DBZee because there are at least two other regulars with similar-sounding names"

Oops, my bad! LOL, if I ever make a new name here, I'll be sure to pick something not Prolixe-y. :D

I probably did that to Timebob, too, but with avatars instead. It's fun to imagine my avatar and Timebob's running around the internet together, starting trouble!

prolixe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lelaina Pierce said...

My niece who is not quite 17 got a tattoo a few months ago. I'd like to throttle the tattoo artist. I don't care about tattooes either way, but on your face? I hate to sound like a grandma, but good luck finding a job with that on your face. I know several employers who didn't want to hire my niece for a face piercing, let alone face ink.

No Agenda Groupie said...

To the commenters who are wondering why the tattoo artist didn't say no.

He IS the tattoo artist


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