Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Post #25,000

I thought about just ignoring when I hit post number 25,000, but then what swayed me against that was I didn't want post 25,000 to end up being about Lindsay Lohan or Kim Kardashian or something like that, and then later regret it so I just thought I would at least have it marked so I would know when I reached the number, in case I ever get to 50,000. I remember 1,000 and 5,000 clearly. The other milestones I have to go back and look for. I do remember post one. I remember reading a blog that day and I want to say it was Cory Kennedy's blog. I thought this blog thing sounded kind of interesting and it was free and I really didn't have much going on in that hour at work so wrote a little something and posted it. I then kept checking back to see if anyone read it, and no one did. At the same time though, it didn't really matter that no one had read it, I still enjoyed doing it and the next day I did another and then another and then suddenly there were people reading it. I remember the day the MV blind came out and ONTD linked to it. I thought about shutting the whole thing down right then. It was just too many people. But, there I was, the next day, doing it all over again. It has been that way for close to 7 years now. The blog is only still going because of all of you. You read it and you comment. You have made friendships and you are the best part of the site. Without all of you, it would just be me, typing random thoughts into the universe like that first day. Without all of you participating, I don't know if I would have kept it going for 25,000 posts. Thanks to everyone who has been around since the beginning and for those of you who have been here a week and decided to come back.


Maximus said...

Cheers, Enty. Cheers.

All about Eve said...

Yay!! The big 25K! Can we get a reveal pretty please????

LottaColada said...

Will there be cake?

timebob said...

I have made some great virtual friends through CDAN. Love to Rocket Queen, Em, Jax (one day I hope to get into the inner sanctum of her Facebook)Mookshi, I even like B. Profane. Plus so many others,and others not so much. But we all have a right to post our thoughts and opinions.

I love to read all of your comments, and without you guys Mayor Timebob would never exist.

Smooches to you all!!

Sweetiebird said...

Congrats! Your posts are sometimes incomprehensible, but yet they are always entertaining! :)

JisforMe said...

I've been reading since the start but I don't comment much...yes, i'm a lurker. but this is one of my favorite blogs and enty is the best!

chopchop said...

Without you, Enty, I would've had to pay more attention to my bratty kids. So, thanks!

daqueenbee said...

Yay Enty!! Cheers :)

FSP said...

Congrats Enties.

Kelly said...

Thanks for doing this for us Enty. I love all the people here. It's an awesome bunch!

Gayeld said...

Mac & Cheese for everyone? *looking hopeful*

Sian said...

Congrats Enty :)

mizzoutiger76 said...

Thank you Enty, for allowing me to come to a place where I can forget and tune out the world for a bit. Making all of the bad things in the news go away for even just a couple a minutes a day.

SophiaB said...

Brownies for errybuddy!?

Lux Luthor said...

Cheers, Enty. I've been reading since Year One, though I don't always comment. Thanks for all the laughs, I really do appreciate it.

And while I'm at it, thanks to all the commenters too. I've always loved the readership here, you folks is good people. :-)

Walkaboutrix said...

Yay! Here's to 25,000 more!

MrsAmiss said...

Congrats! I have been lurking for years and only started posting this year. This is my favorite blog.

annie cat said...

Just wanted to say thanks Enty and to all of the lovely commenters on this site. I have been a reader since the beginning but too lazy to log in to comment. Logging in today to say THANK YOU!

__-__=__ said...

There should be BACON! Bacon for all!! Congrats Enty! You have helped me through a job from hell and much injury and sickness. I will always be thankful to you for giving me something to snark on when doctors have had me drugged out of my mind. Better to snark here! I also have learned much snark from all your posters and used it wisely on those who are most deserving.

Hate to say but post 25,000 should have been Chicago Baconfest. There is still time for a 25,000 celebration post that would be appropriate! Congratulations!!

Woodsy_gal said...

Congrats enty! Been here since the beginning

Himmmm said...

Good job buddy! Giving a big warm hug to all my friends here - love ya/miss ya!

L'auteur said...

Here's to 7 more...congrats, big guy!

FSP said...

Not now Ironman.

LottaColada said...


Bunnyears! said...

Love your blogs

Bunnyears! said...

Love your blogs

me said...


Meanie Rhysie said...

@FSP Bwahahahaha! :D

LindaDiane said...

Thank you and congrats!

Staple611 said...

I have been reading since week two - and yours is really the only entertainment blog I still read. You started this at right around the time I started my job that I have now - it's been a great 7 years on both counts :)

Tru Leigh said...

Mazel Tov Enty. Here's to 25,000 more!

Roman Holiday said...

Congratulations!!!! Going back to lurker mode!

EpicBlonde said...

I love this blog. I have been reading for probably 5 years and just recently started commenting a little. In the last year or so it has become something I just have read EVERY DAY for my CDAN fix or I just don't feel right. I must admit the comments are probably the best part, I have learned so many interesting things!
Long live ENTY!

kris said...

CONGRATS Enty!!! I love you as much as I did all those years ago!!!

B626 said...

I like your long story blinds about you and the biz in the old days(90's?)!

ms snarky said...

Cheers! 25,000 more, forever!

Ms Cool said...

Congrats! I'm a long-time reader and peripheral poster (CDAN Wallflower). I rarely miss a day.

discoflux said...

Great! Does this mean you have enough backing for a radio show now?!

msgirl said...

Oh shit, you mean I've been reading CDAN for almost 7 years? Freaking me out that it's been that long!

Thank you all for making CDAN my morning addiction, altho I would have gotten a ton more done instead of hitting refresh for hours! :)

MM said...

Congrats - you're big time now!

MontanaMarriott said...

Love ya big guy!

SKOR said...

WTG Enty and all posters!

KPeony said...

Keep it up enty! I've been reading this site for years

Sherry said...

I have enjoyed the snark. And I ended up making friends. Thanks!

IDoTheRobot said...


Jeri said...

Congratulations Enty! You have a great blog, that's why people come back.

CK76 said...

Thanks, been here since Shimmy days....

Its just U said...

@FSP bwahahahaha!!!

Thanks for this place. I don't give 2 sh*ts about LiLo or the K Klan but I have found some real friends here in the last 4 or so years. And for that I am always grateful.

ethorne said...

Disco-I'll make a donation. I would love to hear that.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Congratulations Enty on 25k!

Bacon tequila shots all around!

(I only wish you hadn't reminded me of how long I've been addicted to this blog...LOL)

Tyger Lilly said...

... And I'm a BRAND-NEW commenter as of this week, Enty, and a fairly new fan! Keep it up and I'll congratulate you again at 50,000!!!

auntliddy said...

Enjoy the blog, love my cdan friends!

Sherry said...

Welcome Tyger!

Meli said...

Congrats Enty! I've been reading since Jan 1, 2012. Dlisted directed me here for the big reveals day and I've been hooked ever since. I've wanted to come out of my shell and comment for months, but I've been too shy/scared. But maybe now I'll join the conversation and make some friends :)

Hi CDANers!

Candyland said...

Congrats Enty! I can't wait until the big reveal when you hit 20,000 followers on Twitter!

Del Riser said...

Big congrats Enty!! My husband makes way on the computer every morning, he knows I need my Enty.

Big love to all the folks on here, you're the best!

yodelay said...

Cheers! We all thank you for continuing!

Already have one said...

Keep up the good work, Ents! Love the blog and the peeps!

car54 said...

Happy 25th!

Theresa said...

I don't post often but just want to say I love this blog and reading everyone's comments. Congrats Enty and thanks for keeping me informed and entertained for the past 6-ish years!!! xoxox

SophiaB said...

I didn't really 'get' CDAN for a long time. Started out w/TMZ. Found DListed, then TedC. Then Celebitchy/Lainey. I didn't like CDAN because it was an awkward site for my Crapberry. Now that I have reluctantly converted to Android, I can sort of navigate this site-though I have my complaints-and since I have been exiled from Celebitchy commenting, I spend a tad more time here. When the little bebe in IRobit's fam went to heaven, I realized what a beautiful online community you are. I recognize DListers & Celebitches. I enjoy all of the different communities-Celebitches are totally witty and DListers are just the raunchiest bunch if nutso's-but there is a special warmth here.

Personally, i cannot imagine the ability to be so consistent and not lose the edge that Enty (mostly) maintains. There is an air of benevolent acceptance all around-even for hge occasional trollmonster-and I am glad that this little oasis of comradery in the midst of the madness is here.

Sometimes I wonder what people are doing spending such time online. Myself included. But somehow the essential anonymity allows for things to be said that would otherwise be locked up. And that is a gift that can be very precious indeed.

Mostly though, I think people are wierd and it is NICE to be able to say it, share it, and BE it.

Rock on Enty! Get yourself a nice bottle of your favorite indulgence and raise a glass to yourself. This is QUITE an accomplishment even if it pays little.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Congratulations, and here's to many more!

SJBWow said...

loooooong time lurker - first time poster - Congrats on the big 25K Enty

Unknown said...

25,000 deserves a big reveal! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Cheers! This is amazing. I lurk a lot and rarely comment but this is handsdown one of my favorite blogs. I love the sense of community here. Enty and everyone, you guys rule.

StewMcG said...

Congrats on your latest milestone, Enty!

skimpymist said...

Aww I feel so special. In celebration of this milestone enty should reveal a juicy blind like who's the new coke mom who pimped out her kid or another mv clue.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I've been coming here for over two years now. The time sure flew. I don't even comment on other gossip sites. To all lurkers, I just want to say don't be shy. It all starts with a single comment. I made one comment in a post 2 1/2 years ago, then another, came back each day and kept commenting regularly. Now I feel like one of the gang. Every day, every week I'm here.

I'm not leaving either.

Congrats Enty.

Brooke said...

Congrats Enty!!! Love the blog! Love the regulars, especially the Count. ;)

Turkish Taffy said...

Thank YOU, Enty, for putting some fun into my day. Today has been a special shitstorm, pardon my French. Thanks for the fun and entertainment, and for reminding me that there are still some humans with intelligence, humility and kindness out there.

All about Eve said...

@FSP, Hahahaha!!!

libby said...


califblondy said...

Seven years?? Time does fly when you're having fun and I've had a lot of fun here. Thanks to everyone, especially our big bacon dawg. XOXO

TanyaTurner said...

Thank you, Enty! And thanks to everyone on the site. I thoroughly enjoy VIPBlonde, MeanieReese, FSP, Libby, EmEyeKay, AuntLiddy, Count Jerkula, Lucas, Robot....all of you!

Hazeldazel said...

congrats! Bacon treats for everyone!

Silly Girl said...

SO glad to see everyone come out for this post! I don't comment often, but I read all the posts, and all the comments. Except about Taylor Swift. I skip over those....
Anyway, welcome to all the lurkers! Come out and play! Not many bite, and those who do quickly get their peepee's whacked. We stand up for our friends here!
Love you, Enty. All of your personalities. :) Congrats on your 25k!

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...


EGB said...

I second what IJU said, and thanks for giving us this place, Enty!

Melpomene25 said...

Congrats Enty! I've been lurking since nearly the beginning and rarely allow a day to go by without a visit here! Thank you for affording me a brief escape from reality, entertainment while waiting for appointments, a way to kill time on car rides, a snark outlet, and this list goes on and on! Of course, this site wouldn't be what it is without all of the awesome commenters...although I do wish some of the OGs would make a comeback :(

Carrie said...

What does MV mean? What is the MV Blind??

mynerva said...

Congrats Enty and thank you for this blog : )

MAC said...

@ Carrie, it is the mother of all blinds here at CDAN. Everything comes back to MV, lol. On the left side of the screen go to labels and in the drop down find MV. It will give you all the blinds/updates on her. And if you never have, I suggest you go back to the first year or two of the site and read all the old posts/blinds especially the "long blind items" there's some good stuff in there :)

Kim said...

Awww....group hug everyone! Yay, Enty!

ForSure said...

Oh "Enty" whoever you are, the new owner(s) of this site, how could you have any 'memories' of the first day of thsi site? Is this a guest post from the long gone founder?

You are all so sad, gossiping and commenting about fake stories of people you don't even know and are just plain jealous of. Don't you have lives? Go get some lives. Lives, I tell you, LIVES!!!!!


Lord, that BS was hard to write. How do people troll for a living? It takes too much energy and makes my head hurt.

Happy 25,000th post Enty. Welcome lurkers. Shout out to the regulars. :)

SusanB said...

This is pretty much the only gossip site I go to now. And definitely the ONLY one where I look at the comments. Happy 25,000!!! I think of you Enty every time I see that LaQuinta ad where he "brings home the bacon"

shopgirl said...

Wow 7 years! Ups and downs and lots of laughs and intrigue. And who amongst.us can forget the enthusiasm of Timmy/Shemy? Thanks and hugs to all! Bacon and cocktails all around.

HD YEAHH said...


Unknown said...

What was the MV blind? what is ONTD site? When did that happen?

White lilly said...


White lilly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PugsterMom said...

Mazal Tov!! :)

Who can tell said...

Congratulations Enty from 'Across the Pond'.I shall make a 'bacon butty' in your honour ...

Maja With a J said...

Congrats Enty!

I have definitely made some real life friends through this site - you know who you are ;)

I've been reading and commenting since around Timmy/ Shimmy - can't remember if that was the blind that brought me here or if it was posted shortly after I started reading. All I know is that if MV is ever revealed, it'll be the same thing - so many red herrings in the BI that when you know the reality of it, it's not really that big of a deal...*L* I still love the site though, even though I don't comment as much as I used to!

nunaurbiz said...

Love ya, Enty! MWAH!

Izzie said...


Sherry R. said...

Congratulations, Enty - You're the best!

Jessie said...

I think I started reading a year in during my lunch break at work. Thank you and keep up the good work Enty!

ForSure said...

ONTD = Oh No They Didn't, another gossip site, easily found on Google. :)

paula said...

Congrats, enty! Nice to still have you around!

ONTD ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com

Anonymous said...

I missed the first couple of years but eventually went back and read everything and have been reading ever since. I've never commented before but i love this site! Even though Enty got creepy with me once on facebook messages. But ya cheers everyone!!

Kloie said...

Mazel tov, Entward. What happened to the penis pictures? Just kidding - I'm at work, so don't bring those back just yet.

Anonymous said...

Also I've really enjoyed all of you and all of the comments!! that is what makes this site. thanks everyone. maybe ill be comment joining now that ive taken the plunge ;)

Brenda L said...

7 years!!!

L said...

congratulations, enty!!!

wacko jacko said...

Aw, you're the best Enty. Thank you for being the best part of my day! I look forward to reading all the latest gossip, screw the other sites. :)

a non a miss said...

Loves it.

Welldun said...

Congrats Enty and thank you! Hi everybody! This is my favorite place to (mainly) lurk.

teg said...

Congrats!! I think 25k is worthy of some fanfare--glad you made this post, Enty.

idid said...

Congrats Enty ! My English is not really good enough to comment but I lurk here everyday.

I agree with @SophiaB when she says there is a special warmth here. It makes this blog even more enjoyable.

Cheers to you Enty and to all of you commenters !

ClaireFrasier said...

Congrats! I enjoy this website.... obsessed with checking it every day!

Bikey said...

I love that a lot of people who rarely or never comment have actually done so for this post:)

Happy 25K!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Love the site and especially the comments!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Enty on 25K!!! This is hands-down the best community - 50K, here we come!!!!

Manyakitty307 said...

Awesome, Enty! Congrats and thank you!

c_anne said...

love this blog!!

I just moved to a town where I don't know anyone for work. Some days this is my sole form of entertainment and most days it's my favorite.

Keep up the good work.

feraltart said...

Congrats to Enty & all the readers & commenters that contribute to the success of this blog. I miss seeing some of the old regulars who used to comment & encourage any lurkers to start. Don't worry if you are in a different time zone, I am in Australia so am late to the party but very lucky because I get to read all the comments. Have a great day everybody.

Phillygrrl said...

Mazel Enty on your milestone blog post...been reading for a few years now and my day isn't complete without checking CDAN at least 10 times for the latest. Thank you for giving all of us a juicy escape via the fucked up lives of the rich and famous!

it took forever said...

Cheers to the NEXT 25 000
Enty this blog is my leisure activity, i resist going on at work, but when i get home i get my comfort food and go into my ENTY ZONE, lets celebrate when you at
50 000

it took forever said...

BTW hi Himmmm, good to see you

OKay said...

I had visited here a few times, but I started coming to this site regularly specifically because Ace over at Blind Gossip hates you so. freakin'. much. I've been here every day since. The Entys are SO much better than Ace, and the blinds are the best!

Lelaina Pierce said...

Congrats, Enty!

I have been a reader for about 5-6 years now. I can't remember how I found this blog, only that when I did I couldn't stop reading it (even when I shouldn't have been reading it..ahem, work).

Love the friendships I've made through the blog. :)

Thanks for always entertaining us!

EmEyeKay said...

Love to you too, Mayor! Miss you!

EmEyeKay said...

OMG FSP xoxo

Kelli said...

I've been reading this site for at least 6 years, it must have been shortly after the site started. I'm too busy at work during the day so I don't get to catch up until l get home, but I read all the posts and most of the comments. Thanks for the last 6 yrs!!!

csproat said...

Yaaay Enty!

EmEyeKay said...

Hello IWish!

EmEyeKay said...

Hi @Maja!

EmEyeKay said...

Congrats, Enty. Don't have as much time to post anymore, and I miss it, you, and the peeps.

mooshki said...

Congratulations, Enty! And thanks to ONTD for sending me here all those years ago!

discoflux said...

The cake is a lie!

MaryCooks said...

Awww. Congrats, Enty! This is the only blog I read daily and probably the only website (other than Facebook) that I go to daily. Thank you for writing!

discoflux said...

I really have met some great people here and had a great time reading for the last few years. Thanks for making it all happen, Enty. I raise my glass of Stone Sublimely Self Righteous ale to you. It's really a beer. I'm not being facetious. It's my favorite!

All about Eve said...

It's nice to see new people commenting! Welcome! Come and join the party!

Julie said...

damn. 25k posts... awesome! congrats enty!

Bxrlvr said...

We love you, Enty!

MalibuBarbie said...

Mazel, Enty - I've followed CDAN since the 'Full Frontal' and 'Shimmy' days - keep it up!

keeshlo said...

Echo everyone else! Usually read way too late to get into the conversations but lurk everyday. Love everybody & shout out to sister dune for telling me to check out entry 3 years ago!

keeshlo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trashaddict said...

Yay Enty! My job should sue you for loss of services if ya know what I mean. OK, you promised - reveals pleeeaaase???? Something to brighten my week so I don't have to wait until Saturday? & maybe a stroll down Full Frontal Friday (my safety word is "Iron Man")?

Opie said...

Oh I am late to the party too tonight, but good job! Love this sight and Dlisted, everyday to get the scoop. Tipple to you!

Seth said...

Always love reading the site and it truly adds a little joy to each day. Mad respect for all your hard work EL. here is to 25K more!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Thank you, Enty! I love this site and the commenters are definitely the heart of the blog. You guys crack me up and put a smile on my face. Keep up the good work, Enty!!

Robert said...

Congratulations, Enty! Like many, I seem to remember the Timmy/Shimmy blind as about where I started, then backtracked to the beginning, and have kept up ever since. A great bunch of people here, some of them now real life/internet friends, snarky as hell but stepping up when needed to show their hearts are in the right places. (Some of the comment threads have been extremely informative, as well.) Mazel to Entward and to all the readers old and new who share the love of all things gossip.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Enty! And a nice "hello" to all my fellow commenters! You've truly made the last year and a half special. I read every day. I love our little community!

Heart you all so much!

zeldafitzgerald said...

Dear Enty and commentators, you have saved my sanity over the past few years, through madness, moving states, drug issues, blinding tragedy and incandescent happiness. i know you never knew it. I don't comment heaps - and when i do, i look like a twihard, what a dork - but thanks for all the fish.

love zelda

Please Play Again said...

Late to the party, but hope you saved me a drink - Happy 25k, Enty and all my fellow CDaNers!

FlirtyChick74 said...

Happy 25K Enty. Thanks for taking that chance and creating a great site. I've enjoyed meeting everyone and having some interesting convos. You've definitely set yourself apart Enty. I look forward to future posts. :-)

Colleen said...

Oh man, I'm a day late to the party, but cheers! Been reading since Gawker linked to Enty in mid-2008. Hard to believe it's been that long. Happy 25,000!

Anonymous said...

Happy 25,000 post Enty and CDAN Family! You've all been there for me during some dark, dark times. I love you guys, and our cyber family. I look forward to coming here, think about posts and comments on my off time. I love this site, the comments, the incredibly juicy dirt, blinds and reveals. The tone that new stories are written in are gold Enty, you mix humor with heart excellently and we appreciate you!!!!! Please don't ever stop this site, it's a beacon of humanity and integrity, in an otherwise inky well of soulless comercialism and sensationalist media lies.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

I know I am late but congrats

KellyLynn said...

I am glad you're still around, Enty. Congrats on the milestone. I hope it is just one of many more milestones to come.


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