Thursday, June 13, 2013

Beyonce Set To Make $100M Just From Ticket Sales On Tour

If you want to know what makes Beyonce get out of bed in the morning, it is probably the thought of making $1.6M that night performing at a show. So far during her Mrs. Carter tour she has been earning about $1.6M per show just from the ticket sales. Doing the math it looks like she will gross about $100M for the whole tour and you can usually add another 50% for merchandise which means her gross will be about $150M. Not bad work if you can get it. This is what kills me when someone like Mary J Blige can't pay her bills. Is she Beyonce? No, but she can go on tour and make $100M if she goes out on the road and plays three times as many shows. Instead she just stays home and spends more money and does nothing to solve her issues. When Lauryn Hill needed money to pay her taxes she went out on the road and made the money in a week. Singers who have a following should never ever have money issues. Toni Braxton? Go on the road and play shows. I think someone like Toni misses the day when people bought records and she could stay home and get huge paychecks without hitting the road. Different world. Can't be lazy any longer.


Henriette said...

Vadge doesn't it, so why not everyone else?

auntliddy said...

Dont care for her professionally or personally, but hey, mazel tov! Take the money and run.

auntliddy said...

And enty is right, singing ladies, hit the riad to rake in the cash!

auntliddy said...


LottaColada said...

All that money and she can't buy good fake hair?

MBK said...

Wendy Williams said in an interview this week that Beyonce needs elocution lessons because she can't pronounce certain words right (i.e., "axsed")...I have to agree.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Good for her. I'm sure they need it.

nevermindthat said...

@MBK and so does Blake Lively; she has that same pronounciation problem.

Is Bey still on tour because she wasn't on the Ms. Carter tour that long. Even if tickets went for 300.00 each I still don't see that affording her over a mil per show being that she has to pay the vender a huge fee as well, plus others involved.

StewMcG said...

@nevermindthat, she's grossing that kind of money. She'll probably net (after paying vendor fees, payroll, expenses, etc.) about 40%... then she'll have to pay her agent and manager their cut.

greenmountaingal said...

Her music is so annoying. I can't stand her vocal gymnastics. Also, those pictures of her really make her look like a dude in a wig...and also like Rita Ora. Interesting.

Now! said...

@Auntliddy - I agree, her music isn't my style, but good for her. She's an intelligent woman who works very hard.

My only beef with Beyoncé is this: If she has so much money, why in the world is she shilling for Pepsi? Sugary soft drinks are a huge contributor to childhood obesity, particularly in minority communities. Isn't there a healthy product she could attach her name to instead?

The Dude said...

Wonder how much of that she gives to the Poor and other deserving charities?

MBK said...

The Dude, that would be Zero Point Zero.

Kels said...

I say "asxed" and I'm a college graduate. I'm from Baltimore and a wonderful professor of mine told me to never change the way I talk, cause it's my unique accent. Sure, some words sound odd but it hardly means I'm not educated. Just a lil southern!

hollywood dime said...

@the dude just curious, but how much do you give to charity?

hollywood dime said...

Mary's problem has never been being 'lazy' or earning money. That wasn't Toni's problem either. Mary doesn't pay bills that she accrues and her shitty husband blows the money as fast as she earns it. she's owes a stylist 500k right now. And that's just ONE person, there are plenty others lined up to collect.

Unknown said...

she's looking whiter everyday and those pictures certainly don't help.

OKay said...

Sorry, but if you say things like "axsed" or "warshing" (oh, how I hate that!), that's not an accent. It's a basic inability to speak properly, and no matter how many diplomas are on your wall you will seem to the whole world to be grossly uneducated.

As for these idiot singers, WTF? If someone would pay me millions of dollars to SING SOME SONGS, then lead me to the mic. said...

@greenmountaingal I open Beyonce posts just to read your "she looks like a man" comments.. you crack me up!

Beyonce may be alot of things, but a man she is not. Each person has their own idea of what beauty is though :-)

Kels said...

It is an accent. Have you been to Baltimore? Its a matter of opinion because I think people sound weird when they pronounce aunt as "ant" or how in Philly they say "wooder" instead of "water".....Barbara Walters talks funny and people make fun of it, but nobody would ever say she was uneducated. Everyone has certain words they mess up because of regional differences. Now its not like im talking to people saying uneducated yhings like "I be" or "we was" or "her said" so chill.

__-__=__ said...

Touring isn't easy. It's hard work. I think she's earned evey penny. And she's providing jobs for a variety of people. After she pays everyone and taxes it's still good money but I agree with about 40% take home. And I didn't even mention the comedy provided by this tour! Go Bey!!

Sherry said...

Kels and others: Certain words and pronunciations can be specific to regions. Axed is a southern term such as Liberry (instead of library). It all depends on whether you find the colloquialisms quaint or not. Personally I have always prn aunt like ANT. Some people go shopping and take a bag whereas others take a sack.

The biggest problem is when it is such an aberration of the correct pronunciation that people like to point out how it sounds uneducated and asked vs. axed is one of those. (BTW I am from CLT- NC.)

Anonymous said...

No, "axed" isn't an accent, an accent. An accent is a change in inflection or pronunciation of the word. "Aksed" is changing the word itself. Also, I'm sorry if it offends you that people who share speech patterns with the uneducated are deemed uneducated, but that's life. Perhaps it has something to with growing up in Maryland makes you "southern".

Anonymous said...

And Murphy's law of commenting strikes again. I believe it goes "if you're trying to call someone out for being a buffoon, your comment will make you look like an illiterate jackass".
*maybe it has something to do with education when you think Maryland is souther. Jesus. Lets hope autocorrect didn't screw me too.

ms snarky said...

In Toni Braxton's defense, she said on her reality show that she has lupus, which is a pretty debilitating disease, and limits the amount of touring she can do.

greenmountaingal said...

Lol thank you I do think Beyonce is pretty, but sometimes she looks like a man in drag to me. I have an over active imagination :)

Anonymous said...

Here we go with shading Southern people again. UGH, it's f*cking annoying.

auntliddy said...

Deliberately mispronouncing words because its cute or regionally acceptable is asinine. It makes speaker look ignorant. If one knows the right way to pronounce something, then do it!!

Anonymous said...

let's not shade Southerners ya'll! We all have colloquialisms from our regions, it doesn't mean anyone's uneducated or stupid. Being from California, I definitely get a valley girl accent, with my melodic emphasis on certain words. You guuyyyyyssssss! we toh-talleee gadda go to the maWWL sooon, thad be soooo fUN!!!! I know riiiightt?!" ( not that I say that phrase ever, just making a point) Blatant stupidity is annoying in itself, no matter if there's an accent, mispronuniciation or not. Empress of Socks is so right, I've learned over time that anything other than a kind comment, be it snark or just correction, will start a war and just make you look like a a jerk.

Anonymous said...

I use to foam at the mouth for a Beyonce concert. I have not missed one tour
this not so much
This is suppose to be a tour for her new album, she snuck in a worldwide tour for "4".
Im over saturated of her , Maybe if it was new material but i dont want to hear the same old shit

Let_Love_Rule said...

My great-grandmother (and her entire family) all said 'warsh' 'vittles' 'varmints,' etc. They were rural Missourians (they would have said "Mizuren"). It was an accent, plus colloquialisms, not stupidity.

Those people, besides being well read and highly artistic, could grow anything, build anything, cook anything, and fix anything. And I still use the home remedies she taught me.

Let_Love_Rule said...

That being said, Beyonce can dance and that is about all I'll grant her. She'd have to pay ME a SUBSTANTIAL sum to attend one of her shows.

trainrides said...

I am not a Beyonce fan. This meme pretty much sums up why. I like Single Ladies but it has to be Dan Finnerty's version.

1Jazzimom said...

Mary is always on tour. She neeneeds a new manager, financial planning leslessons and to live less expensively. Toni's Vegas deal was cancelled due to insurance issues. I bet the touring would be hard on her physically and she would have a problem getting insured.

1Jazzimom said...

Mary is always on tour. She neeneeds a new manager, financial planning leslessons and to live less expensively. Toni's Vegas deal was cancelled due to insurance issues. I bet the touring would be hard on her physically and she would have a problem getting insured.

Jazzy said...

Omg! I had no idea she was in that deep. Her hubby has always given me the creeps.

Wait, that rhymed... anyway I hope Mary drops him. No more drama Mary!

Goodnight said...

Beyonce looks like a blow-up doll in that picture. It's probably intentional unfortunately. And the pepsi symbol is just ugh.

I used to like Beyonce back in her Destiny's Child days, but now I just can't with her. Takes herself too seriously and covers up her actual talent with terrible vocal gymnastics.

Bubbles said...

When states are divided by NE, west, etc. Maryland is categorized as south. And growing up in DC, I know how to pronounce words like ASK. Regional accents are pronouncing the-ater or theatre. Ax is what you use to chop down trees in the wood, not a regional accent.


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