Friday, November 15, 2013

Chelsea Clinton Has Never Watched Bravo - Never Heard Of Real Housewives

I know there are lots of people out in the world who made the decision to never watch reality television. They think it is beneath them. That is totally fine with me and if you don't want it in your life then you are probably better off for it. However, I am hoping that before they made the decision to never watch reality television that perhaps they might have watched an hour or two to make sure they were informed as to the pros and cons of the genre. One thing I dislike is when someone complain about a movie or a book but have not actually watched the movie or read the book.

Two nights ago Chelsea Clinton was presented an award. At the event she said she had never watched Bravo and could not name one show on the network. None. I find it hard to believe that anyone with a television has not surfed past the channel. I also find it hard to believe that someone with a television has not looked at the guide and at least had one name stick in their head. Are you telling me she has never heard of Real Housewives. I'm not asking if she has never watched the show or knows the name of a housewife but to tell me you have never heard the show's name seems out there.

Here's why. I'm presuming that someone like Chelsea who thinks reality television is beneath them only watches PBS and considers themselves to be well read and read only the New York Times and the Washington Post. Each of those publications has mentioned Real Housewives hundreds of times since the show first aired. So, to tell me you have no idea what a Real Housewife is tells me you are not as well read as you would have the rest of the world believe.

Has she never heard the White House crashing story? Never been asked if it was possible? I think it shows that you are not well read and don't have a grasp of the world if you have never even heard of the show. It tells me that you are either lying or that you live under a rock.

This is not a knock on Chelsea, but just showing you that when people say something like this that what it probably means is that they don't want anyone to know they know what a Housewife is and didn't think about their statement before saying it. Either that or they are watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians 24/7.


Ms Cool said...

There are plenty of people who don't watch TV. I know it's hard for us his diapers to understand...

Steampunk Jazz said...

You're a fucking moron , then.

Kristin Wigs said...

Enties are going hard on everyone this morning.

I believe Chelsea. My pops is a really well-read dude and probably couldn't tell you what a Real Housewife is. Doesn't mean he hasn't come across the name, he just logged it in the "shit that doesn't matter" part if his brain.

Kelly said...

She probably has heard of The Housewives, but doesn't know know it's on Bravo.

lemurskank said...

I couldn't have named one show on the Bravo network and I watch plenty of crap tv. I just happen not to watch Bravo. I am familiar with the Real Housewives series but had no idea they were on Bravo.

Ms Cool said...

WTH autocorrect. I meant to say us GOSSIPERS not us in diapers.

msgirl said...

Um I've never watched any reality TV nor even surfed past them, the only reason I've heard of them is because they are splashed all over main news sites which IMO is ridiculous. I'm not interested. so quit insulting me.

TalksTooMuch said...

How is any of that NOT a knock on Chelsea?? You watch what you want to watch, just because she said she doesn't dig your shows, it doesn't mean that she's a pretentious TV snob. Maybe she's busy! Maybe she has like 45 minutes a day to relax and she doesn't want to spend it watching plastic surgery victims act like preteen Mean Girls.

Steampunk Jazz said...

The only reason I know About these people is because of you. You post about them constantly. Its not like I don't have my dirty secrets but I don't call people liars because they won't admit to enjoying "Devious Maids". And NPR

Harry Knuckles said...

This Enty is an asshole. What Clinton said was that she couldn't name a single show that is aired on Bravo. She didn't say she had never heard of The Real Housewives sereies. She just doesn't know that the Real Housewives shows air on Bravo. These Enties are really trying my patience.

audrey said...

Not everyone spends 12 hours a day glued to the TV or the Internet. Not everyone reads gossip blogs that post story after story about these people. Just this one time ignorance really would be bliss.

auntliddy said...

i totally believe hr. She has what is called, "a life", no time for tv. During the height of All in the Familyl , I had not seen one episode of that or any other top ten show. I was young, newly married and we were always out. Had zero interest. Then I got pregnant and had baby, suddenly, tv my buddy, lol So yes, there are years you disconnect. And I have to say, I dont watch Bravo either, and I only know of these housewives from this website.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I don't watch Reality TV, although I have heard of Real Housewives. I watched 10 minutes of Jersey Shore when it came on just because of all the hype, and that was enough for me forever. I don't blame Chelsea for not paying any attention to it.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I can't say anything about this news, I was just thinking that the ugly girl we knew when her father was banging fat chicks in the White House has become a lady I would totally bone if I had a chance.

Steven O said...

Probably too busy sharing a cleanse with the Goop. Just another pretentious fart, only this one has no independent claim to fame outside of her parents DNA.

hollywood dime said...

I work in television and there's plenty of shows I've never heard of with actors I didn't know existed and it's my JOB. If we're supposed to be aware of shows just because we flip past the names, can you name any shows that are on PBS or telemundo or Fxx or Esquire Tv? That's what I thought.

Steven O said...

Probably too busy sharing a cleanse with the Goop. Just another pretentious fart, only this one has no independent claim to fame outside of her parents DNA.

Steven O said...

Probably too busy sharing a cleanse with the Goop. Just another pretentious fart, only this one has no independent claim to fame outside of her parents DNA.

Stacy said...

Honestly, I've heard of the Real Housewives shows but have never seen an episode. I couldn't name a single Bravo show until I read this. I generally skip over articles about them because I'm not invested in any way. I don't think this is a negative on any level...people pursue what they're interested in.

Dirty Red Pagan said...

I daresay, even though her DNA has opened countless doors, what she's dome with those opportunities is admirable. I like her.

Dirty Red Pagan said...


Seven of Eleven said...

Shame's a terrible feeling, girlfriend! You obviously love your Housewives and Bravo (I mean, very obviously) but you don't need to crap on someone who doesn't. She didn't crap on people who do, she just said she doesn't.

I own a TV but I don't watch reality shows. In fact, I don't channel surf because we don't have any form of cable, just Netflix and streams. And the logic of not being able to form an opinion unless you've at least watched an hour or two means everyone has to watch every single show at least once before they can decide whether or not they like it. You can't say you don't like Downton Abbey or Boardwalk Empire or Walking Dead if you haven't watched it! You can diss on 50 Shades of Grey if you haven't read it!

caralw said...

Well color me shocked. I've heard of the Housewives, but I don't have cable and didn't know what channel they were on... I must be pretentious, too. I don't have cable because it's 100 a month and I do roku and neflix and amazon prime. Asshat Enty.

Susan said...

I believe her.

Now, can we talk RHBH because this week's epi was riveting!! David Foster and Yolanda talking about the sanctity of wedding vows?!?! Bwahhhhh.

Brandi and her moms - that was my favorite part, actually.

Lisa fainting and the Richards sisters being all mean girls made my jaw drop. Ditto for the Lisa, Yolanda, Brandi lunch. These women are such bitches.

Carlton is kind of nutty.

As of right now, RHBH is my fav trash TV. SO much better than Jersey Housewives, IMHO.

And have any of you been following the firestorm set off by Brandi with her comments on WWHL about Mohammed and Joanna Krupa?

But, yeah. Is Chelsea Clinton in her 20s? I was out every night in my 20s. Now it's just me, my wine and Andy Cohan on my weekday late nights while my two main men are asleep. God, I'm awesome! Ha.

caralw said...

Also, I skim all of your Housewives' stories and blinds because I just don't give a shit.

Unknown said...

I agree with the majority. Especially TalksTooMuch. Back to my lurking and google-ing most of the "celebrities" talked about here. Or should I say...back to under my rock.

Steampunk Jazz said...

God, she looks like her mother . at least now we know what drew Bill.

msgirl said...

Ditto caralw, except I don't even skim, I skip. Therefore, these days I don't read half the posts.

I also didn't know they were on Bravo, sheesh I remember when Bravo was quality cable, showing independent and foreign films!

Rebecca said...

I watch a ton of TV and I can't name a show on Bravo...I couldn't even tell you what channel you could find it on...

Robert said...

I know what a "Real Housewife" is. I don't see how anyone who doesn't live under a rock could escape knowing that much. And I used to watch Bravo fairly frequently, back in the days before it became yet another dumping ground for "reality show" crap. Since it changed, I haven't been back, for that exact reason.

Yes, I'll admit I've watched at last some reality TV. If I hadn't, I'd probably have no opinion about it. Because I spent a year living with people who wouldn't miss it, I got stuck watching an entire season of "Survivor," in a way the granddaddy of all reality shows. And I thought it absolutely sucked. I also think it's extraordinarily harmful, as TV shows go, because it teaches episode after episode that lying, cheating, and backstabbing are not only acceptable, but are even supposedly entertaining. I've also seen a few episodes of "The Amazing Race" and even, God help me, parts of an episode or two of that godawful down-on-the-farm abortion of a show Paris Hilton had a few years ago.

So, have I ever seen reality TV? Yes, I have. Do I watch reality TV? No. If those types of shows are my only choices, I'll turn the television off before I'll sit through one of them. So I can understand where Ms. Clinton's coming from, and I don't find her comment hard to believe at all.

I don't need or want to turn on a television to see some idiot yammerheads trying to lie, cheat, and/or scam there way into getting what they want. I can go anywhere in town and see all of that I want. When I want to be entertained by television, I want to see people who know what the hell they are doing, portraying well-written, well thought-out characters doing something that interests me--not idiot yokels who, desperate for their "fifteen minutes" of fame, will do or say anything they think will keep them on a show or get them a new show of their own. When I think of "reality TV," I'll probably always think of that moron in Colorado who tried to pull the "Balloon Boy" stunt.

Cheryl said...

Yep. Like many of you, I've heard of the show but don't watch it or have any information about it. And it's not a political thing either. There are plenty of Democrats and Republicans who are doing other things. I remember some folks getting upset because President Bush wasn't familiar with Mariah Carey's music. So what?

Anna Katherine Nonymous said...

Maybe because bravo is all boring vapid trash and she has a super brain?

Susan said...

Bravo is totally vapid, and it's cool if it's not your thang, but I hope for Chelsea's sake that she has some sort of mindless outlet. Just to keep her sanity, you know.

I also think it's funny that the writer of this post is judging people for not giving reality TV a try. Hee.

MISCH said...

I've never watched Real Housewives but sadly i've heard of them..

caralw said...

I find it laughable that this Enty doesn't understand that normal, everyday people don't watch the Housewives or know what channel they are on. Is Honey Boo Boo on Bravo? Is Duck Dynasty? No clue.

KTVerclempt said...

Wow. He/she/W is slamming the girl because she doesn't watch some sh**tty TV?

I repeat. Wow.

Unknown said...

I think Chelsea's whole life has probably been in a much different bubble than the rest of America. This doesn't surprise me at all. The story is certainly exaggerated and she has heard of the housewives and probably others but don't doubt at all that she probably hasn't ever seen any of them. God knows what it like to be a child of the white house and the demands parents ect put on them. The scary part is that she will no doubt enter the corridors of power (and already has if you think about it) and will have so little knowledge of the avg americans life but will assume she knows what is best for them.

AndrewBW said...

The only reason I know who these people are is because my wife watches them, and occasionally I'll sit with her for a while while they're screaming at each other. If it weren't for that I wouldn't go near Bravo.

SueRH said...

I don't think I watched tv during my entire 20s. I was out working and running around with my friends. Never saw Seinfeld or Friends until they were in syndication. 20-somethings aren't sitting home every night.

Sugar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sugar said...

Diapers was funnier. It can be tough for diapers to understand.

rajahcat said...

are you really cutting on Chelsea Clinton for not watching trash TV????????

believe it or not there are lots of people who have better things to offense to those who don't

no need to start bashing her or calling her out as a snob just because she doesn't watch a lot of tv-I know you said no offense to Chelsea-but in the same post you are def calling her out as not believable

Snapdragon said...

Thank you, commenters, for restoring my faith in humanity.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

My TV was unplugged from about ages 25-40. I wasn't making a "statement," I was just doing other things. I'd be hard pressed to name a show on Bravo. I don't know what channel it is on my TV. I don't watch Housewives at all, but Kevin Hart's Real Husbands of Hollywood on BET is lots of fun.

ldylkng said...

I had no idea that trash was on Bravo. The same network that has The Actors Studio? Are you kidding me? I just assumed they were on E! I don't watch that crap.

Jason said...

I've never watched any of the Real Housewives shows either, but even I know that everyone who's ever been on them should be shot. Bravo should just be burned to the ground at this point - to have become what it is from showing opera performances and classical concerts is an even bigger nosedive than TLC.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Add me to the column of never watched. I've never watched a single episode of Survivor, Real anything, Amazing Race, et al. I couldn't name a single program currently being aired on Bravo. If it weren't for this site, I wouldn't even know that the various Real Housewives shows even existed.

I have an extremely finite amount of free time. The vast majority of that time is consumed by yard work, house work, shuttling kids around. Anytime after that is usually spent cooking for enjoyment. Occasionally, I may watch a bit of Discovery, History Channel, or BBC America. Call me elitist, but I'll be fucked if use that time on something I consider to be totally vapid. I make no judgements if others want to watch; I'm sure some of my interests are dreary to others.

So why am I even here? Hearing interesting celebrity gossip is my secret, hidden shame. Love the old school Hollywood blinds. Gloss over the Reality blinds. I just find the comments interesting.

Amartel said...

She knows, she just wants the props for being above TV. What better way than claiming to have never heard of a trashy pop cultural phenomenon. POsing as an intellectual, what a laugh. This bunch of grifters is setting up the next generation for some power role in the bullshit-media-government complex. Feh.

sarah.estell said...

When I surf past things, I don't necessarily notice the channel. If she was asked if she ever heard of Real Housewives, she would say yes, I'm sure. If asked what channel it airs on, that's when she might not know. heck, I am not sure half the time.

jadetoo said...

I believe her. Jeez.

RowdyRodimus said...

I've heard of Real Housewives because of stories on this site, however, I couldn't tell you what channel it airs on. I can't even tell you what number Bravo is on. I watch about four stations and spend the rest of my time on line or reading. Ok, video games, too but that's expected of someone my age :)

amused bush said...

Little Miss - Real Husbands fan too! My friend got me into watching, so funny!

As for Chelsea, I don't understand why Enty is clutching his pearls on this one. Their TV shows, get over it. FYI - PBS broadcast an excellent American Experience about JFK, over the last week, it was riveting.

Tru said...

Never watch Bravo, saw Real Housewives by accident for 5 minutes once, also watched a few minutes of the Kards out of curiousity. Never watched again, never will. Watching people sell out their dignity for attention is not entertainment for me.

lazyday603 said...

I thought Real Houswives was a network show. Probably getting it jumbled in my mind with Desperate Houswives. In the 1980's I used to watch Bravo when they and A&E were trying to be commercial versions of PBS (History & Biography channels were too back then). But since MTV abandoned music for The Real World & every niche cable channel followed suit by ditching their corner of the universe I've blocked most of them & stick to the premium movie channels & sports. Team Chelsea. And it's the London Review of Books & the New York Review of Books we no-reality TV snobs read. They never mention the genre.

Evil Kumquat said...

I only know who most of these people are because of this site.

My household doesn't have cable or satellite anymore and we just watch Netflix or download shows we want to watch.

I read this site for the older actress/actor blinds.

Bon M said...

I don't think I've ever watched Bravo. I couldn't tell you what it airs.

It's not due to snobbery, but I've just never seen anything of interest to me on it, I guess.

As for Real Housewives, I've never seen one. From what I hear, it's just rich bitches being catty. I can get that online for free every day. That kind of thing is just not my cup of tea.

I'm not a big fan of most reality shows. I know others love them, but they're just not for me. I have other crappy TV I do like, but the staged drama and stupidity of most reality shows just make me grit my teeth.

Anonymous said...

Well, guess I'm one of the ODD ones. I have never watched reality TV. Never seen any of the housewife shows, or the Kartrashians. The only thing I know about reality TV is what I see on gossip blogs about the people in those shows.

HellToupee said...

Well I do not watch any, and I mean ANY reality tv programmes, sooner have a lobotomy with a blunt pick axe, I like to be entertained and educated with my tv, not dumbed down and my brain turned to mush watching all this reality crap. Try to read the Daily Mail nowadays, and all that is in it is some stupid crap about some reality tv nonentity and their dog. How interesting, NOT!!!!

Kara said...

I wouldn't have been able to tell you that real housewives is on Bravo.

The only tv I have is with an antenna. I don't have a guide that shows names of any channels, much less channels I don't have.

I haven't had TV (except for on an antenna) consistently for 20 years.

If it weren't for reading this site, I wouldn't know what the heck you were talking about and I don't consider myself highbrow. I still have a hard time knowing what you are talking about when you use abbreviations.

Having never heard something and not REMBERING having heard something are two different things. If you never paid attention in the first place, you won't remember.

Lori said...

Wasn't she hired as a commentator at NBC? They own Bravo. Even if she legitimately never heard of the Housewives (questionable) it seems like a PR misstep to claim to never watch your sister channel.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Nicely done Enty.

Harry Knuckles said...

Worst, he did do a nice job of trolling us!

auntliddy said...

So texas, u saying she wldnt be good rep of americans because she doesn't watch crap? Or because she's a thinking person? I have no problem with her not knowing about this junk. I don't watch duck dynasty, booboo, dwts, rh, amazing race, the voice, idol, americas most talented either. To me its uninteresting crap. I'm sure there is plenty of stuff I watch that others wld call crap. To each his own. Your crap may be different than my crap, lol

Janet296 said...

I can believe this a little bit. I have never watched one episode of Real Housewives or Keeping up with the Kardashians. I do like gossip so I know of some of the people on these shows. These tv shows just don't interest me.

Reese said...

I went to college with Chelsea. Let's just say that everything she says should be taken with a gigantic grain of salt and leave it at that.

Unknown said...

auntlibby - not exactly - my point was that we have no idea what bubble she grew up in but probably much different than avg American and I worry a little because she is in a position of make a lot of decisions (possible advisor to Pres ect ect) for avg americans and probably can't relate to their lives.

Unknown said...

Makes sense- look at her parents. Depends on what the def of 'is' is. ' I did not have sexual relations with that woman - monica Lewinsky.'

ellehpee said...

I couldn't name a single show on Bravo, and I've only heard of those Real Housewives twits because of sites like this.

The only thing I watch on TV are: hockey, football and basketball games. I think the last time I ever sat down and watched a sitcom was the final episode of Seinfeld.

PS said...

If someone asked me about Bravo, it would stump me, too, if I weren't expecting it. I dont pay attention to what network a show is on, because i only see the headlines or related news about shows or their actors. Even the few shows I watch, I forget the channel, after I set my recorder once the first time. But, if someone asked me if I have heard of most popular shows, whether I have watched them or not, I probably would know most titles, though I watch little tv. Sons of Anarchy, homeland, Justifed sometimes. Done. Dexter... I watched and with that finale, highly regretted.

__-__=__ said...

Never watch Bravo even when I do look at cable. Will never have it in my house again until I can choose channels. Blaring commercials at the rate of one every 5 seconds for 2 minutes is beyond annoying. Promoting ADHD, all of it.

KellyLynn said...

I believe Chelsea, too. I didn't have a TV through most of the 90s, and never watched a Friends episode until just a couple of years ago. It wasn't that I was "above" Friends. I was just too busy working and hanging out with friends.
I haven't ever watched a Real Housewives episode, either, and I only know what you put in this blog. Otherwise, I couldn't care less about most reality shows. It's not that I'm "too good" for reality TV. I just don't find a lot of it interesting. I'm sure you wouldn't find a lot of the stuff I do or watch interesting either, and that's okay.

Kate0704 said...

I really just want to tell this writer to shut the fuck up. (Yes, I'm having a bad day so I'm feeling dramatic).

She very well may only watch the news and movies. I know a few people like that. I also don't think Chelsea just spends her days sitting around in her pj's watching tv of any kind. The girl is busy. Her story is not hard to believe. There is plenty of shit of television that I've never heard of because I just don't give a fuck about it.

Move on.

Brady88 said...

Anybody with a brain is annoyed by the housewives carp. It's for idiots. I skip all those th blinds.

Brady88 said...

Anybody with a brain is annoyed by the housewives carp. It's for idiots. I skip all those th blinds.

Brady88 said...

Anybody with a brain is annoyed by the housewives carp. It's for idiots. I skip all those th blinds.

di butler said...

First off, don't care what she watches/doesn't watch. I like to be well rounded and know a little bit about all types of shows, bands,rappers, dancers, actors, etc. It's my thing. Someone above got it correctly. It's the bubble. DC is the only place like H'wood, here in the US. You are insulated and informed by a small, very select group of people. Chelsea is not in her twenties yall, whatchu smoking? She's heading toward her THIRTY-FOURTH. All I know about her from my time in politics, which was just like my foray w H'wood, except uglier ppl. Drone work, and gossip, gossip, gossip. It filters down from higher ups, or maybe overheard tidbits, and who knows how much survived as truth? But, it was universally accepted, Chelsea really really doesn't think her shit stinks. She's well educated, but hasn't got Bills charisma or gift to naturally draw you in. She was known as Snore Bore, among the worker class. I figure 2016, she will make an office run in NY.

Aoife said...

The only show I've ever watched on Bravo is Chef Roble and laughed at what was supposed to be "reality" but was obviously scripted.. I couldn't name one of those housewives and have never watched any of the shows. I really, really dislike reality television. That's why I skip over anything about so called reality tv here.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

I hate reality TV. The few shows I've seen left me in a horrible mood -- if I wanted to watch people fight for hours on end, I'd go visit my relatives.

It's not a stretch to think Clinton doesn't watch that stuff (and by the way, Enty has invented/extrapolated that about her not knowing about the Real Housewives shows.) I know who Robin Thicke and Adele are from this site, but I've never heard either's songs. I don't even know how Adele is pronounced, is it "Dude, you got a Dell!" or Ad-eh-lay?

Barton Fink said...

I take my hat off to Ms Cool -- that typo had me scratching my head for a few.

abob said...

I watch most of my tele online these days and wouldn't know who any of the housewives or KKKlan were if it weren't for these blogs. So there.

abob said...

@Zeeky, look up Adele (a Dell) on youtube, she has a great voice. The live version of 'Someone Like You' with just her and a piano is sublime.


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