Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Francesca Eastwood with a very uncomfortable looking pap shot.

Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora in Hawaii.
Heidi Klum is still in the Bahamas.
Ireland Baldwin back to blonde.
Jason Biggs out with his new baby and family.
Jennifer Connelly after the London premiere of Noah.
Russell Crowe looked pretty rough after the party while
Emma Watson looked amazing.
Jena Malone on the set of her new movie.


Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Oh, as always, Emma is just an iconic, impeccable beauty.

TalksTooMuch said...

Emma Watson DOES look amazing! Wow

Hate.Jason.Biggs on OITNB, as much as I loved him in Loser

Did Whatserpickle Eastwood ever divorce or anul the Other Hill

Anonymous said...

Emma Watson is just stunning.

Seven of Eleven said...

The Klum is back!

Jason Biggs and his wife are complete tools.

Damn, get it, Emma!

sandybrook said...

Russell usually looks like that after parties no big whoop as long as he doesn't fall down and be messy.
Emma looks very mature.
Jason Biggs doesn't.

Sass71 said...

Richie Sambora looks like Joe Dirt in that picture.

Nancy said...

That is probably the best I have seen Emma look ever. Whoever styled her for that premiere should always style her. The dress, the hair and the makeup are perfect.

Harry Knuckles said...

Don't get why the pap shot of Eastwopod is "uncomfortable". She looks like she is waiting for someone.

Ireland Baldwin getting ready to hang ten.

Jena Malone wearing a hat.

Topper Madison said...

Wait...Heather and Richie??

Count Jerkula said...

@Harry: I love that Ireland pic. Her butthole is trying so hard to peek out from around that lil strip of cloth and say "Hi" to the world. Miley needs to take note.

I'm getting tired of Watson and OG A2A being in the same randoms.

There may be so much quality in this set, I'll have to do a top 3 of each, P/M/B.

P: Watson

M: Klum

B: Ireland

Unknown said...

The DM had a closeup of the same pic of Ireland and it was not flattering at all. Almost made me feel badly for her.

Yikes Eastwood looks a little rough

TLP said...

The Eastwood spawn looks like she is having the DTs or something. Like she is jumping out of her own skin. Hope she is okay.

Brenda L said...

Ms. Eastwood looks like she's in withdrawals or something.

Sprink said...

Emma Watson is at the stage where she needs that big, transformative role. She basically needs her Roman Holiday or Pretty Woman or When Harry Met Sally.

Because she certainly has the look to become the next Hollywood darling. Not sure she has the onscreen charisma.

SugarTitz said...

Did she anal?

SugarTitz said...

Maybe that's why the long face.

Harry Knuckles said...

Count, it is flat ouit a great pic of Ireland. And I'll bet she doesn't hate it, either. I get the sense that she can be a dirty girl. I wonder what Alec thinks of it though?

discoflux said...

Can we please stop trying to make Ireland Baldwin happen?

mooshki said...

Damn, Heidi, get a suit that fits. Trust me, it'll look better than sagging out of your too-small top.

Count Jerkula said...

Harry: I don't know about Alec, but I think Stephen probably gave it 4.5 faps out of 5. That last fap being cut off by guilt, so he thumped his junk with his bible until the hard on went away. That dude must be sad Michael Lohan stole his fake reformed Long Island asshole schtick.

Thomas Fisher said...

Emma Watson became a stunningly beautiful woman.

headrot said...

francesca eastwood looks like she's going through withdrawal for the paps.

Anonymous said...

sambora looks like a douche

Seachica said...

Whenever I see Jena Malone's name, I think it's Nomi Malone. Am I the only one?

Sugar said...

Everything reminds me of Nomi Malone

PS said...

Emma sure did blossom gorgeously. And, classy. Bravo. I wish Heather and Ritche would both clean up and reconcile. Eastwood does look like she is suffering withdrawals. She is fighting the itch. And the war paint face with the intentionally sloppy clothes reminds me of those God awful tennis luncheon ladies who wear those hideous Juicy track suits and full make up and jewelry, who wouldn't break a sweat outside a sauna.

PS said...

Ps. Agree- Biggs and his wife are beyond tools... Just not funny at all.

Sunny said...

I see Jenna Maroney and look for the 30 Rock lady

Kelly said...

Emma looks amazing for sure.

Basil said...

Don't know much about Jenna Malone, but Nomi Malone lives FOREVER! Versayce is classic!

rikkitikkitavi said...

dont know what to say about little frankie eastwood. whats her deal? maybe hungover? beautiful girl. omg thank god she got off the jonah hill tip. that'll make your STOCK PlUMMET! never fuck that pig. LOL hes not hot. i dont care how much mali and pepsi u took girl

rikkitikkitavi said...

and never forget his brother. lol trying to smear that girl he was dating. no dog. your dicks small. dont fucking dog out your ex. wOW just wow. ;)

Unknown said...

Franny Eastwood is still married to Jonah Hill's brother. I noticed she's hiding her left hand in the picture and the media never reported that her annulment went through. That is so disgusting.


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